Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 70 Interception

After putting Tianxiong and the others in order, Xuan Zhan looked at Duo Xin coldly and said, "If you want to escape before the matter is clear, you can try!"

Duo Xin got slightly annoyed, and roared at Xuan Zhan: "Your grandpa, this old man just chased these brats for a while, and you won't let me go, you're too overbearing!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Duo Xin with cold eyes, and suddenly shot a cold light. He appeared here, seeing Ling Long's weak and comatose appearance, his heart was full of anger, but because of doubts in his heart, a monk who was about to enter the late stage of the whirl wheel did not kill him. They forcefully suppressed the anger in their hearts, and just taught this demon cultivator named Duoxin a lesson!And at this moment... I immediately knew in my heart that although this person was involved, he was by no means the mastermind!

Seeing that glint of cold light, Duo Xin trembled slightly in his heart, he was extremely shocked, and then carefully sized up the young man in front of him, but he couldn't see through Xuan Zhan's cultivation level, and he was still guessing Xuan Zhan's identity in his heart!In the realm of comprehension, one is judged by strength, and now his cultivation base is not comparable to the person in front of him, so he can only be wronged temporarily, but... all kinds of words and deeds of this person make him feel very annoyed!

"Who are you? I've been in the cultivation world for six to seven hundred years, and I've never heard of someone like you!" Duo Xin asked coldly.

Xuan Zhan heard but didn't answer, but Linglong, who was weak beside her, couldn't control her mouth, and said softly: "You haven't heard my uncle Xuan's name, it's what you should be, my uncle Xuan has only appeared in the cultivation world for about five years. I'm only in my forties now!"

"What?" Duo Xin screamed in surprise, looked at Linglong and said angrily, "You little girl, you don't care who you are lying in front of! You are only in your forties and you can cultivate to the whirlpool stage. Who are you lying to?" ah!"

"I didn't lie to you!" Linglong retorted tenderly, "I only blame you, old man, for being ignorant and ignorant!"

Duo Xin listened, blowing his beard and staring, looked at Linglong and said angrily: "This old man has been in the cultivation world for hundreds of years, and he has peed more often than the grains of rice you eat, yet he said that this old man is ignorant!"

Linglong was immediately blushed by Duoxin's words, and she scolded angrily, "You disrespectful old man, perverted old man! Uncle Xuan... this old man bullied me!"

"What! The old man bullied you..." Duo Xinqi's face trembled, "You actually said that the old man is disrespectful, you actually said that the old man is lustful, you... you girl... wait, Uncle Xuan...", Duo Xin suddenly He was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Xuan Zhan, frowned slightly and said questioningly: "A few years ago, the youngest said that there was a junior in the cultivation world who was in a restrained period. He envied his cultivation base and talent, and his surname was Xuan. declare war..."

Xuan Zhan gave Duo Xin a cold look and said, "Senior Mie Hun said exactly what I'm doing!"

The Miehun that Xuan Zhan spoke of was the third one among the three elders of the Demon Sect. He met Tianxiong for the first time, and then met Li Xiuchen, a disciple of the Demon Sect by coincidence. Who knew that Li Xiuchen's master was The old demon Miehun, one of the three elders of the Demon Sect, and, by coincidence, the original declaration of war with the cultivation base of the late Jixin against the old demon Miehun in the middle of the whirlpool did not show a defeat!Although the soul-destroying old devil was injured because he went to the wilderness of Chengsheng country to fight a monster...

Before Xuanzhan heard Linglong introduce the old man's identity, he figured out the relationship between the two, so he didn't fight to the death.

"No wonder..." Duo Xin looked at Xuan Zhan carefully and said, "But, in just a few short years, you have grown to this level, and the speed is really appalling... After the third child saw me, he treated you I highly recommend it, although I don't believe it, but the third child never speaks lies! Seeing him now, what he said is still not as good..."

"Hmph..." Linglongjiao snorted, "Old man, am I right!"

Duo Xin smiled wryly and said: "You girl is really stubborn, I just need to give in!"

