Chang Ganyi looked at Wu Shiju but didn't even bother to arch his hands, and asked directly: "Oh, according to what Mr. Wu said, you have to take care of the Luo family and General Lin, so don't take my Chang family seriously. gone?"

As he said that, without waiting for Wu Shiju's answer, Chang Ganyi's voice suddenly turned cold, and he said sharply: "Master Wu really treats my Chang family as a bully, don't forget who Chang Sheng's father is!"

A drop of cold sweat appeared on Wu Shiju's head, how dare he underestimate the Chang family, he must not know who Chang Sheng's father is.

"Master Chang, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that." Wu Shiju faced the direction of the capital, clasped his hands, cupped his hands towards the sky, and said in a reverent tone: "The teacher who was my mentor in the provincial examination is now in court. Zhongguan ranks third, he is valued and promoted by the Prime Minister."

After speaking, Wu Shiju withdrew his hand, lowered his voice a little, and said, "Master Chang, after all, we are all one family, so I naturally want to help my family, otherwise why would I invite Master Chang to come here for a secret talk."

Chang Ganyi nodded very clearly. Although he is not an official in the court, he also knows that the officials in the court are also divided into cliques. Some became a party because of the same political views, and some were like Wu Shiju, who joined his examiner in the Zhongju, called the examiner a mentor, and formed a faction with such a relationship similar to master and student. In this way, Chang Sheng His father is his mentor's mentor, so he and the Chang family are naturally a family.

"Master Chang, don't worry, I've already thought about everything. You can tell Master Chang Sheng later that no matter what we do, just ask him to answer yes."

Wu Shiju whispered in Chang Ganyi's ear, and after Chang Ganyi listened, he praised him, then quickly left the back hall, walked back to the lobby through the side door, walked to Chang Sheng, and whispered softly: " Sheng'er, don't talk yet, listen to me, a fat county magistrate will come out of the court in a while, no matter what he asks you, just answer yes directly. Do you understand? Just say yes!"

"Yes. Understood."

After a while, the county lord finally came out from the back hall and was formally promoted.

The county lord sat behind the square table, and before the Luo family could complain about who and why the Luo family had sued, he waved his hand, moved his body like a meat ball, looked at the people below him, and slapped his hands in surprise. Tang Mu opened his mouth and said: "I have already understood what happened, so you don't need to say more. Chang Sheng, let me ask you, did you buy medicinal materials in this herbal hall yesterday afternoon, and saw Luo Jin from the Luo family, It's the man on the stretcher."

"Yes." Chang Sheng grinned and nodded honestly.

Seeing Chang Sheng's honest answer, the county master was very satisfied. Chang Qian is not bad at teaching, so he nodded and continued: "I heard that there were a few bullies and habitual offenders who had committed many crimes in the thatched cottage that day. Did you see it?"

When the Luo family lawyer heard the words of the county master, he secretly said that he was not good, and hurriedly said: "My lord, there were no habitual offenders at that time, that day..."

"Shut up!" The county lord slapped the gavel heavily, and scolded: "My lord asked, how can you interrupt, are you questioning my lord?"

"The villain doesn't dare." The Luo family had no choice but to step back and wait for Chang Sheng's answer. He could see that the county master was obviously biased towards Chang Sheng. He said that there were bullies who were habitual offenders. Followed the answer and said that I saw it, then Master Luo Jin was not beaten by Chang Sheng but those bullies, because they are repeat offenders!

"No wonder I keep saying yes. This is a good way to push my crimes onto non-existent bullies." Chang Sheng thought to himself.

"Among the people I beat yesterday was the son of the city guard general Lin Yuanzhi, and the person who wanted to kill me in the first place should be Lin Yuanzhi, and the son who wanted to come to Lin Yuanzhi was beaten by me like this, I don't believe it He will be indifferent today, then I will force them out to meet this man first and see what he is capable of."

Thinking of this, Chang Sheng looked at the magistrate with a puzzled face: "Bully? What does it look like?"

