Great Luck

Chapter 199

Chapter 190

Chapter 190

The Wu army set up camp ten miles away from Kaser City, and the three armies from the left, middle and right lined up, stretching for several miles, and they were very powerful in terms of momentum.

Zhan Khan was not afraid of Zhu Tianxiang abandoning the city and fleeing, there was no army on the grassland that he could not catch up with.The horses ridden by the Wu nationality are all black snow horses from the severe cold in the north, and their biggest advantage is their great endurance.If Zhu Tianxiang abandons the city and flees, Zhan Khan believes that Zhu Tianxiang's army will be exhausted within two days, and they will only be slaughtered.Compared with siege, Zhan Khan would rather fight a pursuit battle.

Wu Qi, the leader of the right army, rode his horse to the camp of the Chinese army. He came to ask for a fight. Wu Qi didn't want to give up the opportunity to Xuan Ming, the leader of the left army.Being able to kill Zhu Tianjiang, the famous general of Dafeng, is a rare opportunity to become famous.

"Commander, the last general is here to ask for a fight. As long as the commander agrees, Wu Qi will definitely bring the head of Zhu Tianxiang to you tomorrow." Wu Qi shouted in a thick voice in the tent of the Chinese army.

Zhan Khan is holding a parchment-written 'Consultation' in his hand, and is reading it after Shuai's case. It is a relic left to him by his master before his death.

Hearing Wu Qi's shout, Zhan Khan didn't even raise his head, and asked softly, "Wu Qi, if you are asked to fight, how are you going to fight this tough battle?"

"Commander, I'm a man of the Wu ethnic group who is brave and tenacious. No matter how hard he fights, he can still flatten the walls of Kaser City." Wu Qi said, puffing out his chest.

Only then did Zhan Khan raise his head, with a murderous look in his eyes, "Based on your words, I really want to chop off your head and drink. If my leader of the Wu nationality is as brainless as you, don't say To rule over Tianqing, any tribe can kill every single one of our Wu people."

Zhan Khan said and stood up, "This commander has analyzed Zhu Tianjiang's several classic battles. When Zhou Yantian's army was defeated by Zhu Tianjiang, what he committed was to underestimate the enemy. Zhou Yantian always thought that Zhu Tianjiang was a group of The mob did not send troops to strangle them in advance, which left a disaster. Xuanming firmly defended the capital, thinking that he would make the city of Guangjing invincible because of his large number of soldiers. The one who caused Zhu Tianjiang to be wiped out couldn't even find anyone, and the one he committed was the mistake of underestimating the enemy.

Wu Qi, when the two armies fight against each other, it is not about who has more people, but who is the coach of the other side.The reason why our Wu people are invincible on the grassland is because we have spent nearly five years studying the military characteristics of the leaders of various ethnic groups and their culprits.But Zhu Tianxiang is different. None of us have figured out his strategy of using troops.But Zhu Tianjiang can find out the trajectory of our troops on the battle report of Wangdu City.Therefore, I ordered Zhan Ling to wait until Zhou Yantian's army arrived before starting the war.But this girl refused to listen to dissuasion and insisted on showing her bravery.

My master once said that a ten-year-old boy, no matter how good his skills are, will die when facing a strong and reckless man.I originally wanted to contain Yelufan in the royal capital, let Zhan Ling join Zhou Yantian's army, and destroy Kaser City in one fell swoop with absolute strength.Unexpectedly, I was spoiled by Zhan Ling, a girl who wanted to make such a great contribution by herself.Her mistake not only caused heavy losses to the Uzumaki, but even the plan to unify Tianqing may have to be postponed for a year.Wu Qi, I have already decided to let Xuan Ming fight this first battle.I am handsome enough to see if there is anything I can learn from Zhu Tianxiang. "

When he heard that Xuan Ming was being asked to fight, Wu Qi felt a little dissatisfied, but he dared not refute in front of Zhan Khan.Zhan Khan drank Wu Qi away, sat back in the Shuai case and waited for Xuan Ming's arrival.He knew that Xuan Ming hated Zhu Tianxiang deeply, so he would definitely come to ask for a battle.However, Zhan Khan miscalculated this time.

Xuan Ming really wanted to fight, but was forcibly stopped by his uncle E Bilong.E Bilong was well aware of Zhu Tianjiang's strength, so he asked Xuanming to hold on and let the Uzumaki army fight Zhu Tianjiang for a few rounds first.Anyway, no matter who killed Zhu Tianjiang, it was the result that E Bilong liked to see.

