"What is that ball of light?" Linglong raised her head to look at the ball of light in the sky and asked in confusion.

Tianxiong came to Linglong's side in a flash, looking at the light, he didn't know how to return to this question, he was also quite confused, why did this feeling appear among the three of them...

"The three of us, what's going on?" Tianxiong murmured to himself silently. In the light, under his induction, the minds of the two were slowly communicating, but this kind of communication was not initiative. , but communicated with each other uncontrollably, while the parties were completely lost and sat cross-legged together!

As long as the two complete this kind of communication, it can be said that within a certain range, they are connected with each other, and there seems to be some kind of mysterious connection in the dark!Like him and Di Hui, sometimes they know what it means with just one look and one movement!This... is a wonderful feeling!Moreover, during the battle, the cooperation is even more like a tacit understanding of divine assistance!With the improvement of cultivation base, this feeling becomes more and more intense!

At this moment, Tianxiong's body suddenly trembled, and the feeling in his mind became even stronger. In the deepest part of his memory, it seemed as if something had been dug out... After a few breaths, Tianxiong's eyes began to slow down. Slowly becoming confused, the whole body's breath suddenly surged

"Uncle Xuan, look at Brother Tianxiong!" Linglong exclaimed in surprise.

The declaration of war in the air and the cold eyes turned to look at Tianxiong, only to see that Tianxiong's true energy was pulsating at this moment, and his eyes were slowly filled with white!The powerful zhenyuan stirred up the vitality of the surrounding world for a while, and Linglong's expression changed drastically when she was beside him!

Xuanzhan swept away, Linglong's body swished to his side, and Leng Mei exchanged a glance, the doubt in his heart was even more serious, did Tianxiong even begin to receive the mysterious induction from the two people in the air?

"Boom!" Tianxiong burst out with dazzling light, and his body flew towards the sky uncontrollably. The lavender light cluster in the air suddenly rose, and a ray of brilliance shot out from the light cluster and flew towards Tianxiong. past!

As if attracted by this brilliance, Tianxiong flew towards the lavender light ball, and after a while, he plunged into the light ball!

The sudden emergence of this kind of scene made the people around stunned for a while. It was originally a matter of two people, but in the blink of an eye it became a matter of three people... These three people are really strange enough!

"What's the matter with my three disciples, such a miraculous scene happened with these two people!" Qiu Mingyue said in a daze.Then, with a flash of his body, he cut through the void in an instant, and flew towards Xuan Zhan and Leng Mei.

"Palace Master Leng, Fellow Daoist, can you see what's going on?" Qiu Mingyue asked cautiously. Based on his hundreds of years of experience in the cultivation world, he still couldn't see what was going on with this strange phenomenon. .

The two shook their heads silently, and Xuan Zhan said indifferently: "Sect Master Qiu, please rest assured that although I can't figure out the reason for this abnormality, it is a good thing. For the three of them, this phenomenon is easier for the three of them People have some kind of mysterious spiritual connection!"

"Spiritual connection?" Qiu Mingyue asked with a frown.

"Well, yes, it seems that there is some kind of tacit understanding between each other!" Xuan Zhan said indifferently.

Qiu Mingyue shook his head, apparently still a little confused, then looked at Leng Mei, only to see her face covered with a light veil, looking at the sky with a cold expression!Qiu Mingyue gave a wry smile, shut up and continued to watch the situation in the sky.

Xuan Zhan thought for a moment, and then sat cross-legged in emptiness. This phenomenon will last for about a day, and during this day, he must wait around to avoid accidents. There were two people before, but this time there were three people. In the future, will there be fourth, fifth and sixth...

"Sect Master Qiu, let the disciples leave!" Leng Mei's cold voice stood up and said lightly, "If you don't want to leave, you can wait here for a day and a night, maybe it will end!"

"Uh..." Qiu Mingyue was taken aback, "Could this vision last for a day and a night?"

"Indeed!" Leng Mei said indifferently.

Qiu Mingyue nodded, looked at the disciples in the sky, and slowly lifted the true energy in his body, and said leisurely: "All disciples obey the order and disperse immediately, what to do, do not discuss in private!"

"Yes!" All the disciples replied in a deep voice, the fluorescent lights scattered, and after a while, there were only a few people left in this space!

