Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 71 Death of Thorns

"The Thorn..." Xuan Zhan looked coldly at the fainted Thorn, and pursed his lips slightly. Regarding this person, he wished he could kill him immediately!

The demise of the Linglong family has the shadow of this person. Linglong's suffering in the cultivation world was led by him alone, and behind the battle of Qinghu, he even participated!It can be said that Xuan Zhan and Xuyun Liubo Mountain and Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion have become so hostile, the role played by this person is very important!

But now, this person has extended his claws into the Pride Sect!No, it should be said that his claws have always been within the Pridebender, only in recent years have he revealed the sharp cold light hidden in his claws!

What made Xuan Zhan even more angry was the death of Linglong's biological mother, Murong Lianxue, who had given Xuan Zhan her life!It is completely dominated by Thorn...

With a wave of his hand, Jing Ci's body was instantly under Xuan Zhan's control, and fell heavily beside Linglong!

All the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect stared blankly at the declaration of war at this moment, but there was something in their hearts that couldn't be said!This person is so young that he can almost be their great-grandson, but... this person's cultivation is so high that he is more than enough to be their master...

The sudden birth of the declaration of war, for countless young people born in this era, perhaps... is a kind of sadness!

"Linglong, I brought him here!" Xuan Zhan said softly.

Linglong stared blankly at Thorn who fell unconscious on the ground, feeling extremely bitter in her heart, she is not the kind of woman who wants to live a vigorous life, she is like most women in the mortal world, she only wants to have a stable and ordinary life , not seeking wealth and glory, not seeking prosperity, what she seeks... is an ordinary life! was the appearance of this person that created the self who is now wandering in the realm of comprehension!She wished she could hack this person into pieces to vent her hatred!Without this person, her life shouldn't have been like this, and she shouldn't have appeared in this cruel cultivation world!

Linglong's trembling body slowly walked towards the thorn, and she glanced at Xuan Zhan complicatedly. She knew the meaning of the declaration of war. In an instant, two lines of clear tears flowed out, and he choked up and said: "Uncle Xuan, Linglong can't do it, really... Linglong can't do it! This man is Linglong's mother-killing enemy, and Yu Linglong has a sworn enemy, but... Linglong really can't do anything!"

As soon as the words fell, Linglong's body slowly went limp, and was instantly caught by the declaration of war with sharp eyesight and quick hands. She lightly stroked Linglong who was collapsed in her arms, and said lightly: "Hehe... Uncle knew you couldn't do it!"

A trace of inexplicable color flashed in the eyes of Duoxin Laomo, he looked at Linglong and Xuanzhan, and instantly made a decision, he would rather be an enemy with Xuanzhan than offend Linglong, this girl's position in Xuanzhan's heart is unmatched , it can be said that this girl is Ni Lin who declared war, and whoever touches Ni Lin will surely die!

"What should I do, Uncle Xuan..." Linglong looked at Xuan Zhan with a cold and handsome face in confusion, as if this man was the only mountain she could rely on at this moment, the only person she could trust to!

Among the crowd, Su Lin looked at Xuan Zhan and Linglong with complicated expressions, and a trace of remorse quietly appeared in his heart. I don't know when, this woman named Linglong quietly became the only person in his heart, as if If you can't see her for a day, there will be thousands of ants running wildly in your heart, as if you can't see this woman's face for a day, even the cultivation will seem meaningless, even laughing and playing with all the juniors. Scolding also seemed a lot more lifeless. From then on, he knew... He fell in love with this woman named Linglong deeply, even though this woman's cultivation base is low and her talent is average...

At this moment, Thorn, who was in a coma, suddenly trembled and appeared to wake up. Under the slightly stunned eyes of everyone, he slowly opened his exhausted eyes and looked around blankly. When Xuan Zhan was with Linglong in his arms, he instantly understood his situation, and suddenly smiled bleakly at the corner of his mouth, "Hehe... I never thought that it would fall into your hands so easily!"

"Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?" Xuan Zhan asked coldly.

"Wish..." Thorn murmured blankly, "My only wish is to control Xuyun Liubo Mountain! But, hehe... I'm afraid this wish will never come true..."

Xuan Zhan snorted and said: "Your ambition is not small, you dare to compete with your fellow disciples for the position of master!"

Jing Ci looked at Xuan Zhan coldly, and said coldly: "He is not my senior brother at all!", as soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned...

"Declaration of war!" Jing Ci said coldly, "There are too many hidden secrets in this cultivation world!"

Xuan Zhan said with a cold smile: "It seems that you also have a secret!"

Thorn said lightly: "Everyone has some ulterior secrets, even you! There must be!"

Xuan Zhan's eyes were cold for a while, and he said lightly: "Do you want to continue telling your secrets, or let me send you on your way?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Jing Jing's eyes, he turned to look at Linglong and said, "Linglong, don't you want to know the real cause of your mother Murong Lianxue's death..."

"What?" Linglong asked blankly, "Didn't you kill my mother?"

