Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 74 The Beginning of "Moyu"

Under the leadership of Yan Zhen, the monks of Xuyun Liubo Mountain came to Tianxiong slowly. He had heard Tianxiong's roaring voice before, but his heart was full of joy. He could imagine that, When Yan Xin, Jing Ci and Yan Ming, who had already died, appeared in front of Tianxiong alive, how nervous was he!He couldn't help sighing with emotion: The method of the old master really is as good as the sky!

Tianxiong immediately hid the complicated and confused heart in his heart, and proudly said, "Sect Master Yan, welcome!"

Yan Zhen said with a hearty smile: "I can't afford to be under the leadership of the suzerain!"

Tianxiong took a closer look at the monks under Yan Zhen's leadership, but saw that Yan Xin, Jing Ci and Yan Ming showed an indifferent look, and there was no trace of aura leaking from their bodies, and they didn't even seem to be alive!The confusion in his heart became more and more serious... When he saw the disciples of Xuyun Liubo Mountain he was leading, he was suddenly taken aback. One of these monks was near the late stage of restraint, which surprised Tianxiong!Especially the other disciple standing behind this disciple, this person's cultivation level... he couldn't tell what realm he was in, and this person's aura was the same as the cold aura revealed by the disciple of Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion. Exactly the same!

A sense of urgency suddenly rose in his heart, he took a deep look at the monks at Xuyun Liubo Mountain, clasped his fists and said, "Sect Master Yan, you are really hiding yourself!"

Yan Zhen was puzzled, frowned and asked, "I don't know what the Young Sect Master said?"

"Haha...Senior Jing Ci is an elder of the Guizong, and he actually condescends to my Pride Sect as a guest elder. It's really...ah, Tianxiong didn't know about it until today!" Tianxiong said with deep regret.

Jing Ci glanced at Yan Zhen indifferently, but didn't answer, as if he never knew Tianxiong!This look made Tianxiong feel a little vigilant about it!

Yan Zhen smiled slightly and said: "Hey, my junior brother's whereabouts have always been elusive. I didn't know it at the beginning. Later, after Jing Ci returned to the sect, the old man found out about it. When I am the suzerain, I will explain the reason to him carefully!"

Tianxiong suddenly realized: "No wonder, haha... Sect Master Yan was joking, as long as Senior Thorn doesn't blame me for being unkind to the Pride Sect, it will be fine! Sect Master Yan, please!"

"Please!" Yan Zhen smiled slightly, and then, under the leadership of a disciple, entered the Pride Sect.

Tianxiong looked at Yanzhen and the others who had entered the Proud Sect with shining eyes, but the confusion in his heart was more like a cloud of mist. The three of them were like dead people...

An hour later, Tianxiong suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, straightened his body, looked at dozens of streamers in the distance indifferently, and shouted proudly: "Tianxiong of the proud Qi sect, welcome to the real jade fantasy heart!" Sect Master Zongqiu!"

Dozens of streams of light descended slowly, but they were members of the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect, but under the leadership of Qiu Mingyue, five elders, including the unruly princess Ling Yan, and ten young disciples walked slowly to the Proud Qi Sect door!

Ling Yan looked at the inside and outside of the Pride School with a bored look, and muttered: "The Pride School has traveled for so long in this remote wilderness, and the princess is exhausted..."

Qiu Mingyue acted as if he didn't hear it, and smiled at Tianxiong Jishou, who was slightly stunned: "Young master, you are so troublesome, I am still a bit late to hurry along the way!"

Tianxiong clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Not too late! It's an honor for this junior to wait for Sect Master Qiu and everyone!"

"Hey, Tianxiong, where is my land madman? Why didn't he come out to meet this princess?" Ling Yan asked impatiently.

Tianxiong smiled helplessly, glanced at Qiu Mingyue, who was also helpless, and said: "Junior Earth Maniac is in the back mountain, after I finish my work, I will go to the back mountain and ask him to meet you!"

