Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 73 "Moyu Club" opens the mountain gate

There is a mountain in Tianyuan, which is called "Lanxi Cangshan".There is a peak on the mountain, named "Jinyang Peak".

On March [-]th, Awakening of Insects!There are new flowers in the light rain, and it begins with a thunderstorm...

In the early morning, everything is green, the air is humid, and it is rainy and foggy on Cangshan Mountain in Lanxi...

A long howl suddenly resounded across Jinyang Peak: "Open... the mountain... the gate...!"

Countless dazzling lights suddenly lit up from Jinyang Peak and other twelve mountain peaks. Countless disciples of the Proud Qi Sect roared out with their lights and swords. On the chest, spit out the turbid stasis in the heart, act like a dragon and a tiger...

After the meritorious deeds, countless disciples returned to their respective positions.

Today is the first day of the "Moyu Club" held every 30 years. Countless immortal mountain sects, hermits and chivalrous cultivators will cooperate with their disciples to come here to compete among young people!To prove who is No.1 among the handsome men in the cultivation world!

"Hehe...hehe..." Suddenly, there was a soft and delicate laugh from the Proud Sect, and all the busy disciples smiled knowingly. Looking at the dazzling light in the sky, they saw a woman who looked like a mysterious girl in the clouds. Usually, flying the whip in the void, all the disciples looked at the girl and the magic weapon under her control - Jade Dragon Whip enviously!

"Hey, Junior Sister Linglong has unbelievably advanced to the middle stage of the heart in just one year!" A disciple on the ground said enviously!

The senior brother next to him nodded slowly, looked at the silver-white horse in the sky, and said helplessly, "Junior Sister Linglong has a good uncle. If you have an uncle like Elder Xuan, you can also have such a cultivation level!"

"However, Junior Sister Linglong's cultivation speed is too fast. In just two or three years, she was reborn from an insignificant cultivator in the Yuan Digging Realm to a master in the Containing Heart Realm! Elder Xuan's words The method is really unpredictable!"


All the disciples are in their respective positions. In order to welcome the monks who came from thousands of mountains and mountains in the mainland of China today, every disciple is full of energy, showing the proud demeanor of the proud sect!

At midnight, from all directions in the sky, one or several streams or clusters of flying streamers of royal objects appeared from all directions, from which came countless hearty laughing sounds!

Tianxiong is the eldest disciple of the Pride Sect, the important task of guarding the mountain gate and welcoming guests with a smiling face falls on him!With a warm smile on his face, he stood sonorously, and he was dressed in a dark blue outfit of a proud disciple of the arrogant sect, making his figure as tall and straight as a mountain!Beside him, there were three other juniors standing with their hands behind their backs, smiling lightly at the countless monks falling from the sky!

"Welcome fellow Shuiyun faction to visit our sect!" Tianxiong clasped his fists and laughed!

"Welcome Taoist Priest Youlan Guan to visit our sect!"

"Welcome fellow Qianyue Sect!"

"Welcome everyone from Shangling Muxue Pavilion to our sect..."

"Welcome to the Snow Cliff Pavilion..."

"Welcome to Autumn Cloud Immortal Island..."


During the whole morning, Tianxiong almost leaned on a smiling face that was about to become stiff, propped up his tall and straight figure, and welcomed the monks from thousands of mountains and mountains over and over again over and over again!As far away as the fairy mountains overseas, as close as the small sects in Tianyuan Kingdom, there were dozens of waves of people in one morning...

But at this moment in the Proud Sect, there are already people's shadows, and the sound of countless laughter is louder than before, echoing in the main hall of the Proud Sect!Numerous female disciples arranged and supplied all the fairy fruit and fairy tea and some fairy wine that they were looking for elsewhere!

At this moment, a flying rainbow suddenly flew out of the sky, Tianxiong looked at the flying rainbow and said with a big smile: "Senior Chenyun, Tianxiong has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Haha... It's the old man's fault that the young master waited for so long!" With a confused voice, an old man wearing a gray cloth gown and full of gray hair appeared in front of Tianxiong in an instant. !Accompanying him was a charming and lovely woman with a strange face, but she was hiding behind the old man, looking curiously at the Proud School inside and out!

Tianxiong, together with the numb junior brother behind him, shook their heads slightly: "Senior Chenyun, where did you come from?"