"Why didn't Chang Sheng answer according to the lines?" The county lord had a headache for a while, and he hinted that it was like this. It's okay for Chang Sheng to go on and ask what a bully looks like. The bully didn't have one at all, he made it up How does he know what a bully looks like?Could it be that Chang Sheng got confused when the Luo family's litigation stick interrupted him just now?

After thinking about it, the county lord had no choice but to open his mouth, and further hinted: "Chang Sheng, think about it carefully, did someone bump into Luo Jin from the Luo family at that time, the bully I'm talking about is that person!" On it, as long as Chang Sheng nodded and said yes, then there would be nothing wrong with him, and there would be non-existent bullies who would take the blame for everything.

Chang Sheng looked aside, seeing that Chang Sheng made a mistake just now, afraid that Chang Sheng would make another mistake, Chang Ganyi had to stretch his legs, kicked Chang Sheng covertly, and reminded in a low voice: "Yes, yes, yes."

Chang Sheng lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head under the expectant eyes of everyone, and said with certainty: "No, no one collided with that annoying Luo Jin yesterday, and I was the only one who beat him up. Meal!"

"This..." The magistrate of the county went crazy, he hinted like that, and he almost told Chang Sheng that it was the bully who knocked Luo Jin down, and then the two had a conflict, Luo Jin was beaten, and he was there to fight .But this Chang Sheng, how can he be like this, he actually confessed on his own initiative!

"This idiot!" The county master yelled in his heart, he had no choice but to continue to correct him: "Chang Sheng, think about it again, yesterday you saw the bully beating Luo Jin, and then you went to help Luo Jin, actually You are fighting a bully, not Luo Jin, are you?"

The county lord was so forced that he had no choice but to directly teach Chang Sheng on the spot.

"Wu Shiju, with so many people in the audience watching, this is how you, the county lord, make decisions for the people? Is this how you act as the master of Qingtian? You are worthy of the four big words 'mirror hanging high' above your head!"

Suddenly, a shout sounded from below the lobby.

Down the hall, a tall, middle-aged man with a handsome and cold face, dressed in a blue-scale mail armor, with a fine steel broadsword on his waist and crotch, and a bronze feather crown on his head, stepped out and walked to the top of the hall step by step. His steps were very heavy. , Every time you take a step, there will be a muffled sound in the lobby.

Behind him, a young man who looked somewhat like a middle-aged man followed only on one side, and behind him were ten strong soldiers in cowhide armor and carrying big bows. They walked at exactly the same pace, obviously They are all elite soldiers in the army.

"General Lin, the city guard."

Below the lobby of the county government office, the crowd of onlookers let out an exclamation.

Every time there is a case in the county government, there are always crowds of people watching from below. Chang Sheng listened to the voices of the people below, raised his head, and looked at General Lin. It turned out that he was Lin Yuanzhi. According to rumors, Lin Yuanzhi was the wind The number one master in the capital city, I don't know who is stronger now, me or him!

Lin Yuanzhi walked to the top of the lobby and told the soldiers behind him: "Left and right, bring me a table and chairs. The general is here today to see how our county magistrate handles the case."

"Arrogance, it's too arrogant!" Wu Shiju looked at Lin Yuanzhi, who was sitting on the chair brought by the soldiers under his hand, and cursed inwardly, "This bastard Lin Yuanzhi usually relies on Holding the military power does not sell my face at all. When he has no money or food, he reports to his superiors, and he wants to take the money and food from me. In turn, when I ask him to send troops to suppress bandits, he responds in every possible way, finding various reasons to refuse Send troops. Now he brings troops here, and looks at my trial case like a superior official, it is really arrogant, he is deceiving too much."

Lin Yuanzhi waited for the soldiers under his command to move the table, and he slapped it hard with his big hand. Although he didn't have a gavel, but he practiced martial arts all the year round, the sound of his slap was louder than Wu Shiju's gavel. many.

