Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 483 Rescue Blood Treasure

The smoke and dust were violently turbulent, and the entire palace remained motionless under the bombardment of hundreds of guards. It can be seen that the toughness of this palace is by no means something ordinary monks can destroy!But after the smoke and dust, all the guards were stunned for a moment, but saw that the monk who was attacked by so many of his fellow disciples was still walking slowly as if walking on the ground!

The cultivator in the middle of the stone steps looked at Xuan Zhan with fear in his eyes, suddenly let out a terrifying roar, and blasted his fists towards the white figure in an uproar, and thousands of black lights suddenly appeared!

The shocking blow of the Tianxin period immediately stirred up the vitality of the world within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, but in an instant, all the ten thousand black lights gathered at one point and smashed towards the declaration of war!

Under everyone's eyes, Xuan Zhan Shi Shiran stretched out a finger, and it was this weak finger that instantly ordered that shocking blow when there was no time to send it!A wave of turbulence suddenly appeared, centered on the declaration of war, and instantly burst into waves of destructive turmoil that made the surrounding monks palpitate!

Not only that, with the palace as the center, all the monks under the Tianxin stage were immediately blown up to vomit blood, and there were tens of thousands of monks in the entire palace area, all of them fell behind and retreated...

Young Master Sanming shook his head indifferently, looking at the panting Tianxinqi cultivator, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes...

Yin Mukun stared coldly at the center of the stone steps, his right hand suddenly shot a fierce and cold light towards the sky, and this light shot towards the sky above the earth in an instant with soaring momentum!

But at this moment, a thick abyssal black thunder suddenly exploded in the majestic sky, and in the blink of an eye, it was instantly hit by Yin Mukun's fierce light!

"Boom..." Within a radius of a million kilometers, it was as if mountains and rivers were broken, being ruthlessly ravaged by the huge shock wave generated by these two forces!

Countless cultivators of Dark Night Star seemed to feel that two peerless powerhouses were fighting in the high sky, and the illusion of powerlessness in their hearts crazily impacted their hearts...

Yin Mukun's eyes became colder and colder, and he secretly said angrily: "The power I used to call for help was so easily broken up by this declaration of war. The person who declared war was wearing the Black Abyss Thunder, really as powerful as in the legend!"Not only that, but the power that this guy just showed is countless times stronger than that in Piao Miao Jian Xin Tian!This... is not good!

The smoke and dust disappeared suddenly, and at this moment, a white light suddenly shot towards the Tianxin stage monk above the stone steps!

"Swoosh..." The white light passed through the Tianxin period before it could react, and appeared 50 meters in front of the three monks and Yin Mukun in an instant!

"Boom..." When the cultivator of Tianxinqi was stunned, his body suddenly exploded from the inside out, and a tenth-level gust of wind was crazily stirred up!

Thousands of silver threads were scattered in the air, and a moon-white Taoist robe floated outside. Against the background of the explosion scene behind him, the right hand of the war declaration calmly twirled a strand of silver thread, and his cold thunder eyes ignored the group of people in front of him!

"Are you...are you here to stop me from killing him?" Xuan Zhan said in a low voice while looking at the three young masters with his left hand behind his back!

The three young masters each looked at Xuan Zhan with different expressions. After a few seconds, Jian Chi, a strong and burly figure, suddenly came out, looked at Xuan Zhan and said in a stiff tone: "Xuan Zhan, you...can't kill him!"

"Hand over the blood treasure, he will abolish his cultivation, I'll go!" Xuan Zhan looked at Yin Mukun suddenly, and said in a cold tone!

As soon as the words declaring war were uttered, the audience suddenly fell silent, leaving only the howling wind!

"Hahahaha..." Yin Mukun laughed wildly suddenly, standing at the gate of the palace as if he was insane, and laughed out loud, "Declaration of war, the Daoist admits that you are powerful, but here is the evil spirit of the five yin and blood, it is not up to you Go crazy!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Yin Mukun's sneer indifferently, but did not refute!

