silly elixir emperor

Chapter 241 Seven Colored Tribulation Clouds

As the sun sets, a tinge of reddish afterglow falls, and in the dilapidated manor, strong winds rage, blown branches sway, and gravel fly away; on the ground, clouds of smoke and dust are rolled up, so dense that people can't see clearly what's going on inside. .

After a while, scorching flames, violent thunder and lightning, and icy running water hit Changsheng from all directions!

"All the catastrophes come at the same time. God doesn't know that I have the Immortal Art of Stealing the World, so he deliberately wants to punish me. When these catastrophes come together, which one will I absorb the origin of the catastrophe first?"

Chang Sheng looked anxiously at the various catastrophes coming towards him, and felt a headache in his heart. If he was a little slow in absorbing the source of these catastrophes, his body would not be able to resist them immediately. The catastrophe you will suffer when you go against the heavens!Even if my body has been tempered once by fire and thunder, it will definitely not be able to withstand this calamity without the source!

"Chang Sheng, don't worry!" Gu Tianmo's voice sounded at the critical moment: "Chang Sheng, pay attention, these catastrophes seem to come at the same time, but in fact they come first and then. The speed of thunder and lightning is definitely the fastest. Lei Jie belongs to wood, you can use the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements to steal the source and gain opportunities!"

"Huh? Yes, how did I forget the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements!" Chang Sheng's eyes lit up, and the first thing to arrive was Lei Jie, and besides thunder and lightning, the second fastest was naturally the wind, and the wind also belongs to wood. Stealing the origin of Leizhong, which contains the wood attribute, can naturally help him to block the wind disaster to a certain extent!

According to the principle of mutual generation of the five elements, Chang Sheng began to quickly absorb all kinds of disasters, and then resisted. After the initial flurry, Chang Sheng finally calmed down.

"Now that I am safe, then Yuan Ke, let him die!"

Chang Sheng grabbed the Fenglei stick and rushed towards Yuan Ke.

"This idiot!" Yuan Ke's face changed drastically, and he quickly ran to the side. He had suffered enough from Chang Sheng before, and now he doesn't want to fight Chang Sheng like this again!This fool is crossing the tribulation, how can he use it to improve his strength?He is obviously not as powerful as himself, but he can take advantage of the robbery to kill himself, which is so depressing.

"You still want to run, can you run away?!" Chang Sheng's eyes were fixed, and he poured a trace of the essence in his body into his legs, and his running speed suddenly increased, and he quickly chased Yuan Ke away.

Guo Feng stood where he was, not looking at the scene in front of him. Yuan Ke was running crazily in front, and Chang Sheng was chasing after him with a wind and thunder stick. No matter how he thought about it, he felt weird.

It's so weird that a master of the eighth level of qi training is being chased by a person at the innate level!

Gradually, Yuan Ke's running speed became slower and slower, while Chang Sheng's speed continued to increase. Finally, Yuan Ke was caught up by Chang Sheng from behind.


Chang Sheng slammed down with a heavy stick from behind, Yuan Ke had no choice but to raise the silver spear in his hand.


With a ringing sound, Yuan Ke's wrist trembled, and a trace of lightning force instantly spread throughout his body along his wrist, and his body trembled immediately, followed by a scorching and infinitely cold breath, the two extremes of extreme heat and extreme cold A kind of breath began to rage from within the body.

Immediately, Yuan Ke's mouth tasted sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out!

"Damn! How did this kid do it? The stronger the Heavenly Tribulation, the stronger the power he can borrow. How can you fight this!"

Yuan Ke cursed secretly, and ran away. He would rather fight with a person who is at the peak of Qi training than fight with this idiot in front of him. Let yourself cross the catastrophe!

How could I be able to resist the Seven-Colored Tribulation Cloud by myself at the eighth level of Qi training!

Moreover, the most disgusting thing is that Chang Sheng's power has been increasing!

Yuan Ke ran away crazily like a bereaved dog. Behind him, Chang Sheng was chasing closely, hitting Yuan Ke with a stick from time to time.


Yuan Ke was once again unavoidable, and was hit by Chang Sheng's stick, and an extremely loud and clear voice came into his ears clearly!


Yuan Ke's body trembled, and he fell headfirst to the ground. His face covered with sweat and blood was full of despair and fear. It was over and he couldn't run anymore. Chang Sheng's stick directly smashed one of his shoulder blades. And his current strength already has the strength of nearly sixty dragons, which is stronger than his own strength!

In this situation, he was seriously injured, and Chang Sheng's strength increased greatly. Even if Chang Sheng didn't borrow the Heavenly Tribulation, he was no longer his opponent!

Yuan Ke was lying on the ground, wanting to move, but when he exerted a little force, there were bursts of unbearable pain in the muscles and bones all over his body, and he couldn't use any strength at all.After turning the military energy for a while, just after turning the military energy, the sea of ​​energy and meridians in the body also felt extremely severe pain, a hot current rushed from the heart and lungs to the throat, and spit out a mouthful of blood again.

His internal injuries were too serious!

Yuan Ke was powerless and could only watch helplessly as the black stick fell down quickly in front of him!

