Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 496 The Confusion of Declaring War

Xuan Zhan's expression suddenly became serious, and he looked coldly at the huge evil dragon that Linglong was sitting on. The moment this evil dragon spoke, there seemed to be a kind of domineering and monstrous energy that instantly penetrated the void and entered the evil dragon. In the body of the dragon!

At this time, Xuanyuan Tsingyi and Long Xiaoyao exclaimed suddenly: "Nine infants!"

"Roar..." Nielong snaked his huge body for hundreds of miles, looked at the two ants in front of him with cruel eyes, and said indifferently: "Xuanyuan clan, since the ancient heart-killing war, you and the other six clans betrayed ten Sandou Tianfu lives in seclusion in the cultivation world, but I never thought that I would meet you today!"

Xuanyuan Tsing Yi's expression changed, and he said in a low voice and coldly: "Jiu Ying, it's really you! I didn't expect you, as the king of monsters, to know something about the past of my Thirteen Dou Tianfu!"

The evil dragon roared: "Although I am the king of monsters and beasts, I am still in this realm of cultivation. In the battle of killing one's heart, you are a cultivator of Buddha, Dao and demons. I, the monster, think I am inferior. Only when you are huddled in this star cave and passing on silently, did you have a lot of questions about your ancient affairs! People of the Xuanyuan clan, I think it is really not easy for you to cultivate in today's cultivation world, so leave quickly!"

Xuanyuan Tsing Yi's expression was gloomy for a while, he knew very well that the real Nine Infant Demon is so powerful that even a monk of the ninth rank of the Mahayana would not be able to get into its eyes!In this realm of comprehension, the Monster Beast Cave quietly settled in a corner, obviously wanting to be alone outside the realm of comprehension, but said in his mouth: "Jiuying, my Xuanyuan clan has no intention of being enemies with you, but this demon girl attacked my daughter , not only took away the energy and spirit, but also let the monster power invade the body, causing serious injuries, and the antidote is in your star cave, how should you end this matter?"

The evil dragon's huge eyes flashed bursts of coldness, and he hissed: "Linglong, give him the demon jade!"

Linglong frowned slightly and said, "Jiuying, there is no difference between you and me, why should you order me!"

"If you still want to stay in this seat, you must listen to me!" Nielong raised his forehead slightly, looked at Linglong and roared, "This seat promised Peacock to take care of you, and you came here because you also agreed I’m going to bring a declaration of war!”

"Hmph..." Linglong snorted indifferently, and casually threw a stream of white light towards Xuanyuan Tsingyi, "Here is the demon jade, take it!"

Xuanyuan Tsing Yi was overjoyed, and absorbed the streamer casually, a piece of crystal clear and irregular white jade appeared in the palm of his hand, on this piece of white jade was condensed a stream of dense energy, declared war, just look at it This jade definitely belongs to the ranks of heaven and earth treasures!

"Since I got the demon jade, I'll take it for your sake, don't trouble this little demon girl, I'm going!" Xuanyuan Tsing Yi snorted coldly, and shot away towards the sky in an instant!

Long Xiaoyao took a deep look at Xuan Zhan, and quickly chased in the direction of Xuanyuan Qingyi!

In the blink of an eye, the hot scene just now quieted down instantly. Linglong looked at Xuan Zhan in the sky with her charming eyes, giggled and said, "Uncle Xuan, if you want Linglong to go with you, come with me!", After speaking, he patted the dragon's head, and Nielong suddenly emitted a cluster of demonic light towards the far sky, and a vortex space door suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xuan Zhan pursed the corners of his mouth tightly, and Xin Zhou thought about his elbows: "Who is this Nine Infants, the king of monsters?"Why is it looking for me?What does that familiar feeling mean?

Looking at the distance, Xuan Zhan said via voice transmission: "Hua Qing, find a place to hide, and I will find you when I come out. Be careful in everything!" As soon as the voice fell, Xuan Zhan shot away instantly, investing a huge amount of money. Disappeared in the gate of space!

Hua Qing was a little dazed, then a smile leaked from the corner of his mouth, and he turned and left!


When Xuan Zhan stepped out of the space gate, he stroked Panda's head on his shoulder, and his expression turned cold. The place in front of him was a void space, and in the depths of this void space, a huge meteorite quietly Floating in space!

The size of this meteorite is comparable to a small planet, and the monstrous evil spirit coming from above made Xuan Zhan feel a wave of heart palpitations!

He saw a cruel and tyrannical aura from the meteorite at that moment. This actually the same as the aura in the Nine Desolation War Cauldron!

