After the generals left, Zou Fang came in with food and called Zheng Yu and Zou Yuan to eat together.

"Xianggong, when my sister is here, I don't have to do these things. When my sister and Xianggong consummate their marriage, then Xianggong will be so beautiful. My sister is especially good at serving people. She is the best in our family."

At this time, Zou Yuan showed his nature of Miss Jiao when he was at home, picked up the food with his hands and started to eat carelessly.

Zou Fang tapped the back of her hand with chopsticks, and reprimanded lovingly: "Dirty, go wash your hands, she is the husband's wife, why are you so ignorant?"

That night, the three of them slept on the same simple bed again. Seeing Zou Fang asleep, Zou Yuan and Zheng Yu were having sex again, but soon they heard Zou Fang panting heavily and turning over carefully.Zheng Yu stopped, and Zou Yuan whispered in his ear, "Let my sister listen and see how long she can bear it?"

After a while, Zou Fang couldn't bear it and wanted to get out of bed, but Zheng Yu grabbed her hand and didn't dare to move.

"Sis, when you wake up, talk to your husband together." Zou Yuan said with a light smile.

Zou Fang whispered like a mosquito: "Sir, I have nothing to say."

Zou Yuan burst out laughing, and said to Zou Fang: "Sister, I'm already called Mrs. Mrs. Husband, so let's be Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Husband as soon as possible. Now we are sisters. This is a collection of all kinds of favors on us sisters. Don't be afraid of me." It's a waste of time, sister, why don't you marry your husband now, anyway, you have done a lot of things along the way."

Zou Fang was so ashamed that she covered her head with the quilt and dared not speak.

Zou Yuan forced him to call him Mr. Zou, but after more than ten days, Zou Fang got used to it, so the ones who opened and shut their mouths were Mr. Zheng Yu, and the two of them really did a lot of things along the way.Therefore, Zou Fang also liked Zheng Yu, but she still felt ashamed.

After a while, Zou Fang said: "Sanggong, help Fang'er sisters kill Zhang Ji, please? He is Fang'er's father-killing enemy. If you kill him, Fang'er will do anything to Xianggong."

Zou Yuan was overjoyed when he heard this, and said to Zheng Yu: "Sister-in-law, my sister has agreed. Besides, my husband likes my sister so much, he keeps aiming at her chest, ha ha. Well, sister, anyway, my husband will definitely help our sisters." Kill Zhang Ji, who killed his father and enemy, but there is no need to wait for more than ten days, what a waste. It is better to hit the sun than to pick up the sun, and my sister will be husband and wife with Xianggong now."

After Zou Yuan finished speaking, she came to take off Zou Fang's clothes. Zou Fang was also half-pushed, and she took off her clothes and pushed them into Zheng Yu's arms. The two finally became husband and wife. Well, this time they cooperated with each other, and they fought with Zheng Yu until dawn before calling for gold to withdraw.

Ten days later, Wang Pin rushed over and reported the enemy situation of Dong Zhuo's troops.

"Dong Zhuo has gone to Hangu Pass to confront the Kwantung Allied Forces. The treasure was escorted by Niu Fu and Zhang Ji. Zhang Ji led 5000 infantry in front, and Niu Fu led [-] cavalry behind. In addition, there were more than [-] The subordinates also learned that Dong Zhuo had ordered his general Xu Rong to lead [-] troops to escort them behind to ensure the safety of Zhang Ji and Niu Fu's troops."

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

It is no problem to fight 5000 people, but it is not sure to fight 1 people. Once they are allowed to join forces, they will definitely suffer a big loss.

The room fell silent, everyone was looking at Zheng Yu, and he was also taking the long exam.

Zou Fang said seriously: "My lord, if Zhang Jibu and Niufubu are far away, I can annihilate Zhang Jibu first and then Niufubu, or we can just take the treasure that Zhang Ji escorted, and retreat immediately after defeating Zhang Ji. There is nothing we can do." When there were outsiders, she still called Zheng Yu Lord.

Zou Fang's opinion is very insightful, which shows that she can indeed be regarded as a unique female general.