Yun Piaoyan said with a complicated expression: "Declaration, you...stop it, the blood treasure has been refined by him, the three of us are here to stop you, Yin Mukun...can't die!"

"Declaration of war!" Yin Mukun said with a big laugh, "Have you seen it? This is my Five Yin Blood Demon Dao. In that universe, there are more than 30 of my senior demon scatterers. Now, the three monks are also in the same spirit as me." , you... what qualifications do you have to keep barking like a dog?"

Xuan Zhan was silent for a while, then suddenly shook his head lightly and said, "Is there any reason for the three lords who were alarmed by Yin Mukun?"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the three young masters suddenly fluctuated, but they saw Purgatory whispering: "Declaration, among the monks of the same generation, the young master admires you the most, but...don't be blinded by anger." If you lose your mind, this kind of situation will not benefit you at all, listen to my advice, you... let's go!"

At this moment, a simple and honest laughter suddenly entered the ears of everyone present: "Hehe...hehe... Xuebao, Panda is here to save you!"

This voice is so harmless that people can't even give birth to the intention of harming, and the source is right behind Yin Mukun. When Yin Mukun was slightly taken aback, he suddenly felt a sticky liquid spilled on his back!

"What?" Yin Mukun was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly turned his head to look behind him, only to see a black and white, not more than thirty centimeters tall, naive little spirit beast, squatting in front of him!

"A handful of fresh blood?" Yin Mukun suddenly smelled blood on his nose, and then saw blood on his back!

The voice of declaring war sounded: "Little guy, come out!"

The three young masters were slightly taken aback, Yin Mukun frowned suddenly, Panda suddenly flashed, and disappeared on the ground in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already on the shoulder of the declaration of war!

"Hehe...hehe..." Panda looked at Yin Mukun who was frowning slightly, narrowed his eyes, and smiled naively.

A gust of wind blows past everyone...

"Master, look!" Standing beside Yin Mukun, Hua Xihua suddenly looked at the back of her master in astonishment and cried out in a low voice, "This blood... this blood actually seeped through your clothes and disappeared... "

Yin Mukun's expression suddenly became gloomy, and when he was about to speak, a wave of scarlet light suddenly appeared from his whole body, but seeing these scarlet lights slowly emerging from Yin Mukun's body, the next moment, he suddenly tightened and disappeared instantly!

"Impossible!" Yin Mukun's expression showed a trace of pain, and he suddenly roared, "Evil barrier, you haven't disappeared yet!" The next moment, his hands pinched a spell instantly, and the whole body produced a dull bombardment in an instant Voice!

"Hehe...hehe..." A charming and seductive woman's voice suddenly resounded through the sky from Yin Mukun's body. When everyone was slightly stunned, Yin Mukun suddenly changed his face and shouted angrily: "Evil barrier, give me Master of the Dao, stop!"

"Om..." As Yin Mukun suddenly slapped his abdomen with both hands, a cold breath came out of nowhere, but Yin Mukun roared for a while: "Three young masters, please protect the law for a while, I want to suppress the pain in my body." of evil!"

The three young lords immediately understood what had happened, and before they could think about it, they looked at the declaration of war vigilantly!

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently, and when he was about to interfere, his face suddenly changed, and he suddenly looked up, black thunderbolts suddenly burst out from his deep thunder eyes, and he slapped Panda on the head with his right hand!

"Roar!!!" Panda on his shoulder suddenly let out a roar of fury, and under this roar like a frenzy, Anye Tianxing trembled crazily like a weak ant!

"Boom..." The entire planet was overturned and shaken by this roar, and the faces of countless monks on the planet changed drastically, as if the end of the world was coming!

But seeing high above the sky, more than 30 black rays of light slowly appeared from the sky, all exuding a gloomy aura that would shatter the mountains and rivers, sweeping out, and the first person roared: "Dare you, little thief!"