Why...why is this aura exactly the same as the tyrannical aura in the Nine Desolation War Cauldron?Xuan Zhan thought in horror, what is the relationship between the Nine Desolation Zhanding Ding and the mysterious Nine Infants?

In the dark, Xuan Zhan seemed to see a pair of big hands controlling his path of cultivation!Push forward to declare war to discover one inexplicable secret after another!

When he passed by this place when he declared war, he was also attracted by this mysterious feeling of familiarity, but because of Xuebao, he didn't stop there, and used his speed to directly pass through the Monster Beast Cave!And when Xue Bao's matter was over, his first thought of declaring war was to find out what the relationship between himself and that familiar aura was!

"Xuan Zhan, I am waiting for you among the meteorites! Don't worry, this is the core area of ​​the monster star cave, and it is also my habitat!" A dull voice appeared beside Xuan Zhan's ear!

Xuan Zhan caressed the quiet Panda, took a slight step, and instantly disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already outside the meteorite. Powerful consciousness erupted from his body in an instant, observing the inside and outside of the meteorite. Condition!

What surprised Xuan Zhan was that his spiritual consciousness couldn't penetrate the surface of the meteorite and enter the meteorite!This discovery surprised Xuan Zhan!

There are countless huge craters on the meteorite. The size of these craters instantly made Xuan Zhan's heart feel like an abyss, and he was deeply taken aback...

At this moment, a muffled roar like a dragon's chant appeared on the meteorite. Before the declaration of war could be realized, a huge black ferocious dragon head slowly emerged from the mouth of one of the huge pits. But seeing this The dragon head exuded a tyrannical aura, and the huge eyes looked at Xuan Zhan with dead silence. A thunderous and vast voice appeared in Xuan Zhan's heart:

"Declare war, come in with me!"

After finishing speaking, the faucet slowly sank into the pothole and disappeared!

Xuan Zhan pursed his lips fiercely. Xuan Zhan dared not make the slightest move because of the monstrous monster aura emanating from the dragon's head just now. He knew that his aura had been completely locked by the opponent. The so-called Nine Infant Dragon Head will do something shocking!

"It seems that I am completely at a disadvantage!" Xuan Zhan said with a wry smile, but the familiar feeling lingered in his heart for a long time and could not be shaken off, which even inspired him to find out!

With a slight wrong foot, Xuan Zhan appeared on the edge of a pothole in an instant, looking at the bottomless bottom, a trace of black abyss divine thunder suddenly burst out from his eyes, and the world in his eyes immediately changed in an uproar!Looking down, Xuan Zhan was stunned for a moment!

But seeing the bottomless bottom, a huge black-scale evil dragon is entrenched at the bottom, its body is only about ten kilometers away, but the head of this dragon has split into nine dragon heads, each of which is exactly the same as the dragon. What I saw just now is the same as the declaration of war!

The other eight of the nine dragon heads were coiled on the ground, resting leisurely with their eyes slightly closed, while the dragon head in the middle stood up proudly, looking at the hole where the declaration of war was located, Haohao said: "Declaration of war, my seat!" Not only does he not mean any harm to you, but he even has friendship!"

Xuan Zhan was silent for a while, and finally stepped out and flew down: His words are not bad, if he really wants to harm me, he has already done it!

The bottom of the pit is a huge space, and around these spaces, countless small stone chambers have been opened up, in which there are many things of the lineage of monsters and beasts, which emanate from the surrounding stone chambers alone. The breath of Baoguang made Xuan Zhan feel a wave of fright!

Only after setting foot in the world of cosmic comprehension, did he realize how precious the treasures of heaven and earth left by his master were, and when he saw Wang Dafu, the lord of Tianfu, he felt that his master had left him Compared with that group of master-level monks, his inheritance is far inferior!But at this moment, when he felt the aura of precious light in the stone room around Jiuying, he suddenly felt that he was just an upstart, and Jiuying had a huge consortium with a deep foundation!

Xiao Zhan felt slightly frustrated, standing in front of the huge Jiuying, staring at him without saying a word!

And the familiar feeling in his heart became stronger after getting closer to Jiuying, and he even wanted to be the first to ask what was going on!

"Declaration of war, I have finally seen you!" The head in the middle of Jiuying roared in a low voice, "Do you know that since you appeared on Boshan Xing, this seat has already known your existence!"

"What?" Xuan Zhan's heart skipped a beat, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, "Bo Shining Star? Is that the monster planet?"