Suddenly, in Yuan Ke's sight, Chang Sheng's body froze, and he froze!

In the sky, the colorful robbery clouds quickly dissipated, and the surging innate qi in Chang Sheng's body spun rapidly. The speed was so fast that it became difficult for him to breathe, and the speed of the innate zhenqi spinning was still accelerating.

"Huh? What's the situation? Chang Sheng looks very painful!"

Yuan Ke was taken aback for a moment, and then an ecstatic expression appeared on his face. It must be that Chang Sheng couldn't bear the catastrophe!Yes, it must be so!

Chang Sheng is the one who entered the Qi training state at the innate state, but he has to endure the catastrophe of the immortal state. It is amazing that he can resist it for such a long time. Moreover, he can also use the catastrophe to attack himself. sky!The way of heaven would never allow such a heaven-defying situation to happen, Chang Sheng couldn't stand it, he was going to be doomed!

Opportunity, must seize this opportunity!

Yuan Ke's eyes lit up, he endured the heart-piercing pain in his body, and tried his best to gather the military spirit. Chang Sheng is like this now, as long as he attacks him a little, he will die, and he can turn defeat into victory!


Finally, just when Yuan Ke was about to launch an attack, and Chang Sheng couldn't bear the violent rotation of the innate zhenqi, the innate zhenqi finally stopped spinning and slowly dissipated, replaced by a more pure and powerful military qi that slowly Appearing, gradually replacing the innate qi in the body!

"It feels so strong, this strength is going to be a hundred dragons!" Chang Sheng tightly clenched the wind and thunder stick in his hand, and looked up at Yuan Ke who was standing tremblingly in front of him.

"Well, this guy still wants to attack himself?"

Chang Sheng looked at Yuan Ke, and grinned brightly. He had entered the state of Qi training now, and his body had experienced thunder, fire, water, wind, and earth all at once, and became even stronger. Hard, with Yuan Ke's current state, even if he stood still and let him hit him, he couldn't cause any harm to himself!


Chang Sheng loosened his hands, let go of the Fenglei stick, let the Fenglei stick fall to the ground, made a dull sound, stretched out his hands like claws, and grabbed Yuan Ke's head!

Under the suppression of absolute power, Chang Sheng grabbed Yuan Ke's head, and suddenly, a wave of military energy burst out of Yuan Ke's body.

"What are you doing! You..." Yuan Ke felt the rapid loss of military energy in his body, raised his head with difficulty, looked at Chang Sheng with horror, and his body shriveled quickly.

As all the origin in Yuan Ke's body was sucked away, Chang Sheng suddenly found that there was an extra seal in his body.

"Swimming Dragon Spear Technique! A low-grade martial skill of the mysterious rank. When you use it, the spear shadows are heavy. Thousands of troops are fighting like swimming dragons entering the sea... It turns out that this is a martial skill suitable for fighting in the army."

Chang Sheng carefully looked at the seal he obtained after absorbing Yuan Ke's origin. This marksmanship should be the marksmanship that Yuan Ke used when he fought with him just now. It turned out to be a martial skill of the Xuan rank.

"Master, this is..."

Guo Feng looked at Yuan Ke, who was rapidly shriveling in horror, his eyes were filled with horror and doubt. This kind of kung fu seems to be a kind of magic kung fu. The young master also practiced magic kung fu?But there was no trace of demonic aura from the young master.

"The eighth level of Qi training, which is also known as a genius, only has so much military energy."

Chang Sheng curled his lips after absorbing the source of Yuan Ke's body, and said to Gu Tianmo with resentment on his face: "Gu Tianmo, I am only the first level of Qi training, but after absorbing the source of Yuan Ke, the eighth level of Qi training, the distance between Entering the second level of Qi training by myself is still a lot worse! Originally, when I was in the Xiantian state, I was slower than others in cultivation, and I could bear it, but when I reached the Qi training state, the speed seemed to become even slower. Heaven!"

"Chang Sheng, you think your breakthrough speed is slow, but why don't you take a look at your own strength, you have only practiced one level of Qi now, but your strength has already reached the power of a hundred flood dragons!"

Gu Tianmo looked at Chang Sheng with a displeased face: "Generally speaking, after entering the Qi training state, each level of improvement can increase the power of three to ten flood dragons! That is to say, a talented Qi training powerhouse can At the peak of the tenth floor, you probably had the power of a hundred dragons, and you are now the power of a hundred dragons. This strength can be said to be the strongest existence in the Qi training realm. Chang Sheng, what are you not satisfied with! "

While Gu Tianmo was talking, the faint phantom of the remnant soul made a movement of shaking his head.

"Strong is strong, but..." Chang Sheng communicated with Gu Tianmo as usual, suddenly, his voice shook: "No, Gu Tianmo, when you appeared before, it was only in the form of a faint phantom. It's almost invisible, but what's going on this time, I can see your appearance clearly!"

Chang Sheng suddenly noticed the difference between Gu Tianmo, and his expression changed instantly: "Gu Tianmo, why did your remnant soul suddenly solidify so much? Could it be... Could it be that you can also reshape your physical body?"

"No, I'm still far from reshaping my body, maybe I can only survive in this state forever in this life."

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