The old man Chenyun laughed, but his spirit was particularly full!Looking at Tianxiong, he said: "The old man has been teaching my disciple on Molingxian Island overseas for these years, and he just rushed back recently! Biling, come to see your senior brother!"

The girl behind said with a pouted voice, "Master, you haven't introduced me the name of this senior yet!"

Tianxiong stared at the girl for a moment, but saw that the girl revealed an air of lightness from the inside out, although it was not as good as that of Di Huina and other people who did not seem to be in the world. However, there was an extra cordial feeling, and my heart moved slightly, and I clasped my fists and smiled proudly: "Junior Sister Biling, in Xia Tianxiong, welcome to my Pride Sect, I will wait for the time for the senior brother to take you Take a good look at the scenery of my proud sect!"

Bi Lingjiao smiled and said: "You are the number one young man in the cultivation world that the master said, Brother Tianxiong! His old man often mentions your name in my ear, telling me to take you as my goal and work hard to cultivate!"

Tianxiong was stunned, looked at Chenyun and said: "Hehe, senior, Tianxiong can't bear the glory of No. 1 young man in the cultivation world!"

Chen Yun smiled lightly and said: "This girl often doesn't cultivate well, hey, what about your other juniors and juniors, why don't you see them come out to be with you?"

"They..." Tianxiong paused slightly, "They are cultivating outside, and they will come back soon before the Black Jade Festival will be held!"

Chenyun nodded, then looked at Tianxiong carefully, slightly surprised: "Okay Tianxiong, you actually... are about to break through the early stage of the whirl wheel and enter the middle stage!", as soon as Tianxiong said this, Tianxiong The three disciples behind him and Bi Ling all looked at Tianxiong in surprise.

Tianxiong smiled wryly and said: "Thanks to your old age, there are indeed some twists and turns!"

"Bi Ling, look at your brother Tianxiong, you have such a cultivation level at such a young age, you don't want to disgrace this old man!" Chen Yun said solemnly to his female disciple.

Bi Ling stuck out her tongue with a blushing face, and said to Chen Yun: "Master, this disciple doesn't have the talent of Senior Brother Tianxiong. This vast cultivation will take hundreds of years in a blink of an eye. I will just work hard in the future..." After finishing speaking, he looked at Chenyun and Tianxiong with an aggrieved expression.

"You!" Chenyun said with a look of hatred!

"Haha...haha...the old miscellaneous hair came quite early!" A long howl suddenly came from outside the sky, and then a bright stream of light flew over in an instant!

Chen Yun took a look, laughed loudly and said, "Dead Camel, you're not too late!"

Tianxiong looked at the flying rainbow with a smile, clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Tianxiong of the Arrogant Sect, welcome Senior Zhuxi!"

After two or three breaths, everyone's eyes lit up, and a hunchbacked old man in a dilapidated beggar's outfit and holding a white jade bamboo appeared in front of them. Behind him stood a white Jin Yi, a cool and handsome young man.

The hunchbacked old man holding a jade bamboo in his hand smiled indifferently: "Young Sect Master, you are so kind to welcome me, an old hunchback, you are really under control!"

Tianxiong clasped his fists and said, "Don't dare! It's Tianxiong's honor that this disciple can welcome all seniors!"

Chen Yun smiled and said, "Dead Camel, is this your disciple?"

The young man Leng Jun clasped his fists and said: "Disciple Xiao Junfeng, I have met Master Chenyu!" After saying this, he did not say hello to all the young people present!

Bi Ling pouted, and said disdainfully, "So it's a little boy!"

Xiao Junfeng's eyes flashed, and he glanced at Biling with disdain, but he quietly stood behind Zhuxi and stopped talking.

Zhuxi laughed and said: "Young Sect Master, old miscellaneous hair, don't mind, my apprentice is like this, relying on my cultivation, I don't look down on some young people!"

The three disciples behind Tianxiong were slightly angry. Although Tianxiong felt uncomfortable, he didn't mind too much. With his current cultivation base, after the calamity of Lan Yun Country, his cultivation base was unexpectedly In the early stage of breaking through, they are about to enter the middle stage of the whirl wheel. The two young people in front of them can be seen at a glance, Bi Ling is in the middle stage of restraint, and although Xiao Junfeng is stronger than Bi Ling, he has not broken through to the later stage of restraint!

