Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 97 Situ Qingchuan

Nearly [-] meters above the sky, the purple-gold Thunderbolt God Thunder collided viciously with countless billowing and stern True Elements, bursts of thunderbolt thunder and black energy remnants continuously bombarded the area for dozens of kilometers, blasting out One deep pit after another...

Countless demon disciples stared at the sky blankly!Wuming murmured to himself with a trembling face, "This guy...he even drew a tie with the two old patriarchs..."

"How... how is it possible..." one of the deputy suzerains under his command shouted with a pale face!

The three elders of the Demon Sect looked at each other, feeling unbelievable. The old demon Duo Xin wiped his eyes, then looked at the sky and muttered: "This guy, is this guy still human..."

"Hey... we, we are all old..."

"This little guy is too heaven-defying!" Old Demon Miehun smiled wryly, thinking back then, this kid was only in the mid-stage of restraint, even last year, he was in the mid-stage of the whirlpool...

Xuan Zhan looked at the lightning ball wrapped in bursts of purple and gold thunderbolts in the distance, and grabbed his right hand fiercely: "Explode!"

"Boom!" The ten-foot-wide lightning ball suddenly exploded with a bang, and two black shadows shot out of it in an instant. With a turn around, a black hurricane that covered the sky suddenly blew down from the sky, declaring war on Where crazy scrape!

"Huh!" Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, made a wrong step, avoided the hurricane, and the Thunder Wings on his shoulders instantly spun crazily!

"Boom... Kacha..." The air all over the sky was instantly thrown into chaos by the declaration of war, a thunder and lightning tornado combined with a strong wind tore the surroundings fiercely, and in the blink of an eye, this mighty hurricane was heading towards Ye Yong, Ye Yong The two doves attacked crazily...

A black disc and seven huge black balls hit the hurricane in an instant!

Enduring the tremendous pressure, Ye Yong took a hard look at Xuanzhan in the distance, and felt deeply apprehensive in his heart, and sternly shouted: "Junior brother, join forces!"

"Huh!" Yejiu snorted coldly, and with a movement of the formula, the disk flipped over, and the seven black balls were instantly put into the disk. When it moved, a beam of light suddenly emerged from the seven black balls, and then combined into a beam of light, it shot towards the declaration of war and cruelty!

"Xu Jian——Empty Screen Lotus Blossom!" Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, and when he took on the golden sword, "crack bang bang..." transformed into nine purple-gold barriers, guarding himself behind like a folding fan.

A wave of energy like a giant mountain pressing down on the top of the barrier violently...

"Boom!" The nine lightning barriers were shattered in an instant, and then hit Xuan Zhan fiercely...

"Swoosh..." Xuan Zhan's body was violently blasted into the muddy swamp...

At this moment, a bloody light instantly entered the long sleeves that declared war without anyone knowing!

"Successful!" Xuan Zhan felt a little joy in his heart, looked at the two people at an altitude of [-] meters, smiled faintly, his body suddenly shot straight into the sky, and a wave of purple and golden thunder came, and a pair of huge thunder wings suddenly soared hundreds of feet with a buzzing sound. With the two of them cutting fiercely away!

"It's this trick again!" Yejiu screamed strangely, and with a move of the magic formula, the huge disc instantly protected himself and Ye Yong behind, and the sound of Lei Yi's cutting instantly sounded from above the disc!

"This Thunder Wing that declares war is too powerful!" Ye Yong said sternly, and suddenly... the overwhelming pressure disappeared in an instant!

"The two seniors are highly skilled, and the junior is willing to bow down!" Xuan Zhan said slowly, his body shook, and his muddy body instantly became clean and tidy as before!

Ye Yong and Ye Jiu looked at it inexplicably, but they didn't know what happened in their hearts. Looking at the indifferent declaration of war in the distance, they knew this battle, so they probably gave it up hastily!

"Declaration of war!" Ye Yong frowned and asked, "What exactly is your intention in this trip?"

Xuan Zhan looked at the two people in front of him coldly, but thought about it for a while: Ye Yong and Ye Jiu's skills are much stronger than he expected, and the combined attack of the two is quite powerful. It seems that this disrupted the plan I have to stop, otherwise, if I fight with these two people, I don't know when the winner will be determined, but as long as I get the things in the blood evil pool, it will be a worthwhile trip!

"According to the two seniors, does this junior have enough cultivation?" Xuan Zhan said indifferently.

Yeyong and Yejiu sighed deeply, not only did they enter the eyes of the law, but it made them feel deeply jealous!

Yejiu said indifferently: "The battle process is vivid in your eyes, you can think about it yourself! Boy, don't blame the old man for talking too much. You must have a plan when you come here. The old man and the two brothers still can't do anything to you, but... ...Don't think that you can do whatever you want because you have a high level of cultivation..."

Ye Yong snorted coldly and said, "Xuan Xiaoyou's cultivation has made this old man admire him!"

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, looked down, and suddenly shouted angrily: "Wu Ming!"