"Master County, just now I heard that Chang Sheng has pleaded guilty. Why, why don't you hurry up and convict?"

On the side of the Luo family, seeing General Lin coming out to back him up, the litigation stick suddenly became more courageous, strode out, and said loudly: "That's right, Chang Sheng beat my young master and housekeeper violently. Sheng himself has pleaded guilty, and the county lord please convict Chang Sheng."

Wu Shiju is in a difficult situation now. With Lin Yuanzhi appearing, he can no longer obviously favor Chang Sheng as before. He has to think of another way to help Chang Sheng get rid of the crime.

At this time, Guo Feng, who had been silent since Wu Shiju appeared, suddenly came out and said loudly, "That's right, Chang Sheng has pleaded guilty."

Guo Feng's words made everyone stunned.

"I just said, such a young litigator can't be trusted, he really can't be trusted!" Chang Ganyi cursed loudly in his heart.

"What's going on? The litigator hired by the Chang family has betrayed?" Everyone was also full of doubts.

Facing everyone's questions, Guo Feng took a step forward unhurriedly, shook the paper fan in his hand with a "swipe", shook it lightly, and said with a smile: "So what if Chang Sheng pleaded guilty? Chang Sheng is A stupid person, according to Article 670 of the regulations of the Great Qi Dynasty, a stupid person only needs to pay the corresponding medical expenses for beating someone."

"Stupid? What do you mean by stupid?" someone asked softly below the courtroom.

"You don't even know a fool? A fool means a fool."

"Oh, that's how it is, but the litigator above seems to be about fourteen or fifteen years old. How can he memorize my Daqi laws and regulations, and he also knows which one it is? He can't make it up, right? .”

"You ask me, who do I ask, and I don't know the laws of Daqi."

Below, everyone was talking about it.

In the courtroom, the lawyer of the Luo family wanted to quickly find Daqi's laws and regulations. He opened it to see if Article 670 contained this provision. He helped others to litigate for so long, and this was the first time he met the other party as a fool. In this case, he really didn't know there was such a law.Chang Ganyi looked at Wu Shiju but didn't even bother to arch his hands, and asked directly: "Oh, according to what Mr. Wu said, you have to take care of the Luo family and General Lin, so don't take my Chang family seriously. gone?"

As he said that, without waiting for Wu Shiju's answer, Chang Ganyi's voice suddenly turned cold, and he said sharply: "Master Wu really treats my Chang family as a bully, don't forget who Chang Sheng's father is!"

A drop of cold sweat appeared on Wu Shiju's head, how dare he underestimate the Chang family, he must not know who Chang Sheng's father is.

"Master Chang, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that." Wu Shiju faced the direction of the capital, clasped his hands, cupped his hands towards the sky, and said in a reverent tone: "The teacher who was my mentor in the provincial examination is now in court. Zhongguan ranks third, he is valued and promoted by the Prime Minister."

After speaking, Wu Shiju withdrew his hand, lowered his voice a little, and said, "Master Chang, after all, we are all one family, so I naturally want to help my family, otherwise why would I invite Master Chang to come here for a secret talk."

Chang Ganyi nodded very clearly. Although he is not an official in the court, he also knows that the officials in the court are also divided into cliques. Some became a party because of the same political views, and some were like Wu Shiju, who joined his examiner in the Zhongju, called the examiner a mentor, and formed a faction with such a relationship similar to master and student. In this way, Chang Sheng His father is his mentor's mentor, so he and the Chang family are naturally a family.

"Master Chang, don't worry, I've already thought about everything. You can tell Master Chang Sheng later that no matter what we do, just ask him to answer yes."

Wu Shiju whispered in Chang Ganyi's ear, and after Chang Ganyi listened, he praised him, then quickly left the back hall, walked back to the lobby through the side door, walked to Chang Sheng, and whispered softly: " Sheng'er, don't talk yet, listen to me, a fat county magistrate will come out of the court in a while, no matter what he asks you, just answer yes directly. Do you understand? Just say yes!"

"Yes. Understood."