At this moment, Xuan Zhan slightly turned his head to look at the western sky, frowned slightly, and then looked at the disciple of the Proud Qi Sect who was meditating silently... Old Demon Duoxin looked at Xuan Zhan's movement, was slightly taken aback, and looked at him inexplicably. In the western sky, after a few breaths, Duo Xin was startled, looked at Xuan Zhan in horror and said, "My friend Xuan Zhan, I admire you!"

"Hmph!" Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, and said to Linglong, "Linglong, is there Xuyun Liuboshan who is chasing you..."

Linglong nodded silently and said, "That thorn is also in it!"

"Boom!" Boundless anger burst out of Xuan Zhan's body, he looked at the sky coldly, his body flashed, and suddenly appeared in the sky at a height of one thousand meters, and three thousand silver threads shot up in anger!

Linglong looked at Xuan Zhan in the sky in confusion and asked, "What is Uncle Xuan going to do?"

Duo Xin smiled "Jie Jie", looked at the little girl and said, "Five monks came from a distance, I think they are the ones who harmed you, your Uncle Xuan went to avenge you!"

Linglong was startled, and then excitedly looked at the declaration of war in the sky...

A few streamers of light flew slowly from the sky, and Xuan Zhan looked at the five whirl wheel monks dozens of kilometers away indifferently, with a killing intent flashing in his eyes!Although they were tens of kilometers apart, when his mind was swept away, he already knew the faces of the visitors. Not only were there two old "old friends" Yan Xin and Yan Ming, but Jingthorn... was also among them!

"Huh!" Xuan Zhan snorted, his body swayed slightly, and the majestic aura that was almost in the middle of the vortex wheel rose instantly, and there was a sudden "click!" on the sky, and a thunderbolt instantly split into Xuan Zhan's body, As soon as the sword formula is declared to declare war, a golden sword flashes out, and the formula moves: virtual sword, real spin strike!

"Crack!", the golden sword instantly turned into a huge silver snake that was nearly ten feet long and stretched across the sky. With the declaration of war sword formula, the huge silver snake instantly slashed towards Yan Xin and the others who were stopped ten kilometers away. !

"Move!" Yan Xin roared angrily, but the speed of thunder came with great force just as he finished speaking!

"Boom!" The five people were instantly slashed, and they trembled all over!

"What's going on..." The five people's minds were at a loss, and the thunder ravaged their bodies, causing them to be damaged instantly!Even his mind trembled crazily!

After the thunder disappeared, Xuan Zhan shot from his body, engulfed by boundless momentum, three thousand silver threads scattered wildly, and his moon-white robe was rattled by the strong wind in the air!Looking at the bewildered people, the declaring war was mixed with a surge of true energy, and the cold voice suddenly sounded: "thorns!", the prestige rumbled between heaven and earth!

Thorn stared blankly at Xuan Zhan, and after a few breaths, a look of horror suddenly shot out in his eyes, and he didn't think about it, and his body flew away in an instant!

"Huh!" Xuan Zhan let out a light anger, and with the movement of the magic formula, a dark blue thunderbolt suddenly appeared from his body. The next moment, he appeared a hundred meters in front of the thorns, and shot out like a golden sword, which instantly changed into thousands of flying swords, facing that Suddenly, the stupefied thorns surged away!

Thorn reacted in an instant, and with the movement of the formula, a protective barrier of true essence appeared around him, and thousands of flying swords immediately bombarded it!

How can today's declaration of war be something that thorns can compete with!Thousands of flying swords instantly shifted the five viscera blasted by the thorns, vomited blood, and fell towards the ground!

Yan Xin and the others who were injured in the distance looked at Xuan Zhan angrily, Yan Xin couldn't understand, why...why Xuan Zhan appeared here!Isn't he... in the far away Pride School?Although this place is the Lanyun Kingdom, it is nearly [-] kilometers away from the Proud Qi Sect in the Tianyuan Kingdom!Even with his senior brother Yan Zhen's cultivation, it is impossible to cross fifty thousand kilometers in an instant to come to the rescue!

His heart tensed slightly, looking at Elder Ye beside him, he said nervously, "Didn't you say that senior Duo Xin will appear, where is he?"