Zheng Yu thought for a while before saying: "The main reason is that I am worried that the other party will come after me, and I go north to the border of the Qiang and Hu, and to the west is Liangzhou, which is Dong Zhuo's lair. I can only go east, but the Yellow River is worrying people." , it will take at least ten days to transport so many treasures and soldiers across the Yellow River, and there is too little time. They must be wiped out before they have time to evacuate, or they can be severely damaged so that the opponent cannot pursue them. In time."

Zhang Jaw took the words and said seriously: "My lord, what the mistress said is a no-way solution, but at present, it may be the only way. If Zilong is also there, maybe we can still fight, but with the current strength There is no chance of winning against two groups of enemies."

This battle concerns the overall situation, Zheng Yu became cautious.

He stood up, walked around the room, and then said seriously: "Not necessarily, it depends on human effort. But we must collect all kinds of information as soon as possible, especially the marching time, marching speed, and camping location of Zhang Ji and Niu Fu's troops. If an ambush Zhang Ji and Niu Fu will definitely come after them. Therefore, these two troops will probably deal together or one after another. The key is that if Xu Rong's troops are far away, we can still be sure to eat Zhang Ji and Niu Fu and leave, and finally stop them. It's not like Xu Rong has no chance of winning."

Tai Shici sighed, and said worriedly, "The most fearful thing is that the three troops cover each other and come westward."

Zheng Yu said with a sullen face: "Eating is a must, the key is to eat more and eat less."

Two days later, a report came from the front, saying that the encounter with 1000 people from Zhang Ji's vanguard was just for scouting, so they let them go.Another day later, Zhang Ji led 300 infantry and escorted more than [-] carriages into the canyon.

There is a mountain at the west end of the canyon called Niutou Ridge, and the official road passes under Niutou Ridge.At this time, Zheng's army had been lying in wait for half a day under Niutou Ridge.

Zheng Yu looked up at the sun and saw that it was afternoon.

"Action!" Zheng Yu gave the general attack order.

With Zhang Jai's order, arrows were shot from the arrow battalions on both sides, and Zhang Ji was caught off guard, and there was a sudden chaos.Then, Zhang Jai ordered the whole army to attack, and Tai Shici and Ma Sheng also ordered the cavalry to charge and kill. In less than half an hour, the army was killed in sevens and eighties, and even Zhang Ji was captured.

Since the entire army was wiped out, no news came out.

Zheng Yu asked Zhang Jai to send 1000 troops to escort the treasures to the bank of the Yellow River, control the crossing point, and quickly send the treasures to the east bank of the Yellow River.

Then, Zheng Yu brought Zou Fang and Zou Yuan to the prison camp.

Zou Fang took Zheng Yu's hand and said, "Master, I want to kill Zhang Ji with my own hands!"

Zou Yuan also shouted, "Master, I want to kill him too. This is to avenge my parents, and the bloodbath of the whole village!"

Zheng Yu laughed loudly, "If you catch him, he will be yours. Don't go too far, just kill him."

The two women nodded, and then entered the prison camp.Zheng Yu originally wanted to see what Zhang Ji looked like, but in the end he gave up. Zhang Ji was about to die, so it was useless to look.Zheng Yu really didn't expect that in the Three Kingdoms, Zhang Ji would become the first hero of the Three Kingdoms he killed, and he couldn't help but sigh amusedly.

In war, people always die. With Zhang Ji being the first, there will be a series of killings later.

Not long after, Zou Fang and Zou Yuan left the prison camp.

Zou Yuan smiled and said to Zheng Yu: "My sister told him the story again, and he was dumbfounded. This toad dared to eat swan meat. Hmph, my sister chopped off his head with a single sword. Good!" Now, the revenge of the parents has been avenged, and their spirits in heaven can rest in peace. Fortunately, they have a good son-in-law, so the parents can rest in peace."

Zou Fang said in a low voice: "It is the blessing of my parents that my sisters can meet her husband. Fang'er is very happy with her husband." After speaking, she took his hand very emotionally.

Zheng Yu took Zou Fang and Zou Yuan back to the prisoner-of-war camp, and said to the soldiers: "Find him in a coffin and bury him, and write down where Zhang Ji is buried. He is the first General Dong Zhuo killed by my subordinates."

Zou Fang and Zou Yuan took his arms and said, "My husband is really a good man."

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