The 30-year Moyu Club came to an end, and Tianxiong won the crown as he wished!This is also a major event for the Pride Sect. Before the foreign aggression comes, it is like a shot in the arm, ruthlessly stimulating the insiders of the Pride Sect!

"It's a pity that I didn't even enter the top [-]!" Bi Ling said resentfully!

Tianxiong shook his head slightly and smiled, "Junior Sister Biling, I believe you will have good results in the next Moyu Festival!"

A group of young disciples of the Arrogant Sect were lying on the lawn outside the elegant residence on the mountain behind Qiandie Peak, looking at the bright moon in the sky, drinking wine calmly, talking and laughing happily!

This time in the Moyu Club, Tianxiong was the only disciple of the Proud Qi Sect who entered the top ten. Although Su Lin entered the top twenty, he missed the top ten!It's just because there are so many unexpected young people in this Moyu Club!

"I feel weird about them, so many outstanding young people appear out of thin air!" Su Lin said depressedly.

An inexplicable light flashed in Tianxiong's eyes, he looked at his juniors and juniors with a proud smile, and then said to Di Kuang beside him, "Di Kuang, do you know why they appear here?"

There was a flash of fighting intent in Earth Maniac's eyes, and he said softly: "They have mysterious origins, and it is indeed a strange thing to appear in your sect at the same time. These young people are all unborn geniuses, and so many of them appear all at once. There must be a strange place in it!"

Tianxiong smiled softly and said: "These young people have mysterious origins, so I don't want to say much here! But... I have some good news for you, they won't leave the Pride Sect for the time being..."

"Really?" Earth Maniac laughed in surprise!

Seeing the expression on Earth Maniac's expression, the disciples around suddenly shouted "haha..." and laughed out loud. They all knew Earth Maniac's temper, and he was obsessed with war. Whenever he met an opponent, no matter whether he won or lost, he wanted to ask for advice. Now he Although he has not completely entered the late stage of the heart, but he is completely fearless of the late stage of the heart and even a monk who is in the state of the heart!

"Don't worry, there will be time for you to enjoy yourself!" Tianxiong patted Dikuan on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Brother, brother Xuan will be fighting to the death with Xuyun Liubo Mountain and Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion tomorrow?" Xu Jing asked quietly.

"Well, yes!" Tianxiong said lightly, looking at everyone in the field and said, "This life-and-death battle is very important to my Pride Sect. If I win, those two sects will not invade me in a short time. The Pride Sect, but if you lose..."

Everyone was silent for a while...

Linglong suddenly said in a deep voice, "You... don't you think it's selfish to impose the matter of the Pride Sect on my Uncle Xuan's shoulders?"

When the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect heard this, they immediately looked at Linglong in a complicated manner. Indeed, their behavior was very selfish. They were so selfish that they used their ability to declare war to save the Proud Qi Sect... The majestic Proud Qi Sect actually needed a monk in the whirl wheel stage, Only then can the hearts of tigers and wolves around you be relieved temporarily...

Tianxiong smiled bitterly, looked at Linglong and said softly: "Linglong, you don't understand, I am a cultivator, and everyone is bound in a cage. There is a solution, regardless of whether it is selfish or not, and... this battle is inevitable, not only for my Pride Sect, but also for Elder Xuan himself, and also for you..."

Linglong's eyes were slightly red, and she choked up slightly and said, "Why, why do you cultivators always fight back and forth like this, and in the end, what good do you get?"

Su Lin walked gently to Linglong, sat down slowly, looked at Linglong with pity and said, "We people are constantly working hard to protect...protect you and me, protect all the disciples of the Pride Sect, affection ,friend!"

Linglong stood up suddenly holding the little Panda, looked at them, choked up and said: "I hate you, I hate cultivation!" After finishing speaking, she turned around and left this place...

"Linglong!" Su Lin yelled at Linglong's back, looking at her back sadly and said, "You don't"

Tianxiong quietly came to Su Lin's side, patted his shoulder and sighed, "Let her go, think about it...Actually, we are really selfish, aren't we..."

Di Hui said softly: "She is too young, and Senior Brother Xuan is protecting her so that she will not be hurt at all! But she is not ignorant, you have forgotten... She used to follow that thorn, For the cruelty of the cultivation world, she has a much deeper understanding than all of us present, so don't blame her!"

