Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 98 The Passage of Memory

Looking at the sky, Situ Qingchuan said Qiaosheng: "Mr. Xuan, if you want to reach the Qingshu Three-Star Temple, you still have a long time to go. My home is at the top of the small mountain in front of you. Come back with me." Let’s rest at home before leaving! Moreover, my master is a Taoist priest in the temple, and if he is a guest at my house these two days, you can also accompany him to the temple, so there will be a support along the way!”

Xuan Zhan thought for a while, looked at Situ Qingchuan and said with a smile: "That's fine, in this way, I can see the Taoist priest in the temple as soon as possible!" He thought this little girl was very interesting, although she was only ten years old. At the age of five or so, but with a lot of eyes, he doesn't seem like a pampered generation!

Situ Qingchuan said coquettishly while walking: "My master is very powerful, he taught all my kung fu!"

Xuan Zhan was slightly surprised, looked at her carefully and said, "It's not easy!"

Situ Qingchuan slightly raised his head, proudly said: "That's not true!"

"Uh...haha!" Seeing Situ Qingchuan's expression, Xuan Zhan immediately raised his head and laughed. Situ Qingchuan was ashamed and angry, and shouted: "Don't laugh, he is very powerful!"

"Well, I didn't say you're not good, Miss Situ!" Xuan Zhan stopped laughing and said calmly.


The two of them walked all the way, laughing as they walked, but within half an hour, they came to the small mountain peak that Situ Qingchuan pointed out. On the top of the peak, there was an elegant little thatched hut floating on the peak like a lonely leaf. At the top, smoke rises with the wind...

"Master, mother, I'm back!" Situ Qingchuan called like a spirit bird.

"Qingchuan, what time is it, come and eat!" An old man's voice slowly sounded from the hut.

Situ Qingchuan immediately walked towards the thatched hut with Xuan Zhan, and Xuan Zhan behind him looked at the hut with an inexplicable smile on his face.The two walked into the thatched hut, and saw a peasant woman in rough cloth and an old man in his sixties in a green Taoist robe, preparing to eat at a small green wood table, when Situ Qingchuan brought a When the young son entered the room, everyone was taken aback!

"Mother, master, this is a person I rescued at the foot of the mountain. Hmph, that four evil spirits have committed robbery again!" Situ Qingchuan said softly, "He's called a declaration of war!"

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, cupped his fists slightly and said: "Xiao Ke Xuan Zhan, I have met my wife and Taoist priest!"

"Declaration of war?" Situ Qingchuan's master suddenly changed his face, his hands trembled, and a pair of chopsticks fell to the ground...

Situ Qingchuan looked at the Taoist priest inexplicably and asked, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

The Taoist suddenly reacted, and said awkwardly: "No...nothing!" Then he looked at Xuan Zhan in a daze, and said to himself: "It's not like, it's really not like the legend!"

The peasant woman was nearly forty years old. Although she frowned, she still couldn't cover the faint aura between her eyebrows. Perhaps it was because she lived in the mountains all the year round, and her age did not match her real age. This peasant woman Looking at the Taoist priest beside him, he asked inexplicably, "Master Pingshui, who is this?"

The Taoist priest named Pingshui sighed: "Maybe they have the same name and surname!" Then he smiled bitterly and said, "It's nothing, Xiaoyou Xuan, hurry up and take a seat, the family has simple food and drink, and there is nothing good, haha..."

"That's right, if you're a bit hungry, young master, just eat!" The peasant woman smiled awkwardly, then took out a small bench and said.

Xuan Zhan smiled casually and said: "Then...Xiao Ke would be more respectful than obedient, thank you for today's hospitality!" After finishing speaking, he sat down without seeing anyone else. There were three dishes on the Qingmu table, one green vegetable, one fried radish, and one Green pepper potato shreds!I don't mind declaring war, I picked up the chopsticks and started eating...

Seeing that Xuan Zhan didn't mind the rough food they made, he ate it in big mouthfuls, each of them smiled slightly, and also moved their chopsticks.

Xuan Zhan has never eaten food for a long time. At this time, he can provide himself with nutrition by absorbing the vitality of the world!But when he was down and out in the early years, the food he ate was several times worse than this, most of which were begging for leftovers from restaurants and restaurants for a living, so for him, the three small dishes at this moment are already very good. Not bad!

Taoist Priest Pingshui suddenly said: "Qingchuan, Yu Lian, I will go up the mountain tomorrow, and I will come to visit you father and daughter when I am free in the future, especially Qingchuan, you must not slack off practicing the kung fu that your teacher passed on to you. ah!"

"Got it, master!" Situ Qingchuan said while eating.

Xuan Zhan, who was eating, paused for a while, took a light bite of the food, but his heart suddenly changed... suddenly said: "Madam, dare to ask your ancestor Gao's surname?"

"My father's surname is Situ, and my name is Situ Yulian. What's wrong, young master?" Situ Yulian, Situ Qingchuan's mother, asked curiously.

