Faced with Yuan Ke's palpitating gaze, Li Ye bit the bullet and replied, "Hurry up, hurry up, we are discussing and we can come up with a solution soon!"


When Yuan Ke heard the words of the two, he cursed again, and directly interrupted Li Ye's words: "If you count on yourselves, don't try to earn back the face of our military in 100 years."

Yuan Ke took out an iron box from his pocket and threw it on the ground.


The iron box fell to the ground with a thumping sound. After being hit, the lid of the box opened slightly, revealing the contents inside.

As the lid of the box was lifted, a strong stench came out of the box in an instant.


The stench was so strong that Li Ye and Chen Huanqi coughed when they smelled it.

"It's really useless!" Yuan Ke looked at the two of them with disdain, and said coldly: "Now Marquis Yingwu will give you two a chance to make up for your mistakes, as long as you two, in a public place, in front of others, especially The more people the better, kill Chang Sheng, Marquis Yingwu will not only restore you two officials to their posts, but also allow you to sit in higher positions!"

"Kill Chang Sheng? The two of us together are no match for him. He is absolutely invincible in nature!"

Li Ye and Chen Huanqi looked helpless when they heard what the visitor said. Are you kidding me? If they could kill Chang Sheng, they wouldn't end up in this scene.

"Of course I know that you are not Chang Sheng's opponents, but it will be different with this thing." Yuan Ke pointed to the box on the ground.

"There are two pills in it. These two pills are miraculous pills that Yingwuhou spent a lot of energy and money to find someone to refine. As long as you are a person in the Xiantian realm, just take these two pills and you will die immediately. You will enter the Qi training environment."

"What? After taking two elixirs, you can enter the Qi training state. What kind of elixir is this? It's amazing!"

Li Ye and Chen Huanqi looked at Yuan Ke in surprise, and they didn't believe Yuan Ke's words in their hearts.

Yuan Ke sensed the suspicious gazes of the two, and immediately sneered: "It's nothing surprising, there are a lot of miraculous pills on the mainland of Tianyuan Shenzhou, and with the ability of Lord Yingwuhou, adults can't get any pills." What! Let me tell you, these two elixirs are not as simple as what you see."

Yuan Ke pointed at the two elixirs, adored them, and said, "No one can refine these two elixirs in the territory of our Great Qi Dynasty. This is what Master Yingwu asked the alchemy masters on the East China Sea Islands to refine." Made. These two elixirs can not only allow the user to immediately advance to Qi training after taking them, but also contain an extremely powerful kung fu, the extraterrestrial poisoning kung fu."

"Extraterritorial Poison Art!" Li Ye's whole body was shocked suddenly, and his eyes instantly showed horror: "It is said that after practicing to the peak of Dzogchen, the whole body can be filled with extremely strong poison. Is it an extra-territorial poisonous skill that does not contain any poison in the breathing breath, and can kill people with a light breath?"

"That's right, it's this kind of kung fu." Yuan Ke forgot to glance at Li Ye in surprise: "I didn't expect you to know a lot, and you even know the foreign poisoning kung fu."

"Because my master's school was destroyed by someone who knew this skill!" Li Ye's face suddenly showed horror, and the horror scene of that night vaguely appeared in his mind.

"Extraterritorial poison kung fu is definitely the most poisonous kung fu I have ever seen."

Seeing Li Ye's face with lingering fear when he recalled it, Yuan Ke smiled strangely: "Since you know the extraterrestrial poison art, I won't say much. Taking these two pills will not only make you become a master of Qi training immediately, At the same time, it will also allow you to obtain the extraterrestrial poisonous power of the Dzogchen realm!"

Hearing this, Chen Huanqi couldn't wait to bend down and took out a green medicine pill the size of glutinous rice balls from the box. He put it in his mouth and was about to eat it when Li Ye's voice suddenly rang in his ear. stand up.

"My lord, I want to know if there are any side effects of such a heaven-defying pill!"

"Yes!" Yuan Ke nodded with certainty: "Of course there are side effects. Although you can enter the Qi training state after taking the elixir, you will only have 20 years of lifespan after that!"

"A 20-year lifespan? That means I can only live another 20 years after taking the pill, so..."

Chen Huanqi looked at the elixir in his hand and hesitated.

"Don't worry, as long as you can kill Chang Sheng and complete the tasks entrusted by Marquis Yingwu, Marquis Yingwu will find an antidote for you in the future!" Seeing the hesitation of the two, Yuan Ke added a bit of anger and said, "You also have to deal with it!" Don’t want to live like this for the rest of your life. Whether you eat or not is up to you, if you don’t want to eat, just pretend that I have never appeared, and I can find someone else, anyway, there are many people who want to work for Marquis Yingwu!”