Wuming suddenly slapped fiercely, watching the declaration of war in the sky, but because of fear in his heart, his aura was not weak, and then he thought hard: How can my master of the milk saint sect lose to a man with such arrogance? younger generation!Then his body shook, he looked up at Xuan Zhan coldly and said, "Boy, what is your name?"

"I remember..." Xuan Zhan looked coldly at Wuming below, and said softly, "I remember Mo Yuhui said a word to you in the Pride Sect..."

Wu Ming frowned slightly, what did he say?Back then I said too much!He smiled coldly and said: "I have said too much at the beginning, I can't remember which sentence!"

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, and raised his right hand slightly, "Boom!" With a sound, the palm of his hand was immediately covered with purple gold thunderbolts, looking at Wu Ming below, he said softly: "You once said that my cultivation base... is not mediocre, just It’s just a small trick!”

Wuming's eyes were confused for a while, and his mind was shocked. He suddenly thought that when he first entered the Pride School, he was received by Tianxiong, and the original self...seemed to have said this!He frowned, he didn't expect that the heart to declare war was so small!Moreover, this person is actually watching every move of the Pride Sect all the time...

"I don't remember if I said this!" Wuming snorted coldly, he is not a fool, if this declaration of war grabs the talk, I don't know what the consequences will be!

"But I don't bother to think about whether I have said it, even if I said it... what do you think!" Wu Ming snorted coldly.

There was a hint of amusement on Xuan Zhan's face, he smiled softly, and said calmly: "I don't want to do anything, I just warn you, every move of the proud sect is in my heart, you..." Speaking of this, Xuan Zhan made a mistake. , the next moment... under the circumstance that no one could perform the spell, he suddenly appeared in front of Wu Ming, and the purple gold god thunder on the palm of his right hand smashed into Wu Ming's body with a bang!

"Boom..." Wuming's body was instantly sent flying thousands of meters away...

"Master!" The demon disciples around suddenly yelled angrily, and immediately the magic formula moved wildly, shining brightly, and fought towards the declaration of war!

As soon as the declaring war formula was activated, thousands of divine thunders rose instantly, and thunderbolts suddenly filled the entire world, and his figure suddenly appeared in the void in a flash!

"Boy!" Ye Yong yelled angrily, "You are too arrogant!" Yejiu looked at Xuan Zhan coldly by his side, the two of them moved and flew towards Xuan Zhan, and the surging aura immediately filled dozens of kilometers away. within the range!

"Hahahaha..." Xuan Zhan suddenly laughed wildly between the heavens and the earth, and the formula frantically moved: Xu Jian——raged!Two purple gold thunderballs exploded in anger, and crazily exploded at Ye Yong and Ye Jiu!

"Boom!!!" A huge force instantly blasted the two of them straight to the ground!

"Three sects of the Demon Sect, Wuming... don't get me wrong, Proud Qi sect, don't try to get involved!" Xuan Zhan said coldly, his voice was so loud that it shook his heart!

Looking at this swampy land, Xuan Zhan laughed wildly again: "Hahahaha... six months later, I will welcome you all in the Pride School!" As soon as the words fell, the thunder and lightning wings on his shoulders shook slightly, The body immediately turned into a stream of purple gold and disappeared into the world...

Wuming climbed up from the muddy swamp, spat out a mouthful of blood with a "poof...", clutched his chest and looked at Xuan Zhan, who had already flown away and disappeared, his face darkened instantly: "Declaration of war...declaration of war..."


A few days later, Xuan Zhan looked indifferently at the majestic mountain in front of him!At this moment, he has once again transformed into a handsome young man with long black hair after his disguise.

...Here is Ningyun Country, Hualang Province, at the foot of "Tianqiu Mountain"!

Xuan Zhan looked at the thousands of miles of Tianqiu Mountain indifferently, and there was a lot of excitement around the pedestrians, and there were all kinds of sounds of laughing, beating, scolding and hawking everywhere!

Standing in the crowd, declaring war seemed like a world away. At the foot of Tianqiu Mountain, there were beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the scenery was beautiful. There was a blue water lake tens of meters away from him, and the lake was sparkling!

Take a step forward and pass among pedestrians, like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any leaves touching your body!

However, the aura of Xuan Zhan at the moment stands out from the crowd like a chicken, unrestrained and unrestrained, arrogant like a fairy, not like ordinary people!Let the surrounding pedestrians admire it after watching it!

Xuan Zhan walked up the mountain like this, admiring the surrounding scenery from time to time with his eyes, high mountains and flowing water, spiritual birds singing softly, gentle breeze, and refreshing air...

In a blink of an eye, Xuan Zhan had already walked for an hour, and when he came to an empty valley, Xuan Zhan smiled and said, "Four heroes, don't follow!"

Whoosh... After the four sounds, four strong and reckless men suddenly rushed out from the surroundings, each holding a big axe and a big cold knife, and blocked the declaration of war with a hideous expression on their faces!

"Boy, you have good eyesight, quickly take out your money, and the four grandpas will not kill you!" A man said loudly.

