Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 484 Fighting the Heavenly Dragon

Yun Piaoyan and Purgatory had already seen the picture of Tianlong, and there was a gleam of light in their eyes!

At this moment, a white light appeared in the eyes of the three people. Before they could react, this white light suddenly bumped into the five people guarded by the three magic weapons!

"Boom..." A force that destroyed the world instantly violently rose from the center of the fierce collision between the two, and a rumbling vibration like a magnitude [-] earthquake was suddenly violently stimulated!

But within half a breath, the entire palace is like a small boat that is precarious. The ground around the palace, the city and the land with a radius of a million kilometers, are completely in ruins!

Those thousands of monks who hadn't reacted quickly flew into the sky, watching the great changes in the world with dull faces, the planet trembled, and their hearts were completely ashes...

"Quick... run away, everyone run away!" A monk suddenly roared loudly, and flew towards the teleportation array in an instant!

The collision just now, and the great changes in the planet today, have already confirmed that those who are fighting are absolutely capable of destroying this planet, and this is simply not something they can contend with...

Countless white lights flashed from the teleportation arrays, and the noise and fighting caused by the struggle were staged on the planet in an instant...

Looking down from the sky, the area of ​​one million square kilometers around this palace has turned into a deep hollow. It looks like a lonely island, like a sinking boat...

Xuan Zhan's right fist and the guardian magic weapon slammed together fiercely. After the agitation, a hint of surprise flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes for an instant!

Although he didn't try his best just now, the strength of that punch is not something that ordinary high-level spiritual weapons can resist!Now, looking at the three young lords who were cautious but unscathed, Yin Mukun who was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, fighting the blood treasure inside his body, and Hua Xihua who stood beside the three young lords in a daze , The heart of declaring war instantly fell silent!

"Xuan... Xuan Zhan..." Yun Piaoyan looked at Xuan Zhan with rosy cheeks, and said in a soft voice, ""

"Ahem..." Purgatory suddenly coughed violently!

At this moment, Jian Chi, who didn't make any move, waved his hand instantly, and the picture of Tianlong in his hand spread out instantly, and the golden dragon in the picture scroll soared through the clouds and roared angrily in the picture scroll!

Xuan Zhan looked at the picture scroll in Jian Chi's hand coldly, thought for a moment, and instantly thought of this miraculous picture scroll and... its origin!

Yes, the countless ancient books left behind by the master who declared the war, Yuren Zhenren, more or less recorded the origin of this heaven and earth magic weapon, but there are only a few words. The monk slaughtered, sealed his dragon soul in a picture scroll, and experienced 49, [-] divine thunders and countless years of tempering... Only then did he refine it into shape!However, this is only limited to the legendary public news!

Xuan Zhan exhaled lightly, looked at the dragon soul swimming in the picture scroll, and thought quietly in his heart: The real refining time of this picture scroll was in ancient times!This is not the soul of an evil dragon, but three souls of evil dragons that are about to ascend! !The truth of the well-known popular legend is... a new refinement of the "Dragon Map!"

The disappearance of countless years has almost wiped out the vitality on the Tianlong map, and the re-smelting millions of years ago is just to increase the heaven and earth vitality of the Tianlong map, but... even if it is re-smelted, it will still Only restore one-tenth of the vitality of the picture scroll world! ! !

And today's Tianlong Tu, at most, can only show one-twelfth of the true power of Tianlong Tu!But Xuan Zhan knew that even if it was one out of ten, it would be difficult for him to deal with it!

In an instant, Xuan Zhan's body suddenly retreated tens of kilometers!As soon as he left, a roar like thunder from the sky suddenly vibrated crazily!

"Aww..." The dull roar of the dragon's anger fiercely stimulated the hearts of all the monks on the planet, and the picture of the heavenly dragon from the ancient times really appeared in everyone's sight!

A single roar of the angry dragon instantly made all the monks under the tribulation period spit out blood and passed out. Before countless monks could escape in the future, they indirectly cut off the path of cultivation in this life...

A golden light suddenly hit the sky from the gate of the palace, like a golden light that disturbs the sky, it roared for tens of kilometers in a blink of an eye, and then turned around and continued to meander away towards the distance in an instant...

Xuan Zhan looked at the golden dragon-shaped light body that had been winding for hundreds of kilometers with a slightly surprised face, and felt unimaginable for a while. This is only one-tenth of the power of the Tianlongtu, but it already has such an arrogant formation!If the real power is displayed, I am afraid that even the ninth rank of Mahayana will be difficult to resist...

The sword idiot who was guarding the magic weapon sat cross-legged, pinching the magic formula in his hand with a ruddy face, and looked up at the sky by the way, and said in a stiff voice: "I didn't expect that the Tianlong map that Junior Sister Feng Xiao lent me would have Such power!"

Purgatory looked gloomyly at the roaring Tianlong in the sky, and roared in a low voice: "Idiot, this Tianlong map is the magic weapon of the Feng clan, how could you borrow it!"

Hearing this question, Jian Chi fell silent for a moment, then said stiffly: "Little boy, it's none of your business, don't fart me!"

"Damn..." Purgatory looked at Jian Chi gloomyly, and his heart was filled with anger. If he had been able to snatch this Tianlong map from the girl Pianzi who was bidding with him at the trade fair, Today, I already beat the idiot in front of me to the ground!

At this moment, Jian Chi suddenly changed his formula, and then roared: "Go!"

"Aww..." The golden dragon, winding for hundreds of kilometers, suddenly roared and flew towards the sky. The nearly [-]-kilometer-long huge body suddenly viciously shook the planet's airflow and the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and then the huge dragon's head immediately declared war on it. The place where it is, rushed over fiercely!

