silly elixir emperor

Chapter 164 The Prime Minister's Son

Zhu Junxuan suddenly took out a post and handed it to Guo Feng.

Guo Feng looked at the post in his hand with a strange expression. This post seemed to be made of very hard material, but after he got it, he didn't feel any hardness in his hand. On the contrary, the post felt very delicate and soft, with purple veneer and borders There is a circle of golden borders, and in the middle of the post, there are four golden characters flashing - Tianshe College!In the lower right corner of the post, there are three small silver words - Zhu Junxuan!

Purple and golden yellow, those are not the colors that anyone dares to use casually, especially for things like name cards. Purple and golden yellow are the royal family, but they are symbols of royal power!However, on this chapter's name post, there are both purple and golden yellow!

Tianshe College is worthy of being one of the four great colleges of the Great Qi Dynasty!

Zhu Junxuan waited for Guo Feng to receive the name post, and said: "I am a student of Tianshe College, this name post is our college's name post, and you are also a Confucianism cultivator. If I don't tell you, you must know Tianshe College What does the Social College mean! It is the holy place that all the dynasty students yearn for the most, but it is a pity that if there is no name card, students outside the college will never be able to enter the school for the rest of their lives."

Zhu Junxuan paused for a while, then continued: "If you have time, you can take this name card and go to Tianshe College to find me, and then I can introduce you to my teacher. Of course I know, People like us are people who value promises and friendship, so naturally they will not abandon their masters casually. But you have to think about it, as long as you enter Tianshe College, in the future, if your master has problems, you will also have The ability to help him. This will be good for yourself and the master of your family!"

"Damn, bastard! I said, why did this kid show up suddenly, and he looked like he was going to help me, so he came to poach the wall! Damn, the first day I came to the imperial city, first two men thought They want to dig the walls of Lao Tzu's women, and now someone is coming to dig the walls of Lao Tzu's men!"

Although Zhu Junxuan's voice was not loud, Chang Sheng still heard all his words clearly.

Guo Feng finally understood why Zhu Junxuan was so friendly, because he wanted to accept himself as his younger brother!

"Huh, I still want to recruit myself. Don't say that the young master doesn't know how many times smarter and genius you are. Even if the young master treats himself and his family, he will never betray his young master. Besides, he If you want to recruit yourself, it depends on your talent. Unfortunately, how could he know that the reason why he can have the current strength is entirely because of the help of the young master. Without the young master, I am afraid that he is still in the body training state, or even the entrainment state. !"

Guo Feng sneered in his heart, holding Zhu Junxuan's name card, and was about to speak when suddenly there was another sound of horseshoes.

"The security general, General Liu."

In the crowd, not only someone yelled loudly, Chang Sheng turned his head when he heard the sound, and looked in the direction of the sound. Among the crowd, there was a short and fat man in the uniform of a sheriff, but he was wearing a chain mail jacket. The middle-aged man quickly ran towards his direction, followed by several soldiers.

Chang Sheng looked at the general and frowned involuntarily. He had seen many generals and many magistrates, but this was the first time he had seen such a fat magistrate.As a general, a person in charge of maintaining law and order in the city, his figure is so fat. With his figure, I don't know how he usually arrests thieves and criminals!

"General Liu, it's them, it's Young Master Zhou who they beat to death, arrest them all!"

Beside General Liu, a soldier who notified General Liu of Qian Lai pointed at Chang Sheng and the others, and said loudly. As soon as his voice fell, when his eyes fell on Guo Feng, his expression suddenly froze, not only him but also him General Liu beside him also suddenly froze his gaze!

"What is that person holding in his hand? It's a famous post from Tianshe College!" General Liu's eyes moved to one side and fell on Zhu Junxuan who was standing beside Guo Feng before he had time to leave.Zhu Junxuan's name was written on the name post. Even if it was Zhu Junxuan, the number of this kind of name post was extremely limited. Zhu Junxuan actually handed over the name post to that kid. Could it be that they have something to do with each other, or, Zhu Junxuan is very optimistic about that kid?

In an instant, General Liu's expression was compared with the ferocious expression when he came, and he suddenly thought he had become another person, and a faint smile forced out on his face. Anyway, since Zhu Junxuan is here, then he must We can't directly take down the opponent as we thought before, the Zhu family is stronger than the Zhou family, and Zhu Junxuan is the favored son of the Zhu family, which is not comparable to Zhou Shiqiang's second generation ancestor.

In an instant, General Liu made a decision. He was just an official in charge of public security, so it was better not to get involved, and it was better to leave things to others!

