Xuan Zhan thought for a moment, and immediately understood what Xuan Hen meant, and looked at Shimen complicatedly!That appealing force is boiling more and more in his heart at this moment, he even wants to have the desire to immediately open the door to receive this trace of aura of heaven and earth, he believes that as long as he absorbs this aura of grandeur, his skill will definitely increase greatly!

But... Xuan Zhan looked at Xuan Hen with a wry smile, and said softly: "Senior, I fully understand what you mean, but..."

"But, you don't want to worry too much about Fan Xin, do you?" Xuan Hen said with a slight smile.

"Senior knows everything!" Xuan Zhan said with a wry smile.

Xuan Hen smiled proudly. He somewhat understood the temper of declaring war. Within the Pride Sect, his every move can be said to be within the scope of his own spiritual observation.If this person can be praised, it shows... his Xuanhen's vision is indeed unique and sophisticated!

"What if the old man gave you this magnificent golden energy as a gift!"

Xuan Zhan suddenly raised his head and looked at Xuan Hen, but he felt a little disbelieving in his heart.Gift yourself?This awe-inspiring golden energy is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He once carefully read the jade slips left by his master Yu Zhenren. This magnificent golden energy is rare in the world. Although it is not unique This one, but it doesn't mean that you can find it if you can find it, and even if you find it, it doesn't mean that you can surrender it if you make it!Did Xuan Hen just give away this kind of heaven and earth spiritual thing...

"Hey, little friend Xuan Zhan, you should also know that this Moli star is a lonely star of cultivation. Although we are not in the fall stage, but looking at the universe, it is just as small as a speck of dust! And Moli star's vitality is withered. It is said that no one can inherit this great golden energy anymore... Instead of waiting for a destined person who can inherit my pride sect, it is better to give this magnificent golden energy to a destined person!"

Xuan Zhan understood in his heart that the last two sentences in Xuan Hen's mouth were not referring to one person, the former refers to the person who is destined to be with the Pride Sect, while the latter refers to the person who is destined to be noble and golden...

Then he woke up in his heart, Xuan Zhan looked at Xuan Hen with a smile and said, "Senior Xuan Hen's understanding of human nature, the younger generation admires it!" He immediately thought in his heart that if he really accepted this awe-inspiring golden energy, even if he didn't become the leader of the proud Qi sect Lord, but from now on, I can no longer separate myself from the Pride Sect...

Xuan Hen gave a wry smile in his heart: This son is so meticulous that he is afraid!Then he sighed and looked at Shimen, and said softly as if he was waiting to see through his eyes: "This trace of awe-inspiring golden energy has been waiting for someone with a destiny here for 2000 years...Xuan Xiaoyou, the awe-inspiring golden energy is a spiritual thing in the world. There are as many monks as ants, as long as this spiritual creature is willing, everyone will be destined, but... it has waited for 2000 years!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Shimen silently, as if he could sense the unrestrained heart of that ray of golden energy behind Shimen who would rather disappear than recognize the master casually!Through the stone gate, he even saw the grand golden expectation in the stone room at the moment, like a child's expectation...

"Spiritual things also have their own self-esteem and their own position!" Xuan Hen smiled wryly!

Xuan Zhan closed his eyes lightly, walked towards the stone gate slowly, put his palm on the stone gate, his heart throbbed suddenly, he felt... behind the stone gate, that golden aura rushed up like an angry child Crashing down, desperately wanting to break open the stone gate, rush out...

Putting down his hands, Xuan Zhan suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Xuan Hen in front of him, shook his head silently, and turned around to leave this place, even if he wanted to absorb this awe-inspiring golden energy!However, the benefits in front of him can't stop him from going against the Tao with all his heart in the future...

Xuan Hen looked at Xuan Zhan helplessly, he knew...a person like Xuan Zhan has a decisive heart!Once a decision is made, there is almost no going back!Looking back at Shimennei silently, he said bitterly, "Don't tell me...do you still need to wait? When do you want to wait until the next 2000 years..."

Suddenly, there was a loud booming sound from within the stone gate!It seems that there is a prehistoric beast inside, crashing into the mountain wall!

