Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 53 3 Absolute Array

On the Zhenyu Illusory Heart Sect competition square, three solemn figures suspended three meters above the ground.A hundred meters away from the three of them, apart from Xuan Zhan, Leng Mei, and Qiu Mingyue, there are five other monks from the realm of the whirlwind, the three other than the suzerains of the Earth Splitting Sect and the Guangbo Sect of the Outer Sect. Elder!

These people came here because Tianxiong proposed to demonstrate the combined attack formation that the three of them had learned two days ago.

Then it attracted a few people to watch the battle!

The three of Tianxiong closed their eyes tightly, and there seemed to be a magical connection between their minds, so that the three of them could feel every move of the other two in their minds!This kind of connection made the three of them intoxicated!

Tianxiong closed his eyes and said indifferently: "Three unique formations, the unity of the three hearts and minds is the foundation, and the Dao heart is the formation!" As soon as these words came out, a feeling of unity of the three minds suddenly rose in the three people's hearts. Feel!

The war was declared, and he looked at the three of them cautiously, and the atmosphere among these people suddenly became serious, as if the three young monks on the square had turned into a peak master. Several people are waiting!

The three of them suddenly opened their eyes, and their minds were urging the true energy in their bodies at the same time!

"Ding!", a wave of air suddenly appeared in the middle of the three people standing in a triangle, and the wind turbulent within a hundred meters around!The three of them slowly increased their aura. Among the three, Tianxiong was in the realm of the whirl wheel, with the strongest aura, followed by... Earth Wisdom, and finally Earth Maniac!

Within a hundred meters of space, the momentum was turbulent and ups and downs!As soon as Tianxiong frowned, his aura surged with the momentum, filling the space where the other two couldn't connect to an even balance!

After the three of them evenly filled the aura around them, a magical feeling suddenly filled the hearts of the three of them!

Looking at this situation, Qiu Mingyue couldn't help but smiled wryly: "It seems that my apprentice's cultivation is still at the bottom!"

The suzerain of the Earth Splitting Sect immediately smiled and said: "Sect Master Qiu is surprised by this remark. Seeing the earth mad nephew, the early stage of the restraint heart is already as round as jade, and soon it will enter the late stage of the restraint heart. The future achievements are limitless! Look at me Mo Above Li Xing, he is already a rare genius!"

Although Qiu Mingyue knew that what he said was true, compared with the other two young people in the field, his disciple was actually at the bottom, and he would feel uncomfortable on any master's body, and...he glanced slightly , looking at the tall and straight figure standing beside him, a desolate breath quietly spread to the bottom of my heart: This son, the name declares war!At a young age, you can resist the invincible period and retreat completely!His talent for comprehension... the past shines through the present!

"Look!", an elder of the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect exclaimed in surprise!

Under the gazes of several people, Tianxiong shouted softly: "Heavenly Jue!", and the voices of Dihui and Dikuang sounded at the same time: "Dijue! Human Jue!"

In the feeling of several people, as soon as the three of them finished drinking softly, a wave of turmoil suddenly appeared, and with the three of them as the center, a space with a radius of nearly a thousand feet suddenly "嗡!" suddenly burst out a strong and surging breath !

"This..." an elder suddenly widened his eyes and shouted in shock, "This aura is as powerful as the late stage of the whirling wheel!"

Indeed, this three-in-one aura has passed through a magical connection, and the power it erupts is comparable to that in the late stage of the whirl wheel!And the appearance of this breath caused the vitality of the world in this space to surge wildly!

"Everyone back!" Qiu Mingyue yelled softly, Xuanzhan Lengmei and several others suddenly appeared in a flash, appearing thousands of meters above the sky, looking cautiously at the three people below!They suddenly felt that the power of this array was absolutely extraordinary!

"Boom!" As soon as Tianxiong's sword art was invoked, the huge black sword he carried suddenly appeared above his head. After a burst of trembling, he spun crazily. Under Tianxiong's control, the spinning flying sword instantly turned into ten, ten A flying sword revolving at high speed shines brightly in the air...

At the same time, with the introduction of the Earth Wisdom Art, her pair of jade bracelets separated from her hands and turned into two extremely cold fluorescent lights, which circulated above her head, emitting traces of icy breath, and the mysterious connection Suddenly, this icy breath spread all over the space of five hundred feet!

The purple light suddenly bloomed on Earth Maniac's body, and a pair of daggers that flashed across the sky suddenly shuttled through the void, turning into two magical purple dragons, roaring between the heaven and the earth!

"Perfect combination!" Tianxiong let out a roar, and with the tactic of Earth Wisdom and Earth Madness, the magic weapon released by the three of them flew to a thousand meters in the sky instantly, and then the streams of light interlaced and spun to form a colorful and surging energy flow!

"This..." The elders of the whirlpool stage looked at the energy flow in horror, and could no longer speak. No words can describe the shock in their hearts at this moment!The combined power of these three young men has actually... reached the late stage of the whirlpool!

"Excellent score!" Tianxiong solemnly shouted softly, and that majestic stream of light instantly divided into three colorful streams of light!

"How is it possible!" Qiu Mingyue exclaimed suddenly, the three beams of light, each streamer has the power of the middle stage of the whirl wheel!

Leng Mei looked at the performance of the three of them, and the surprise in her heart fluctuated wave after wave!

