Great Luck

Chapter 200

The [-]th quarter

The [-]th quarter

The news of the invasion of the Uganda army caused the whole city of Kaser to erupt. All the people in the city calmed down from the joy of the last victory, and everyone's face was full of worry.Thinking of the opponent's [-] army, the fear in my heart is self-evident.

At this point, Yelu Douha saw Zhu Tianxiang's true strength.In the last city-wide battle, Zhu Tianjiang had already tied everyone in Kaser City to his chariot.This time there was no need to mobilize at all, as long as the men in the city could fight, they all spontaneously organized.The people in the city knew very well that once the city was broken, the other party would probably massacre the city for the last killing.Now they have no choice but to insist on sending people to Wangdu City to rescue them.It is even said that everyone is ready to go all out.

In this regard, the people of the Tianqing Kingdom are different from the people of the Dafeng Dynasty. They think about fighting, while the people of the Dafeng Dynasty must choose to flee first.The difference in folk customs is why Dafeng has not captured Tianqing for hundreds of years.

The barracks was busy, and Yelu Douha commanded the sons of the Yangjin family to transport materials such as rolling logs and stones to the city wall.While busy, Yelu Douha suddenly found that his follower Daniel suddenly disappeared.In the past few days, she has been entangled by a big cow and she has lost a lot of weight. That stupid cow must force Yelv Douha to marry him.The two of them fought for an unknown number of times, and whoever thought that the more they fought, the tighter they would be.This incident became a joke in the barracks, and when Daniel saw Yelu Doha talking to a man, he would stare at him with a stick.Yelv Doha regretted that she drank two more glasses that night, otherwise she would not have asked for money like Daniel.Don't look at Yelv Douha who is as fat as a mountain, but he has good taste in men.

In the commander's mansion, Zhu Tianjiang and others did not fall asleep, and Lin Feng's trauma had grown new flesh. With Lin Feng guarding him, Zhu Tianjiang didn't have to worry about who would assassinate him.

"Daniu, you should give up your heart. Yelu Douha's status in Tianqing Kingdom is not low, how could he marry Dafeng." While waiting for Zhu Yi, the officials Zhu began to comfort Daniel.

"My lord, but mine~ my chastity was ruined by her, what will happen if she doesn't marry me." Daniel said with his neck straightened.

Xia Qing, Zhu Er and the others all laughed secretly, Zhu Tianxiang shook his head, "You are a chaste fart, you are paralyzed, and besides Yelu's big sister is a slutty girl, you are not afraid to marry back and take a cuckold."

"Don't be afraid, I'll watch closely."

"Fuck, your fucking taste is quite strong, and you can't help yourself. Well, well, as long as you are not afraid, I will help you persuade sister Yelu when I have time." Zhu Tianjiang laughed.

"Thank you, my lord~" Daniel looked at Zhu Tianjiang gratefully, thinking that once he opened his mouth, this would definitely happen.

While several people were talking, Zhu Si ran in, "My lord, Brother Zhu is back."

When Zhu Tianxiang heard this, he quickly stood up.Zhu Yi's trip was full of dangers, and he was worried that Zhan Khan would detain Zhu Yi.

Zhu Yi hurriedly walked into the hall, "My lord, you have fulfilled your mission!" After Zhu Yi finished speaking, he quickly took out Zhan Khan's reply letter.

"Zhu Yi, thank you for your hard work. Daniel, what are you doing standing still while paralyzed, pour tea quickly."

"Oh, good time." Daniel ran over with a smile and picked up the teapot.

Zhu Tianxiang didn't read the reply right away, "Zhu Yi, did Zhanhan react when he found out that his sister is in our hands?"

"This person is not simple, and he is very calm. He also said that if Zhan Ling loses a hair, he will make the adult pay back ten times."

Da Niu grinned and said, "Isn't that just paying him ten hairs back? What's the matter, sir is not bald and can't afford it."

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Zhu Tianxiang gave Daniel a glare, and began to read the reply letter.

Daniel scratched his head, and asked Zhu Er in a low voice, "Did I make a mistake? One hair is ten times, isn't it ten?"

Zhu Er nodded fiercely, "You made a mistake, it should be 25!" After finishing speaking, Zhu Er hurriedly took two steps to the side, afraid of being pestered by a big bull.

The hall was quiet, except for Daniel who was still counting a hair in his head, everyone else was waiting for Zhu Tianjiang to speak.

"Paralyzed, it seems that if you don't give this kid a hard time, he won't sit down and negotiate. Master, take a look." Zhu Tianjiang said, and handed the reply letter to Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng finished reading, he circulated the letter to everyone one by one. Daniel couldn't read, so he handed it to Xia Qing directly, "Help me read it."

After reading the reply, Xia Qing smiled, "It's nothing, Zhanhan still wants to fight us."

"Fuck! Just hit him, no one is afraid of him." Daniel pursed his lips and said dissatisfied.

Zhu Tianjiang glanced at everyone, "Brothers, Zhan Khan wants to see our ability. If Kaser City fights to the death, he will definitely sit down and negotiate as I said. So, tomorrow If you want to fight, you must let him know how powerful it is."

Lin Feng frowned, "Tianxiang, according to you, are you going out of the city to fight tomorrow?"

"That's right, don't look at our lack of manpower, but if you give them a head-on blow, Zhan Khan will change his mind." Zhu Tianxiang nodded and said.

"My lord, what should they do if they take the opportunity to attack the city?" Xia Qing said worriedly.

Everyone knew that this time was no better than last time, an army of [-] entered the city, and Kathel City could be flattened even by hand.Regardless of whether you have an ambush or not, the absolute superiority of troops will make up for everything.