Elder Ye stared blankly at the ground below, and said with a wry smile: "Elder Duoxin... is below!"

Yan Xin was overjoyed, quickly looked down, and was stunned for a moment... At this moment, Duo Xin was standing beside those young people indifferently, looking at herself and others, and beside him, those young people were meditating and practicing steadily!Looking bitterly at Elder Ye, he said, "You... tell me, what's going on?"

"I don't know either!" Elder Ye said bitterly, "Elder Duoxin was originally in Yunmo Country for hidden cultivation! Who knows what happened at this moment..."

Xuan Zhan flashed his body, and immediately appeared in front of Yan Xin, looked at Yan Xin coldly, and rushed out of the golden sword with Lei Yuan...

Yan Xin was startled, and roared angrily: "Declare war, stop! Could it be that you forgot about life and death?"

Xuan Zhan paused for a moment, and said coldly: "Since you know that you are going to hurt my disciple of the Proud Qi Sect, you should have been mentally prepared to pay the consequences!" Suddenly, the sword formula came out: Xu Jian - Sky Strike!Cheng Jinjian roared and turned into tens of thousands of thunderbolts. Under the control of the mind, it was divided into four groups in an instant, and they blasted away at Yan Xin and the other four people!

The four of Yan Xin were so terrified, the tactic started to move wildly, and the four protective barriers joined together in an instant, resisting the boundless attacks of tens of thousands of thunder swords!

"Elder Duoxin, save me!" Elder Ye yelled miserably, holding the thunder attack firmly, he was the most stressed out of the four, and the thunder and lightning were his nemesis!

Duo Xin "Jie Jie" below smiled: "I'll save you, I can't even protect myself. Although I'm very safe at the moment, I don't dare to move around. You should ask for more blessings, Ye boy!"

Seeing that the heart-trapping old devil below was indifferent to his cry for help, he smiled miserably...

Looking at the four people coldly, the sword formula changed, and thousands of lightning swords instantly combined into a huge thunder, wrapping several people tightly in it, and in their horrified eyes, Xuan Zhan slowly stretched out The palm of the right hand tightened suddenly: "Explode!"

"Boom!" The thunder exploded in an instant, bursting out with an earth-shattering sound!

The loud noise instantly woke up the young disciples who were meditating and practicing. They all raised their heads to look at the lonely and iceberg-like figure in the sky, their eyes... gradually lost!

Yu Wei slowly disappeared, and only the broken figure of Yan Xin remained in front of everyone!The other three people have been instantly turned into dust by the thunder and lightning...

"Elder Xuan actually..." Fang Qingya and the others silently looked at the sky...

"Declaration...war!" Yan Xin spat out blood, gritted his teeth and snorted angrily, ", Xuyun Liubo Mountain, will never let you go!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Yan Xin as if he was looking at a dead person. Hearing what Yan Xin said, he suddenly smiled softly: "Hehe...", then his eyes turned cold, and he said lightly, "Go to hell!" The golden sword instantly turned into a majestic thunderbolt, and ruthlessly blasted towards Yan Xin.

"I'm not reconciled!" Yan Xin roared, at the moment of thunder and lightning strike, the whirl wheel in the middle and lower dantian within the body suddenly burst into dazzling white light, and instantly came out through the body!

"Not good!" Duo Xin yelled strangely on the ground, and with a wave of his hand, a black cloud immediately covered the young people and said, "The whirl wheel explodes!"

Xuan Zhan paused for a moment, and the sword formula moved: Xu Jian——Empty screen lotus flower!Cheng Jinjian instantly transformed into a huge barrier, blocking the declaration of war.

"Boom!" Yan Xin's body instantly erupted with a burst of energy like a volcanic eruption, approaching the power of the whirl wheel in the later stage!

Standing behind the barrier, Xuan Zhan smiled coldly. Although the power of Yanxin's self-destruction was directed at the late stage of Xuanlun, but... the declaration of war at this time was not the declaration of war for the first time in Xuanlun!

After Yu Wei disappeared, Xuan Zhan looked at the thorns on the ground coldly, only to see that the thorns on the ground had completely passed out...

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