The few remaining people stood in emptiness and waited slowly.About an hour later, the lavender light slowly dissipated, revealing three people who were sitting in vain, they were Tianxiong, Dihui and Dikuang. At this moment, the eyes of the three were closed, their faces were calm, Sitting with hands on knees!

Qiu Mingyue was overjoyed, and when he was about to rush over, he heard Xuan Zhan say: "Sect Master Qiu, the three of them will wake up automatically, no need to disturb!"

"Oh?" Qiu Mingyue frowned and nodded, but he became more and more confused.

It was getting late, Qiu Mingyue saw that Xuan Zhan and Leng Mei were still staring at the front without moving, so he decided not to leave.It's just that Linglong was very bored watching it, so she went back to absorb the vitality of the world and practiced!

This wait is one night.

The next day was dark, Xuan Zhan's heart moved, he exchanged a glance with Qiu Mingyue and Leng Mei, the three of them flashed, and quickly appeared beside them, looking at the three who woke up slowly.

After Tianxiong woke up, he frowned, as if he was thinking about something, and then looked at Di Hui and Di Kuang who were also silent.

"Earth Maniac, what happened?" Qiu Mingyue asked curiously.

Earth Maniac slowly shook his head and said: "I don't know, but the three of us are connected with each other at the moment, and there are several sets of combined attack formations used by the three of us in our minds, which is very strange... as if the three of us It's like an old friend I haven't seen for many years! But...why does this feeling appear..."

Qiu Mingyue looked at the three in surprise, and felt that the relationship between the three was not as simple as Di Kuang said!

Xuan Zhan and Leng Mei glanced at each other, a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes, the strange three of them were silent after waking up, looking like they were thinking.

"Hey, Brother Xuan, how long have we been here?" Tianxiong asked silently.

"One day and one night!" Xuan Zhan said.

The three of Tianxiong were startled, looked at each other, and Dihui said softly: "But...but I feel like decades!"

"Me too!" Tianxiong and Dikuang nodded, looking as if they couldn't figure it out.

"Anyway, as long as it's okay!" Qiu Mingyue said with a smile.

Di Kuang looked at Xuan Zhan and Leng Mei, clasped his fists and said, "The two must be Elder Xuan and Palace Master Leng. Brother Tianxiong mentioned them to me before!"

Xuan Zhan smiled and said, "You are a madman!"

Earth Maniac chuckled and said: "It's just that I was cultivating in Ningyun Country back then. I just heard that Brother Tianxiong, the No. 1 young man in the cultivation world, was going there, so I stopped the two of you halfway in order to fight. Unexpectedly, There are many twists and turns. And..."

Speaking of this, Earth Maniac was speechless for a while, and then said with emotion: "My Earth Maniac has always been arrogant. I think my talent is good, and my cultivation level is still on the table, so I am determined to challenge young masters from all over the world to prove the way of heaven! But... In just a few days, Elder Xuan has advanced from the late stage of restraining heart to the state of whirl wheel, this kind of talent is beyond compare with the Earth Maniac!"

A smile flashed across Xuan Zhan's face, this maniac was quite to his liking, when he was in the mortal world, he also loved to challenge the masters from all sides, fighting all the strongest in the world!

But he heard Di Kuang's voice turn around and said: "Master Leng Gong's cultivation base is unfathomable, and the kid thinks that he will never be able to be hostile to him. Elder Xuan... well, when you are free, we can discuss each other..." He called The idea is to take advantage of the moment when the declaration of war enters the vortex and the realm is unstable, otherwise, once the realm of the declaration of war is stable, no matter how determined he is, he will not be able to fight and win...

"Hehe..." Dihui laughed softly, not only her, but also Tianxiong and his master Qiu Mingyue wanted to laugh.

Di Kuang smiled and said: "Junior Sister Di Hui, what are you laughing at?" He looked at Di Hui, although it was the first time they met, but he didn't know what was going on, this girl had an aura that attracted him, no doubt Consciously, the goodwill towards this Earth Wisdom skyrocketed!

Qiu Mingyue said with a smile: "You kid, you don't know how to live or die. Elder Xuan is a master who can retreat completely surrounded by the patriarch's spiritual consciousness! If you want to fight him, practice for another hundred years, maybe there is still a chance!"