Qiu Mingyue said with a smile: "No busy, no busy... I don't know... I don't know if Elder Xuan is in the sect?" When he declared war on the Zhenyu Illusory Heart Sect, he gave him two treasures, the Immortal Sword, and this matter has always been in his heart. It was a knot in his heart, as if he had not been grateful for this trace of affection, the breath in his chest would have kept him unable to practice peacefully like ants!

"Brother Xuan has been in retreat, but this time Moyu will definitely show up!" Tianxiong laughed.

"Well, then I'll see him after he leaves the customs!" Qiu Mingyue laughed, and then guided his disciples into the Pride Sect.

"This unruly princess is here too..." Tianxiong murmured in his heart, he suddenly felt that something strange would happen to Moyu this time...

From morning to night, Tianxiong kept saying those few words back and forth, even to the point of numbness. He thought bitterly in his heart: This is simply not a human job!Then he looked at the three juniors behind him, and they actually showed a haggard look...

Among the countless monks he received, some of them even made him laugh!He can still accept the mind-holding period of being a master, but some monks are only in the pulse-gathering period, and his disciples... are just entering the realm of digging the yuan... This kind of monks come to participate in the competition, it is simply laughable Big teeth thing!But the Moyu Association never limits cultivation, as long as it is a disciple, as long as it is a cultivator, it can participate in this grand meeting held every 30 years!So Tianxiong can't say anything, and... even if he doesn't come to pick flowers and become famous, it's okay to come to see the world...

When Tianxiong was slightly dazed, a billowing gray cold force suddenly surged from the sky, Tianxiong carefully sized it up, and shouted proudly: "Tianxiong of the Proud Qi Sect, welcome the seniors of the three sects of the Holy Cult! ", this Holy Cult is the three sects of demon sect commonly known in the cultivation world!But under such a grand meeting, he couldn't call the Holy Cult a demon sect... No matter what he said, this demon sect was also a great sect. Judging from the strength of the monks, it was even inferior to the realm of Mingxin and Chilling Qi!The Pride School is also inferior...

"Hey, I didn't expect it to be you, little guy, Jie you still remember this old man?" A wicked laugh suddenly came from within the black cloud!

Tianxiong smiled proudly: "Senior Duoxin, how can this junior not remember!", but he felt a lot of emotion in his heart, since that battle, he was in a coma, and only then did he know what happened!This duoxin, the younger generation declared war and let go, when the heavenly heroes were in full swing, he realized that not all people from the Demon Sect should be killed, but in the bottom of his heart, he always cherished the feelings of the people from the Demon Sect. A hint of grudge...

The black cloud approached in an instant, floating in front of him, the leader was tall and tall, wearing a black robe, and his face was cold, and behind this person, nine monks from the whirl cycle stage were dispatched... ...Such a huge power made Tianxiong even appear in a trance!

At this moment, a young man suddenly called out: "Senior Tianxiong!"

Tianxiong took a closer look, and suddenly realized: "You are Li Xiuchen, Brother Li, right?"

The young man was in a weak posture, like an elegant scholar. He was Li Xiuchen back then, the youngest disciple of Miehun, the third elder of the Demon Sect!

Tianxiong looked slowly, these Demon Sect monks exuded a cold and evil aura, which made Tianxiong extremely unhappy!He clasped his fists and said, "This senior is the leader of the Holy Cult, Senior Wu Ming! Junior Tianxiong!"

It turns out that the tall person in front of him is the contemporary leader who holds the power of life and death of the three sects of the blood evil sect, the Ming Xin sect and the shadow sect—Wu Ming!

Wuming stared at Tianxiong, and said coldly: "Are you the No. 1 Tianxiong among young monks in the contemporary cultivation world?"

Tianxiong smiled lightly: "The junior is Tianxiong, but this young man dare not be No. 1 junior!"

Wuming said lightly: "Well, it can be regarded as self-knowledge. I don't know how the cultivation level of the declaration of war is. Is it worthy of the name of this young monk No. 1?"

With a thud in Tianxiong's heart, he grew angry, and stood up proudly, "Elder Xuan once fought against the ten moves of Master Changshan, the ancestor of the True Jade and Illusory Heart Sect, and was undefeated. Master Wuming, do you think that Elder Xuan's cultivation is inappropriate?" worthy of the title of No.1?"

