Escort the prisoners, clean up the battlefield, and continue to hide and wait.

The scouts from the front came to report, and Niu Fu led two thousand cavalry to escort at least two hundred carts of various treasures, and it was still a day away from Niutouling.Zheng Yu was overjoyed when he heard the news, calculated the time, and inquired about Niu Fu's marching speed in detail. After discussing with Tai Shici and Zhang Jai, he decided to set up an ambush again at Niutou Ridge.

He wanted to kill Niu Fu, the cow!

Seeing that it was still early, Zheng Yu took Zou Fang and Zou Yuan to a nearby mountain stream.

"Sir, help Yuan'er fight a pair of full moon scimitars. I lost my weapon at home." Zou Yuan grabbed Zheng Yu's arm and said coquettishly. The pure breath made Zheng Yu very happy.

Zheng Yu smiled and said to her: "Okay, my husband will build the best one for you. My Yuan'er will be his little guard from now on." He already knew that Zou Fang and Zou Yuan's martial arts were taught by his grandfather, they are very good .

Zou Yuan tilted his head and said, "We still need to build 36 small flying knives. My grandpa's true skills of flying knives have been handed down to me. I can seal my throat with one knife. My family loves to use knives. I have loved knives since I was a child. The round moon scimitar is the name of Yuan'er." Hand weapon, flying knife is Yuan'er's secret weapon, killing people invisible, but it's a pity that I lost it in a hurry."

Zheng Yu patted her head, and said lovingly: "Okay, Yuan'er can let Xianggong take off the crescent moon in the sky and use it as a scimitar." He loves this enchanting couple so much, not only on the bed, but also in life. On the battlefield of Zhonghe, he loved them to death, but in his heart he regarded the two girls as comrades-in-arms.

Zou Yuan hugged Zheng Yu's arms tightly, leaned his head on his shoulder, and said happily and sweetly: "Thank you, Mr. Fang. From now on, Yuan'er and Sister Fang'er will guard Mr. Xiang, fight on the battlefield with Mr. Xiang, and make contributions. I The sisters are very skilled in martial arts, especially the elder sister, who is no match for ordinary generals. My elder sister is smart, she is good at both literature and martial arts, and from now on, she will be your husband's female counselor."

Zou Yuan spared no effort to support Zou Fang, making her blush.

"Little sister, don't talk nonsense, sister is not that good." Even though he said so, there was a little complacency on his face.

Zheng Yu turned his head and glanced at Zou Fang, agreeing in his heart what Zou Yuan said, this enchanting is not only a master of martial arts, but also full of resourcefulness, he must be with him from now on.

"Fang'er, don't be modest, you already know your skills."

Zou Fang smiled happily at Zheng Yu. She leaned her head on Zheng Yu's chest, straightened her legs, looked into the distance, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xiang! Since then, my sisters have no more hatred in their hearts, and they will follow Xianggong, help him kill the enemy, protect him thoroughly, and live a happy life."

After the two became husband and wife, their sense of intimacy rose sharply. At this time, the goddess of the battlefield, who was as enchanting as a god of death, actually looked like a charming woman, appearing coquettish and cute.

The three of them were gossiping by the stream, talking about happy things, for a moment they forgot that the big battle was coming.

Not long after, Tai Shici sent someone to report that Niu Fu's convoy would arrive at Niutou Ridge in another hour, but the other party was very contemptuous and didn't even send out scouts to search for it, so it was very possible to wipe out Dong Zhuo's elite cavalry.

After hearing this, Zheng Yu was overjoyed, and brought Zou Fang, Zou Yuan and Zheng Da's Eighteen Golden Spear Guards to Niutou Ridge.

Surrounded by lush trees, at the foot of the mountain is the Grand Canyon where Zhang Ji was ambushed yesterday.

Zheng Yu was thinking in his heart that the information in this era is not effective, and the transmission of military information depends entirely on scouts, so he asked Sun Qi to send troops to destroy the opponent's scouts, so that the news can be completely blocked.

Zou Fang looked at the canyon that was going to be a battlefield for a while, and said happily: "Master, if Niu Fu is really defenseless, I will definitely kill this bull. He is Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, and his other son-in-law, Li Ru, is Dong Zhuo's son-in-law." The thief's right-hand man."

Zou Yuan shook Zheng Yu's arm and said, "Master, let's cut off Dong Zhuo's left arm first, and then cut off Dong Zhuo's right arm, so that Thief Dong will become a bachelor, hehe, how dare he dare to risk the world? Hmph, how dare he?" Pulling the emperor off his horse, and killing him as much as he wanted, without any scruples, is really lawless."