Dikuang was taken aback, looked at Xuan Zhan in surprise and said, "Elder Xuan, is what my master said true or false?"

"Based on your patriarch's non-falling stage cultivation base, even I dare not say that I can escape completely surrounded by your patriarch's spiritual consciousness. You say what your master said is right or wrong!" There was a flash of a smile.

"Senior Brother Xuan can compete against Elder Tie Shaotie of the Proud Qi Sect in the early stage of Jixin!" Di Hui said softly.

Who is Tie Shaoteng?Earth Maniac knew very well in his heart that the law enforcement elder of the Arrogant Sect was a super master in the middle of the whirlpool, and he was the top figure in the mainland of China!Both faces changed color slightly, looking at Xuan Zhan, but at this moment, he felt an unfathomable look!Then he said helplessly: "Forget it, Elder Xuan's cultivation level makes me admire you!"

"Hehe..." Everyone laughed.

At this moment, everyone's heart moved, and they looked into the distance, only to see Ling Yan rushing from a distance, coming to the bottom of the crowd, and shouting softly: "Earth Maniac, you're awake!"

Dikuang's expression changed slightly, and then he said bitterly: "Yes, uncle, the disciple has woken up, so uncle is worried!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Ling Yan below and turned around indifferently: "There is nothing wrong here, I'll go back first!" After speaking, he turned around and flew towards the guest room.

Leng Mei also nodded to Qiu Mingyue and said: "Sect Master Qiu, I'm going back first, Di Hui, let's go!"

Looking at the three people who left in a blink of an eye, Qiu Mingyue smiled wryly, then turned and left.Tianxiong was somewhat interested in Ling Yan, so he stayed.

"Come down quickly, Earth Maniac, you are not allowed to call me Shishu from now on, you are calling me old!" Ling Yan pouted.

Earth Maniac shook his head helplessly, flew down with Tianxiong, came to Ling Yan's side and said, "Yes, Uncle Master!"

Ling Yan said in dissatisfaction: "You are not allowed to scream, but you still scream! Hey, are you the young master of the Proud Qi Sect, Tianxiong?"

Tianxiong looked at this girl, she was only in the Yuan Digging Realm, but because of her high seniority, this disciple of the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect was always called Master Uncle, and this girl fell in love with Earth Maniac at first sight !But... except for the length, there is nothing else.Wei Wei nodded and said: "That's right, I'm Tianxiong!"

Ling Yan looked at Tianxiong curiously, and said again: "You look more pleasing to the eye, the one from your sect declared war, hmph... the arrogant look on his face that he thinks he is a master in the world, I hate it to death!"

As soon as these words came out, Tianxiong's expression darkened.Earth Maniac saw that something was wrong, and quickly said: "Master Uncle, I have something to do with Brother Tianxiong, so I won't accompany you first, Brother, let's go!" After finishing speaking, he forced the angry Tianxiong to dodge , disappeared in place.

"Smelly crazy! Hmph...the Pride Sect doesn't have a good thing. This princess just expresses her opinion a little bit, and this person gets angry!" Ling Yan muttered, thinking of the sentence of declaring war the day before yesterday, her face suddenly twitched. There was a flash of coldness, looking at the earth maniac who disappeared into the air, he looked sad again, felt the emptiness around him, felt a sense of dullness in his heart, and left the place.

"Brother, don't be as knowledgeable as this Uncle Ling Yan, she never takes her words seriously!" Earth Maniac said while flying in the air.

"It's okay!" Tianxiong frowned and said lightly, his affection for Ling Yan plummeted in his heart. Originally, he thought that a girl in her twenties was at most a bit more delicate, but he didn't think about it. , these words showed a savage look as soon as they came out, really...

"However, big brother, does Elder Xuan often act like this and doesn't like to joke? I don't think he's really old!" Di Kuang asked curiously.

"Brother Xuan is only in his 40s now!" Tianxiong said lightly. As soon as he said this, the flying geomaniac staggered suddenly, looked at Tianxiong's unbelievable expression and said, "Brother, you...are you joking?" God, how could he be in his forties!"

