silly elixir emperor

Chapter 182 Who is the idiot

"Fool, you call Chang Sheng a fool! You scold Chang Sheng!"

Hearing Taishi Fei's explanation, Chang Sheng's face, which had been foolish all the time, instantly showed anger: "You scold Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng will beat you to death!"

Chang Sheng yelled, rushed out with one step, raised his hand and threw it at Grand Master Fei.

"Sheng'er, don't mess around!"

Just as Chang Sheng took a step forward, Chang Ganze was startled immediately, and quickly called out to stop Chang Sheng. Although he said that Sheng'er is a fool, but if the disturbance continues in the Golden Luan Hall, the emperor's face will be dull. Besides, Grand Master Fei, no one in the entire Daqi Dynasty knew how strong he was, but Grand Master Fei was extremely strong, which was recognized by everyone. If Chang Sheng rushed up to fight Grand Master Fei, it was definitely his own fault. ask for trouble!

Chang Sheng stopped when he heard his father's voice, turned his head and looked at his father dissatisfied: "Father, he scolded Chang Sheng, Chang Sheng wanted to kill him!" Father gave a thumbs up, the voice of the old man appeared too timely.

Although he didn't fight Grand Master Fei, he knew with his toes that he would definitely not be the opponent of Grand Master Fei. If he really rushed up, he would definitely be beaten!

"Sheng'er, don't talk yet." Chang Ganze gave Chang Sheng a hand, then turned to look at Fang Yuanfu: "Your Majesty, you have already asked Grand Master Fei's question. I would like to ask the sage to tell you whether the dog is a fool or not." !"

Fang Yuanfu nodded, heaving a sigh of relief, now there is no need for a clear lesson, anyone can tell that Chang Sheng is a fool: "Well... I have made a decision, and through the observation just now, there is no doubt that Chang Sheng is a fool."

As he spoke, Fang Yuanfu looked at the officials below, especially the generals and the prince: "I wonder if you have any other opinions."

Everyone was speechless, the emperor said so, what else could they say?What's more, looking at Chang Sheng's performance, he is indeed a fool.

Everyone sighed, thinking that Grand Master Fei's move would definitely prove that Chang Sheng is not a fool, Grand Master Fei never talks much, but once he speaks and makes a move, he must be sure.But I never thought that Grand Master Fei would fail this time!

Fang Yuanfu saw that the crowd was silent, his eyes swept away, and his gaze fell on Grand Master Fei: "Grand Master Fei, you took out the elixir, what do you think?"

"I have no objection, your majesty is wise!" Grand Master Fei praised, feeling extremely depressed in his heart, what is going on, why Chang Sheng still looks so stupid?Ordinarily, he should become a normal person in a short time!But now...

Grand Master Fei was extremely puzzled, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out why this happened!There will definitely be no problem with the pill. This pill was made by the most powerful alchemist in the Great Qi Dynasty. There will be absolutely no problem with the pill.

Moreover, I also saw Chang Sheng chew the pill one by one and swallowed it. After such a long time, the effect of the pill must have been exerted, but Chang Sheng is still so stupid. There is another explanation for this!

I remember that the alchemist once said that if a person is so stupid that he can't be any more stupid, then no matter how powerful things can improve his spiritual intelligence in a short period of time, it is useless to him. Could it be that Chang Sheng Already so stupid?

Grand Master Fei sighed helplessly, thinking it was like this, this time he couldn't use Chang Sheng's question to attack Chang Ganze.

Fang Yuanfu saw that none of the ministers had any objections, raised his hand and said, "Since Chang Sheng is a fool, according to the laws of my Da Qi Dynasty, Chang Sheng naturally does not need to pay his life or go to jail. Because he is an idiot, I will not pursue the matter of him making trouble in the Jinluan Palace just now, but Chang Aiqing..."

Fang Yuanfu turned his head, looked at Chang Ganze pretending to be serious, and said, "Chang Aiqing, according to the law, you still have to pay the money you should pay, and in order to prevent such things from happening again, you also need to pay more money." Take care of Chang Sheng."

"And you."

In the end, Fang Yuanfu's eyes fell on the officials below again: "Since you all know that Chang Sheng is a fool, then try to provoke him as little as possible in the future!"

After Fang Yuanfu finished talking to everyone, he turned his head to look at Chang Sheng: "Okay, Chang Sheng, now you can step back and go home."

"Go home?" Chang Sheng pouted: "Chang Sheng is not going back. He scolded Chang Sheng just now, and Chang Sheng wanted to beat him to death!"

While shouting, Chang Sheng struggled to beat Grand Master Fei. Behind him, two imperial guards who realized something was wrong had already rushed to his side and held him firmly.

"Sheng'er, don't mess around, Grand Master Fei is not scolding you." Chang Ganze was afraid that Chang Sheng would get angry again and go to Grand Master Fei to ask for trouble, so he quickly stepped forward to hold Chang Sheng, and then looked at Gao Silong Fang Yuanfu on the chair.

"He's just scolding Chang Sheng, and Chang Sheng knows that a fool means scolding!" Chang Sheng pointed at Grand Master Fei, and opened his mouth to curse: "Ugly old man, you are the fool, you are the fool, you are the big fool, Old fool, fool, fool..."