"That's right!" Jiuying said leisurely, "Although most of my monster clan hides in this monster star cave, there are also a small part distributed in the universe. Bo Shanxing is an example!"

Xuan Zhan's indifferent expression was as if there were no waves in the ancient well. He looked directly at Jiuying and asked in a low voice, "Why do you pay attention to me?"

"I pay attention to you for my own reasons. Later, after you were thrown into the turbulent flow of time and space by that Chu Wudao, there was no news about you again, suddenly passed the Monster Beast Cave a few days ago!"

"It's been 5000 million years. I never thought that 5000 million years would pass by!" Jiuying's voice revealed a sense of desperation, "Since that person bestowed great power on my Jiuying clan, and then handed it over to me. After one mission from our tribe, there is no news of him anymore!"

"That person?" Xuanzhan asked doubtfully, "Who is that person? What does this have to do with me?"

Looking at the declaration of war with the tyrannical dragon eyes of Jiuying, he suddenly laughed wildly, and then roared: "That person, that person is you, and that person is you declaring war!"

"What?" When Xuan Zhan heard this, he suddenly yelled in horror, "What are you talking about, that person is me? Impossible, how is it possible?"

"How is it impossible, haha..." Jiuying said with a deep smile, "That person's face is exactly the same as yours, the same face, the same white hair, the only difference is that your eyes are two extremes, his eyes He looked down at us like the gods of the gods, declared war, take a good look, is this really you!"

After Jiuying finished speaking, Zhihuo suddenly attracted a ray of light towards a stone room with his paws, and Xuan Zhan took a closer look, but it was a picture scroll!

The picture scroll was slowly opened, and an unparalleled aura of tyranny came out from it...

"Declaration of war, this picture scroll is left by that person, and the power of my Nine Infants clan is given by this picture scroll. Take a good look to see if the person on the picture scroll is really you!"

Looking at the scroll that was slowly opened, a mysterious force suddenly spread out from it. Under the attack of this force, the mind that declared war gradually became blurred, and then... stood there in a daze...


The Milky Way, Earth, Huaxia Kingdom, Alliance Mountain...

The Tongmeng Mountain, which is less than 20 meters high, lies quietly outside Zhaojing Village, without any changes...

In the League Mountain, a mysterious old man sits on a huge monument, his eyes are slightly closed, and his face is vicissitudes!Silver-gray vicissitudes of white hair, scattered around the body!

The old man suddenly opened his eyes slowly, looked up at the vicissitudes of the sky, and said with a leisurely sigh: "I didn't expect that person to have this trick. I don't know how many times the old man guards the original universe. But I never felt that that person came here, especially what surprised the old man is that he came when he was injured!"

Talking to himself, the eyes of the old man flickered!

"That man, he put in so much effort to set up so many backhands, what exactly he wants to do, to deceive thousands of secrets, what exactly he wants to do, in this vast world, only Tian Dao is his opponent, he... What exactly are you going to do?"


Time is slowly advancing, and Xuan Zhan stands in front of the unfolding scroll, staring blankly at the white-haired man in the scroll...

One year...two years...three years...

In the blink of an eye, 50 years have passed quietly...

After declaring war, a Jiling regained his sanity, and suddenly stared blankly at the scene in front of him!

"What... what's going on?" Xuan Zhan said to himself in a daze!

A ray of light flew towards Xuan Zhan's shoulder, Panda narrowed his eyes and said naively: "Little master, you're awake!"

"Declaration of war, wake up!" Jiuying beside him growled in a low voice without any change!

Xuan Zhan pondered for a while, and asked softly: "I didn't expect that 50 years have passed, but...what happened, why do I not remember at all? Hey, Panda, behind you is..."

But at this moment, Panda was carrying that picture scroll on his back!

Panda Hanhan said: "Little master, you gave it to me, tell me, let me keep this picture scroll!"

Xuan Zhan frowned, and asked in doubt: "You said I asked you to carry it? But... I just woke up, why don't I remember that I said this?"

"Let me tell the story!" Jiuying roared, "You woke up a month ago, but after explaining some things, you erased your memories of the past 50 years in this month! "

"What?" Xuan Zhan suddenly exclaimed, "Why?"

"I didn't know that after you woke up a month ago, you didn't mention what you saw and heard in the picture scroll. After two days of meditation, you explained some things to me and Panda!"

"You sealed the picture scroll in some way, gave it to Panda to use as a weapon, and then told me some things, but you didn't want me to tell you when you woke up. know!"

Xuan Zhan stared blankly at Jiuying and Panda, his mind was blurred...

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