Zheng Yu laughed loudly, "Dong Zhuo himself is the law and the sky."

After a while, Zhang Jai sent someone to report: "My lord, Niu Fu's cavalry has arrived."

Zheng Yu hurriedly looked into the distance, and saw dust in the distance, a group of cavalry rode over listlessly under the sun, looking slow, obviously defenseless.

Zheng Yu brought Zou Fang and Zou Yuan to the foot of the mountain, and saw Zhang Zha was explaining matters to his subordinates.

When he saw Zheng Yu approaching, he quickly knelt down and said, "My lord, this time my lord must not set foot in dangerous places. When Master Ziyi left, he told his subordinates to stop the lord. Besides, our army is strong this time, and the opponent only has two Although the thousand cavalry are the elite of the Xiliang army, but I have two thousand cavalry from Tai Shici and Ma Sheng, plus my three thousand infantry and two thousand marksman battalions, there is no suspense in beheading Niufu Niu's head. Therefore, the lord and the two The mistress is here waiting for the good news."

"Junyi, you know me. When I fought against the Qingzhou Yellow Turban and Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army, I always rushed to the forefront. If I didn't kill the enemy, my hands would itch. Alas, your master is addicted to killing people." gone."

After Zheng Yu finished speaking, he laughed.

Zhang Zhe scratched his head and said with a smile: "Of course Jun Yi knows the lord's temperament. He always shares weal and woe with the soldiers and leaves the most dangerous things to himself. To be honest, everyone is most convinced not by the lord's superb martial arts skills. The thing that touched everyone the most was that after the lord broke out of the encirclement, he returned to the battle to save his subordinates. This is a great virtue. Whenever we talk about this, everyone is moved to the point of crying."

Zou Fang and Zou Yuan couldn't help being moved when they saw that a man like Zhang Jaw respected Zheng Yu so much.Zou Fang took Zheng Yu's hand and said, "Master, Master Zhang Jaw speaks from the heart on behalf of all his subordinates. There is no suspense in this battle, so Mr. Xiang should not go deep into the enemy's line."

But Zheng Yu shook his head and said: "If I was there, the morale of the soldiers would be boosted, and many soldiers would be saved. Besides, with you and Zou Yuan by my side, and Zheng Da and his eighteen golden spear guards, I am actually There is no danger. This Niu Fu is highly skilled in martial arts, I must cut him off the horse, so that he will kill less of my soldiers."

Everyone was talking, when a report came from the front that Niu Fu's army had entered the valley, asking if the attack should begin immediately.

Zhang Jaw walked forward to observe, and then ordered the attack to start.

The official road is narrow, so the opponent's team stretches far away.The Zheng family's army first showed their power with the sharp shooting battalion, rushed out from the concealed place, shot and killed the knights on horseback, and the enemy troops were in chaos and huddled together.Then three thousand infantrymen divided it, besieged and killed.Tai Shici and Ma Sheng led the cavalry to charge the cavalry of Niu Fu's brigade.

Seeing that he was ambushed, Niu Fu was very resourceful, so he quickly led his troops back to the east.

Tai Shici and Ma Sheng took advantage of the momentum to pursue, but Niu Fu was highly skilled in martial arts, and the soldiers around him were very brave and desperate to protect.

When Zheng Yu wanted to lead Zou Fang and Zou Yuan to pursue, the opponents were already far away.

"Loach, damn it, this Niu Fu is simply a loach! So cunning as hell!"

Zheng Yu had no choice but to stop his horse, and after an hour, Tai Shici came to report that Niu Fu had escaped alone.

In the whole battle, except for Niu Fu, the opponent's entire army was wiped out, and the battle ended in less than half an hour.

Tai Shici and Ma Sheng came hand in hand, seeing Zheng Yu quickly kneel down.

Tai Shici and Ma Sheng said at the same time: "My lord, this subordinate deserves to die!"

Zheng Yu hurriedly pulled the two of them up, and said to Tai Shici: "Brother, you are Xiaoyun's elder brother, don't kneel down."

"But Brother Xian is the master and Ziyi is the subordinate, so he must kneel down!"

Zheng Yu couldn't say no to him either, thinking about how people in this era are like this, so he didn't insist anymore.Although he felt sorry for Niu Fu's escape, it was a pity that Niutou Ridge could not kill this cow.

Therefore, he comforted the two of them and said: "Niu Fu is Dong Zhuo's general and his son-in-law. If there were no other means, he would have died long ago. You don't have to blame yourself. Our army has won a big victory, and then the problem of a smooth evacuation .”

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