Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 500 Dragon Sakura's Letter

The "Hidden Spirit Art" circulated endlessly in Xuan Zhan's body. At this moment, Xuan Zhan's breath was extremely restrained, even the beating of his heart seemed lifeless, and his breathing, if it wasn't for the feeling of sticking to his nose, would even have An illusion that this person does not exist!The second realm of the Hidden Spirit Art, the Realm of Hidden Spirits!

As for Hua Qing beside him, his aura was floating, and he was indifferent, but it was also the Mahayana of the first level of "Escaping Qi" of the Yin Ling Jue!She walked softly beside the declaration of war, and looked at the calm face with some worry, as if nothing had happened to the general declaration of war!

Panda sat on Xuan Zhan's shoulders, and He'er followed Hua Qing!

Pacing on the path in the mountains, Xuan Zhan's eyes were full of peace!

Among the green mountains, there is a scent of medicinal herbs, which makes people feel refreshed and happy, as if there is a feeling of being out of the world, and the consciousness of declaring war reverberates over the entire Hanyue Star again and again However, none of the behaviors of any monk escaped his induction!

With the current cultivation level of declaring war, in one of the 49 abysses, if you want to observe a person's actions without being discovered, it is simply a matter of raising your hand. None of the countless seniors in the holy spirit fairy heart abyss has found the declaration of war exist!

An hour later, Xuan Zhan and Hua Qing quietly appeared by a lake, beside a blue stone tablet, engraved with three elegant characters - Huifeng Lake!

The melodious sound of the zither rose in the air, and there was a trace of emptiness in the sound of the zither!

Huaqing looked into the distance with some curiosity. At the other end of the lake, a solitary pavilion made of thatched sheds stood in the vicissitudes of life!She suddenly saw a girl in a white veil sitting in the thatched pavilion, with her eyes closed, playing a guqin beside her!

The girl's face was about fifteen or sixteen, her temperament was cold and light, but between her eyebrows, there was a trace of evil spirit!But this girl's appearance reveals an astonishingly glamorous beauty. On her fair face, it shows the beauty of the city!

"What an alluring little girl!" Hua Qing thought in amazement, "This girl's beauty can even compete with Xuan Zhan's bewitching and handsome appearance! If the two of them stand together, it can be said that this It is the brightest scenery in the world!"

Xuan Zhan stood in front of the stone tablet, meditating indifferently, the breeze blew slowly, and his jet-black hair splashed randomly with the wind!

Hua Qing asked softly: "Sir, you..."

Xuan Zhan woke up slightly, but said softly: "The girl in the grass pavilion is called Feng Xun'er, and I... I am her teacher!"

Hua Qing was taken aback for a moment, but suddenly realized: "So that's it, this girl is your apprentice!"

Xuan Zhan sighed, but stepped up to the lake, but saw a burst of fresh air suddenly rising up, supporting Xuan Zhan on the lake, Xuan Zhan walked indifferently like walking on flat ground!

Hua Qing was taken aback for a moment, but he quickly got up, and a breath of fresh air came out from under his feet, supporting her to walk on the surface of the lake!

He'er spread his wings and slowly followed behind the two of them!

The lonely sound in the sound of the zither became more and more deep, and butterflies fluttered outside the grass pavilion, flying up and down...

The girl quietly played the last piano sound, then gently opened her eyes, looking at the lake in front of her, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes!

"Teacher, it's been 50 years. It's been 50 years since you left, but I didn't expect it to be like this... Xun'er..."

"Huh?" Feng Xun'er looked at the lake, but was slightly taken aback, but saw two figures suddenly appearing on the water in the distance, "There will be someone appearing!"

With a heart move, Feng Xun'er's eyes flashed a trace of evil and coldness, and her figure moved instantly, turning into a stunning white light, flying towards the lake!

"Who are you two?" Feng Xun'er looked at the handsome and indifferent man below and asked, "This is the back mountain of my Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan, no one is allowed to set foot!"

The man looked up indifferently at Feng Xun'er, who was 30 meters away in the sky, and said in a low voice, "Xun'er, you really let me down!"

"What?" Feng Xun'er was taken aback, and suddenly looked at the little brown bear on the man's shoulder, but the little brown bear roared at her, "Xun'er, ha ha... ha ha... long time no see ah!"

"This voice... this voice is..." Feng Xun'er suddenly froze!

A whirlwind suddenly spun from Xuan Zhan's feet, and then surrounded the man from bottom to top, a strand of white hair suddenly flew out of the whirlwind!

When the whirlwind disappeared, Feng Xun'er looked at the familiar waist-length white hair, looked at the extremely handsome face that had never been forgotten in decades, the girl... suddenly froze!

"Old...teacher..." Feng Xun'er looked at Xuan Zhan with a trembling voice, and sobbed softly, " are finally back..."

Hua Qing looked at the girl in the sky with some surprise, and thought in her heart: Unexpectedly, the declaration of war has such a great place in her heart. It has been a long time since I saw her, but this time I saw her for the first time, I was so surprised that I burst into tears!

But he didn't show any sign of declaring war, and then he moved his legs and walked towards the grass pavilion. What Feng Xun'er presented to Feng Xun'er was a white back that was as lonely as a pine tree!

"You..." Feng Xun'er felt extremely depressed in an instant, wiped the tears from her eyes, then lowered her body, followed behind Xuan Zhan, staring at the loneliest figure in the world, she couldn't help becoming infatuated ...

