silly elixir emperor

Chapter 232 Bet

At the edge of the rift, bright red blood flowed through the hole and was dyed turquoise before slowly flowing to the ground.

"Master, what did this old slave do wrong, why did you kill this old slave..."

"Why did you kill you?" Li Ye suddenly burst out laughing, "Is there a reason to kill someone? If I want to kill you, I'll kill you. What's the point of asking, old man!"


When Steward Liu heard Li Ye's words, he felt a wave of heat rushing out of his body. He worked hard and loyally for the Li family all his life, but in the end, he got such an ending.

Butler Liu couldn't stand the stimulation, opened his mouth, spit out another mouthful of blood, fell to the ground, stopped breathing, and left this world!

"Hahahaha..." Seeing Steward Liu's death, Li Ye suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "A master of the eighth level, what is this? I beat him to death with a light wave of my hand. This is power, this is power !"

Li Ye laughed a few times, his scarlet eyes moved away from Butler Liu's body, and fell on Yuan Ke, the man who beat him as soon as he came here, and kept calling him trash, he didn't eat just now The pill is not his opponent, now that he is already in the Qi training state, and there is another Chen Huanqi next to him who must stand with him.

The two of us, the two masters of Qi training, are still afraid of Yuan Ke. He insulted the two of us just now, so how can we do it if the two of us don't teach him some lessons!

There was a murderous look in Li Ye's eyes.

Sensing the change in Li Ye's eyes, Yuan Ke's mouth twitched, showing a sneer, and looked at the two of them playfully: "What? You just got power, and you want to deal with me?"

While speaking, Yuan Ke took a light step forward, and suddenly, a very strong military spirit emanated from his body, and instantly wrapped his body in a mass, forming the appearance of armor.

"Condensing Qi into a soldier, he is also a master of Qi training, and this armor, this is... the real image of soldier Qi."

Li Ye and Chen Huanqi looked at Yuan Ke opposite in shock, and their murderous aura dissipated immediately.Soldier Qi is a real image, and the Qi training environment is generally divided into two levels. The phantom that can be condensed from the first to fifth floors is one level. From the sixth floor, the condensed soldier aura is no longer a phantom but a real image. Well, this is another level.

Although it is also in the Qi training environment, there is a huge gap between condensing a phantom image and condensing a real image!In fact, starting from the Qi training realm, the gap between all practitioners, even if they are in the same realm, is getting bigger and bigger!

Yuan Ke noticed the change in the breath of the two people opposite, and smiled in his heart, what Lord Yingwu Hou said was indeed right.After taking this elixir, it will indeed change people's temperament drastically, otherwise Li Ye would not directly kill the loyal housekeeper.

Yuan Ke turned around slowly, and said, "You should be thankful that you didn't do anything just now, otherwise, you would have gone to see Hades just like that old man on the ground."

"But don't worry, I won't take what happened just now to my heart. As long as you complete what Lord Yingwuhou ordered, I promise that I will truthfully report your credit to Yingwuhou, and let Yingwuhou prepare for you to eliminate these two Pills with side effects!"

Yuan Ke finally emphasized, turned around, and sneered in his heart. These two people are really idiots. They really thought that they could deal with me after they reached the Qi training level.

They don't even think about it, if it wasn't for my strength to completely suppress them, would Lord Yingwuhou send me here!And that elixir, hum!

Do they really think there is such a good thing in the world?Let them enter from the small innate realm to the Qi training realm in one fell swoop, and still possess such strong skills!Then let them live another 20 years, it is a dream!

After taking the elixir, they can only live for another seven days. I hope they can kill Chang Sheng in these seven days, otherwise, they have to do it themselves.

Li Ye waited for Yuan Ke to leave far away, and immediately called Chen Huanqi to stop: "Brother Wake up, let's find out our connections in the military as soon as possible. Go find someone from our military."

"Yeah!" Chen Huanqi clenched his fists in agreement: "Let's tell the military bosses that our strength can definitely defeat that fool Chang Sheng, and let the bosses watch the arrangement!"

The two had a quick discussion, and immediately left separately to find their backstage in the military.

"Report to the Holy Majesty, I have something to play!"

On the Golden Palace.

Just when everyone thought that the morning court was coming to an end, a general suddenly appeared.

"Your Majesty, Li Ye and Chen Huanqi, two of the former Eight Generals of Xiyuan, came to me yesterday. They said they hoped to fight Chang Sheng again, so as to wash away their shame of being defeated by Chang Sheng and save face for our military."

