silly elixir emperor

Chapter 165 The Prime Minister's Son

"This is actually the prime minister's son, really rude. The prime minister shares the worries of the emperor day and night, and works hard for the country. Since you are the prime minister's son, I must send you and others to the prime minister's residence safely!"

General Liu pretended to be polite and said, a stern look flashed across the corner of his eyes, if this person is really the prime minister's son, that's fine, if it's a fake... At that time, I'm afraid Zhu Junxuan won't be able to protect them either, and unexpectedly appeared The prime minister's sons, the prime minister will deal with them himself, and he will deal with them again when the time comes, who told them not to pretend to be others, but to pretend to be the civil servants he hates most!

"This old boy, it sounds nice to escort his own safety. Does he think he is really stupid? Isn't he just afraid that he is pretending to be an identity indiscriminately?"

Chang Sheng cursed secretly in his heart, led the horse with Miu Miao and others, and walked all the way into the imperial city under the escort of General Liu!


Feeling the world in the imperial city, Chang Sheng felt very strange. The life in the entire imperial city is ruled by the world. After all, it is also an imperial city. There is no world in the imperial city!

While Chang Sheng was wondering, he followed General Liu all the way in the imperial city. The entire imperial city is divided into the inner city and the outer city. No matter how high the official position is, he is not qualified to live in the imperial city. Even Chang Sheng's father, the current prime minister, also lives in the outer city.

Walking all the way, when General Liu and Chang Sheng were about to reach the edge of the inner city and the outer city, in front of a huge mansion, they finally stopped.

Chang Sheng looked forward.

At the gate of the mansion, on the plaque at the entrance of the vermilion gate between the two huge stone lions, there are three large characters written in flying and phoenix dances, Prime Minister's Mansion!

Before General Liu could speak, Guo Feng suddenly stepped forward, walked up to the guard standing at the door, and said, "Go, report to the Prime Minister, and say that the young master is here."


The guard was obviously taken aback when he heard Guo Feng's words, and then he reacted instantly, turned around quickly, and ran towards the courtyard quickly. The prime minister once said that the young master will come today.

Not long after the guards entered the mansion, Chang Sheng heard a burst of hurried footsteps from a distance.

After a while, a figure appeared in his eyes.

"It seems!" Chang Sheng stared blankly at the figure who was very similar to himself rushing out of the mansion, and the blood in his heart started to boil uncontrollably.

Chang Sheng looked at the person in front of him. Although the person walked out in a hurry, he gave off a very calm feeling!

"Huh? Such a strong aura of grandeur! Confucianism master?"

Chang Sheng was taken aback for a moment. When he saw the person in front of him, he obviously had a feeling of flesh and blood. He should be his nominal father in this life, but in his memory, he had no cultivation at all!

Chang Sheng was wondering, and Gu Tianmo suddenly said in his mind: "Chang Sheng, you are wrong, he has no cultivation base at all, he is not a master, the Confucian aura of grandeur in him is not from Confucianism, but the cultivation of Qi good!"

"Good at raising qi?" Chang Sheng was a little puzzled.

"That's right. There are many great writers on the mainland. They don't have any cultivation. However, because they read books every day and always adhere to the moral standards of sages in their hearts no matter what they do, they will naturally form a kind of aura."

As soon as Gu Tianmo explained, the visitor had already rushed in front of Chang Sheng.

"Master Prime Minister!"

General Liu bent down and called out respectfully, even though he and the prime minister were in a hostile camp, the more so, the more he had to be careful, and the more polite he was when he saw the prime minister, otherwise, even though the prime minister felt sorry for him, saying that he No respect, that's enough for him to drink a pot.

When Chang Ganze heard General Liu's words, he ignored him at all. He firmly grasped Chang Sheng's shoulders with both hands, opened his mouth, squirmed for a long time, and finally protruded two words: "Xiao Sheng!"

"He's really the prime minister's son!" In the crowd, the wounded little third son's expression changed, he quickly turned around, left the crowd, and ran towards the inner city. The current head of the Zhou family is the county prince!As long as he is a prince, he is qualified to live in the inner city!

Holding the Zhou family's card in his hand, the third son just entered the inner city through the gate of the inner city, and quickly turned to one side, and he ran to Zhou's house not long after.

As soon as he ran to the door of Zhou's house and faced him, Xiao Sanzi saw an old man about 60 years old walking out of Zhou's house accompanied by a middle-aged man.


Seeing the old man, the third son shouted loudly, quickly ran to the Patriarch Zhou Yiyan, and knelt down with a plop: "Patriarch, the young master was beaten to death!"

"What? What did you say? Say it again, my son was beaten to death?"

Before the old man could speak, behind him, a middle-aged man with an unhealthy white complexion, who was obviously sweating and hollowed out by alcohol, stepped forward from behind the old man in an instant, until he was only half a step away from the old man. He stared at Xiao Sanzi with wide eyes.