Xuan Zhan and Xuan Hen were taken aback for a moment, and looked at each other!

The roaring sound expanded in an instant, until it spread to the entire mountain after a few breaths, shaking the ground...

Then...then it spread to the entire Twelve Peaks of the Proud Qi School!

Countless monks were awakened immediately. They all looked at the shaking ground, feeling a burst of rage in their hearts. Could it be... is this mountain going to collapse...

Tens of thousands of sword lights flew to the sky in an instant, staring blankly at the boundless world...

The trend of spreading continues to expand... The entire Cangshan Mountain in Lanxi is shaking crazily, stretching for thousands of miles, and countless boulder forests are trembling far away!

Suddenly, the vibration stopped!

Inside Pofan Peak, the stone gate that suppressed the awe-inspiring golden energy exploded instantly with a "Boom!"!

In Xuan Zhan and Xuan Hen's dazed eyes, a trace of earth-shattering aura burst out from the stone gate in an instant!The dazzling white light stimulated the minds of the two of them...

The white light disappeared in an instant... A three-meter-long snake-like white and moist lingering light swayed in the void, flowing slowly!

"Great gold energy..." Xuan Hen shouted in a daze!

In the eyes of the two of them, this ray of light swam in the void for a while, and suddenly, as if something fatal was attracting it, it rushed towards the declaration of war with a whoosh!

The speed is so fast that the declaration of war has no time to react...

Under Xuan Hen's dazed gaze, Xuan Zhan felt a huge energy entering his body in an instant, white light frantically shuttled through his body, and his skill...also soared in an instant...

The declaration of war immediately knew that it was the awe-inspiring golden energy that broke free from the shackles of the stone gate and entered his body!

A wave of anger suddenly appeared in his heart, and he declared war within the three dantians, and Lei Yuan suddenly roared wildly!Expel the mighty golden energy...

A voice of fury suddenly roared out from the declaration of war:

"Get out of my body!"

The sound is rumbling, like the thunder god roaring furiously!

Under Xuan Hen's continued blank gaze, the awe-inspiring golden energy in Xuan Zhan's body instantly receded from Xuan Zhan's body like a tide, as if frightened, and then traces of white light overflowed from Xuan Zhan's body, hovering around Xuan Zhan's body...

"So obedient..." Xuan Zhan stared at the awe-inspiring golden energy that instantly withdrew from his body, and was slightly taken aback!

At this moment, the awe-inspiring golden energy seemed to be very aggrieved. Wisps of white light flowed in front of Xuan Zhan, tightening and loosening a little bit, wanting to get close to Xuan Zhan, but not daring to approach Xuan Zhan!

Its head slowly approached Xuan Zhan's head in the air, and then slowly arched Xuan Zhan's chin, a feeling of Murong was transmitted to Xuan Zhan's heart!

"It turned out to be like a child..." Xuan Zhan looked at Hao Ran Jin Qi with a wry smile, not knowing what to do!This mighty golden energy is indeed a heaven and earth spirit...

"It can be seen that it likes you very much!" Xuan Hen said softly, but he was very confused in his heart: The performance of this magnificent golden energy seems to be very different from the phenomenon recorded in history... Historical records have never appeared like the current one. Haoran is as golden as gold, as timid as a child but wants to enter the body of the heir!

Xuan Zhan looked at the grand golden energy with a wry smile, all its manifestations made him unable to develop a heart to continue to resist, but he couldn't let it merge into his body!Silently watching the awe-inspiring golden energy moving up and down, Xuan Zhan sighed, and said casually, "Go back!" After speaking, he took a step and walked towards the entrance of the cave!

"Om..." Haoran's golden energy suddenly burst into white light, and he trembled crazily when he saw Xuan Zhan leaving, but he didn't dare to go forward to pester Xuan Zhan...

Xuanhen slowly came to Haoran Jinqi, looked at the leaving Xuanzhan, sighed lightly, then looked at the low Haoran Jinqi, shook his head helplessly and said: "Leave this matter aside for now, don't worry, The old man will definitely convince him!"

Haoran Jinqi swung his head, and his three-meter-long body swam towards the stone gate as if he was exhausted...

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