silly elixir emperor

Chapter 20 Murder

"The provisions of Article 670 and the fifth are really as he said!" A sudden exclamation came from the crowd, and a man who looked like a litigator apprentice held a book in both hands and exclaimed loudly: "Really! That's right, and every word he said was right, exactly the same."

"Oh my god, it's true, how small is this little litigation stick, and it's so powerful!"

"Even though the Chang family's litigator is young, it is obvious that he is much stronger than the Luo family's litigant."

Listening to the discussion in the hall, Lin Yuanzhi's face became more and more ugly. It's a miscalculation that there is such a law in Daqi!And the Luo family also failed to achieve success but revealed more than failure. If they had sent away the little litigator hired by the Chang family, it would be great!


As soon as Chang Ganyi heard Guo Feng's words, he let out a series of long laughs, no wonder this little litigator has always looked confident, the original reason is here.

Chang Ganyi took out a copper coin from his pocket and threw it casually. The copper coin accurately landed on the ground next to the stretcher of the second butler of the Luo family, made a crisp "ding" sound, then bounced and landed on the face of the second butler. .

"He, it's just a dog raised by your Luo family. One copper coin is enough for his medical expenses." As he said that, Chang Ganyi strode up to Luo Jin who was on the stretcher, and took out a large handful of silver bills from his pocket. He threw it directly at Luo Jin: "This money is enough to pay Luo Jin's medical expenses, isn't it just money? Our Chang family is not short of money!"

"Your Chang family is not short of money, so is the Luo family short of money?" The Luo family's lawsuit stick looked down at the banknotes on the ground, with an expression of dissatisfaction: "You Chang family, don't think that you can pay a few money and you will be fine. If we can't sue you in Fengdu City, then we will go to the county government to the provincial government. Stupid? I also said he is not stupid!"

"Sue the imperial court? Is it also to go to the capital to sue?" Chang Sheng looked around, and asked Guo Feng, pulling the small litigation stick from the back left.

"Yes, it is natural to go to the capital to sue Yuzhuang, otherwise how can it be called Yuzhuang." Guo Feng looked at Chang Sheng a little strangely, why would Chang Sheng ask this question?

On the one hand, Miu Miao heard Chang Sheng's question, and suddenly felt that the words seemed familiar.

After receiving Guo Feng's affirmative answer, Chang Sheng suddenly turned his head and looked at Luo's family with a fierce look on his face: "Are you going to the capital to sue? Are you suing me?"

"Of course it's you. Wouldn't there be someone else if you weren't you? You thug." Luo's lawyer is not afraid of Chang Sheng at all. This is above the county government, and he has General Lin as his backer. What are you afraid of? !

Piao Miao heard Chang Sheng say this complaint, and finally remembered how familiar this sentence was, didn't Chang Sheng say this sentence when he beat the second butler of Luo's family?Secretly said that it is not good, this is above the government office, if Chang Sheng beats the other party's litigation stick again, it will be a big trouble again.

Miu Miao stretched out her hand to grab Chang Sheng, but when she stretched out her hand, Chang Sheng's voice rang in her ear.

"I told you to go to the capital to sue my father, you can't go if I fight first!"

As soon as the words fell, Chang Sheng suddenly became violent, rushed to the front of the Luo family's lawsuit stick in an instant, kicked out, and was kicking on the lower abdomen of the Luo family's lawsuit club, and at the same time, a wave of true energy poured into the lawsuit stick from Chang Sheng's body in vivo.

"Boom." With a loud bang, Luo's stick was just an ordinary person, who was kicked by Chang Sheng. In an instant, he flew backwards and flew in the direction that the first general Lin Yuanzhi was aiming at. sitting direction.

"Hmph! I will sneak attack." Lin Yuanzhi snorted coldly, lifted his broad palm from the wooden table, and grabbed the litigation stick that was kicked by Chang Sheng. Fast as lightning.


As soon as Lin Yuanzhi grabbed the Luo family stick with one hand, a dark energy emanated from Luo's body and collided with the force of his grasp. In an instant, the entire body of Luo's body suddenly It exploded, and a bloody mist burst out, and corpses and bones flew down in all directions.