Sure enough, it was a robbery!Xuan Zhan sighed in his heart, looked at the four reckless men around him, clasped his fists and said: "Four good men, the boy has no money on him, so he can't hand it over!"

"Grandpa's, you don't have any money, where did you get this bright dress, it's white and tender, more youthful than girls, you don't have money, grandpa, am I blind!" Another man howled angrily. .

Xuan Zhan was dumbfounded for a while, and said amusedly: "Haha... four good guys, I... I really don't have any money, why don't you... do a search?"

A big man glanced at him cautiously, and shouted coldly: "Don't play tricks! Don't worry, as long as you hand over the money, we will definitely let you go!"

Xuan Zhan smiled bitterly, opened his hands slightly and said softly: "Hey, you guys search!"

"Second, go!" The man with the ax shouted to the people around him.

A man holding an iron knife slowly approached to declare war. Just as he was about to search his body, suddenly a stone was thrown from the side, and a white light hit the second child in an instant. The man was immediately hit by the force of the stone. Fly a few meters away!

"Who is it! Come out to me!" The big man with the ax suddenly turned around and looked into the depths of the jungle and roared.

"Hmph, four idiots actually robbed under the eyes of this aunt. Didn't I teach you a few lessons before?" A woman's delicate voice suddenly resounded around!

"Situ Qingchuan is you again!" A man roared angrily, "Damn, why do I run into you every time something good happens!"

A purple shadow suddenly appeared in Xuan Zhan's eyes. The girl was about fourteen or fifteen years old, with a pair of red phoenix eyes and a melon-seeded face, which looked extremely delicate. The girl was sitting on a big tree, swinging her legs and laughing coquettishly: "Grandma is your nemesis, let this young master go, otherwise I will let you eat some more stones from my aunt!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the girl on the tree amusedly, then nodded and smiled slightly at her!This smile immediately made the cheeks of the girl named Situ Qingchuan blush...

"Unlucky!" The man with the ax yelled angrily, then looked at Xuan Zhan and said, "Boy, you are lucky to meet this little evil star. Brothers, let's go!" He got up and disappeared towards other woods in a flash...

Xuan Zhan put his hands behind his back and smiled calmly: "Thank you, Miss Qingchuan, for saving her life!"

Situ Qingchuan jumped down from the tree in a flash, looked at Xuan Zhan curiously, and exclaimed tenderly, "Can you call me Qingchuan? My aunt's surname is Situ. You are not allowed to be called Qingchuan!"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then let out a big laugh, and said slowly: "Okay, Miss Situ, thank you for giving your life to save me!"

"It's a little trick!" Situ Qingchuan waved his small hand, then looked at him carefully, and said softly, "Where are you from, Brother Young Master, you actually just casually entered this deep mountain and old forest without bringing an entourage!"

"Uh..." Xuan Zhan was dumb for a while, looking at Tianqiu Mountain and said, "It is said that there is a temple on this mountain, which is famous all over Ningyun, that's why I came here alone to seek Taoism!"

"Oh...this Taoist temple is called Qingshu Three-Star Taoist Temple, I know the way..." Situ Qingchuan suddenly realized, "Really, you rich and powerful sons and brothers don't know the dangers of the world at all, and even a thug bodyguard can't help but be a little bit of a person. No, hum... Fortunately, I met my aunt, otherwise your money will definitely be lost!"

Situ Qingchuan walked in front, followed by Xuan Zhan with a wry smile, and then listened to her nagging all the way...

"Not only will your money be lost, but if you meet some evil people, you may even lose your life!" Situ Qingchuan turned his face to Xuan Zhan and called softly while walking.

"Yes... yes, I was too careless, I forgot to bring a few men with me when I went out!" Xuan Zhan said with a wry smile.

Situ Qingchuan looked at him suddenly and shouted: "You already know his name, what about your name?"

"Declaration of war!"

"Oh, so it's Mr. Xuan!" Situ Qingchuan nodded and said.

The name of declaring war has been a matter of the past few years. For Situ Qingchuan, who is only fourteen or fifteen years old, it is very strange...

The two walked and talked...

"Where are you from?"

" home is in Tai'an Province in the west..."

Situ Qingchuan glanced at the declaration of war in surprise, and said in disbelief: "Tai'an Province is very far away from here. You actually came here alone. How long did it take you to get here?"

"Uh... seven days!"

"What?" Situ Qingchuan was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Looking at your gentle appearance, you can't lie to others. From Tai'an Province to Hualang, even if you are going fast, you still need one." About a month, you will arrive in seven days, hum..."

Xuan Zhan said with a smile: "Well, if you say you are lying, then you are lying!"

Situ Qingchuan snorted lightly and said, "In the future, if you encounter robbery when you come here, report my aunt's name, and they will definitely not make things difficult for you!"

Xuan Zhan said in surprise, "Are you their boss?"

"No!" Situ Qingchuan laughed softly, "But I'm better than them!"

Xuan Zhan suddenly realized: "Admiration, admiration!"

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