Chang Sheng kept yelling at Grand Master Fei for being a fool, his mouth was like a chain crossbow, he kept spitting out mouthfuls of saliva.

Grand Master Fei had a gloomy face, and turned his head away to look away from Chang Sheng. He was a dignified veteran of the three dynasties, the grand master of the Great Qi Dynasty, and it would be embarrassing for him to care about such a fool as Chang Sheng.

Chang Ganze saw Chang Sheng making a fuss again in the main hall, so he quickly pulled Chang Sheng back. This is the Jinluan Palace, and the emperor is here. If Chang Sheng is allowed to continue to make trouble like this, the emperor will lose his face.

"Sheng'er, don't make a fuss, that's the grand master of this dynasty, he is not a fool." Chang Ganze hurriedly whispered in Chang Sheng's ear.

As soon as Chang Ganze's words fell, Grand Master Fei's face changed suddenly, and Chang Sheng burst into a smile in his heart. It turned out that sometimes his father was so bad. He said that Grand Master Fei was not a fool in front of so many people. This is tantamount to slapping Grand Master Fei's face, but Grand Master Fei still can't get angry.

Chang Sheng laughed out loud in his heart, pointed at Grand Master Fei and said, "Is he not a fool? Then Chang Sheng asks a question, if he can answer it, he is not a fool, if he can't answer it, he is a fool! He is an old fool!"

Grand Master Fei's face became gloomy again, he still turned his head, not looking at Chang Sheng, and said coldly in a low voice, "Hmph, Grand Master Fei is not as knowledgeable as you!"

Seeing that Master Pang still did not respond to Chang Sheng, Chang Ganze breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, things didn't get serious, so let's take this opportunity to let Chang Sheng go home.

Chang Ganze pulled Chang Sheng and turned around, comforting in a low voice: "Come on, Chang Sheng, you go home first, and play with your sister Misty..."

Chang Ganze took Chang Sheng to comfort him, and finally, Chang Sheng turned his head helplessly, and walked towards the outside of the Golden Luan Hall with a dissatisfied face: "Okay, Chang Sheng will go home now, Chang Sheng wants to tell Senior Sister Misty, tell the children , Chang Sheng saw a foolish three-eyed monster old man in the Golden Luan Hall today."

Chang Sheng walked towards the outside of the Jinluan Hall while talking. Behind him, Grand Master Fei shrank his eyes and pupils, showing a trace of anger. This idiot, he actually wants to advertise himself as an idiot outside!

Seeing that Chang Sheng was about to walk out of the Golden Luan Hall, behind Chang Ganze, Wei Zhigang suddenly stood up, pointed at Chang Sheng and shouted: "Chang Sheng, you can't go out and talk nonsense, ruining our grand master's reputation, our grand master! Your Excellency, that is a great talent who knows astronomy from above and geography from below, is erudite and omniscient, there is something that the grand master does not understand, Chang Sheng, let alone ask a question, it is a hundred questions. Thousands of questions, Master Grand Master can answer them!"

Wei Zhigang had an adoring smile on his face, and he had already scolded Grand Master Fei in his heart. Grand Master Fei had been obstructing reforms on his own side, but he did not openly stand on the opposite side of his own side. However, he directly stood up, wanting to make the prime minister make a fool of himself, and make the prime minister step down from the position of prime minister.

Since this is the case, there is no need for me to be polite, Chang Sheng is a fool, the questions he asks, not to mention the prime minister, even a group of ordinary generals, they can answer them.But it's one thing to answer, and it's good to take this opportunity to disgust Grand Master Fei, anyway, the two sides have already torn their faces.

Grand Master Fei's entire face darkened in an instant. Wei Zhigang was praising himself on the surface, but he said that, if he shouldn't come down, wouldn't it be said that the old man dared not even answer a stupid question? Yet!


Grand Master Fei suddenly turned his face away, shook his head and shouted at Chang Sheng: "Forget it, I will answer a question for you, please tell me what you want."

Chang Sheng's body stopped suddenly, and he turned around slowly. Finally, old man Fei couldn't help it anymore. Well, that Wei Zhigang just now was smart enough. I like such smart people. Haha, since old man Fei wants to Answer the question, then he will lose face this time.Asking questions, I don’t know how many posts I saw on the Internet in my previous life, how many weird questions, see if I’m asking you stupidly.

Chang Sheng's brain turned rapidly, thinking about the brain teasers he had seen in his previous life... Well, it must be suitable for the thinking of a fool. In fact, the thinking of brain teasers is often the simplest, which is suitable for the thinking of a fool, uh ... Ask yourself a classic mahjong game.

Thinking of the answer to the brain teaser in Chang Sheng's mind, he bounced up to Grand Master Fei, stuck out his tongue to make a face at Grand Master Fei, opened his mouth, and asked with a loud smile: "Chang Sheng asks you, do you have any questions?" One, two, three... four, four people played mahjong together, and then the government went to arrest people and arrested five people. Why five people?"

While asking Taishi Pang, Chang Sheng counted with his fingers. After asking, he didn't understand, and said to himself in a low voice, "Why are there five people? Not four?"


"This stupid man, if he asks a question, does he even know the answer?"

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