Chang Sheng pinched his waist with one hand, stretched out the other arm, and pointed at Lin Yuanzhi: "You kill!"

"You killed someone!"

Following the three words in Chang Sheng's mouth, everyone's eyes in the lobby fell on Lin Yuanzhi, the general who defended the city.Although Chang Sheng kicked out the Luo family's lawsuit stick, it was indeed after Lin Yuanzhi received him that he died.

Sensing the suspicious eyes of everyone around him, Lin Yuanzhi took the square towel handed over by his son behind him, wiped off the blood splattered on Luo's face when he died, glared at Chang Sheng angrily, and slapped the table in front of him hard.With a bang, the square table, all made of hardwood, shattered under Lin Yuanzhi's palm.

"Chang Sheng, this man was clearly killed by you. The moment I picked up the litigation stick just now, a dark force containing true energy rushed out from where I grabbed it, so his body exploded and died. In fact, you kicked him to death with that kick before!"

"You're talking nonsense." Chang Sheng pointed at Lin Yuanzhi angrily: "It's clear that you killed the person, why do you want to blame me for killing him. County lord, he killed someone, arrest him quickly."

"It's a mess." In a fit of anger, Lin Yuanzhi wanted to pat the table again, but when he raised his palm, he realized that the table had been smashed by him, and there was no table to pat, so he waved his hand and said angrily, "I am a dignified general. The little litigator has no vengeance, why should I kill him, but you are different, just now he said to go to the capital to sue, you thought he was going to sue your father in the capital, so you killed him, Right!" When Lin Yuanzhi said the last three words, right or wrong, he suddenly turned into a shout, trying to scare Chang Sheng into admitting that he had killed himself.

"Old bastard, I have no grievances or enmities with you, so why don't you order your big housekeeper to collude with the three evil house slaves of my Chang family to kill the young master!"

Chang Sheng cursed secretly in his heart, pointed at Lin Yuanzhi and shouted loudly: "It's you, it's you, it's you. I don't care, it's the one you killed anyway."

While yelling, Chang Sheng fell down on the ground, rolled on his stomach, pointed at Lin Yuanzhi while rolling, and said sarcastically: "You are the one who killed you, and you still say it was me, you are the one, shameless."

Lin Yuanzhi looked at Chang Sheng who was lying on the ground and started beating and rolling, his heart and lungs were about to explode. It was clear that Chang Sheng had beaten him to death, but that fool even said that he was the one who beat him to death, and now he started to be so violent , but Chang Sheng is a fool, but he is a dignified general, how can he behave like Chang Sheng!

Seeing Lin Yuanzhi not knowing what to do, Chang Ganyi felt very happy, but he also knew in his heart that Chang Sheng should be the one who really killed the litigator, and it would be no good to continue the trouble.

"General Lin, I don't know if you want to pay for your life or money for killing someone? If you lose money, our Chang family can help you pay half of the money."

"Chang Ganyi, don't spout blood. If Lin didn't kill someone, he didn't kill him. Moreover, you can't set this charge."

Lin Yuanzhi focused his eyes, raised his head, and looked at Wu Shiju who was sitting on the stage.

Wu Shiju has long been displeased with Lin Yuanzhi, but Lin Yuanzhi is not under his control, but belongs to the military. It is obviously impossible to report to the military to convict Lin Yuanzhi of crimes based on the current incident.

"Cough cough."

Wu Shiju coughed, and after re-attracting everyone's attention, he said, "As for the death of the Luo family's lawsuit stick, the incident happened suddenly and the case was complicated. I still need to slowly investigate who the real culprit is."

"It is obvious that we still need to investigate? Lin has learned Mr. Wu's investigative methods today, and started to favor Chang Sheng. Now that Chang Sheng killed someone in court, you said that you want to investigate. Although Lin is not a civil servant, today Lin After I go back, I must read your book as well.”