Dihui's words suddenly awakened everyone who was doing it. Looking at Linglong who left, they suddenly realized that Linglong was more awake than everyone knew about the cruelty of the cultivation world...


Xuan Zhan walked out of Tanxin Pavilion lightly, looking at the vast sky with his hands behind his back, and the bright moon in the night sky, three thousand silver threads swayed with the wind, his figure flashed, and instantly appeared at an altitude of thousands of meters, dressed in moon white clothes The robe was rattled by the mountain wind, silver threads rose angrily, and a trace of depression quietly permeated his body!

Looking at everything at a glance, the desolate mountains below under the dim moonlight were fully displayed in his eyes, and he took a picture, and an eight-hole flute quietly appeared in his hand!

A song "Dust and Smoke Xiaoxiao" sounded from the flute, the sound of the flute was lonely and desolate, like a desolate stranger, wandering and passing away...

The solitary sound echoed in the mountains, far away and empty, but the mournful and deep sound of the flute sound penetrated into the bones...

"Xuan Xiaoyou is also a lonely person!" An old man's voice suddenly sounded behind Xuan Zhan, startled in his heart, Xuan Zhan turned with the wind, and looked lightly at the back of the old man standing in the empty space behind him!

A shadow hidden in the darkness slowly appeared in front of Xuan Zhan, with a gray beard hanging upside down on his chin, and the wrinkles of the years permeated his face, as if engraved with a period of extraordinary years, like a harmless old man Usually standing there...

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, and the only person who could make him see through was the one above the stage of not falling!Wei Wei saluted and said: "I don't know if senior is..."

The thin old man smiled proudly, and said desolately with his hands behind his back: "Old man Liao Lang!"

Xuan Zhan was slightly startled, he knew the identity of Liao Lang, this Liao Lang and another monk named Xuan Hen were the legendary patriarchs of the Pride Sect!

Looking at the old man Liao Lang, Xuan Zhan clasped his fists and saluted softly: "Senior Liao Lang, I don't know why you are looking for this junior?"

Liao Lang looked at Xuan Zhan, nodded slowly and said: "Hey...I didn't expect Xiaoyou Xuan to enter the middle stage of this whirl wheel after only retreating twice! Congratulations..."

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, he had advanced to the middle stage of Xuanlun half a year ago, and opened up the upper dantian where the Niwan Palace is located!Although his cultivation base is in the middle stage of the whirlwind, but with the characteristics of his mind, together with several powerful exercises, he can almost be called invincible under the unfalling stage!

"I don't know what Xiaoyou Xuan thinks about tomorrow's battle?" Daoist Liao Lang asked curiously.

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then turned his right flute in the palm of his hand, and said softly with his right hand on his back: "Younger... I'm not sure!"

Liao Lang was startled, and frowned and said: "Xuan Zhan's martial arts are peculiar, and he is a body that resonates with Lei Yuan. The God of Heaven and Earth let him wave his brush at will. Although the cultivator of exterminating corpses is strong, but under the power of the world, you If you win, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

Xuan Zhan smiled wryly and said: "Although the junior's skill has greatly increased, even if he meets a monk with a perfect whirl wheel, he dares to say that he is invincible, but... But these two corpse-killing monks make me unable to see through their cultivation characteristics. People are very strange, and I can't figure out where the specific evil is. Seniors should know that the biggest crisis is the invisible crisis!"

Liao Lang nodded slowly and said, "Indeed!"

"However, if you want me to be defeated, it is impossible!" Xuan Zhan said indifferently.

Liao Lang nodded with a smile and said, "Little friend Xuan, this old man is here for a business!"

Xuan Zhan cupped his fists and said, "Senior, please speak!"

Liao Lang turned around and flew towards the depths of Mangshan Mountain, and said calmly: "Little friend, come with me!"

Xuan Zhan thought about it for a moment, then followed him!

After the two flew for nearly a quarter of an hour, they came to a mountain peak, and the declaration of war immediately thought of the location of this mountain peak based on the location!

This peak is called "Pofan Peak"!It is the back mountain where the ancestors of the past dynasties practiced quietly, and it is also the location of the spring of righteousness!