"I'll take it!" Chen Huanqi groaned in his heart when he heard Yuan Ke's words, and swallowed the elixir in one gulp, just like Yuan Ke said, if he didn't take the elixir, he would live in the ridicule of others all his life, so it would be better After taking the elixir, one step up to the sky and become a master of Qi training.Even if you only have a lifespan of 20 years, it is better to live 20 years in style than to live a chaotic life!

"I'll take it too!" Li Ye hesitated and swallowed the pill in one gulp.

The entrance of the elixir does not have the sweetness of eating those elixirs in the past. On the contrary, a foul and disgusting smell spreads in the end in an instant.

As the elixir entered his stomach, Li Ye suddenly felt his whole body and every part of his body twitch violently, as if hundreds of millions of worms grew out of his body in an instant, biting him frantically To tear apart every cell, every bone, and every inch of skin in his body, and then wait for his body to be repaired slowly, and start biting again!


Li Ye and Chen Huanqi couldn't bear the pain in their bodies and souls, and finally couldn't help but fell to the ground, screaming and crying bitterly!

a long time……

When the two of them tore their clothes and rolled a layer of blood on the ground, their bodies finally returned to calm slowly.

Li Yedang stood up first, raised his arms in front of him, and looked at his own arms: "My body... I can feel that my body is full of unprecedented power. Is this the state of Qi training?"

Li Ye grabbed it casually, and suddenly, a weapon full of stench and with a touch of green gushed out of his palm, instantly forming the shape of a dagger!

"Condensing energy into soldiers! Hahaha... I have indeed entered the Qi training state, and I entered the Qi training state without passing the test of Jiehuo. This elixir is really magical!"

There was a crazy look in Li Ye's eyes. Looking at Chen Huanqi who also stood up from the ground not long after him, Li Ye suddenly shouted from the door: "Come on, call Steward Liu in!"

Now that he has entered the qi training state, he needs to find someone to test his current strength. Butler Liu is already the number one master in the mansion. With the existence of the eighth level of innate, it is very suitable to ask him to test.

After waiting for a long time, with a "creaking" sound, the wooden door was opened from the outside, and a crooked figure walked in from outside the door.

"Master, are you looking for a villain?" Butler Liu looked at his master Li Ye lovingly. When the old master was still there, he was still called the young master. After the old master went, the young master also became the master. .

In fact, the young master grew up watching him grow up, and I am probably the person who knows the young master best in the whole world.

In my own opinion, the young master's personality is not suitable for joining the army, and it is not a wise way for the young master to inherit the mantle of the master and join the army.However, he had no choice but to be a servant, and he had no right to express his opinion on such matters. The young master still joined the army, and finally achieved the position of one of the eight generals of the West Garden.

Then until now, the family has become like this, all the family property has been lost, and even the old house in the family has to be sold to pay back the money.

If Master Li Ye hadn't joined the army, these things would not have happened.

Butler Liu sighed in his heart, and he still felt a little lucky. Although Master Li Ye looked a bit sluggish now, it should be because he was just dismissed from his post. After a long time, the master should get better .

Although my family has no money for the time being, I am not afraid that I will have a bad life in the future. After all, the contacts in the family are still there. Besides, I and the master are both natural masters, so I can find a way to make money no matter what.

Waiting until later, when there is an outstanding person among the descendants of the family, and then supporting that junior, that is the best way. It is actually not good to sit in a high position without ability like the master!

Butler Liu asked softly, and quickly glanced at the person in the room, whom he had never seen before, and his heart suddenly jumped!

This man, he has such a strong murderous aura!

Just when Butler Liu noticed Yuan Ke, Li Ye suddenly spoke.

"Butler Liu called you here because I have just mastered a kung fu recently. I want to try the power of this kung fu, so I ask you to try it out!"

As Li Ye said, he flicked his fingers suddenly.

Immediately, a mass of blue weapons condensed into a ball the size of a thumb in his hand, and as the finger popped out, it quickly fell towards Steward Liu.

"It stinks!"

Butler Liu frowned, and suddenly smelled a smoky smell, and then a green light flashed in his eyes.

This ray of light flew too fast, just as Steward Liu was about to move, the green light had already fallen.


The green ball of light passed through Butler Liu's chest in an instant, flew out from his back, passed through the wall behind Butler Liu, and flew outside with a whoosh.


Butler Liu opened his mouth and spewed out a large amount of blood. Holding his body, it softened to the ground. On his chest, where the soldier's energy passed through, the whole body seemed to encounter super corrosive acid. The circular hole in the center spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, expanding to the size of a baby's fist in the blink of an eye.

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