Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 495 Declaring War and Linglong

Hearing the words of the monk in front of him, Xuan Zhan's brain froze for a moment. When did that happen? Xuan Zhan looked at Xuanyuan Tsing Yi in the distance with a silent expression, slightly dazed, as if... as if he had already I don't even remember how old I was!

Ever since the green-gauze woman in the space below her appeared, Xuan Zhan's mind, which was used to rational thinking, fell into a weak sensibility...

It seems that since she left her, she has forgotten her age!Is it three hundred years old...or five hundred years old...

Declare war into empty thoughts!

"Declaration of war!" Xuanyuan Tsing Yi suddenly shouted coldly, looking at the white lone shadow, "Did you remember?"

Xuan Zhan came back to his senses in an instant, looked at Xuanyuan Tsing Yi and nodded and said: "Yes, I have already remembered, the young master of Lang Juexin, the young master of Lie Lang's buried heart, the son of the Taoist of Langkong City!"

Xuanyuan Tsing Yi has a strong cultivation base, and is an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years. Thinking of the aura of the declaration of war just now, he was already horrified. He was invited to the middle of Langkong City many times, hoping to come out to avenge his son, but... ...Although Lang Juexin is his registered disciple, he doesn't have any friendship!

It is said that this prodigy who declares war against heaven, with a strong cultivation base, can be said to be the top existence of this young generation in the cultivation world!Before seeing the declaration of war, Xuanyuan Tsing Yi was very disdainful of this rumor!His clan was inherited from ancient times, and its breadth and depth are not comparable to the current cultivation world!Today's young generation, the top existence at most will not pass the catastrophe!

The period of crossing the catastrophe... the period of crossing the catastrophe... crossing the sky, and even crossing oneself!

But among these ancient clans like them, they can only be regarded as second-rate masters during the tribulation period!A second-rate expert is worthless!

Back then, in order to devote himself to cultivating, he ignored Langkong City's begging at all. Although his family clan was dependent on others, he never lacked the benefits of his strong waves to bury his heart!And, more importantly, Langkong City didn't dare to press hard. In the face of absolute strength, Langkong City is just an ant!

Later, it was rumored that this son declared war was actually a disciple of Piaomiao Jianxintian, and that Piaomiao Jianxintian was just a secular sect...

After a long time, Langkong City has never begged himself, but the name of the declaration of war has quietly appeared in his heart!

But what I didn't expect was that I brought my clansmen to this Monster Star Cave to search for materials, and by chance, I ran into the boy who killed the waves. What surprised me even more was that the strength of this boy... was... at all... ...It was beyond my expectation!

This kid's current strength, even in the ancient times, is still a first-class master!The current self, at most, can be evenly matched with him...

"Unexpected... It's simply unexpected..." Xuanyuan Tsingyi thought in his heart, but said indifferently in his mouth: "Now that I think about it, it's easy to handle. I won't trouble you today, but You must hand over this witch!"

Long Xiaoyao stood beside Xuanyuan Tsingyi, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. This Xuanyuan Tsingyi is now at the sixth rank of Mahayana, and his third rank is actually no more than that in front of him, but he did not expect that he would be as cheap as his own. From what my brother-in-law said, it seems that the strength of the declaration of war is so strong that I need to re-understand it!

What a cheap brother-in-law... Long Xiaoyao muttered in his heart!

Shaking his head, Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently!

"Hey..." When Xuanyuan Tsingyi saw the attitude of declaring war, he felt a burst of anger in his heart, but he knew his weight clearly, and he was evenly matched, so there was no need for him to cause such a disaster!But his daughter's injury is imminent!

"Declaration War, it seems that you have a very close relationship with this demon girl. Since you are unwilling to hand her over, the injury of the old man's daughter will be counted on you!" Xuanyuan Qingyi said coldly, "She attacked the old man's jewel in the palm of her hand, causing her evil spirit Attacking the heart, it cannot be healed by the demonic jade of the water jade and frozen beast, how do you think this matter should be settled?"

Xuan Zhan frowned suddenly, he had read a lot of books, but he had never heard of the name of the water jade frozen beast, as for the so-called "demon jade", he had never heard of it, but where did he find it?