General Liu had a decision in his mind, and his expression finally relaxed. He walked quickly in front of Chang Sheng and Guo Feng, coughed pretendingly, and said, "I already know what happened at the gate of the city before. In this way , because the matter is still controversial and a little complicated. You guys."

General Liu pointed to Chang Sheng and the others and said: "You guys tell us your way and your identity, let us record it, and then you can go, and wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when you will have a lawsuit in the court. The Yamen is still responsible for this matter!"

While talking, General Liu looked at Zhu Junxuan at the same time. I did this for Zhu Junxuan's sake, otherwise I would have arrested him long ago and got a favor from the Zhou family!Now that I am doing this, I must let Zhu Junxuan know that I am giving him face and letting him accept my love.

"If you want to tell the identity of yourself and others, the three of you are fine, but the identity of the young master, is it appropriate to say?"

When Guo Feng heard the words, he immediately sent a voice transmission to Chang Sheng and asked Chang Sheng: "Master, it seems that we have to register our identities. Look, your identities..."

"It's okay, just say it." Chang Sheng hesitated for a moment when he heard Guo Feng's words, and immediately replied that he wanted to see what influence his nominal father had in the capital.

"Yes." Guo Feng responded, then turned his head immediately, and said to Liu Changjun, "My name is Guo Feng, and I am a litigator."

"Legator?" General Liu suddenly opened his eyes wide, and looked at Guo Feng in disbelief. Litigation, is there such a small litigator?How could a little litigator be so valued by Zhu Junxuan that he even handed over the name card to him!

Zhu Junxuan's face, which had always been calm and calm, suddenly showed a turmoil. Litigation, such a talented genius, to become a litigator, is really wasteful, too wasteful!If Guo Feng is my subordinate, I will definitely not let him be a lawyer!

Guo Feng looked at the unbelievable expressions of the people around him, smiled lightly, pointed at Miu Miu and said: "This Miu Miu, she is my lady." Then, he pointed at Lan Ke'er again and said: "This is the son of my young master. Fiancee, Lan Ke'er, she is the only child of Lord Lan, the governor of Mengshan City in Tianluo Province!"


As soon as Guo Feng's voice fell, the noise in the crowd suddenly sounded!

The sheriff, although this is the imperial city, but the sheriff is not a small official no matter what, he is the local emperor!Besides, the beautiful woman in front of me is the only child of that county sheriff!That is not dead by the baby!


Among the crowd, a woman in her 40s sighed: "Although she is the daughter of the sheriff, she is the Zhou family. A sheriff cannot afford to offend the Zhou family." Bong's voice sounded again.

"This is our family's son Chang Sheng, his father is the current prime minister, Lord Chang!"


"What did he just say?"

"He said that the young master of his family is the son of the prime minister's family. I heard it right!"

As soon as Guo Feng's voice fell, everyone was shocked!That man turned out to be the son of the prime minister of the current dynasty. The prime minister is really the No. 1 civil official who is under one man and above ten thousand people!

"It turned out to be the son of Prime Minister Chang Ganze." Zhu Junxuan looked at Chang Sheng's stupid face, and suddenly smiled in his heart, that's right, this person is stupid, isn't Chang Ganze's son who is out of town just a fool!Although in the capital, most people don't know that Chang Ganze has a stupid son in other places, but all families with some status know that he has such a stupid son, but they didn't expect that they would see his stupid son first. son!

Zhu Junxuan wasn't too worried. Chang Sheng was Chang Ganze's son, so he couldn't recruit Guo Feng.Chang Sheng is a fool, no matter what status he is, a fool is a fool, how could he not be able to dig someone from the fool himself!

General Liu was the one with the most complex complexion in the field.

"It turned out to be Chang Ganze's son!"

General Liu had a look of rejoicing on his fat face. Fortunately, he didn't arrest him rashly. If this person in front of him is really Chang Ganze's son, and he arrests him again, his life will be ruined.Although he belongs to the general family, he is a deadly enemy with the civil servant family headed by Chang Ganze.However, finding an opponent also depends on the strength of the opponent.

Chang Ganze is the prime minister, it's too easy to kill a little public security general, just say a few words in front of the emperor, in order to calm the anger of his beloved minister, the emperor will definitely kill himself!

Fortunately, General Liu still had a trace of anger, but because of the identity of the other party, he dared not express his anger!

"I just don't know if what this kid said is true or not. If it's a fake Lao Tzu who was deceived, it would be a joke!"

General Liu stared at Chang Sheng and the other four, his mind turned, and he suddenly had an idea.

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