The youngest son looked up and saw Zhou Jinlong, the father of his young master Zhou Shiqiang. Immediately, he closed his eyes hard, forcing a tear from his eyes: "Master, the young master was beaten to death just now at the gate of the city. He was smashed to the ground alive and died!"

"My son..." Zhou Jinlong felt his eyes darken when he heard the words of the third son, and he threw himself on the ground with a sway. He was unconscious because of a sudden severe blow!

"Hmph, useless things!" Zhou Yiyan snorted coldly when he saw Zhou Jinlong fainted, waved his hands behind him, and said, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you lift him down and ask the doctor, isn't he mine?" Son!"

"Yes Yes……"

Behind Zhou Yiyan, several servants hurriedly lifted Zhou Jinlong up and ran back to the mansion.

"Say, what's going on, my grandson was beaten to death!"

Only then did Zhou Yiyan turn his head away, and looked down at the servant kneeling on the ground, his face was very ugly. Although he didn't know the servant in front of him, but Zhou Jinlong came out to ask questions just now, it was obvious that the young master he was talking about was Zhou Jinlong's only one. His son Zhou Shiqiang is strong.

Although I have a total of seven sons, Zhou Jinlong is the least mature among them, and I have always disliked Zhou Jinlong. Zhou Jinlong's son Zhou Shiqiang is even worse, even worse than his father Zhou Jinlong when he was young. God knows how to be addicted to wine and sex.

I and even the entire Zhou family want to see Zhou Jinlong and his son, but no matter what, they are also members of the Zhou family, and they are direct descendants of the Zhou family. Now that they are beaten to death, I can't just ignore them. Where to put the Zhou family's face!

Hearing the Patriarch's question, the third son hurriedly said with snot and tears: "Today, the villain was going out of the city to hunt with the young master, and then at the gate of the city, a woman riding a horse tripped the villain. The young master stepped forward to argue, but the other party beat the young master to death without saying a word!"

Little Sanzi didn't dare to tell the truth of the matter.Made up a lie, the youngest son kowtowed vigorously on the ground, sobbing while kowtow: "Patriarch, the young master died so badly, the other party was bullying others because he was the son of the prime minister. At the gate of the city, in front of so many people , the young master was thrown to death just like that!"

"Wait, what are you talking about, the prime minister's son? Chang Ganze, his son? Has his son returned to the imperial city? Have you made a mistake? Are you sure it's Chang Ganze's son?" Zhou Yiyan hurriedly called When he said that the third son was broken, his face became more and more ugly. Chang Ganze, the person he hates the most now is Chang Ganze. As long as he hears Chang Ganze's name, he will have the urge to stab someone with a knife!

"There is nothing wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong. I followed the guy who killed the young master all the way to the prime minister's mansion. I saw Chang Ganze's expression of love with my own eyes, and I also heard Chang Ganze call his name with my own ears!" While speaking, the youngest son raised three fingers, as if making an oath.

"It turned out to be Chang Ganze's son. Damn it, you Chang Ganze insisted on talking about reforms, which caused my family's property to shrink severely. I couldn't do those lucrative business in the past, but now it's good, you son of a bastard. , Xiao bastard beat my grandson to death again, you are right with me, right!"

Zhou Yiyan cursed in a low voice with a frosty face: "Alright, you Chang Ganze have always advocated the rule of law. I want to see it today. Your son Chang Ganze killed my grandson. What do you do?" Let's rule the country by law!"

Zhou Yiyan waved his hand to his right back, and called his second son Zhou Jinyang to the front of his face: "You give orders later and send someone to the Zhou Mansion... Remember, the purpose of sending people this time is to mess around and keep Chang Ganze from coming down. tower!

In front of the prime minister's mansion.

"This...he is really Chang Ganze's son!"

General Liu opened his mouth wide and looked at the Chang family father and son in great surprise. As the prime minister, Chang Ganze was watched by everyone in his every move. He was also a gentleman except for his name. He even ignored him when he called him. When has anyone ever seen him lose his composure and impoliteness!

Chang Ganze stared at Chang Sheng without blinking. For a long time, after he had looked at Chang Sheng over and over again, he finally said again: "Xiao Sheng, you have grown taller and stronger again. It's getting dark, Xiao Sheng, how are you doing at your uncle's house?"

At the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, all the guards, the soldiers who escorted Chang Sheng with General Liu, and a few passers-by on the side of the road all opened their mouths wide and stared blankly at Chang Ganze. It's just a kind father who loves his children to the point where he can't love him any more. He doesn't have the demeanor of a prime minister!

"Okay, Chang Sheng is very good." Chang Sheng felt Chang Ganze's love for him, and replied innocently: "Uncle is very good to Chang Sheng, and gives Chang Sheng candy every day!"

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