Heartbroken, Xuan Zhan lowered his head and looked at Linglong below, but seeing Linglong smiling charmingly at this moment, her eyes sparkling, she looked happy watching a good show!Then she took another look at the wicked dragon she was sitting on, and saw that it was crouching quietly under Linglong's body at this moment, its huge body swaying in the universe...

"Linglong, take out the demon jade!" Xuan Zhan suddenly shouted in a cold voice.

Looking at Xuan Zhan with her exquisite demon eyes, she giggled and said, "Uncle Xuan, my niece doesn't have that thing. I'm really afraid of that middle-aged uncle. Help me get rid of him!"

The surging emperor's sword is majestic and rippling, and Xuan Zhan is in the middle of the sword. Hearing Linglong's words, a cold look flashed in his eyes, but there is nothing he can do about her at this moment!Linglong's cultivation has already entered heresy, and the energy in her body is not possessed by monks in the cultivation world at all, but more like the aura of a demon clan. He instantly thought of that woman—— Peacock!

Peacock's cultivation base was unclear when he declared war at the beginning, and even more so today. The only certainty is that he can't defeat Peacock at all!

But today's Linglong has advanced cultivation, but she has not advanced to the Mahayana stage. She has never understood the method of Yaozu's practice, and has no way of understanding it. Divide Xuanxuan!

All this is caused by worshiping peacocks!Thinking of that demon girl, Xuan Zhan felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart...

"Senior!" Xuan Zhan suddenly looked at Xuanyuan Tsing Yi and clasped his fists, "If you don't mind, after the matter is over, this junior will come with you and treat your daughter personally!"

"Why, don't you believe me?" Xuanyuan Tsing Yi sneered, "My daughter's energy was almost absorbed by this witch. Although the water jade frozen beast is a monster, the demon jade it condenses is not It is a great tonic for the spirit and spirit of monks!"

Xuan Zhan was a little helpless, and then said softly: "Does the senior know where the Water Jade Frozen Beast is?"

"It's in the depths of the Monster Beast Cave!" Xuanyuan Qingyi said indifferently, "In the depths of the Monster Beast Cave, the number of monsters will gradually decrease, but the strength of each monster will gradually increase! Shuiyu As an Earth-level monster, the Frozen Beast has already been ranked among the top [-] monsters! Its strength is so strong that it can be compared to the seventh rank of Mahayana!"

Hearing Xuanyuan Tsingyi's words, Xuan Zhan was puzzled for a while, he didn't know anything about the news he said!At this moment, he seemed to see a new world, a world he had never known before!

Unexpectedly, this world of comprehension hides so many things that I have never touched before!Declare war thought in my heart!

Xuan Zhan frowned, looked at the indifferent Linglong below, but felt helpless, and then said softly: "Linglong, I know you must know the whereabouts of the Shuiyu Frozen Beast!"

Linglong's eyes rolled slightly, she looked at Xuan Zhan and said with a coquettish smile: "Declaration of war, declaration of war, I was the one who provoked this matter, you and I are not related, why do we have to join forces? Hehe...hehe... ...You can leave here, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with you!"

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently: "I promised to protect you!"

As soon as these words came out, a coquettish reprimand suddenly screamed out from Linglong's mouth: "What are you declaring war on?"

After shouting this sentence, there was a sudden silence, and Xuanyuan Qingyi and Long Xiaoyao looked at their conversation in a daze!

Hua Qing, who was hidden in the distance, looked at this scene with some curiosity, and whispered in his mouth: "He'er, tell me...shall we help Mr. No...just take a look, It's better not to interfere, don't act rashly..."

Xuan Zhan was silent for a moment, then shook his head softly and said, "Linglong, your personality has become more extreme. You in the past would never say such words!"

"Yes! People can change!" Linglong suddenly said in a low voice, "With your ingenuity, you should have expected that since you woke me up from my dream, I was doomed to change drastically. You When I entered my dream for the first time, I should have been able to think of it!"

A trace of pain flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes: Yes, I should have expected it earlier, but... I dare not guess, dare not accept this result...