As the sky was getting dark, Zhu Yi took advantage of the darkness to sneak into the camp of the Uzumaki army, and went straight to the commander's tent.Zhu Yi didn't dare to be careless, this is the den of tigers and wolves, and if one is not careful, he may be trapped here.

What Zhu Tianxiang entrusted to him was a secret mission, and Zhu Yi couldn't break into the camp openly as a messenger of Kaser City, so he had to wait until night to sneak in carefully.

At the door of the coach's big tent, there were ten iron guards trained by Zhan Khan himself. After Zhu Yirao entered the big tent, he looked around carefully.According to the normal situation, there are ambushes around the coach's big tent, and there will be security agencies set up.But Zhu Yi searched carefully and found nothing unusual.Zhu Yi frowned, he felt that Zhan Khan was a little too confident.Zhu Yi took out an oilcloth bag and spread butter on the tent.Zhu Yi pulled out a sharp end knife from the boot, and carefully cut off where the butter was smeared.The tarpaulin was stained with butter, but it didn't make much noise.

Zhan Khan's Chinese army has a large account, and at this moment Zhan Khan was wondering, if Xuan Ming didn't come to ask for a fight, what excuse would he use to let Zhou Yantian's army fight the first battle tomorrow.The candlelight on the Shuai case flickered slightly, and Zhan Khan rolled his eyes vigilantly, but his whole body remained motionless.

Zhu Yi was less than ten feet away from Zhan Khan. According to the assassination skills he had learned in the sticky pole, this distance was the most suitable.

Zhan Khan didn't move, Zhu Yi didn't move either, the two seemed to be in a stalemate with each other.

"Worthy of being the commander of the Uzumaki, knowing that someone is standing behind you, you can still be so calm." Zhu Yi spoke first.

Zhan Khan didn't turn his head, but straightened up, "That's right, he's a master. I want to ask, how did you know that the commander-in-chief found you."

Zhu Yi smiled slightly, "Breathe! This big tent is very quiet, and I heard your breathing very steadily from ten steps away. But just now, I couldn't hear your breathing. When a wild animal is about to kill its prey, it Hold your breath too."

"Hehe, based on what you said, you are worthy of my hand." Zhan Khan said and stood up.

"I'm here tonight, not to kill you." Zhu Yi said calmly.

Zhan Khan didn't talk to him, but shouted to the outside, "The iron guards outside obey orders, and no one is allowed to come in without my commander's order." After Zhan Khan finished speaking, he turned around and looked at Zhu Yi.

Ever since Zhu Yi entered the big tent, it was the first time for the two to observe each other face to face.Zhan Khan raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"You can't kill me." Zhan Khan said coldly.

"I'm going to kill you just now, at least [-]% sure."

"now what?"

"Fifty percent!"

There was an approving smile on Zhan Khan's face, and his hand was already on the sword.

"As I said just now, you are worthy of my hand."

After Zhan Khan finished speaking, without waiting for Zhu Yi to speak, he stabbed out with the sharp sword in his hand like a snake.Zhu Yi didn't have a waist knife, so he could only use the short blade in his boots to fight Zhan Khan.

After the two moves, Zhu Yi found that Zhan Khan and Zhan Ling's moves were very similar, but in terms of strength and calmness, Zhan Khan was a level higher than Zhan Ling.If Zhu Yi had a suitable weapon in his hand, he would be able to fight with Zhan Khan on an equal footing.But Zhu Yi suffered because the weapon was too short, and after a dozen moves, he was forced by Zhan Khan to wander around in the big tent.

"Zhan Khan, your moves are much more vicious than your sister's. If I bring weapons, you can't beat me." Zhu Yi jumped out of the battle group and said.

Zhan Khan focused his eyes, "Have you fought against Zhan Ling?"

Zhan Khan was also very frightened at this time, his ability can be said to be rare in the grassland.He didn't expect that Zhu Tianxiang would be able to compete with him by just sending out a random person.By now, Zhan Khan began to worry about his younger sister Zhan Ling.With such capable people under Zhu Tianxiang's command, it seems that his sister is really in danger.

Zhu Yi put away the dagger, and took out a secret letter from his pocket, "At the order of my lord, I'm here to deliver a letter to you." Zhu Yi said, shaking his hand and flying out the secret letter.