Panda shot first, and a crazy tyrannical aura erupted from his body. This tyrannical aura surged out like a storm, but he saw a yellow light burst out of his body in an instant, covering his body and heading towards the more than 30 scattered waves. The cultivator in the demon period rushed away!

The yellow light spread wildly. After a few breaths, a black stick was revealed first, followed by strands of black and white hair standing upright like a steel bar. When the whole body was exposed, it was a ferocious and brutal beast The beast on earth!

At this moment, Panda is tens of kilometers tall, with two claws waving a long stick in his hand, fangs protruding ferociously, traces of stinky saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth, and the bulging muscles on his body are like Like a hill, exuding an explosive introverted power!

"Roar!!!" The huge Panda roared first, and the stick in his hand was stretched out instantly, and the giant pillar of Optimus, which was ten thousand feet long, violently stirred the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and smashed hard towards the sky!

"This..." The three young masters and all the monks who could see were immediately startled by Panda's appearance, especially the three young masters. Although they had known the declaration of war for a long time, it was the first time they saw him. At this moment, Panda, the horror in his heart can be said to be overwhelming!

"I'll hit!" Panda roared loudly, and the stick instantly smashed thirty monks at the demon-dispelling stage into hiding!Not only that, this stick even covered a piece of sky, preventing them from invading the land!

Gai Bitian was terrified in his heart. Although he has now relied on the nine-in-one-eighteen formation to raise his cultivation level to the level of nine-turn dispersing demons, looking at this huge iron rod, he felt invincible. !

"Boom!" A stick suddenly hit the body of a scattered demon, and the next moment, the monk was thrown out of the atmosphere, and his life and death were unknown!

"Roar!!! Eat Panda with a stick!" Panda suddenly swept all directions, sweeping in the sky!

"Junior Brother, introduce this guy into the universe!" Gai Bitian looked at the situation, knowing that if he didn't destroy it, he would not be able to enter the ground. Inside, only in the outer space can stop this ferocious beast from rampaging!

Turning his eyes and looking at the distant ground, he felt worried. Although there were three young masters guarding Yin Mukun, he still couldn't figure out how to declare war. He didn't know if the three of them could resist the declaration of war!

While he was thinking, the hairs on his back suddenly exploded, and he flew towards the sky immediately. As soon as he flew into the sky, he was instantly swept away by the iron rod!

"Roar!!!" Panda looked at the enemies who had all entered the universe, and when he was about to catch up, a voice declared war suddenly appeared in his heart: "Panda, don't chase them, just knock them out of the atmosphere, and it's yours to hold them!" Task!"

"Roar!!!" Panda roared as if answering, and then swung the stick with his right hand, sweeping out a burst of white light, standing in the void, looking coldly out of the atmosphere with a pair of ferocious cold eyes!

Xuan Zhan looked at the crisis that had been temporarily resolved, knowing that Panda alone would not be able to stop the thirty scattered demons outside for a long time, turned his eyes, but looked at the three young masters, and said in a low voice: "Get out of the way! "

But what came ushered in was the silent obstruction of the three young lords!

"Hey..." Xuan Zhan sighed faintly, and said softly: "I don't know what basis you have to stop me, but... time is running out!" As soon as the words fell, Xuan Zhan suddenly stepped forward!

"Whoosh..." The declaration of war in the eyes of the three young lords suddenly disappeared, and the three immediately surrounded Yin Mukun and Hua Xihua. The next moment, the three suddenly sacrificed a magic weapon each!

What Yun Piaoyan sacrificed was a cloud-like white silk, and at the very moment, it wrapped around the three of them for ten meters, forming a white cloud-like guardian magic weapon, while what Purgatory sacrificed was a bronze bell. A bronze bell came out of nowhere in an instant, covering several people in the middle. What is amazing is that this bronze bell looks transparent from the inside out!However, what Jian Chi sacrificed was a painting, but upon seeing this painting, a golden five-clawed dragon soared vividly in the clouds and mists. Looking at this painting, Yun Piaoyan and Purgatory were shocked. cried:


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