Lin Yuanzhi waved his hand, turned around and was about to leave.Seeing this, Chang Sheng suddenly stood up from the ground, blocked Lin Yuanzhi's way, and said indignantly: "You want to leave after killing someone, don't you need to be beaten?"

As he said that, Chang Sheng's eyes moved away from Lin Yuanzhi and fell on his son behind Lin Yuanzhi.

"Hey, you look familiar. Ah... I remembered, I beat up three people yesterday, except for the two on the shelf, there was another person who looked just like you." Chang Sheng walked around Lin Yuanzhi's son turned around and sighed as he turned, "It really seems, could he be your brother? By the way, it seems that that person is also surnamed Lin, but I don't know what his name is, Senior Sister , do you know the name of that annoying ghost yesterday?"

Piao Miao heard Chang Sheng's question, smiled, and said intentionally: "The man is called Lin Xian, he and the person in front of you are the sons of this General Lin." Piao Miao could see that General Lin also wanted to find The troubles of the Chang family, since this is the case, there is no need to save face for General Lin, doesn't he want to save face for the Chang family, so let's cut his face first.

"What, it turns out that General Lin's son was also beaten by Chang Sheng yesterday!"

"No wonder General Lin came to the Yamen to hear the trial today. I thought he was impartial. It turned out that his own son was beaten, but he was afraid of shame, so he used the Luo family to convict Chang Sheng."

In the lobby, people were talking about it. In an instant, Lin Yuanzhi changed from a general who called the shots to a hypocrite and villain who appeared for his own benefit.

Lin Yuanzhi's face turned ashen when he heard the discussion of the people below. The reason why he didn't come out in person, and today he didn't bring his seriously injured son Lin Xian, but only brought his second son Lin Di, was because he was afraid of embarrassment.Thinking of him as a general, the son of the number one master in Fengdu City, he was beaten up by a fool, and he really couldn't hold back his face when he said it.Unexpectedly, this fool still exposed his scars today, in front of everyone.

"Oh, so they are both your sons." Chang Sheng looked at Lin Yuanzhi and asked suspiciously: "Mangy dog, your son was beaten by me too, do I have to pay for it too?" The five provisions of 670 are exactly what he said!" A sudden exclamation came from the crowd, and a man who looked like a litigator apprentice held a book in both hands and exclaimed loudly: "It's true! , and all the words he said are correct, they are exactly the same."

"Oh my god, it's true, how small is this little litigation stick, and it's so powerful!"

"Even though the Chang family's litigator is young, it is obvious that he is much stronger than the Luo family's litigant."

Listening to the discussion in the hall, Lin Yuanzhi's face became more and more ugly. It's a miscalculation that there is such a law in Daqi!And the Luo family also failed to achieve success but revealed more than failure. If they had sent away the little litigator hired by the Chang family, it would be great!


As soon as Chang Ganyi heard Guo Feng's words, he let out a series of long laughs, no wonder this little litigator has always looked confident, the original reason is here.

Chang Ganyi took out a copper coin from his pocket and threw it casually. The copper coin accurately landed on the ground next to the stretcher of the second butler of the Luo family, made a crisp "ding" sound, then bounced and landed on the face of the second butler. .

"He, it's just a dog raised by your Luo family. One copper coin is enough for his medical expenses." As he said that, Chang Ganyi strode up to Luo Jin who was on the stretcher, and took out a large handful of silver bills from his pocket. He threw it directly at Luo Jin: "This money is enough to pay Luo Jin's medical expenses, isn't it just money? Our Chang family is not short of money!"

"Your Chang family is not short of money, so is the Luo family short of money?" The Luo family's lawsuit stick looked down at the banknotes on the ground, with an expression of dissatisfaction: "You Chang family, don't think that you can pay a few money and you will be fine. If we can't sue you in Fengdu City, then we will go to the county government to the provincial government. Stupid? I also said he is not stupid!"

"Sue the imperial court? Is it also to go to the capital to sue?" Chang Sheng looked around, and asked Guo Feng, pulling the small litigation stick from the back left.