"Once our Tianlei cannon is used, I believe the opponent will be in chaos. Therefore, the most elite troops must go out of the city to fight, and use their speed to quickly enter the city."

Zhu Tianjiang knew that tomorrow's battle would not be easy, so rather than going out of the city to fight, it might be better to say that Zhu Tianjiang was fighting a psychological war.What he relied on was the deterrent power of the cannon.

"My lord, even if Zhanhan is willing to sit down and negotiate, will the capital agree?" Zhu Er asked.

Zhu Tianxiang sighed, it was really difficult for him to answer this question.The person sent to the capital for help has not responded yet.It is even said that the sticky pole in the capital secretly found that there was no movement at all.

"Let's not worry about that much. If the king's capital city doesn't give me all the troops, it's impossible to deal with the Uzumaki army with only the strength of Kaser city. These people can defend the city, but if they launch a large-scale battle on the grassland, they will definitely lose. Undoubtedly, if I don't take the opportunity to negotiate, I will not be able to help Tianqing defend Kathel City for the rest of his life."

Zhu Tianjiang's words reached everyone's heart, although they sent troops to help the Yangjin clan, but in their hearts no one was willing to work hard here.

Zhu Tianjiang studied it with everyone, and immediately told everyone to go back and have a good rest to prepare for a new battle.

At si o'clock the next day, the Wu army came to the city of Kaser in mighty force.Seven hundred feet away from Kaser City, the Uzumaki army lined up.

Zhan Khan was riding a white snow dragon horse, and Wu Qi and Xuan Ming were standing on the left and right sides respectively.Seeing the flags fluttering on the wall of Kaser City, Zhan Khan nodded secretly.At least in terms of momentum, Zhu Tianxiang did not come off as successful.

"His Royal Highness Xuan Ming, you are very familiar with Zhu Tianjiang. This commander asks you, how do you think this battle should be fought?" Zhan Han asked with his head turned.

"Commander Zhan Khan, Zhu Tianjiang is full of tricks. I think he will definitely defend Kaser City and wait for rescue. If we attack by force, I am afraid that we will suffer a lot of losses. Xuan Ming thinks that it is better to besiege him for ten and a half months first, and let the city Self-cut food and grass. In addition, you can separate a large army to pay attention to the rear. As long as you find reinforcements coming, kill the reinforcements first, so that this idea will be eliminated in the city. When the momentum of the soldiers and horses in the city weakens, Kaser City will be easily taken " Xuan Ming said calmly, looking at the city wall.

Zhan Khan nodded, "His Royal Highness Xuan Ming is right, but I want to see if Zhu Tianjiang can hold the city."

Zhan Khan's meaning is very clear, he just wants to have a stepping stone first, to see how the defense of Kaser City is.

Xuan Ming frowned, "Okay, then the general will send [-] foot soldiers to attack the city to see the situation."

Xuan Ming turned around and was about to raise the flag, when suddenly, the battle drums on the city wall were beeping.The gate of the city was opened wide, and a group of people rushed out of the gate.

Zhan Khan and the others looked at the team leaving the city in surprise, wondering if Zhu Tianjiang was crazy and dared to go out of the city to fight?

Zhan Khan licked his lips, "Hehe, it's really beyond my expectation. I don't know if Zhu Tianjiang is using soldiers like a god, or it's a stupid act."

"Commander, the last general invites you to fight!" Wu Qi saw that the opponent was going out of the city to fight, so he couldn't help but hurriedly called for a fight.

"Commander Zhan Khan, let us fight this battle. Zhu Tianjiang's generals are familiar with me, and I know how to deal with them." Xuan Ming's eyes lit up, and he asked to join the battle.

Zhan Han glared at Wu Qi, and looked at Xuan Ming with a smile, "Okay, I am waiting for His Royal Highness to return in triumph."

After Zhan Khan finished speaking, Xuan Ming rode his horse back to his army formation.Zhan Khan's eyes turned cold, and he ordered Wu Qi, "The army is ready, and when the soldiers and horses of Kaser City are defeated, they will immediately follow and attack the city."

Zhan Khan gritted his teeth, he didn't let anyone know that his sister Zhan Ling fell into Zhu Tianjiang's hands.Zhan Khan felt that Zhu Tianjiang did not dare to hurt his sister Zhan Ling, and would probably exchange Zhan Ling for the lives of their Dafeng soldiers at the last moment.

Holding a long spear, Xuan Ming personally led five thousand warriors to the front of the formation.It was Zhu Si who fought in Kaser City, and behind Zhu Si was the elite of a thousand Dafeng led by Zhu Tianxiang.

On the city wall, Yelu Doha looked down worriedly.She couldn't stop Zhu Tianjiang's impulse, so she could only order the city guards to close the city gate immediately if they saw something bad.

Zhu Tianjiang watched the opponent's camp rushing out of the army, his eyes suddenly focused, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"I'm paralyzed, Xuan Ming finally took refuge in Zhou Yantian. Since Zhou Yantian sent an army over, it's time for General Wen's army to act too."

Zhu Tianjiang had been waiting for the arrival of Zhou Yantian's army, and he agreed with Wen Ruhai on the battle plan at Hukou Pass.Even though Zhu Tianjiang was helping the Yang Jin family of Tianqing Kingdom, he never forgot Zhou Yantian outside the customs.

When Zhu Si saw that the opponent was actually Dafeng Prince Xuanming, he sneered and looked back at the city wall.Zhu Tianjiang made a gesture.The meaning is very simple, just tell Zhu Si~ kill Xuan Ming!

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