"Why!" Linglong looked at the somewhat painful declaration of war at this moment, and a trace of unbearable color flashed in her heart, but she also got more joy, "Are you in pain? Declare war, hehe...hehe...", Speaking of which, Linglong suddenly laughed coquettishly again, "Declaration, you know, I hate you the most! It's you who made me look like this, you who made me lose everything, and it's you... who caused what I am today. result!"

"Is that so..." Xuan Zhan murmured to himself in a trance, "Is all this... all caused by me!"

"Seeing you in such pain... how happy I am!" Linglong laughed loudly, "I like your current look, this kind of expression that makes life worse than death! I'm so... so happy!"

While talking, a trace of crystal suddenly flashed in Linglong's eyes!

Long Xiaoyao silently looked at the two people in the distance, and sighed inwardly. He liked his younger sister Long Ying very much, so when he knew that a guy named Xuan Zhan had become his cheap brother-in-law, it happened to be Thirteen Dou Tianfu needed a disciple to complete a mission, so he volunteered without saying a word, and then through a series of relationships, including learning Molixing's unblocking formula from the old guy, and through a series of actions, he will This declaration of war will be clear to the investigation!

And when Xuan Zhan called out the word "Linglong", he, Long Xiaoyao, had already thought of the relationship between the two of them. Seeing the current situation, he could only sigh, the most difficult thing to solve was the knot!

He admired his cheap brother-in-law, but he dared not agree with his way of doing things. His brother-in-law was too dedicated and ruthless. The deepest love is ruthless!

What he admired even more was that this affectionate and cheap brother-in-law was able to thrive in this cultivation world!

Who dares to walk around in the cultivation world when he is not falling, before he sees his brother-in-law, looking at every non-falling stage, he is huddled in his own sect and practicing hard, and dare not wait until the original body stage Move around a little bit!

Who dares to challenge the Transcendence Tribulation Stage in the Yuan Body Stage, he, a cheap brother-in-law, dares, and who can defeat three monks in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage by relying on the Tianxin Stage!

And whoever dares to have sex with a strange woman in front of a behemoth will swear to God that this woman is his wife!He, Long Xiaoyao, is well aware of the great strength of Thirteen Dou Tianfu. It can be said that Piao Miao Jian Xintian does not have thirty master monks, this sect is like shit like ant in front of Thirteen Dou Tianfu!Not to mention the current declaration of war, alone...

Thinking of this, Long Xiaoyao looked at the declaration of war with some helplessness, it was fate, and he had to bear it!

Xuan Zhan looked up at the devastated starry sky around him, and said softly: "I... can't! You are my niece, and no one can change this!"

"Declaration of war..." Linglong laughed silently, "Why do you do this, with your cultivation base, there is no need to live in such pain!"

"Hand over the demon jade, end this grievance, and then leave with me!" Xuan Zhan shook his head and said!

Linglong blinked her eyes: "Go with you, why should I go with you, I am very happy here, where do you want to take me, go back to Molixing, go back to Pride School, I can't go back, go back to me not going!"

"I can't go back..." Xuan Zhan muttered to himself. Indeed, they can't go back. Tianxiong, Dihui, and Dikuang have left the cultivation world. Biling's whereabouts are unknown. Yuan was sealed by himself, and the Pride... Where is it?I can no longer find the way back to the Pride School, I can't find the way back to the original Pride School...

Linglong suddenly smiled softly and said: "Declaration of war, you can also hand over the demon jade if you want me!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Linglong in confusion...

"Marry me!" Linglong looked at the declaration of war with bewitching eyes, "Marry me, and the Yaoyu can be taken away!"

Long Xiaoyao staggered in the void, a drop of sweat leaked from his brow: Forced marriage, this is forced marriage at all!

Hearing these words, Xuan Zhan suddenly regained his composure, and his eyes flashed coldly: "Linglong, don't force me!"

Xuanyuan Tsing Yi said in a cold voice: "Yao Nu, the Yao Yu is really in your hands, hand it over quickly, and the old man will stop embarrassing you and Xuan Zhan!"

At this moment, the mysterious evil dragon who was sitting down by Linglong suddenly said in a flash: "Linglong, don't play any more, come to see me with a declaration of war!"

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