Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 494 Mind

"Linglong?" Hua Qing looked into the distance curiously, and after seeing the woman's face clearly, said in a low voice, "What a seductive girl!"

Looking at the girl whom I haven't seen for a long time, but who has changed from person to person, Xuan Zhan's indifferent expression flashed strands of trance, Hua Qing's eyes drifted over Xuan Zhan's face, but he was slightly startled, Xuan Zhan is usually indifferent Although he smiled occasionally, his smile gave people a sense of rejection!Now, this is the first time Huaqing has seen such a dazed expression when he sees the declaration of war!

This girl must have an unusual relationship with him!Hua Qing thought to himself, but... how unusual it is, it is hard to fathom!

Xuan Zhan patted Panda on the head lightly, and shook his head silently!

Xuanyuan Tsing Yi's face was furious, and he stretched out his right hand in an instant, and starlight gathered from all directions in an instant. In an instant, a true energy ball full of majestic power and a diameter of nearly one meter appeared in the palm of his hand sky!Looking at the bewitching green-gauze woman in the distance, she threw out her right hand in an instant!

"Roar..." The mysterious evil dragon that Linglong sat down looked at this energy ball, and suddenly let out a sky-shaking roar, and shot out a huge beam of light directly from its mouth!

"Boom..." The two forces collided instantly, stirring up layers of spatial fluctuations!

At this moment, after Long Xiaoyao saw the appearance of the evil dragon, his lazy expression disappeared in an instant, and he blocked the violent fluctuations of the confrontation, and shouted: "Xuanyuan Tsing Yi, that is the clone of the Nine Infants, you and I will fight!" But it!"

"Hmph!" Xuanyuan Tsing Yi ignored Long Xiaoyao's dissuasion at all, and his body flashed wildly in an instant. During the crazy turbulence of the formula, a white light suddenly shot out from his body, and this white light swelled ten thousand times in an instant!

The distance between the two was drawn instantly, Xuanyuan Tsing Yi controlled the natal spiritual weapon, and immediately turned into a shocking sword light and slashed at the evil dragon!

"Aww..." Nielong's body twitched in an instant, and his tail ruthlessly swung towards Jianguang!

After a collision, Jian Guang's attack stopped abruptly, and was bounced back fiercely to a distance. Xuanyuan Tsing Yi sneered coldly: "Use the sword as a guide, follow the sky sword!"

In an instant, the interior of the cosmic space within a radius of tens of millions of kilometers was suddenly enveloped by a powerful sword force!

Power can only be possessed in the true Mahayana stage. Within the scope of power, the cultivator himself is the master who controls the world.

Within tens of millions of kilometers, all Xuanyuan Tsing Yi's sword power was filled with the characteristics of true essence, looked indifferently at Linglong and the sitting Nielong and shouted in a low voice: "Within the old man's sword power, you demon girl can't even try to escape! "

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan Tsing Yi's magic formula surged wildly, and strands of Zhongzheng's sword force full of vast and majestic aura suddenly shot out continuously towards Linglong's location!

A look of disdain flashed across Linglong's seductive eyes, and she patted Nielong's head lightly with her jade fingers, then she paused, looked forward and giggled, "Uncle Xuan, Linglong was bullied, don't you just have the heart to watch it like this?" Have you seen Linglong being killed by this old fellow?"

"Hmph!" Xuanyuan Tsing Yi Jue straightened immediately, and the sword force of billions of millions immediately surrounded the Nielong fiercely, and then with a swipe of the palm, the sword force suddenly retracted wildly, and it was squeezed fiercely!

"Aww..." Nielong immediately hissed and yelled wildly. The severe pain made it unbearable, but he was ordered not to defend himself by the woman above him. He had no choice but to bear the boundless sword force with his body!

As soon as Linglong Fajue moved, a stream of five-colored light instantly surrounded her, but she saw that the surrounding swords seemed to be blocked by a wall, and she couldn't attack at all!

"Uncle Xuan, heck... Linglong's cultivation still can't defeat you really want to see Linglong die here?" Behind Long Xiaoyao...

"Demon girl, you dare to hurt this old man's daughter, and I will let you be buried here today!" Xuanyuan Tsing Yi yelled coldly, and the magic formula with both hands surged again, and the sword in the space suddenly turned wildly and sharply, endlessly towards the evil dragon surge up!

Long Xiaoyao looked at this scene with slight surprise, and muttered in his heart: something is wrong, Jiuying's clone should not be so weak!Why didn't it fight back?

At this moment, a word suddenly came from the ears of Xuanyuan Tsingyi and Long Xiaoyao: "Stack!"