Liao Lang looked at Wanren Mountain and waved his hand casually!I saw that the dark Wanren peak seemed to be pushed away from the clouds, and under Liao Lang's fleshy and old palms, the heavy clouds were immediately lifted!

As soon as the fog was cleared, Xuan Zhan felt a feeling in his heart, as if... there seemed to be something waiting for him in these mountains!This feeling is like a loyal subject finally seeing the loyal emperor, gratified, eager, and in awe; like a wanderer who has been traveling for many years, finally returning to his hometown, that close and timid feeling...

Liao Lang looked at Xuan Zhan's expression, sighed, and said slowly again: "My friend Xuan Zhan, you can feel it!"

Xuan Zhan nodded lightly and said: "Senior, I don't know what this miraculous thing is..."

"Does it feel like a wanderer returning to his hometown?" Liao Lang smiled lightly!

"Huh?" Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, feeling like a wanderer returning home?This... the feeling in my heart of declaring war experience, I was speechless for a while...

Liao Lang didn't look at Xuan Zhan's expression. He shot his body and flew towards the deep mountain. Xuan Zhan hurriedly followed, but there was a mist in his heart. Did not give birth to this feeling!Did Liao Lang make a mistake?

Shaking off that trace of confusion, the two of them came to a bright cave in an instant!

Once entering the cave, the feeling that the emperor must meet his courtiers became more and more intense!Xuan Zhan felt very inexplicable, that miraculous thing seemed to have a feeling that he wanted to see him urgently...

"Xuan Xiaoyou, the old man is polite!" A majestic voice rang in his ears,

Xuan Zhan thought about it for a while, and knew who the owner of the voice was, and saluted the void slightly: "Junior declares war, and pays homage to senior Xuanhen!"

A tall and slightly fat old man quietly appeared not far from the declaration of war. The old man was pale and beardless, and he didn't even look middle-aged!There was a slight smile on his slightly chubby face.

"Senior Brother, Xiaoyou Xuan has already brought, I'll leave first!" Liao Lang Jishou laughed softly.

"Well, you go first!" Xuan Hen smiled casually, then looked at Xuan Zhan slowly, nodded and said, "Xuan Xiaoyou, the old man saw you right!"

Suspicion suddenly arose in Xuan Zhan's heart, he looked at Xuan Hen and clasped his fists and asked, "Senior, what is the purpose of letting the junior come here late at night?"

"Let you see something!" Xuan Hen said softly, turned around and walked inside!

Xuan Zhan hurriedly followed, the two walked for about 10 minutes, Xuan Zhan was calculating in his heart, the position of the two of them was already in the center of the mountain!

"Huh, huh, huh..." There was a sound of spring water indifferently, and looking around, I saw a small gurgling stream slowly flowing in the void... The head of the stream is connected to the top of the cave, and the tail, But it is in a small cold pool in the middle of the ground!

I saw that the pool was only about three meters in diameter, and the white light on the water surface of the pool was hazy, and the warm white light illuminated the cave like it was daytime!Xuan Zhan was slightly startled by the rich heaven and earth vitality emanating from the pool. The strength of the heaven and earth vitality contained in this pond is already one-tenth of the strength of the heaven and earth vitality in his small world!

Xuan Hen walked to the side of the pond, looked at the water in the pond, and said with a proud smile: "This spring is the righteous soul spring of my proud sect!"

Xuan Zhan suddenly realized and nodded...

Xuan Hen was slightly taken aback!With such rich spring water, he thought that the declaration of war would be full of envy, but he didn't expect... the expression of declaration of war did not look like an expression of envy at all!Maybe it's hidden too deeply... Xuan Hen thought so.

Behind Xuan Hen, there is a stone gate. Xuan Zhan looked at the stone gate, and he was sure in his heart that the miraculous thing that summoned him was behind the stone gate!

Xuan Hen looked at the stone gate and said softly: "Xuan Xiaoyou, behind this stone the luck of my proud sect!"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while, then was startled, looked at Shimen and said softly: "Could it be... is this the location of 'Golden Qi'?"

Xuan Hen smiled proudly, with a hint of pride on his slightly fat face, nodded lightly and said:

"That's right, there's 'Awesome Golden Qi' inside!"

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