"Hmph!" Wuming snorted coldly, "From my point of view, the cultivation level of this declaration of war is only mediocre, it's just a little trick!"

Tianxiong smiled indifferently: "Master Wuming, the power of Elder Xuan is beyond measurable, whether there are some tricks, I think, you will be able to see it in a short time!"

"Haha..." Wuming laughed loudly, "Then I will wait and see!" As soon as the words fell, he walked into the proud sect.

Tianxiong looked at Wuming's group of people indifferently, and was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the monks who suddenly appeared beside him with a funny face and said: "Senior Duoxin, Senior Miehun!"

The Miehun old demon who hadn't seen him for several years glanced at Tianxiong lightly, shook his head helplessly and said, "You kid, I really don't know how you practiced. You haven't seen him in such a short few years, and you have advanced to the level of the whirling wheel." In the early stage, it will soon enter the middle stage of the spiral wheel!"

Another monk beside him looked at Tianxiong curiously and said, "You are the big brother who declared war, Tianxiong?"

Tianxiong said respectfully: "It's the junior, I think, this senior is one of the three elders of the Holy Cult, Senior Zhanpo!"The prestige of the three elders is well-known in the cultivation world. It can be said that the name of the three elders is not much less than the name of the deputy suzerain of the three sects of the Demon Sect, and even surpasses it!

Zhanpo Laomo smiled lightly and said: "Well, not bad, don't listen to that old bastard Wu Ming's nonsense, in his heart, you and the declaration of war make him very taboo, although at this moment your cultivation may not be able to surpass He, but you are the successors, and my young monk from the Demon Sect, ah... is fading away..."

Old bastard?Tianxiong screamed strangely in his heart, the three elders of the Demon Sect actually called the leader of the Demon Sect by his name, Old Miscellaneous Hair?It seems...the identity between them is not that simple!

"Hehe, Senior Tianxiong, I... can I see Sister Zhu'er this time?" Li Xiuchen asked shyly as he stood beside Mie Hun.

Tianxiong looked at Li Xiuchen carefully, and said with a smile: "That's right, I have cultivated to the late stage of Digging Yuan in a few years, it seems that Senior Miehun has spent a lot of time on you!" After speaking, he paused slightly and thought for a while He said, "You should be able to see Miss Zhu'er, no matter how you say it, this time Moyu will let her come to see the world!"

Li Xiuchen breathed a sigh of relief: "I hope so. If I don't see it this time, will I really wait until 50 years later to see it?" Then he sighed deeply.

Miehun old devil snorted and said: "Stinky boy, don't always put the love of children so important, I, a cultivator, should do as I please, and I will not miss Pang Dai. The boundless road of heaven must not let this daughter love to stop!"

Li Xiuchen said bitterly: "Master, should I, as a cultivator, cut off my emotions and destroy my nature? My apprentice always thought that only by experiencing all kinds of things in the world and going through a lot of trials in life can I achieve this path of heaven! road!"

Miehun old devil's expression changed, he suddenly trembled with anger, and flung his sleeves straight into the Pride Sect...

The heart-snatching old devil Jie Jie said with a smile: "Boy Tianxiong, where is the declaration of war? You probably won't see him this time!" He still vividly remembers the situation where he was completely helpless to fight back a year before the declaration of war. Eyes, brooding...

Tianxiong laughed and said: "This time, I guess Brother Xuan will not disappoint the seniors. He has a big enmity with Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion and Xuyun Liubo Mountain, and he will fight to the death!"

The old demon Duoxin frowned and said: "Aren't these two sects looking for their own death? Hmph... that brat Xuan's methods are decisive, and he has the power of thunder by his side, hey... this kid will definitely advance to the stage of immortality in the future." Ah..." After saying this, he entered the sect under the guidance of the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect.

Tianxiong sighed slightly in his heart, and said no more!

According to the rules, on the day of Mo Yuhui's reception, the reception should be held for three days. After three days, the grand reception will be held, and then the disciples of the competition will be arranged in private!

In a blink of an eye, it was the sunset of the third day.

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