Great Luck

Chapter 198

Chapter 190 Eight

Chapter 190 Eight

In the three-way army led by Uzhan Khan, Zhou Yantian's army led by Xuanming was the vanguard on the right.Some time ago, Xuan Ming had a difficult life. When he had nowhere to go, he had to go through many barriers to seek refuge with his uncle Zhou Yantian.

Don't look at Zhou Yantian as an enemy of Emperor Chengwu, no matter how he is Xuanming's uncle, he cannot be left alone.Besides, all Concubine E's family was beheaded except E Bilong, so Xuan Ming and his father, Emperor Cheng Wu, turned against each other and became strangers.

Knowing that Zhu Tianjiang has entered the Tianqing Realm this time, Zhou Yantian deliberated and decided that Xuan Ming and E Bilong would go out.Although the struggle between Xuan Ming and Zhu Tianjiang has never been won once, Xuan Ming is the person who understands Zhu Tianxiang best in terms of his scheming and tactics.What's more, Zhou Yantian is more assured of Zhan Khan's military capabilities because he is joining forces with the Wuzu army, otherwise he would not secretly form an alliance with the Uzumaki.

Regardless of Zhou Yantian's advanced age, he still has a sharp eye for people.Before the Wu tribe rebelled, Zhan Khan led [-] Wu tribe iron guards to meet Zhou Yantian in secret.Zhan Khan's calm mind and meticulous analysis made Zhou Yantian admire him.For this reason, Zhou Yancai decided to take a risky gamble and no longer support the Tianqing Kingdom under the jurisdiction of Yelucha.

Zhan Khan led a mighty [-] army to the city of Kaser, but at this time, there were disputes in King Tianqing's capital.

The news of the great victory in Kaser City had already spread to the capital. Yelucha applauded excitedly when he learned that Zhu Tianjiang had killed nearly [-] Uzbek troops and basically wiped out the Zhanhan Zuoqi camp.It can be said that this is the first absolute victory in a large-scale battle since the Uganda rebellion.

However, while he was happy, Yelucha was also worried about Kaser City.The Uzumaki lost so many soldiers and horses, and with Zhan Khan's temper, he will definitely take revenge, and it is very likely that the entire Uzumaki will be used to avenge this great revenge.

Yelufan, the commander-in-chief of soldiers and horses, has been sending people to monitor the movement of the Uzumaki army. When he learned that Zhan Khan was marching towards the city of Kaser, the three heavyweights in the capital had a disagreement on the issue of sending troops to rescue.

Yelufan received accurate information that Zhan Khan had a full 4 troops.In addition to the necessary left-behind personnel in the capital city, only [-] people can be sent to rescue at most.Under this kind of military confrontation, Yelufan strongly opposed sending troops.However, Yelu Doha's father, Yeludan, the treasury minister, begged the king Yelucha to send troops anxiously.

Inside the palace, Yelufan saw that the great king Yelucha was in a dilemma, and stepped forward and said, "Brother Wang, you must not send troops at this time. Zhanhan is full of tricks. If you kill your carbine, our 8 army will definitely not be able to resist their [-] troops." People and horses. At that time, I am afraid that the capital of the king will be in danger."

Yeludan flushed with anger, "If we don't send troops to rescue, then we will just give up the more than 2 men in Kaser City! Don't forget that they are the heroes of our Yangjin clan, and they just won a big victory. If you don't Sending troops to rescue will chill the hearts of all the men of the Yangjin clan."

Yelufan stared, "Brother Yeludan, I'm afraid you are not worried about me, Yang Jinerlang, right? In good conscience, if you don't have niece Yuanyuan, would you still insist on sending troops?"

Yeludan was taken aback by what was said, and nodded silently, "Yes, I am a little selfish. But just leave more than 2 warriors of the ethnic group there and wait for them to be wiped out by the Uzbekistan, what else do we have?" Face rules the people." Yeludan didn't hide his selfishness, on the contrary, he appeared to be aboveboard.

Yelucha kept watching the two clan brothers not speak, and he knew that any further argument would hurt the feelings of their respective clans.

Yelucha stood up, "There is no need for the two clan brothers to argue, whether you send troops or not, brother Wang knows that you are thinking of my Yangjin clan."

Yelucha said, looking at Yelufan, "Clan brother, if you don't send troops to rescue according to what you said, wouldn't our clan be more dangerous after the Wu people wiped out the city of Kaser?"

"Brother Wang, it's not that we don't rescue, but we have to choose the right time. I believe that with Zhu Tianxiang's military skills, he can definitely fight the Wu army for ten days and a half months. The Wu people take turns to attack the city. If they can't attack for a long time, their morale will definitely be low. At that time, the king will send troops to rescue, and the internal and external forces will be able to defeat the Uzumaki army in one fell swoop." Yelufan said.

