Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 501 The Arrival of Bi Dechuan

"Less than 45 years left!" Xuan Zhan stood by Huifeng Lake, looking at the sparkling lake, and muttered to himself, "But...but I don't even know where Thirteen Dou Tianfu is. , Could it this the so-called will of God?"

A bleak aura walked away from Xuan Zhan sadly. The three women standing behind him looked at the back in front of them, feeling silent for a while...

Xun'er looked at her mother, Fairy Shaoyao, and said in a low voice: "Mother, is Aunt Ying really willing to give up Teacher?"

A trace of sadness flashed in Shaoyao Fairy's eyes, she gently hugged her daughter in her arms, and whispered: "Love is a thing, how many heroes of cultivation have been able to see it through the ages, your teacher's matter, even if we want to Help, but can't help...Even if your Aunt Ying couldn't bear it and said thousands of things, she must have her own difficulties, the two of them..."

Speaking of this, Feng Xie's indifferent figure slowly appeared in Fairy Shaoyao's mind, and she couldn't help but sadly said in her heart: Back then, you were not as lonely as your husband, and you were as affectionate as your husband. Luckily, after being a husband and wife for hundreds of years, Xun'er was born, left our lonely woman behind, God, it's really unfair...

Thinking of the deep affection, Fairy Shaoyao couldn't help but shed two lines of tears in her eyes!

Love has been difficult since ancient times. Love is difficult to love from the depths. In the end, love is still ruthless. Love comes from the heart and the heart is hard to stop!

Xuan Zhan's heart moved, and he looked up at the streamer above the sky!

"It's been 50 years, and the gentleman's demeanor is even better than before. Bi Dechuan has seen him!" A cheery roar came from the stream of light in the sky!

In the flash of light, he appeared beside everyone in an instant, but it was Bi Dechuan, the abyss master of the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss!

Xuan Zhan smiled softly, looked at Bi Dechuan and said respectfully, "Xuan Zhan has met Lord Bi Yuan!"

"Hahahaha..." Bi Dechuan laughed loudly, and then he personally took the arm that declared war and said, "Today's sir, it wasn't yesterday's declaration of war. Your reputation today is a hundred times better than this old man!"

Now the reputation of declaring war is at the peak of the sky. Although he is alone, his reputation is almost comparable to that of the three lords, and even those who are interested will put the cultivation base of declaring war with the three lords!But this topic is also the most talked about topic in the cultivation world today!The name and reality of declaring war are said to be one thousand and ten thousand in the realm of comprehension, but his cultivation is absolutely convincing!Even if some people say that he is slightly inferior to the three respects, they dare not disrespect him!

As the lord of the abyss, Bi Dechuan's eyes and ears can be said to extend in all directions. The deeds of the declaration of war have already spread to his ears. Even Feng Xun'er, who has always been indifferent to the world, knows something about it!

"Lord Bi Yuan loves this junior!" Xuan Zhan said with a wry smile!

After deliberating for a few seconds, Bi Dechuan cupped his fists softly and said bitterly: "I'm ashamed, I'm really sorry about my wife, hey..."

Xuan Zhan knew that this was Bi Dechuan, but he spoke first, so that he would be embarrassed to care about it. Knowing it well, he had no choice but to not care about him so much. He was able to pick up Long Ying, and it was still without anyone Pick it up when you find out, this cultivation level is not something that the group of people who refine medicine all day long in the Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan can resist, and they can't blame them!

Seeing that Xuan Zhan didn't care about this matter on himself, he said with a little relief in his heart: "If you are sent by the master, I will definitely devote myself to the top and bottom of the sect!"

Xuan Zhan laughed dumbly and said: "How do you say this, Xuan Zhan disturbed the noble sect, I feel so ashamed in my heart, Master Yuan's words, but killed the younger generation!"

But Bi Dechuan waved his hand, and said proudly: "Mr.'s words are wrong. Looking at the prestige of Mr. today, it can be said that there is no one in the universe who is not bowed down and defeated. He is like the sky, and he can respond to everyone. Today, Mr. can be inferior to the humble sect. This is something that makes this old man so radiant, and a long time ago, my junior brother Dan Sheng had the grace to cross the catastrophe, this Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss is the home of Mr.!!!"

Xuan Zhan was a little funny in his heart, knowing that Bi Dechuan said this to win over, he smiled casually: "Master Bi Yuan, we have already known each other, so don't say those polite words! I will still stay here temporarily when I come back this time." It's been a while here, what a disturbance!"

"Hahahaha... this is not a nuisance!" Bi Dechuan laughed in relief,

After the two had another hearty conversation, Bi Dechuan achieved his goal and left Huifeng Lake with a smile on his face.

Looking at Bi Dechuan's back, Xuan Zhan said softly after deliberating for a while: "Madam Feng, how are you doing here?"

Shao Yao smiled wryly and said: "With my husband here, my concubine's life is happy and peaceful, thank you for your concern!"

Xuan Zhan sighed, knowing that Shaoyao's life here was not particularly satisfactory, but it was a helpless thing. Feng Xie is a member of the monster clan, and love between humans and monsters is even more unacceptable. Relying on today's declaration of war to live in seclusion in the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss, although there are many criticisms behind it, it is also natural and helpless!

Xuan Zhan nodded and said: "Madam Feng also please send a message to all the monks in the Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan. Starting today, Huifeng Lake will be completely closed for 20 years. No one except us will be allowed to enter!"

Fairy Shaoyao knew that the declaration of war had something to do, so she nodded in response and flew out!

Xuan Zhan stared at Feng Xun'er again for a while, and then the black abyss thunder pupils in his eyes crazily widened, sweeping across her body over and over again.Feng Xun'er looked at her teacher's movements, and a layer of blush could not help but faintly appear on her face!

However, after Xuan Zhan inspected Feng Xun'er's body for about a quarter of an hour, his miraculous eyes regained their peace!

Standing on Xuan Zhan's shoulders, Panda felt that his little master hadn't moved at all. Curious, he stepped forward and pushed Xuan Zhan's body, but he didn't move at all!

"Little master! What are you doing?" Panda said to himself curiously, seeing that Xuan Zhan was still standing still like a wooden stake, but in desperation, he started to move around!

Changsheng is its son, and before it knew that his son left with Long Ying, it felt very peaceful, it knew that if Changsheng left with Long Ying, it would definitely not suffer!

In this way, more than ten years passed quietly!

More than ten years have passed since the war was declared at Huifeng Lake!

More than ten years, for them, is actually very short, so short that people can't feel the passage of time!

For more than ten years, Feng Xun'er has been playing and watching in the grass pavilion every day, but Huaqing, because of the closure of Huifeng Lake, has lived a carefree life in this place, which can be called The happiest time I've had in countless years!

Fairy Shaoyao comes here to chat and sing along with her whenever she is free!After more than ten years, the relationship between the three has become even closer!

20 years passed by in a hurry...

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