"Still fighting? What is there to fight? The two of them were generals, but they couldn't even beat a fool. They were just taken away like that. They didn't feel ashamed enough, so they wanted to fight again?"

As soon as the general's words fell, an official of the reformist civil servants immediately stood up.

"Hmph, what do you people who only know how to play tricks know?" The general reprimanded loudly, then turned his head to look at Fang Yuanfu, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Li Ye and the others have said that they did it because they were Practicing a kind of kung fu, that's why they couldn't show their full strength, so they were taken away by Chang Sheng, and now they have finished their training, so they hope to compete with Chang Sheng again in three days."

"Your Majesty, what General Zhang said is reasonable. Li Ye and the others were generals of our Daqi Dynasty when they were captured. At that time, they also disgraced our Daqi Dynasty. Now that we know them They were arrested because of their practice, so we need to let them compete with Chang Sheng again to save face for our Da Qi Dynasty!"

Generalissimo Kou Tianxiao stood up. Yesterday, his subordinates specially reported that Li Ye and the two wanted to fight Chang Sheng again. After three days, their kung fu would be perfect, and they would surely win!This is exactly what he wants. If he wins Chang Sheng, he can win with his tone of voice during the military reform!

Fang Yuanfu took a deep look at Kou Tianxiao, then turned his gaze to Chang Ganze. Even the Generalissimo had spoken, so he couldn't ignore it.

"Chang Aiqing, Chang Sheng is your son, what do you think about this matter?"

Chang Ganze glanced at Kou Tianxiao, thinking secretly in his heart, although the people in the military are all warriors, they are not stupid, since they proposed to let Li Ye and Chen Huanqi fight Sheng'er again, then they must be sure of winning will fight!

However, Elder Ling and Elder Song in the family also told themselves that although Sheng'er is a fool, his strength is ridiculously high. They said that Sheng'er is absolutely invincible in innate!

Elder Ling and Elder Song were not mistaken, since they said that Sheng'er was born invincible, then Sheng'er must be invincible.

As for Li Ye and Chen Huanqi, I remember that one of them was born at the eighth level and the other was at the ninth level.In the past few days, I haven't heard of anyone entering the Qi training state, so if they are still in the Xiantian state, they will definitely not be Sheng'er's opponents!

Chang Ganze thought for a while, and said, "Your Majesty, since they insist on fighting against the dog and say it's for the sake of my Daqi Dynasty's face, then I will naturally not refuse. But..."

Chang Ganze said for a long time, then turned his head to look at Kou Tianxiao: "At that time, if the dog wins again, then it can only be said that there are really big problems in their army. At that time, the generalissimo will still be in the process of reform. Talk less!"

"Hmph, what if the two generals won? That only means that our military has no problems. Then when our army is reforming, Chang Ganze, don't talk too much!" Kou Tianxiao flicked his clothes, his eyes burning Looking at Chang Ganze, he had already received the news yesterday that both Li Ye and Chen Huanqi had entered the Qi training realm through special techniques. No matter how powerful Chang Sheng was, he was only in the Xiantian realm, and he would never be a match for a master of Qi training realm!

"Hey! Are you betting?"

At the moment when Chang Ganze and Kou Tianxiao were facing each other, suddenly, a voice came from the hall, and everyone looked for the voice.

Among the many princes, a very casually dressed old prince walked out of the crowd with drunken steps.

"Uh...betting, it's so boring to just bet on you. Last morning, I was not there, but I also heard that there is such a foolish person in the capital who is like the emperor's seventh prince. After hearing what he has done, this king finds that this little fool is very interesting."

The old prince took out a wine gourd from his waist, poured a big gulp of wine into his mouth, burped, and said, "Since we are betting, let's make a bet together, let's bet on that little fool and Those two little trash, who will win! This king sits on the bank and opens the handicap!"


As soon as the old prince’s words fell, among the generals, a young general who was at the back suddenly came out, pointed at the old prince, and reprimanded loudly: “This is the Golden Luang Palace, a place to discuss national affairs, and you are here to encourage everyone to gamble. , You are so bold and reckless! And Li Ye and Chen Huanqi, the two of them were also the generals of our Daqi Dynasty, and they made great contributions to the stability of our Daqi Dynasty, you enter and call them waste!"

"They are trash in the first place. If I don't call them trash, what do you call them? Little baby, tell me!" The old prince unscrewed the wine gourd and took another sip of wine. There was a strong smell of alcohol.

"You can call them..."

The young general opened his mouth just as he was about to continue to teach this unseemly old prince a lesson, when the Grand Marshal suddenly interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

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