"Then what if Zhu Tianjiang can't hold on?" Yeludan said dissatisfied.

Yelucha also nodded and looked at Yelufan, he also felt that Zhu Tianjiang could not resist.Zhan Khan is not an ordinary general, and he also belongs to the ranks of ghosts when it comes to using troops.

Yelufan showed grief, "To be honest, if they can't hold on, I believe that the warriors of Kaser City will fight to the last drop of blood. Even if Zhan Khan takes Kaser City, his [-] troops will suffer heavy losses When the time comes, I, Yelufan, will personally lead the army to avenge our Yangjin warriors."

Yelucha and the two of them understood what Yelufan meant when they heard it. It seemed that he wanted to use the Kaser city army with no way out to fight the Uzumaki until the end, and the king would then take the opportunity to attack the exhausted army of the Uzumaki.Although this is considered a coup, the price paid is too high.

Yeludan scolded angrily, "Yelufan, you really want revenge. Zhu Tian sent down the military law to punish your son, and you deliberately put them to death."

Yelufan raised his hand to stop Yeludan, "Brother, don't get angry, please listen to my brother. To be honest, with our current strength, we will definitely lose if we fight for a long time. I believe Brother Wang and the brothers understand this in their hearts. If our Yangjin family still wants to stand on the grassland and become king, we must make a certain sacrifice. Now is an opportunity for our Yangjin family. In order to avenge Zhu Tianxiang, Zhan Khan will definitely go all out to attack Kaser In that case, the casualties will be extremely heavy. I think it is worthwhile to exchange [-] troops for the overall victory. Otherwise, more warriors of our family will die in the long run. In the end, it is very likely that we are all slaves of others .” After Yelufan finished speaking, he looked at the two with a stern face.

Yelucha nodded, he knew that Yelufan was right, and this was a last resort.If he wanted to keep the status of the Yangjin clan, Yelufan's strategy was worth a try.

Yelucha turned to look at Yeludan, and said comfortingly, "Brother Yeludan, you and I are inferior to Yelufan in the use of military tactics. I know you are worried about Yuanyuan, and this king is also worried about Yuanyuan's niece. Wang believes that this child, Yuanyuan, is an auspicious person and will overcome the difficulties. Besides, even if it falls into the hands of the Wu people, this king will redeem Yuanyuan no matter how much money he spends."

When Yelucha said this, it was tantamount to approving Yelufan's suggestion.Although Yeludan was impatient, he was only a minister of wealth and did not control military power.Yeludan knew that he couldn't convince the two elder brothers, so he could only go back and send someone to Kaser City, hoping to inform his daughter to escape in time.

In the city of Kaser, Officer Zhu lived comfortably these past few days.He handed over all the affairs in the city to Yelv Douha, leaving the female general too busy to pester him.However, there was one thing that made Zhu Daguan a little dumbfounded.

That night he arranged for Daniel to fight wine with Yelv Douha, who knew that this kid had never fought anyone before, so he fell down first.When Niu Da's bodyguard woke up the next day, he found that he was lying on top of someone in Yelu Doha's warm tent.In Gu Daniu's later grievances, Zhu Daguan estimated that the boy's youth of more than 20 years was robbed by the fat girl.Yelu Douha raised several noodles when she was in Kecheng, she didn't care, but Daniu felt that she was out of luck.Moreover, Daniu's brain is rigid, and he feels that a woman has a skin-to-skin relationship with him, and that is his person.Good guy, since that night, Yelu Douha has been entangled by Daniel.The bodyguard Niu Da persuaded her every day to correct her evil ways and turn to the right, so that she could marry him and go home to farm.Yelv Douha was almost driven mad by Daniel, she had never seen such a man.In desperation, Yelu Douha used his own green cattle as compensation, but the big cattle were not willing to do so, so they had to bring the cattle with them.

Zhu Daguan didn't bother to ask about these men and women's personal affairs, so he went to Zhan Ling's room every day when he had free time, calling it "coaching for information".

In the beginning, Zhan Ling was vigilant and ready to die to protect her innocence. Who knew that Zhu Daguan didn't do anything to her. He just talked and recited poems every day, at most taking advantage of a few sentences in language.Gradually, Zhan Ling realized that this person was not very bad, at least so far he looked like a gentleman, and Zhan Ling really admired him a little in terms of talent.

In the enemy's camp, Zhan Ling was calm on the surface, but in his heart he was burning with anxiety.She didn't know what was going on with her brother, why Kathel City was still calm for so many days.Perhaps out of loneliness, Zhan Ling slowly started chatting with Zhu Tianjiang.