Xuan Zhan smiled softly, took a deep look at Situ Yulian, and said slowly: "It's nothing, did you and Miss Situ live in this mountain?"

Situ Yulian smiled bitterly, and said helplessly: "When I was young, my grandfather and I lived in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests at the junction of Tianxu Province and Lianyu Province. When I came here, I met Qingchuan’s father. He collected firewood in the mountains and sold it to a small town outside the mountain to make a living! Oh, Qingchuan was forced by my grandfather to make a living. My husband follows my surname, hehe..."

Xuan Zhan nodded lightly, and then said softly, "Hey Ma'am, is Mr. Situ..."

Situ Yulian smiled slightly and said, "11 years ago, grandpa passed away..."

Already dead... Xuan Zhan felt a pain in his heart!That healthy and powerful figure slowly appeared in his heart. Even after 25 years, that old man is still worthy of respect in his heart!

"The world is full of tribulations!" Xuan Zhan said silently.

Situ Qingchuan looked at Xuan Zhan curiously and said: "How can you, a rich son, know that the world is full of disasters, and you can talk nonsense!"

Taoist Priest Pingshui laughed and said: "Qingchuan, don't talk nonsense, young people nowadays like to read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles! You have lived in this mountain since you were a child, how do you know about the troubled times outside? Well, hehe, little brother eats vegetables and eats vegetables!"

"Hmph..." Situ Qingchuan began to eat angrily.

Xuan Zhan smiled slowly, then looked at Situ Yulian while eating, as if he wanted to see from her see what she looked like when she was young...

Twenty-five years ago, in the deep valley of the water mirror... the once four or five-year-old little daughter has now become a married woman!

The world goes on and on, samsara is endless, 25 years is just a glimpse!

"Brother, Qingchuan said, you are here to visit my three-star temple, right!" Daoist Pingshui said curiously.

Xuan Zhan nodded lightly and said: "Indeed, the Sanxing Temple is in my Ningyun Kingdom, and the incense is constantly burning, and it is said that there are countless legends about the immortal man in the mountain, so I want to read it!"

"Hehe..." Ping Shuidao twitched his beard on his chin and nodded, "You can go with me tomorrow!"

Xuan Zhan smiled and said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Daoist Ping Shui frowned slightly, he is also considered a reclusive master in the martial arts world, and he can be regarded as a super master in this arena, but with his profound internal strength, seeing this declaration of war seems like a very ordinary person. Young people in general!According to legend, ten years ago, there was a top master who declared war and caused chaos in the whole rivers and lakes. It would not be an exaggeration to use blood to flow into rivers. Then he fought a decisive battle with that peerless master, the Immortal Old Man, in the Lanzan Hall of Yujing City!

Then a few years ago, there were rumors in the world again, saying that the man who declared war returned with the wind and became a man among immortals!Although he is a Taoist priest of the Three Stars Temple, the power behind him is a giant... Although he doesn't know what kind of power it is, he knows that no one in this world dares to provoke him!Moreover, among the forces behind the legend, there are also some people who fly with swords and practice Taoism like gods and gods...

Hearing the name of the declaration of war just now, he thought he had misunderstood it, but the most striking sign of the declaration of war was his white hair, and his face was handsome and charming... But now, he could finally be sure that the young man in front of him , It's not the legendary declaration of war at all!

That night……

Xuan Zhan sat alone on the top of the peak, feeling the furious mountain wind roaring down below, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart... Unexpectedly, he would meet an old friend during this trip!

Murong Yulian, when he was destitute and blind, he accidentally groped into a small valley. The name of that valley was "Shuijing Valley"!And it was there that he met the young Situ Yulian and her grandfather Situ Fan... In a blink of an eye, 25 years have passed, and the cute little girl back then has completely forgotten him from her memory after 25 years. Erase! ! !

Xuan Zhan used to rely on his flute skills to sell his skills!Along the way, it can be regarded as solving a lot of food and clothing!And the person who taught him the flute technique was Situ Fan, Situ Yulian's grandfather, and it was with this flute technique that he got to know... Rouge!

Looking at this deep mountain and old forest, Xuan Zhan smiled wryly, and the fate in the world drank and pecked, is it all fate...

With a casual stretch, an eight-hole jade flute quietly appeared in the palm of my hand: Situ Fan, if it weren't for the flute skill you taught me back then, wouldn't I have made friends with Yanzhi, and so many disasters would not have happened? ?Things in the future... Will it go down another track? !Hey, back then, it was I who declared war and begged to you, so you taught me Xiao skills...

Looking at the thatched hut behind him, he declared war and hesitated for a while. Two pills as white as snow appeared in the palm of his hand. Controlling these two pills, he slowly and silently beat them into the sleeping Situ Yulian's mother and daughter. Inside the human body!

In a flash, he appeared dozens of kilometers away in an instant, and then flew towards the deep mountains...

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