Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 499 Re-chapter Hanyuexing

The extremely solid golden streamer crazily impacted in the universe, rippling out layers of spatial fluctuations!

This golden streamer was not too long, only a hundred meters long. Through the golden streamer, a white-haired monk sat alone on the tip of a flying sword emitting golden light!

Xuan Zhan stroked Panda's head subconsciously, thinking about what Jiuying said to him!

He had left the Monster Beast Cave a month ago, but the Demon Slaughtering Sword had completely absorbed the sword spirits collected by the Nine Infants Clan, completely!Those hundreds of millions of evil spirits that have been accumulated for an unknown number of years were completely absorbed by this guy under his feet!

He still remembered when the stone door opened, when Jiuying looked at the lonely and empty stone room, that leader's dumbfounded expression!It was a kind of regret, a kind of incredible and heartbroken expression in the eyes of various complex emotions!

The Devil Slaying Sword, this magical weapon that was originally a high-level spiritual weapon, has undergone earth-shaking changes in five years!

The spirit tool has a spirit. More than 50 years ago, because of the appearance of the ancient Lingbao star Tianhesha controlled by Gai Bitian, the coercion of the ancient Lingbao completely suppressed the Demon Slaughter Sword. Ling was unwilling and had no choice but to hide in his body!This kind of coercion of the magic weapon of the superior makes the Demon Slaughter Sword not even have the courage to come out!

And because of Gu Lingbao, Demon Slaughtering Sword seems to know his own weakness!

It is also because of the hundreds of millions of buried sword spirits that today's Demon Slayer Sword...

Xuan Zhan looked at the talisman under his feet, and the moment it entered his body, he knew that the current Demon Slaying Sword was as powerful as the Gu Lingbao!Maybe... even stronger than Gu Lingbao!

Xuan Zhan knew that if it wasn't for the limitation of the heaven and earth structure, this guy might even advance to the ranks of immortal artifacts and derive artifact souls!

However, it is enough to declare war. Today's Demon Slayer Sword is one of the most powerful magic weapons in this world of comprehension!

After leaving the Monster Beast Cave, he searched for General Hua Qing for 20 days, but he couldn't find Hua Qing at all. At this moment, he was about to rush to the barren little planet!

It has been 55 years. It is impossible for Huaqing to wait in one place for 50 years to declare war. There is only one possibility. The place where she can find her is a small village on that barren planet!

It has been 55 years, and Xuan Zhan never thought that it would be 50 years since he left the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss!The middle is also quite bumpy!

In order to save Blood Treasure as soon as possible, he crossed the three death zones and accomplished a feat that countless monks dared not accomplish. He singled out one person and one beast to destroy one of the seven paths.

Then he entered the Monster Beast Cave, met Linglong, and learned countless rumors and secrets that he had never known before declaring war. The bigger gain was that he knew that Ni Qianxuan was not dead, and that one day in the future, he would definitely fight against Ni Qian. Xuan reunion!This time is not long, at most 30 years...

Thinking of this, Xuan Zhan couldn't help but let out a long roar...

Sitting alone on the tip of the sword, Xuan Zhan took out the Wannian ice and fire wine that his senior brother gave him, and poured it wantonly into his mouth. The feeling of ice and fire suddenly attacked his nerves crazily!

Looking at the cosmic starry sky in front of him, Xuan Zhan's mouth suddenly revealed a smile of endless vicissitudes!

After hundreds of years in the world of self-cultivation, even if I have cultivated to the level that countless monks look up to, do I really need it?Thinking back to the time when I was so ambitious, I could only go against the path of self-cultivation!But what kind of Tao is it that is against it? In the end, it is your own heart that is against it!

He was supposed to be a freehand scholar, a lonely old man in Qinghu, but the world has changed, and he has become what he is today!

"Go against the way, go against the way, the one who goes against the way is still my own heart after all, what's the difference between me and all these thousands of monks, haha..." Xuan Zhan said to himself, supporting his body with one arm, holding a Legs drooping in the void...

Panda lay on his back at the other end of the Demon Slaughtering Sword, staring at the surrounding cosmic scenery, muttering to himself: "Son, Dad is on his way back, stare!"


A month later, Xuan Zhan reappeared in the small village. His heart moved, and he quietly flew towards the wild!

In a field of rape blossoms, there was a melodious sound of the guzheng. Xuanzhan searched for the sound of the guzheng, and found a woman in white shirt sitting on a chair. In front of her, there was a guzheng. Guzheng is melodious and beautiful!In front of the woman, a spirit crane dances, dancing up and down with the rhythm of the zither...

Looking at this beautiful scene like a picture scroll, Xuan Zhan looked a little dazed. When the flick reached **, the crane immediately neighed high-pitched, jumping gracefully with the sound of clanking!

The guzheng stopped quietly, and the breeze rushed towards his face. Hua Qing turned around and looked at Xuan Zhan gently: "Sir, Hua Qing has made a fool of himself!"

At this moment 50 years later, it will be as ordinary as yesterday!

Xuan Zhan smiled and nodded, "Qing'er, you play really well!"

When Hua Qing saw the smile on the declaration of war, he immediately smiled shyly, and then said, "It seems that you have gained a lot from this trip, and you actually started laughing!"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, but he said with a sense of realization: "On weekdays, I really don't laugh very much!"

After a pause, he declared war and then said softly: "Qing'er, let's go!"