"Yes, it is natural to go to the capital to sue Yuzhuang, otherwise how can it be called Yuzhuang." Guo Feng looked at Chang Sheng a little strangely, why would Chang Sheng ask this question?

On the one hand, Miu Miao heard Chang Sheng's question, and suddenly felt that the words seemed familiar.

After receiving Guo Feng's affirmative answer, Chang Sheng suddenly turned his head and looked at Luo's family with a fierce look on his face: "Are you going to the capital to sue? Are you suing me?"

"Of course it's you. Wouldn't there be someone else if you weren't you? You thug." Luo's lawyer is not afraid of Chang Sheng at all. This is above the county government, and he has General Lin as his backer. What are you afraid of? !

Piao Miao heard Chang Sheng say this complaint, and finally remembered how familiar this sentence was, didn't Chang Sheng say this sentence when he beat the second butler of Luo's family?Secretly said that it is not good, this is above the government office, if Chang Sheng beats the other party's litigation stick again, it will be a big trouble again.

Miu Miao stretched out her hand to grab Chang Sheng, but when she stretched out her hand, Chang Sheng's voice rang in her ear.

"I told you to go to the capital to sue my father, you can't go if I fight first!"

As soon as the words fell, Chang Sheng suddenly became violent, rushed to the front of the Luo family's lawsuit stick in an instant, kicked out, and was kicking on the lower abdomen of the Luo family's lawsuit club, and at the same time, a wave of true energy poured into the lawsuit stick from Chang Sheng's body in vivo.

"Boom." With a loud bang, Luo's stick was just an ordinary person, who was kicked by Chang Sheng. In an instant, he flew backwards and flew in the direction that the first general Lin Yuanzhi was aiming at. sitting direction.

"Hmph! I will sneak attack." Lin Yuanzhi snorted coldly, lifted his broad palm from the wooden table, and grabbed the litigation stick that was kicked by Chang Sheng. Fast as lightning.


As soon as Lin Yuanzhi grabbed the Luo family stick with one hand, a dark energy emanated from Luo's body and collided with the force of his grasp. In an instant, the entire body of Luo's body suddenly It exploded, and a bloody mist burst out, and corpses and bones flew down in all directions.

Chang Sheng pinched his waist with one hand, stretched out the other arm, and pointed at Lin Yuanzhi: "You kill!"

"You killed someone!"

Following the three words in Chang Sheng's mouth, everyone's eyes in the lobby fell on Lin Yuanzhi, the general who defended the city.Although Chang Sheng kicked out the Luo family's lawsuit stick, it was indeed after Lin Yuanzhi received him that he died.

Sensing the suspicious eyes of everyone around him, Lin Yuanzhi took the square towel handed over by his son behind him, wiped off the blood splattered on Luo's face when he died, glared at Chang Sheng angrily, and slapped the table in front of him hard.With a bang, the square table, all made of hardwood, shattered under Lin Yuanzhi's palm.

"Chang Sheng, this man was clearly killed by you. The moment I picked up the litigation stick just now, a dark force containing true energy rushed out from where I grabbed it, so his body exploded and died. In fact, you kicked him to death with that kick before!"

"You're talking nonsense." Chang Sheng pointed at Lin Yuanzhi angrily: "It's clear that you killed the person, why do you want to blame me for killing him. County lord, he killed someone, arrest him quickly."

"It's a mess." In a fit of anger, Lin Yuanzhi wanted to pat the table again, but when he raised his palm, he realized that the table had been smashed by him, and there was no table to pat, so he waved his hand and said angrily, "I am a dignified general. The little litigator has no vengeance, why should I kill him, but you are different, just now he said to go to the capital to sue, you thought he was going to sue your father in the capital, so you killed him, Right!" When Lin Yuanzhi said the last three words, right or wrong, he suddenly turned into a shout, trying to scare Chang Sheng into admitting that he had killed himself.

"Old bastard, I have no grievances or enmities with you, so why don't you order your big housekeeper to collude with the three evil house slaves of my Chang family to kill the young master!"

Chang Sheng cursed secretly in his heart, pointed at Lin Yuanzhi and shouted loudly: "It's you, it's you, it's you. I don't care, it's the one you killed anyway."