Thorn said with a sinister smile: "It is indeed my hand, but if there is no secret in it, I would not bother to kill an ordinary person!" Then he sighed deeply and said coldly, " In this realm of comprehension, we are all passive people, we can only become victims under the power of others, haha..."

Xuan Zhan's indifferent eyes revealed a hint of surprise, staring at the weak Thorn and said coldly: "It turns are also a pathetic person!"

"You..." Linglong's eyes suddenly revealed a trace of surprising stubbornness, and she asked softly, "Tell me, what is the reason why my mother was killed!"

"Your mother Murong Lianxue..." Jing Ci's tone suddenly had a low voice, "Although she is an ordinary person, there is a strange power flowing in her body. This power is called' Chaos Bloodline', hehe...Little girl, do you know how I know this power?"

Upon hearing the words "Chaotic Bloodline", Xuan Zhan frowned slightly. Suddenly, his eyes widened and he stared at the thorns angrily. The crazy anger of the soul, the murderous aura that pierces the heart of the heart, suddenly attacked the thorns!

"Thorn!" Xuanzhan Shenwei roared in Thorn's ear like a prison!

Jing Ci heard the voice that was about to destroy his soul, and his pale face immediately turned ashen. He stared at Xuan Zhan in horror, and said in a daze: " know the blood of Chaos War!"

Xuan Zhan's face showed a hint of ferocity, and with a movement of his right hand, he grabbed Jing Ci's neck in an instant, and snorted angrily: "Jing Ci, you are so ruthless, Chaos Bloodline... Chaos Bloodline!" After finishing these words , a dazzling lightning flashed out of his right hand, "Zizzz..." Suddenly, Thorn's already damaged body was attacked crazily!

"Uncle Xuan..." Linglong looked at Xuan Zhan in shock. She didn't know why this so-called chaotic bloodline made him so angry, and a bad look flashed in her heart!

"Bloodline of Chaos War?" Old Demon Duoxin frowned and thought hard about the name, but he was very puzzled, he had never heard of this name before!

The other young people around were also staring blankly at the declaration of war like an angry god at this moment...

After a burst of electric shock, Thorn was scorched all over, but he was controlled by Xuan Zhan and did not lose his last breath. Thorn, whose eyes were all blackened, looked at Xuan Zhan with a cruel smile and said: "Be angry, you are very angry, hehe ... Chaotic bloodline, chaotic bloodline..."

The little girl immediately grabbed Xuan Zhan's arm and hurriedly asked, "Uncle Xuan, what is the 'chaos war bloodline'?"

Xuan Zhan hugged Linglong pitifully, and said with a firm and calm tone in his words: "Don't worry, I can't save your mother, but you, I will definitely be able to cure you!"

The little girl said "hmm", she didn't know what the blood of Chaos War was, but after listening to the declaration of war, her heart was as stable as a calm lake, she believed that no matter what troubles she encountered, her Uncle Xuan could save her Own!

"Linglong, don't you want to know what is the Bloodline of Chaos War? It is..." Jingji laughed ferociously.

With a wave of Xuan Zhan's right hand, Thorn's body flew upside down 20 meters in an instant, and hit the ground with a bang. He looked coldly at Thorn like a dead dog and said, "Shut up!"

Thorn weakly looked at the sky, and roared in his heart: I can't get Xuyun Liubo Mountain, and I won't let others get it!A cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, he looked at Xuan Zhan and said: "Xuan Zhan, ahem... I didn't create this chaotic bloodline, it was... cultivated by my ancestor of Xuyun Liubo Mountain——Fengchi Patriarch!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

"Feng Chi..." Xuan Zhan murmured the name in Jing Ci's mouth, took a deep look at Jing Ci and said, "It seems that you Xuyun Liubo Mountain is not simple, you know the blood of Chaos Zhan, and, It still retains the training method of the blood of Chaos Zhan, which is not simple and not simple!"

Jing Ci listened to this sentence in a daze, but he was very confused!

Xuan Zhan turned around with Linglong in his arms, walked towards the young people, and said indifferently: "Don't worry, your method of making yourself angry is very effective. I will definitely go to this mountain of virtual clouds and waves!"

"Hey...hey..." Jing Ci stared blankly at the sky and smiled.

Coming to the crowd, looking at Thorn lying in the distance, Xuan Zhan lightly squeezed Linglong who was beside him, and said lightly, "Ting Thorn, do you have any last words?" The thunder light flashed on the finger, and the surging power became turbulent crazily!

Thorn stared blankly at the sky, and said slowly: "500 years of cultivation, but still can't escape the shackles of heaven and earth, still can't be free, old man is not reconciled, old man is not reconciled..." As soon as the voice fell, everyone was shocked. Under the stupefied gaze, a dark blue furious thunder "Boom!" slammed into Thorn's body fiercely!

A generation of monks who wandered on the edge of darkness died...

Inside Xuyun Liubo Mountain, Yan Zhen stared blankly at the completely shattered jade plaques of the elders...

"How could this could this be..." Yan Zhen muttered to himself with a pale face!A trembling voice suddenly roared out:

"Fengchi Patriarch, save me Xuyun Liubo Mountain..."

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