"Zhu Tianjiang, aren't you afraid that my brother will lead troops to flatten your Kaser City?" Zhan Ling asked Zhu Tianjiang with a pair of phoenix eyes.

"Hehe, with you here, does he dare?" Senior official Zhu looked at Zhan Ling, and suddenly continued, "I said sister Ling, don't tell me, look at you carefully, and find that you are really taller than sister Douha Be pretty."

Zhan Ling couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Fuck you, you're the pig."

"That's right, my lord's surname is Zhu."

"You~ I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Let me ask you what you plan to do with me." Zhan Ling glared at Zhu Tianxiang, his face turned cold again.

Zhu Tianjiang rubbed his chin, looked at Zhan Ling seriously, "Oh~! Forget it, I'm soft-hearted, so I'll marry you as my third concubine."

"You~ looking for a fight!" Zhan Ling raised his leg in embarrassment and kicked, but his body was weak, and Zhu Daguan easily grabbed the little boot.

"Oh, the legs are in good shape. It's good to be a model." Zhu Daguan pinched Zhan Ling's leg like a rascal.

"You~ let go~!" Zhan Ling bit his lip, his face flushed with embarrassment, and he withdrew his jade feet forcefully.

Cleverly grabbed the tea bowl on the table and was about to throw it at him, Daguan Zhu ran out of the room with a smirk.

When he came to the courtyard, Zhu Daguan took a deep breath, he was really moved by Zhan Ling's beauty.However, Zhu Daguan felt sorry for Guo Ying and Yu'er, and felt conflicted.But Mr. Zhu was just thinking about it, and he didn't really think that the two could be together.

At this moment, Zhu Er hurried in, "My lord, according to the report from the scouts, Zhan Khan and his army are coming here. It is estimated that they will set up camp twenty miles away in an hour."

"Oh? How many people are there?" Zhu Tianjiang asked hastily.

"According to the flags checked by the scouts, it should be an army of [-]."

"Good guy, 8 people, I said why have you waited for so long. Immediately notify everyone, from now on, close the city!"

"My lord, if we close the city, we will be trapped. Should we first send a troop out of the city and wait for the opportunity to cooperate?" Zhu Er said worriedly.

For so many days, no one knew what Zhu Tianjiang was thinking.But from Zhu Tianxiang's relaxed expression, all the brothers trusted him extremely.

"No need, if there is a war, it's useless to leave the city. By the way, in order to prevent accidents, we moved the modified turret to the city gate to disguise it. Tell Zhu Si that no one is allowed to approach the turret except our own brothers. .”

After Zhu Tianjiang finished giving his orders, Zhu Er hurried to make arrangements one by one.The [-] troops besieging the city of Kaser put a heavy pressure on anyone's heart.

Zhu Tianjiang returned to Zhan Ling's room again, seeing Zhu Tianjiang coming in again, Zhan Ling scolded angrily, "What are you doing here again, if you humiliate this girl again, I will show you to death."

"If you dare to do this, even if you die, I will strip you naked and parade you through the streets." Zhu Tianjiang walked towards Zhan Ling while talking.

"You~ rascal!" Zhan Ling's powder fist hit Zhu Tianxiang's face angrily.

If Zhu Er hadn't drugged her, this punch would have caused Zhu Daguan to find his teeth all over the place.But Zhu Tianxiang easily blocked the flaccid fist, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, Zhu Tianxiang pulled a gold hairpin from Zhan Ling's bun.

"What are you going to do? It's something my mother left me, give it back to me." The tears of Zhan Lingqi swirled in his eyes.

"Oh, just right, let's be our love token." Zhu Tianjiang said with a smile, turned around and left.

Standing in the room, Zhan Ling shed tears of grievance.Since she was a child, no one has ever bullied her like this.Facing the villain Zhu Tianjiang, Zhan Ling had no choice.

Zhu Tianxiang walked quickly to his study, picked up a pen and wrote a confidential letter to Zhanhan.Zhu Tianxiang stuffed the golden hairpin into the secret letter, and sealed the letter with wax paint.

"Come on, please lead Zhu Yi over here.!"

Zhu Tianjiang gave an order, and after a while, Zhu Yi came to the commander's mansion.

Zhu Tianjiang ordered Zhu Yi to change into civilian clothes, take this secret letter to the Uzu camp immediately, and be sure to deliver the secret letter to Zhan Khan himself.

Zhu Tianjiang didn't know what to do, if Zhanhan gave up his sister for the sake of the overall situation, then Zhu Daguan could only use the artillery to open a bloody road and escape with his own people.

"Thank you for the rewards and subscriptions. Although the writing is average, I feel very ashamed to get everyone's support.In the hot summer, your support is my motivation, I wish you all a happy life! "

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