"Hmm..." Hua Qing nodded and smiled!

Seeing Hua Qing's smile, Xuan Zhan suddenly felt a little relieved, no matter who you are, as long as you don't have two minds, it's fine.

Once again on the way back, when he thought of a woman waiting for him to go back in that distant place, his heart felt a little excited!This kind of excitement is like returning to Moli Xing again!

After half a month of flying, the two found a comprehension planet again. When they arrived at the teleportation array, there was a burst of turmoil from the surrounding monks!

"Look, he looks like the one who declared war in the rumors!" A monk whispered to his companions!

"Indeed, this man's white clothes and white hair, and the little spirit beast on his shoulder, are really similar to the rumored declaration of war!" said the companion!

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly when he heard the whispers around him!

At this moment, a monk suddenly ran up to Xuan Zhan, looked at him and asked excitedly, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Xuan?"

This monk has a handsome appearance, but his cultivation is in the middle stage of Yuan Ti, Xuan Zhan nodded lightly and said: "Yes, I am Xuan Zhan!"

"Ah, it's really a declaration of war!" The monk exclaimed in surprise, "Sir, please accept me as an apprentice!" Then he knelt down heavily, clasped his fists and said: "I respect you very much, sir, please accept me as an apprentice!" Accept me as an apprentice!"

I was stunned when I declared war...

"It's really a declaration of war, he admitted it himself!" The surrounding monks suddenly shouted in surprise, "Hurry up, everyone go to apprentice!"

As soon as this remark came out, the monks around suddenly gathered together, rushing towards the declaration of war!

"What's going on here?" Xuan Zhan looked at this scene in surprise and whispered!

"Don't you know, sir? You fought against the stars in the dark night, and your reputation spread far and wide. Countless monks wanted to visit you, but you were nowhere to be seen! I saw you in person today, of course I will pay a visit!" Hua Qing laughed softly standing beside Xuan Zhan , "Sir, I think you should quickly accept them!"

"Master, please be respected by disciples!" Countless monks knelt down in front of him and shouted loudly in seconds!

A trace of sweat oozes from Xuan Zhan's forehead, then he pulls up Huaqing's catkin and flashes into the teleportation array in an instant!

"Sir, don't go, sir, don't go! Please accept me as an apprentice!" Countless monks cried out in shock when they saw it, but saw that the white figure had already disappeared into the teleportation array...


The declaration of war at this moment is a headache. Since this day, countless monks have seen the appearance of the declaration of war, and they are like hungry wolves. There are apprentices, friends, and even challenges!

Xuan Zhan, who had a headache, stood on the Demon Slaughtering Sword, speechless for a while!

"Hehe..." Hua Qing covered his lips and laughed softly, "Sir, I think you should hurry up and establish a sect, otherwise, these monks will be hopeless. I think, sir, as long as you establish a sect, there must be many people following you." you!"

Xuan Zhan glanced at Hua Qing angrily, then his body shook, and a gust of wind rose from the soles of his feet. The next moment, a young man with outstanding temperament and a tall and straight figure stood in front of Hua Qing!

"Panda, you change too!" Xuan Zhan, who had changed into another look, said while stroking Panda's head!

"Okay!" Panda said Hanhan, and after shaking his body, he slowly turned into a grizzly brown bear!

"Hehe...hehe..." Panda narrowed his eyes to look at his fur color, then looked at Linghe and said, "He'er, look at Panda, doesn't it look good!"

"Panda has become unattractive!" Standing beside Hua Qing, He'er replied honestly, "Although it's not too ugly, it's far from your original appearance!"

"Really..." Panda said to himself in a daze, "Forget it, the little master has become so ugly, if I'm too good-looking, I won't be worthy of the little master, so be it!"

Panda's words immediately caused Xuan Zhan and Hua Qing to laugh and cry!

The way back is long, and compared to the eager declaration of war at this moment, it is extremely long. He can't wait to start the Thunder Sword Nine Movements he created immediately, and run wildly all the way!But that requires certain conditions, for example, there must be long-lasting true energy in the body to support it!

But even so, the speed of the Demon Slaughtering Sword is quite fast!Today's it is several times faster than before!

After changing himself into a different look, Xuan Zhan calmed down. Seeing his monks, no one would disturb him, but in the past few months, he also knew that he is now The prestige in the comprehension world is so great that it is echoed everywhere!

Although the five yin and blood demons are powerful, they have done a lot of things that made the monks angry. Therefore, to a certain extent, declaring war can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people!

However, in the abyss of the three gods and seven paths, the declaration of war...has been branded as "not to be provoked"!One person riding alone can destroy one. This level of power makes many monks feel terrified. What kind of cultivation level can destroy one of the powerful seven paths?

Three months later, when Xuan Zhan reappeared in the teleportation array of Hanyue Star where the Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan was located, Xuan Zhan looked at the familiar scene and said softly: "Qing'er, we are here!"

Hua Qing stepped out of the teleportation array and looked at the beautiful scenery around him, a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes: "Is this the Hanyue star where the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss is located?"

"Not bad!" Xuan Zhan said as he walked, looked at all kinds of monks around him, and then looked at a green hill in the distance!

The next moment, the spiritual consciousness in the body suddenly rose up vastly, covering the sky towards Qingbi Danxin Mountain!

"Not here?" Xuan Zhan frowned, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes!

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