When the word sounded, a thin white light like a silk thread suddenly pierced the void of the universe from the front of the two people's eyes, but when they saw the space they passed, there were layers of space folds, before they could react. At this time, I saw strands of snow-white silver threads suddenly flashing above the evil dragon in front of me!

"There is someone lying in ambush behind them!" Xuanyuan Qingyi and Long Xiaoyao were startled suddenly. It should be known that their current level of cultivation is untouchable in this cultivation world, but someone is hiding behind them and has never found out. How far has a cultivation base reached? ? ?

But when the two were still in a daze, a shocking "momentum" suddenly surged out. This momentum is the momentum of a sword, but its characteristics are filled with a majestic emperor's aura that dominates the world, as if The most revered existence in the world, looking down on everything in space!

But as soon as this emperor-like sword power came out, Xuanyuan Tsing Yi's sword power disappeared in an instant, and he retreated around him, without the slightest intention of attacking!

"This... this..." Xuanyuan Tsing Yi's heart was suddenly terrified. At this moment, he frantically urged the surrounding swords, and unexpectedly found that the swords that usually called out the swords that meant heaven and earth at will, at this moment, they all retreated. Beside him, and I can't control it at all!

And this kind of sword power, as soon as it appeared, filled almost hundreds of millions of square kilometers around several people!Not only Xuanyuan Qingyi, but even Long Xiaoyao couldn't move the sword in his body at all!

The two of them frowned and looked at the mysterious person who rose up agitatedly and covered his face, with doubts in their hearts!

Xuan Zhan looked at the two people in front of him indifferently, but there was a tinge of amusement in his heart. Those two people are strong but strong, but they are both "sword cultivators", and his sword power is a fusion of Taoism and Buddhism. The sword power that is said to be the most upright and domineering in the world is the emperor-like existence in the sword. In front of his own emperor sword power, it is strange that the sword power of the two of them can do something!

Long Xiaoyao looked around, through the strands of silver hair, when he saw the face of the person coming, his eyes froze for a moment, and he muttered in his heart: Why did he appear here?Isn't he on his way to the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss at this moment?Also, why did he protect this witch?What is the relationship between the two?

Thinking of this, Long Xiaoyao's eyes couldn't help showing a sharp look, and he snorted secretly: "Whatever he does, as long as this guy dares to let Ying'er down, even if I can't beat him, I still have to pester him!"

But what Xuanyuan Qingyi thought was who declared the war!

"Hehe..." Linglong looked at Xuan Zhan above and smiled coquettishly, "Uncle Xuan, Linglong misses you so much! I knew that you would protect me, and Linglong knew it!"

Hearing this sentence, Xuan Zhan's Gujing's calm expression gave a slight strange look, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: Caring, after all, caring, even if you and I are right or wrong, I... still can't give up!

Xuan Zhan suddenly looked at the two of them and said, "Please raise your hands high, this woman, I have declared war!"

"Declaration of war?" Xuanyuan Qingyi suddenly screamed, "What did you say? Are you declaring war?"

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly. If he remembered correctly, he seemed to have never seen this cultivator named Xuanyuan Tsing Yi in his memory. He nodded his head quietly and said lightly, "That's right, I'm declaring war!"

"But killed Lie Lang Buxin Dao Master Lang Juexin's declaration of war?" Xuanyuan Tsing Yi's tone was filled with a cold murderous intent, and he looked at Xuan Zhan and asked coldly!

"Lang Juexin?" Xuan Zhan frowned, as if he had never heard the name before, and thought for a while!

"At the beginning of the Zilian Thousand Tribulation Dao Fair, in the outskirts of Zixin Tianfu!" Xuanyuan Tsing Yi said coldly, looking at the declaration of war, as if he wanted to kill him immediately and then quickly!

Hearing Xuanyuan Tsingyi's reminder, Xuan Zhan frowned and looked at Xuanyuan Tsingyi with a sudden realization, and said leisurely: "That's right! I did kill a monk named Lang Juexin back then, and it seems that I was a young Taoist master of a certain way. If this matter It wasn't you who reminded me, I almost forgot!"

Speaking of this, an inexplicable color flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes, and he continued: "Could it be, are you a monk of Lie Lang's Burying Heart? Do you want revenge?"

Looking at this scene, Linglong's seductive eyes showed a hint of interest, she giggled and said, "Uncle Xuan, this is really true, it's not that enemies don't get together, giggling... giggling..."

Xuanyuan Qing looked at Xuan Zhan with a cold voice: "Lang Juexin is my registered disciple!"

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