Today's Feng Xun'er is no longer the little girl she was yesterday, and at this moment, her mind has already matured!However, from the eyes and face, it can be vaguely seen that the little figure who was under the strict guidance of Xuan Zhan...

As soon as he walked into the pavilion, Panda, who had recovered his real body, slipped on Xuan Zhan's shoulder, jumped to the ground, and then sat on the edge of the straw mat, squinting his eyes and looked at Feng Xun'er naively: "Xun'er, long time no see!"

Feng Xun'er looked at Panda, feeling a tinge of warmth in her heart, and smiled quietly at it, and in an instant... the world turned pale!

Xuan Zhan sat indifferently, gently stroking the guqin in his hand, twirling his fingers lightly, and the low-pitched sound of the piano was slowly rippling!

"Teacher..." Feng Xun'er hesitated to speak, but Xuan Zhan suddenly closed his eyes indifferently, played the piano slowly, and said softly: "Xun'er, what you said before Teacher left remember?"

"Remember, let Xun'er practice the tasks you usually assign to Xun'er!"

"Yeah!" Xuan Zhan moved his fingers slowly, closed his eyes and responded slowly, "But how did you do it?"

Feng Xun'er was startled, and immediately replied in a low voice: "Xun'er has never forgotten what the teacher said before he left. In the past 50 years, he has never slackened in the slightest, teacher is a lesson!"

After hearing this sentence, Xuan Zhan's finger suddenly closed, his eyes opened slightly, and he glanced indifferently at Feng Xun'er who was a little frightened, and suddenly frowned slightly and said: "The exercises I taught you, can ever fell?"

"It didn't fall!" Feng Xun'er replied sincerely, "Xun'er has already cultivated that exercise to the state of great accomplishment you mentioned!"

Xuan Zhan's brow suddenly tightened again, and then he looked at Xun'er, and a thunderbolt instantly exploded in his eyes!

In Feng Xun'er's eyes, everything in his body appeared in the eyes of Xuan Zhan, but seeing that in Xun'er's lower dantian, a layer of Lei Yuan seal almost collapsed, and a trace of evil power came from it. It escaped and flowed in Feng Xun'er's blood!

"I underestimated this power!" Xuan Zhan thought indifferently, "The power of this demon core seems to be slowly eroding the seal, and the demon power is slowly spreading, showing signs of affecting her mind. Alright! Although the exercises I created at the beginning were aimed at dispelling the killing spirit of the monster race, it was still a drop in the bucket!"

"Hey, the power your father left you has begun to be slowly absorbed by you!" Xuan Zhan said in a deep voice, "But my skills seem to be somewhat inadequate in front of this power!"

Feng Xun'er nodded, she also felt this situation, every time she thought about her father Feng Xie and other things about the Yaozu, a murderous desire would quietly spread in her heart!She suddenly admired her father very much, because her father, Feng Xie, completely suppressed this desire to kill the human race in her heart, without the slightest backlash!

But... why can father suppress it?This is something she has never figured out now!

All she could think of was that since the teacher in front of her left, in the past 50 years, she had missed this person more and more, this silver-haired, cold-tempered...declaring war!

Xuan Zhan slowly retracted his eyes, and after contemplating, he said softly: "Mrs. Feng, please come here to talk!"

Hua Qing was taken aback for a moment, his heart moved, and he looked towards the sky!

A ray of light flew from the sky, but within a breath, a beautiful woman in palace attire with a high bun appeared in the grass pavilion. As soon as she saw the declaration of war, the woman immediately bowed in surprise: "Shaoyao has seen Mr.!"

Xuan Zhan raised his hands, and a fresh air lifted Fairy Shaoyao's body, stood up and said, "Xuan Zhan dares not to accept such a big gift from Mrs. Feng!"

Fairy Shaoyao smiled slightly, but looked at Hua Qing with some doubts: "Who is this?"

Hua Qing smiled and said, "Hua Qing has met Mrs. Feng, I am Mrs.'s maid!"

Fairy Shaoyao nodded with a suddenly realized smile and said, "So it's Miss Huaqing, Shaoyao is polite!"

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently and said: "Hua Qing, didn't we agree, you and I are friends, there is no distinction between high and low!"

Hua Qing smiled lightly, but stopped talking, and stood respectfully behind Xuan Zhan!

Fairy Shaoyao looked at the declaration of war, sighed and said: "Sir, Shaoyao has a responsibility, so I apologize to you!"

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, then pondered and said, "Who did it?"

"I don't know!" Fairy Shaoyao shook her head with some shame, "Sister Ying'er was fine for about half a month after you left, but suddenly one day, she left me a letter and left with Changsheng. Already! There is no one in the middle!"

Then Shaoyao took out a letter from her sleeve, handed it to Xuan Zhan and said: "This letter, Shaoyao dare not take half a step away from her body, throw it in the deep space!"

Xuan Zhan took the letter, but saw three beautiful and elegant characters written on the envelope: Longying character!

Opening the envelope, Xuan Zhan folded the letter paper, and a piece of elegant font came into view: My brother is visiting, Yinger has returned, don't worry, don't worry, hope Xuanlang will tell the truth when he finds out, I will wait for him for a hundred years. See, there is no fate in this life!

Seeing these words, Xuan Zhan was stunned for a moment, then walked gently to the lakeside, as independent as a lonely pine, and the splendor of the world rose...

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