Declaring War frowned and watched, feeling that it was incredible!The true essence in the body suddenly moved, and slowly flowed into the eyes!In the sky, a thunderbolt suddenly "cracked!" under the surprised gazes of several people, Xuan Zhan's eyes suddenly flashed a flash of lightning and thunder, and the world was slowly appearing in his eyes like peeling cocoons.

Looking at the situation in the three people's bodies, they were suddenly startled. At this moment, the true essence vortexes in the three people's bodies were connected together by silk threads, and then gathered together in a fusion way through the middle dantian in Tianxiong's body. !

The combination of the three swirls as a benchmark, with Tianxiong Zhongdantian as a buffer, when stimulated, it can explode with such power!

"Definite strike!" Tianxiong shouted softly again, and the three of them suddenly controlled a stream of light, and began to practice controlling these three streams of light in this space with a radius of thousands of feet!

But seeing this piece of heaven and earth, there was a burst of madness and turbulence stirred up by the three people, the wind roared, and the vitality fluttered!

After he was able to control it freely, Tianxiong frowned, and suddenly called out: "Mind flow, intertwine!" As soon as the words fell, the streamers controlled by each of the three were exchanged by the three of them!

"Impossible!" Guangbozong suddenly shouted in disbelief, "They can exchange and manipulate these three energies!"

Leng Mei looked at the elder of Guangbo Zong coldly, and said lightly: "At this moment, the three of them are united in mind. It can be said that the three streamers are being manipulated by one person at this moment! They are just getting familiar with this method. , the power that erupts, if you don't fall, there is absolutely no match!" After finishing speaking, I was filled with emotion...

After hearing this, several people nodded as if they had suddenly realized, and then looked at the declaration of war. At the moment of declaration of war, there was a shocking and frightening light in their eyes, and they were silently watching the practice of the three.

This rehearsal lasted half an hour!

Half an hour later, the three of them slowly stopped the practice of the joint attack formation, looked at each other with sweat profusely, shook his head helplessly, Tianxiong frowned and said: "The timing of mind exchange is not mature enough, we are skilled in controlling each other." The speed is not enough!"

Di laughed wildly and said: "Brother, this is our first practice, it's already very good to have this kind of situation, right, Junior Sister Dihui!"

Dihui nodded noncommittally, she was very strange in her heart, she didn't know why, but she had an indescribable dislike for this maniac, but she didn't object to him appearing by her side, it just felt like he was always In the trouble of pestering myself...

"Junior Sister Dihui, when are you leaving?" Dikuang said suddenly.

Dihui glanced at him indifferently, then looked up to the sky, looked at the lonely figure and said indifferently: "I don't know, let's wait for Brother Xuan Zhan and my master to decide!"

"Oh..." Di Kuang said slightly disappointed, "Elder Xuan doesn't seem to like my True Jade Illusory Heart Sect very much, I guess he will leave soon!"

Di Hui said coldly: "I don't like your cheap senior uncle, I don't like it on me! She insulted senior brother Xuan's niece like this, it's pretty good that senior brother Xuan didn't teach her a lesson!"

Dikuang's heart moved, seeing Dihui's jealousy of declaring war suddenly burst into his heart, a trace of disdain appeared in his eyes, and he said in a flash: "Why, does Elder Xuan dare to fight against my True Jade Illusory Heart Sect?"

Tianxiong saw that something was wrong, and immediately said: "Stop! Let's continue to practice. We practiced the Sanjue Formation just now, and this time we will practice the Sanhe Formation!"

Dihui looked at Dikuang coldly and said indifferently: "Brother Xuan is a lonely man, people will not offend him, he will not offend others, but don't say that you are the real Jade Illusory Heart Sect, even the three-star pavilion in Qingshu and Xuyun Liubo Mountain, you don't dare to provoke it lightly." Brother Xuan!"

As soon as these words came out, Earth Maniac suddenly froze.

At this moment, a shocking burst of anger suddenly came from the sky, and the three of them looked up at the sky quickly, only to see a shocking and monstrous anger erupting from Xuan Zhan above the sky, which provoked several people around him. People stare at each other, don't know what happened!

Xuan Zhan looked in one direction coldly, grabbed the void with his right hand, and his body "clicked", instantly turned into a dark blue thunder, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

"Thunder Dun!" Qiu Mingyue yelled in a daze, together with the surrounding elders and the two foreign sect masters, they looked at the place where the declaration of war disappeared in shock at the same time!

Leng Mei's thoughts changed, and her mind swept away the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect, a gleam of coldness suddenly shot out in her eyes, she looked at Qiu Mingyue and said: "Sect Master Qiu, your sect really has a good female disciple!" As a beam of light, it flew towards the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect.

"What's going on?" Qiu Mingyue frowned, these two unstable factors were angry at the same time, his mind was swept away, and he flew over in a hurry.Along with several people around, they followed curiously.

"Linglong!" Tianxiong said suddenly with a trembling body, his body flashed and disappeared instantly!

Di Hui seemed to be enlightened, and was about to leave when Di Kuang shouted: "What happened?"

Di Hui glanced at him lightly and said: "At this moment, what can make Senior Brother Xuan angry is someone must have provoked Linglong. I pray that your sect is safe and sound!" After finishing speaking, his body suddenly disappeared into a stream of light !

"Has Linglong been bullied?" Di Kuang frowned and said, a trace of worry flashed in his heart, and he hurriedly chased after the two of them.

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