The cultivation of these two young people, perhaps looking at the younger generation in the entire cultivation world, is already very good, but Di Hui and Di Kuang, who are often together with Tianxiong, are superior to these two. Not to mention that after experiencing some killing battles, Dihui and Dikuang can be said to be invincible below the whirling wheel!

"Seniors, the suzerain has been waiting in the hall for a long time!" Tianxiong clasped his fists and said, "Senior, please!"

"Okay! Dead hunchback, let's go in, haha..." Chenyun laughed loudly, led Bi Ling, and under the guidance of a Proud Qi Sect disciple, together with Zhuxi and his disciple Xiao Junfeng, entered the Proud Qi Sect at the same time!

After the four of them left, a disciple of the Proud Qi Sect behind Tianxiong immediately said slightly angrily: "Senior brother, look at that Xiao Junfeng's appearance, you think he is the best in the world! Hmph..."

Another junior also said angrily: "Brother, this time Mo Yu will meet, you must show him some color!"

Tianxiong smiled and said: "Look at you, he angered you without saying a word. Your state of mind needs to be cultivated a lot!"

"Senior brother, how can we compare with those of you with outstanding talents? Those of us with low cultivation bases, no matter how hard we try, we can't reach your level. We are limited by nature..."

When Tianxiong heard this, he immediately clanged angrily: "What's the matter with outstanding talents? You juniors and sisters, don't think that you are blessed with good talents! You must know that the way of heaven is boundless, and everyone's start is fair! You are not talented. Alright, let’s put in more effort than others! Senior brother, my talent is good, but senior brother thinks that what is more important is the hard work and hard work of the day after tomorrow! Don’t think that your talent is not good enough to cut off your own cultivation path Already!"

Hearing Tianxiong's words, the two immediately said proudly and sonorously: "Senior brother taught me the lesson!"

About an hour later, another twenty streaks of streamer flew from the sky!

Tianxiong was taken aback for a moment, then let out a long roar coldly: "Tianxiong of the Proud Sect, welcome all the seniors from the Three Star Pavilion of Qingshu!"

Feihong came to the gate of the Proud Qi Sect in an instant, but saw Poyunzi, who looked like a fairy, led Poxuanzi and other elders, and ten young monks, standing in front of Tianxiong with a gentle smile.

Po Yunzi slapped Jishou and smiled indifferently: "Please trouble me, Young Master!"

Tianxiong said calmly: "Don't dare! It's an honor for the Pride Sect to come here in person. Seniors please, our sect leader has been waiting for you for a long time!" After saying this, he was slightly taken aback, Among the disciples of Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion, there appeared a young monk with a gloomy aura. The aura of this monk was icy cold, and the gaze revealed from his eyes seemed a little ruthless and cold-blooded. What's more... Tianxiong Can't see this person's cultivation!

Poyunzi smiled indifferently, took a deep look at Tianxiong, was slightly taken aback, and said with emotion: "Young master Tianxiong is very talented, and the poor are very envious. He is about to enter the middle stage at a young age! Hey...", After saying this, he entered the Pride Sect like a floating fairy...

Looking at the people in Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion, Tianxiong slowly dispelled the bad feeling in his mind, and then took another cautious look at the young monk...

Not a moment later, the two leading disciples of the Proud Qi Sect came back and stood beside Tianxiong. At this time, countless streamers flew from the sky. Tianxiong looked around and suddenly trembled. He murmured: "Impossible, no Maybe..." The three juniors behind me were puzzled for a while...

Tianxiong looked at more than a dozen streams of light in the distance with complicated eyes, and suddenly, a sound mixed with a huge roar came out of his mouth: "Tianxiong of the Proud Qi Sect, welcome the master of Xuyun Liubo Shan Yanzhen... Yan Xin, Yan Ming and other elders come to our sect!", the voice boomed, filling the entire Twelve Peaks of the Proud Qi Sect!

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of "Boom" in the sky, and then the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and a bolt of lightning suddenly shot out: Kacha!The direction... is the Tanxin Pavilion on Qingsong Peak...

At the same time, several majestic auras suddenly rose from within the Pride Sect, and then slowly disappeared!

Tianxiong looked at the flash of lightning in the sky, he let out a sigh of relief, and then he was determined, watching the dozens of streamers appear in front of the proud sect in an instant!

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