"Huh..." Xuan Zhan snorted coldly. In front of this dragon soul, his natal magic weapon, the Demon Slayer Sword, could be said to be completely suppressed. He didn't even have the courage to fly out of his body. Pressure, the coercion of the dragon soul can be said to far surpass the coercion of the Demon Slayer Sword!

The next moment, Xuan Zhan suddenly paused in the air, and made a gesture with both hands. With both hands open, Optimus Prime's ground is like a fairy on the left and a ghost on the right, with the sky above his head, and his feet stepping on the underworld. out!The three young lords looked at the declaration of war at this moment, and a complex color flashed in their eyes. The declaration of war at this moment is like a giant in the world, and if it moves at will, it will be thunderous!

And Hua Xihua, who was behind her, was even more terrified!

Declaring war has become a majestic mountain beyond their reach!

"The first form of Tian Wei Tuo - Jiha Bai Tuo!"

As the hands that declared war suddenly moved forward and closed together, countless people suddenly felt an illusion that the sky was falling, and the vitality of the world within a radius of tens of millions of kilometers suddenly raged fiercely, like a wind and clouds , roared up, and at the speed of light, squeezed fiercely towards the body of the golden evil dragon that meandered for [-] kilometers!

"Aww..." This evil dragon seemed to be unaware of the crazy squeeze around it, and devoured it fiercely towards the declaration of war!

An illusion that seemed to destroy the universe erupted instantly from the point of contact between the two, and the next moment, a crazy shock wave was instantly generated from it!

"Boom!!!" The land of hundreds of millions of kilometers suddenly shook violently, and countless mountains, rivers, mountains and plains were instantly destroyed into a piece of incomplete land!

With a cold and soft shout of "Stack!", a ray of light like a white line flew out of the battle circle in an instant, and appeared on a piece of incomplete land tens of thousands of kilometers away!

The three young masters stared blankly at the surroundings at this moment, only to see that the place where they are at the moment has completely become a miserable situation in the world!And the few of them were floating in the void, staring down in a daze...

And in the universe, more than 30 monks at the demon-dispelling stage stared blankly at one-tenth of the dark night star, which instantly turned into a black smoke-free zone...

Nielong's gigantic body suddenly shook wildly, and he ruthlessly got rid of the surrounding squeezing force. Under Jian Chi's control, he penetrated tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant, and continued to roar fiercely towards the declaration of war!

Xuan Zhan's figure stood still, his shoulders shook violently, his hands suddenly opened up and down, and his palms closed together. An extremely violent aura was instantly generated from the palms of his hands. Lei Nu stepped into the ice prison!Looking at the huge golden evil dragon's head that was about to be devoured, he opened his hands in an instant!

"Tian Wei Tuo's second form - crossing the heart without phase!"

The extremely tyrannical breath, as if finding a vent, erupted from the palm of the hand in an instant, destroying the world and nature, and bombarding the golden dragon like a doomsday gesture!

"Wow..." The golden dragon collided wildly with this destructive force in an instant, and with the roar of an angry dragon that collapsed the space, the two forces instantly blasted the planet out of a place of destruction again!

At this moment, Lei Yuan in Xuan Zhan's body suddenly roared wildly and vibrated, and his hands were immediately embraced in a circle, and the frenzy power accumulated in his body for a long time poured into his hands in an instant!Looking at the huge roaring faucet, the hand hammer immediately slammed downwards: Tianwei Tuo's third form-Pingsha Du Tuo!

In the midst of panic, a huge bottle-shaped force instantly condensed in the sky above Xuan Zhan's head. Following his downward momentum, this bottle-shaped force instantly slammed down against the huge faucet!

"Wow..." With the dull sound of dragon anger, the huge dragon body of [-] kilometers was instantly smashed down by this force. With the roar of the earth, the huge dragon body of [-] kilometers suddenly fell All were smashed into the earth!

Jian Chi's hands trembled violently, and he roared with rosy cheeks: " is this guy's cultivation so strong, I can hardly control this dragon soul, damn it, get up for me!! !"

Following the frantic changes of the red-faced sword idiot, the dragon soul that hit the ground trembled instantly, its limbs supported the dragon body fiercely, and roared and flew up again!

Xuan Zhan stood proudly in the air, looking at the dragon soul that roared again, his eyes tightened suddenly, he stepped on the air with both feet, and suddenly appeared in front of the dragon head, the next moment, his body spun wildly in the air, his right leg suddenly With the posture of breaking the hexagram, he slammed down violently and powerfully towards the dragon's head from top to bottom!

"Boom..." The huge dragon's head was once again smashed into the ground by the whip leg that declared war!

The huge dragon head behind him swung backwards in an instant, and at this moment, Jian Chi in the distance suddenly roared: "Declaration of war, stop it!"

When the two dragon claws on the dragon's abdomen were being swung, they suddenly grasped Xuan Zhan's body firmly in the dragon claws!

A stern look suddenly flashed in his eyes, and when Longzhua was about to tear his legs apart, his body jerked instantly!

"Tear..." A moon-white Taoist robe was suddenly torn into pieces by the dragon's claws. Thousands of kilometers away, a body with perfectly proportioned and uniform muscles shone with crystal luster. Declaring war in white boots and flat boots, he clenched his fists and looked indifferently at Jian Chi and the others in the distance behind Longpo!

"Boom..." Lightning and thunder burst out of the sky suddenly, strands of silver-white hair fluttered wildly in the air, and Xuan Zhan looked indifferently at the huge dragon body that flew out of the ground again, with a Dao heart that was not in the ancient well. Wave……

The next moment, Xuan Zhan suddenly turned into a white light and slammed into the giant dragon...

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