After a while, the county lord finally came out from the back hall and was formally promoted.

The county lord sat behind the square table, and before the Luo family could complain about who and why the Luo family had sued, he waved his hand, moved his body like a meat ball, looked at the people below him, and slapped his hands in surprise. Tang Mu opened his mouth and said: "I have already understood what happened, so you don't need to say more. Chang Sheng, let me ask you, did you buy medicinal materials in this herbal hall yesterday afternoon, and saw Luo Jin from the Luo family, It's the man on the stretcher."

"Yes." Chang Sheng grinned and nodded honestly.

Seeing Chang Sheng's honest answer, the county master was very satisfied. Chang Qian is not bad at teaching, so he nodded and continued: "I heard that there were a few bullies and habitual offenders who had committed many crimes in the thatched cottage that day. Did you see it?"

When the Luo family lawyer heard the words of the county master, he secretly said that he was not good, and hurriedly said: "My lord, there were no habitual offenders at that time, that day..."

"Shut up!" The county lord slapped the gavel heavily, and scolded: "My lord asked, how can you interrupt, are you questioning my lord?"

"The villain doesn't dare." The Luo family had no choice but to step back and wait for Chang Sheng's answer. He could see that the county master was obviously biased towards Chang Sheng. He said that there were bullies who were habitual offenders. Followed the answer and said that I saw it, then Master Luo Jin was not beaten by Chang Sheng but those bullies, because they are repeat offenders!

"No wonder I keep saying yes. This is a good way to push my crimes onto non-existent bullies." Chang Sheng thought to himself.

"Among the people I beat yesterday was the son of the city guard general Lin Yuanzhi, and the person who wanted to kill me in the first place should be Lin Yuanzhi, and the son who wanted to come to Lin Yuanzhi was beaten by me like this, I don't believe it He will be indifferent today, then I will force them out to meet this man first and see what he is capable of."

Thinking of this, Chang Sheng looked at the magistrate with a puzzled face: "Bully? What does it look like?"

"Why didn't Chang Sheng answer according to the lines?" The county lord had a headache for a while, and he hinted that it was like this. It's okay for Chang Sheng to go on and ask what a bully looks like. The bully didn't have one at all, he made it up How does he know what a bully looks like?Could it be that Chang Sheng got confused when the Luo family's litigation stick interrupted him just now?

After thinking about it, the county lord had no choice but to open his mouth, and further hinted: "Chang Sheng, think about it carefully, did someone bump into Luo Jin from the Luo family at that time, the bully I'm talking about is that person!" On it, as long as Chang Sheng nodded and said yes, then there would be nothing wrong with him, and there would be non-existent bullies who would take the blame for everything.

Chang Sheng looked aside, seeing that Chang Sheng made a mistake just now, afraid that Chang Sheng would make another mistake, Chang Ganyi had to stretch his legs, kicked Chang Sheng covertly, and reminded in a low voice: "Yes, yes, yes."

Chang Sheng lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head under the expectant eyes of everyone, and said with certainty: "No, no one collided with that annoying Luo Jin yesterday, and I was the only one who beat him up. Meal!"

"This..." The magistrate of the county went crazy, he hinted like that, and he almost told Chang Sheng that it was the bully who knocked Luo Jin down, and then the two had a conflict, Luo Jin was beaten, and he was there to fight .But this Chang Sheng, how can he be like this, he actually confessed on his own initiative!

"This idiot!" The county master yelled in his heart, he had no choice but to continue to correct him: "Chang Sheng, think about it again, yesterday you saw the bully beating Luo Jin, and then you went to help Luo Jin, actually You are fighting a bully, not Luo Jin, are you?"

The county lord was so forced that he had no choice but to directly teach Chang Sheng on the spot.

"Wu Shiju, with so many people in the audience watching, this is how you, the county lord, make decisions for the people? Is this how you act as the master of Qingtian? You are worthy of the four big words 'mirror hanging high' above your head!"