Tianxiong laughed and said: "I knew you wouldn't believe it, but it's the truth! Because of some mundane things, Brother Xuan's disposition has changed like this, so you can't blame him for being unsmiling all day long!"

"Hey, I'm only in my forties, and my cultivation is in the realm of the whirlpool. This is the first time I've seen such a monster-level talent!" Di Kuang enviously said, "It's really lucky that you have Elder Xuan, the elder Keqing!" !"

Tianxiong said with a hearty smile: "Yes, it's my proud luck, haha, brother Xuan's character, you will understand later on, he is a person with a cold face and a warm heart, you will get used to it gradually!"

Earth Maniac nodded, and then said: "Brother, that...that..."

Tianxiong asked curiously: "What are you doing, you are so hesitant, just speak up when you have something to say!"

"Hey..." Earth Maniac smiled embarrassedly, "Find some time, the three of us will practice the combination attack formation that appeared in our minds, I think this formation must be very powerful! The three of us are in the state of mind , I feel that it took decades to learn this formation, it must be extraordinary!"

Tianxiong nodded and said: "That's right, these joint attack formations are really miraculous! Okay, find a time to ask Sister Shangdihui to practice together! No... Dikuang, you..." Speaking of which, Tianxiong Looking at Dikuang inexplicably, he continued, "Are you interested in Junior Sister Dihui?"

A hint of embarrassment flashed across Dikuan's face, then disappeared instantly, and said seriously: "Brother, what are you talking about, I have been devoted to Taoism in my life, and I understand the laws of heaven and heart! The matter of children's love is not what I think now !"

"Oh? Really?" Tianxiong said with a smile, "Sister Dihui is also very good-looking, with a clear temperament, easy-going but not arrogant, hehe, it's very suitable for you, Dikuang!"

Earth Maniac looked at Tianxiong with solemn eyes and said, "Brother, I really want to practice this joint strike formation well!"

"Excuses! It's all excuses!" Tianxiong muttered to himself, "Okay, I'll help you!"

As soon as Tianxiong agreed, Dikuang felt a little excited in his heart. He didn't understand what this vague feeling was like. He only knew that although he had just met her not long ago, he even sat with her unconsciously for a day. One night, moreover, he didn't say a few words just now, but this vague and slightly nervous feeling crawled up and down in his heart from time to time like a little ant, disturbing his monk's Dao heart!And Tianxiong's promise made him even more excited!

"How about... let's go find her now!" Earth Maniac said a little excitedly.

Tianxiong was taken aback for a moment, then looked at him carefully, said "tsk tsk..." and said, "I said, brother, you want to get the idea of ​​a disciple of Mingxin Chilling Qi Realm...you are so impatient, brother!"

"Thinking of her?" Dikuang was taken aback, "Why did I get her attention?"

Tianxiong pinched his neck like a tiger and laughed loudly: "I didn't even say that I didn't have Dihui's idea, look at your face, everyone can see it, it's okay, brother , it turned out to be love at first sight!"

Earth Maniac was stunned for a moment, and said in a daze, "What...Brother, do you mean that I fell in love with her?"

Tianxiong pinched his neck and said with a smile: "It's not what I like. Although it's just a slight liking, it's still a liking! My brother, I'll help you with this matter. I'm a disciple of Ming Xin Han Qi Realm, although Di Hui is also my Junior sister, but brother, you have a good heart! Haha..."

Speaking of this, Tianxiong was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the ground and said madly: "But, what about your Master Ling Yan? Are you empathizing with someone else?" Then he held his chin and thought for a while : "Hmm...it shouldn't be counted, after all, you don't like your Uncle Ling Yan!"

Dikuang looked at Tianxiong, suddenly came to his senses, and said with a smile: "Brother, I didn't expect...you also like to gossip like this!"

"Hey, what's the matter? In my Pride Sect, I often encounter emotional entanglements between male and female disciples. This emotional problem has made my juniors and younger sisters almost lose their mind to practice... Could it be that this love, really? Has so much magic power?"

Seeing Tianxiong's appearance, Earth Maniac shook his head amusedly, and flew forward first, only to hear a faint voice coming from behind: "Is the magic power of this love really so great? Hey, as a cultivator, I should be pure-hearted and ascetic. The upper body, the heavenly heart, should focus on the Tao without distractions!

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