While yelling, Chang Sheng fell down on the ground, rolled on his stomach, pointed at Lin Yuanzhi while rolling, and said sarcastically: "You are the one who killed you, and you still say it was me, you are the one, shameless."

Lin Yuanzhi looked at Chang Sheng who was lying on the ground and started beating and rolling, his heart and lungs were about to explode. It was clear that Chang Sheng had beaten him to death, but that fool even said that he was the one who beat him to death, and now he started to be so violent , but Chang Sheng is a fool, but he is a dignified general, how can he behave like Chang Sheng!

Seeing Lin Yuanzhi not knowing what to do, Chang Ganyi felt very happy, but he also knew in his heart that Chang Sheng should be the one who really killed the litigator, and it would be no good to continue the trouble.

"General Lin, I don't know if you want to pay for your life or money for killing someone? If you lose money, our Chang family can help you pay half of the money."

"Chang Ganyi, don't spout blood. If Lin didn't kill someone, he didn't kill him. Moreover, you can't set this charge."

Lin Yuanzhi focused his eyes, raised his head, and looked at Wu Shiju who was sitting on the stage.

Wu Shiju has long been displeased with Lin Yuanzhi, but Lin Yuanzhi is not under his control, but belongs to the military. It is obviously impossible to report to the military to convict Lin Yuanzhi of crimes based on the current incident.

"Cough cough."

Wu Shiju coughed, and after re-attracting everyone's attention, he said, "As for the death of the Luo family's lawsuit stick, the incident happened suddenly and the case was complicated. I still need to slowly investigate who the real culprit is."

"It is obvious that we still need to investigate? Lin has learned Mr. Wu's investigative methods today, and started to favor Chang Sheng. Now that Chang Sheng killed someone in court, you said that you want to investigate. Although Lin is not a civil servant, today Lin After I go back, I must read your book as well.”

Lin Yuanzhi waved his hand, turned around and was about to leave.Seeing this, Chang Sheng suddenly stood up from the ground, blocked Lin Yuanzhi's way, and said indignantly: "You want to leave after killing someone, don't you need to be beaten?"

As he said that, Chang Sheng's eyes moved away from Lin Yuanzhi and fell on his son behind Lin Yuanzhi.

"Hey, you look familiar. Ah... I remembered, I beat up three people yesterday, except for the two on the shelf, there was another person who looked just like you." Chang Sheng walked around Lin Yuanzhi's son turned around and sighed as he turned, "It really seems, could he be your brother? By the way, it seems that that person is also surnamed Lin, but I don't know what his name is, Senior Sister , do you know the name of that annoying ghost yesterday?"

Piao Miao heard Chang Sheng's question, smiled, and said intentionally: "The man is called Lin Xian, he and the person in front of you are the sons of this General Lin." Piao Miao could see that General Lin also wanted to find The troubles of the Chang family, since this is the case, there is no need to save face for General Lin, doesn't he want to save face for the Chang family, so let's cut his face first.

"What, it turns out that General Lin's son was also beaten by Chang Sheng yesterday!"

"No wonder General Lin came to the Yamen to hear the trial today. I thought he was impartial. It turned out that his own son was beaten, but he was afraid of shame, so he used the Luo family to convict Chang Sheng."

In the lobby, people were talking about it. In an instant, Lin Yuanzhi changed from a general who called the shots to a hypocrite and villain who appeared for his own benefit.

Lin Yuanzhi's face turned ashen when he heard the discussion of the people below. The reason why he didn't come out in person, and today he didn't bring his seriously injured son Lin Xian, but only brought his second son Lin Di, was because he was afraid of embarrassment.Thinking of him as a general, the son of the number one master in Fengdu City, he was beaten up by a fool, and he really couldn't hold back his face when he said it.Unexpectedly, this fool still exposed his scars today, in front of everyone.

"Oh, so they are both your sons." Chang Sheng looked at Lin Yuanzhi and asked suspiciously: "Mangy dog, your son was beaten by me too, do I have to pay for it?"

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