Zhan Khan received the secret letter, but kept looking at Zhu Yi.Zhan Khan was not afraid of Zhu Yi's escape. With the order just now, he believed that his iron guards had already surrounded the big tent.

Zhan Khan sneered, "The two armies are about to fight, but Zhu Tianjiang sent a messenger. If he submits to the commander, I can let him go."

"My adults haven't learned how to write the word 'surrender'." Zhu Yi replied indifferently.

Zhu Yixin said that you kid is too arrogant, even if you have many soldiers, you still have the ability to protect my family from fleeing.What's more, you, Zhanhan, as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, didn't even set up security guards around your big tent. If it was Lin Feng who came tonight, you would have died long ago.

Zhan Khan did not send heavy troops to protect himself like other coaches, but also because of his self-confidence.In Zhan Khan's heart, he has never admired anyone except his master.

Zhan Khan's eyes fell on the secret letter.After tearing open the wax seal, Zhan Khan took out the letter paper, and found that there was something in the secret letter.Zhan Khan went to the side of Shuai's case and wrote down the letter, and a golden hairpin fell on the Shuai's case.

Zhan Khan frowned, stared at Nobile for a long time, and then slowly raised his head, "My sister fell into your hands?"

Zhu nodded, "She's fine. At present, no one in the Yangjin family knows that Zhanling Commander has fallen into our hands."

"Listen, if my sister loses a hair, I will make Zhu Tianxiang pay it back tenfold." Zhan Han's eyes showed a hint of ferocity.

Zhu Yi sneered and said that he was not talking, which means you can talk after reading the secret letter.Zhan Khan looked at the secret letter Zhu Tianxiang wrote to him, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Hmph! What a whimsical idea. The commander-in-chief's [-] troops pressed in, and he actually negotiated terms with me at this time. Do you think the commander-in-chief will agree!" Zhanhan sneered, put the letter paper on the candle, and burned it up .

"It's up to you to answer or not. I'll just deliver the letter. If you don't have any reply, I'll take my leave."

"Let's go? Hehe, I'm in the camp of the Chinese army. Are you the one who comes and leaves as soon as you say?"

"If I don't return to Kaser City before dawn, your sister's body will hang on the city gate tomorrow." Zhu Yi said calmly.

Zhan Khan gritted his teeth, wishing he could kill Zhu Yi with his eyes.Zhan Khan's body trembled slightly, and after a few breaths, Zhan Khan calmed down.

"Okay, I will send Zhu Tianjiang a reply. But please tell Zhu Tianjiang not to blackmail me with my sister. If anything happens to my sister, I will immediately lead my troops to kill Dafeng. I will kill a ghost." , my son of the Wu ethnic group will make Dafeng’s blood flow like a river.”

After Zhan Khan finished speaking, he sat down and wrote a reply letter with a pen.Zhan Khan put it directly into Zhu Tianjiang's envelope, even the wax seal was useless.

"Tell Zhu Tianxiang that if he wants to negotiate with this commander, he must have the capital to negotiate." After speaking, Zhan Khan waved his hand, and the secret letter flew to Zhu Yi.

"Come on~!" Zhan Khan shouted to the outside.

Two iron guards rushed in with battle axes in hand. Zhanhan glanced at Zhu Yi and ordered, "Send this strong man out of the camp, no one can stop him!"

Zhu nodded a little, thinking that Zhan Khan is still a man, he can afford it and let it go.Zhu Yi clasped his fists together, "Let me take my leave, I hope that one day, I can compete with Your Excellency again."

After Zhu finished speaking, he followed the two iron guards out of the big tent.A figure flashed in from outside, "Commander, isn't it~!" The man made a movement of wiping his neck.

The person who came was Mo Gan, Zhan Khan's chief guard, and the enemy's assassins sneaked into the coach's tent, which made him very embarrassed.

Zhan Khan shook his head and waved his hands to let Mo Gan go out.As soon as Mo Gan left, Zhan Khan quickly grabbed the gold hairpin on the Shuai case, his eyes full of worry.In front of Zhu Yi just now, Zhan Khan tried his best to restrain himself, not to let Zhu Yi show his concern for his sister.The siblings have been dependent on each other since they were young, and Zhan Khan's love for Zhan Ling far outweighs his enthusiasm for world domination.

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