Suddenly, a shout sounded from below the lobby.

Down the hall, a tall, middle-aged man with a handsome and cold face, dressed in a blue-scale mail armor, with a fine steel broadsword on his waist and crotch, and a bronze feather crown on his head, stepped out and walked to the top of the hall step by step. His steps were very heavy. , Every time you take a step, there will be a muffled sound in the lobby.

Behind him, a young man who looked somewhat like a middle-aged man followed only on one side, and behind him were ten strong soldiers in cowhide armor and carrying big bows. They walked at exactly the same pace, obviously They are all elite soldiers in the army.

"General Lin, the city guard."

Below the lobby of the county government office, the crowd of onlookers let out an exclamation.

Every time there is a case in the county government, there are always crowds of people watching from below. Chang Sheng listened to the voices of the people below, raised his head, and looked at General Lin. It turned out that he was Lin Yuanzhi. According to rumors, Lin Yuanzhi was the wind The number one master in the capital city, I don't know who is stronger now, me or him!

Lin Yuanzhi walked to the top of the lobby and told the soldiers behind him: "Left and right, bring me a table and chairs. The general is here today to see how our county magistrate handles the case."

"Arrogance, it's too arrogant!" Wu Shiju looked at Lin Yuanzhi, who was sitting on the chair brought by the soldiers under his hand, and cursed inwardly, "This bastard Lin Yuanzhi usually relies on Holding the military power does not sell my face at all. When he has no money or food, he reports to his superiors, and he wants to take the money and food from me. In turn, when I ask him to send troops to suppress bandits, he responds in every possible way, finding various reasons to refuse Send troops. Now he brings troops here, and looks at my trial case like a superior official, it is really arrogant, he is deceiving too much."

Lin Yuanzhi waited for the soldiers under his command to move the table, and he slapped it hard with his big hand. Although he didn't have a gavel, but he practiced martial arts all the year round, the sound of his slap was louder than Wu Shiju's gavel. many.

"Master County, just now I heard that Chang Sheng has pleaded guilty. Why, why don't you hurry up and convict?"

On the side of the Luo family, seeing General Lin coming out to back him up, the litigation stick suddenly became more courageous, strode out, and said loudly: "That's right, Chang Sheng beat my young master and housekeeper violently. Sheng himself has pleaded guilty, and the county lord please convict Chang Sheng."

Wu Shiju is in a difficult situation now. With Lin Yuanzhi appearing, he can no longer obviously favor Chang Sheng as before. He has to think of another way to help Chang Sheng get rid of the crime.

At this time, Guo Feng, who had been silent since Wu Shiju appeared, suddenly came out and said loudly, "That's right, Chang Sheng has pleaded guilty."

Guo Feng's words made everyone stunned.

"I just said, such a young litigator can't be trusted, he really can't be trusted!" Chang Ganyi cursed loudly in his heart.

"What's going on? The litigator hired by the Chang family has betrayed?" Everyone was also full of doubts.

Facing everyone's questions, Guo Feng took a step forward unhurriedly, shook the paper fan in his hand with a "swipe", shook it lightly, and said with a smile: "So what if Chang Sheng pleaded guilty? Chang Sheng is A stupid person, according to Article 670 of the regulations of the Great Qi Dynasty, a stupid person only needs to pay the corresponding medical expenses for beating someone."

"Stupid? What do you mean by stupid?" someone asked softly below the courtroom.

"You don't even know a fool? A fool means a fool."

"Oh, that's how it is, but the litigator above seems to be about fourteen or fifteen years old. How can he memorize my Daqi laws and regulations, and he also knows which one it is? He can't make it up, right? .”

"You ask me, who do I ask, and I don't know the laws of Daqi."

Below, everyone was talking about it.

In the courtroom, the lawyer of the Luo family could not wait to find Daqi’s laws and regulations, and opened it to see if Article 670 contained this provision. He helped others to litigate for so long, and this was the first time he met the other party as a fool. In this case, he really didn't know there was such a law.

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