silly elixir emperor

Chapter 242 Annihilation of the 4 Colleges

Gu Tianmo sighed: "Actually, the reason why my remnant soul suddenly changed is entirely because you entered the Qi training state, because my remnant soul exists in your mind, relying on the warmth of your innate true qi Only by nourishing can you survive! So when you enter the Qi training state, your innate true energy becomes military energy, and the environment that warms and nourishes me will be fine, and naturally my remnant soul will also become stronger!"

"It turns out to be like this, that is to say, the stronger I am, the stronger your remnant soul will be, Gu Tianmo!" Chang Sheng nodded after hearing the words, and said after a moment of silence: "Don't worry, Gu Tianmo, I I will definitely increase my strength as soon as possible! But right now, I have to ask this guy..."

Chang Sheng took out an honesty pill from his bosom, opened Yuan Ke's mouth, and stuffed the honesty pill in.


Guo Feng looked at the young master's actions, and became more and more confused. What the young master took out just now should be the honesty pill, which is a pill that can make all people below the innate realm speak the truth involuntarily.But Yuan Ke is a master of the eighth level of Qi training, what's the use of the young master giving him the Honesty Pill?

Guo Fengzheng was puzzled. Before him, Chang Sheng had already spoken.

"Say, what is your identity! Why did you come to kill me, who ordered it!"

"My name is Yuan Ke, and I am the captain of Yingwuhou's personal guard." Under Guo Feng's surprised gaze, Yuan Ke said dumbly, like a person whose soul has been controlled: "Because Yingwuhou wants you to die, so I'm coming to kill you."

"Yingwuhou, it really is him!" Chang Sheng's face turned cold, and his body could not help releasing endless murderous aura: "Tell me, Yingwuhou, why does he always want to kill me, and what's your plan this time! "

"I don't know, and I don't know why Yingwuhou wanted to kill you. I just completed the task that Yingwuhou gave me. Before that, Yingwuhou asked me to bring two pills to find Chen Huanqi and Li Ye, and let them enter the training room. Qi, but the two of them are not your opponents, so I can only do it myself to lead you here, before, I..."

Yuan Ke slowly told what happened after he came to the capital. Guo Feng heard his words, and his eyes released a murderous look. This heroic Marquis, his young master didn't offend him, nor did he provoke him. , he actually wanted to kill the young master over and over again!Fortunately, the young master is smart and talented, so he can live until now, but...

Guo Feng suddenly turned his head to look at Chang Sheng, his face full of doubts. However, the young master gave Yuan Ke the honesty pill, so why did Yuan Ke, a person who cultivated Qi, tell the truth just like people below the Xiantian realm? talk.Also, Yuan Ke's body was still rapidly withering.

It is recorded in many classics that some kung fu of evil ways and magic sects can forcibly absorb the opponent's kung fu and supplement it for one's own use, and the appearance of those kung fu after use is just like that of Yuan Ke in front of him.

But the strange thing is that after forcibly absorbing the other party's skills, you must also quickly refine it. After all, it is not a skill that you have cultivated slowly, especially if the skills that two people practice happen to conflict, absorbing the other party's skills Power is a very dangerous thing!For example, Confucianism cultivators!

What a Confucian cultivator cultivates is the purest awe-inspiring righteousness in the world, which is inherently incompatible with the Kung Fu of the Demon Sect. If a member of the Demon Sect absorbs the power of a Confucian Cultivator, the two natural qi in the body, which are naturally rivals, will immediately attack each other. If one is not good, the meridians in the body that can easily be triggered will burst, and the true qi will go retrograde!

Therefore, those cultivators who are vicious and can absorb other people's skills generally seldom absorb the skills of Confucianism practitioners!

Although the young master did not absorb Confucianism, but he also absorbed other people's skills, and he is a person whose realm is much higher than his. He didn't refine it quickly, which is too weird!

Yuan Keyou said freely: "Just today, before I came, I sent a letter to Marquis Yingwu, asking him to send someone to break the situation from the outside, but I didn't expect that I was not your opponent..."

"What? Feige sent a letter to Yingwuhou? What is Yingwuhou's strength now?"

"I don't know, all I know is that Marquis Yingwu has long been a master of the Heaven-Defying Realm. I don't know exactly what realm he has reached!"

Chang Sheng frowned suddenly, at least the Heaven-Defying Realm, although Gu Tianmo said that he is now in the Qi Cultivation Realm and has almost no opponents, but Yingwuhou is at least the Heaven-Defying Realm!Moreover, Yuan Ke has already become a legend of flying pigeons, that is to say, after he leaves, Marquis Yingwu will definitely know that he killed Yuan Ke!

In this way, Marquis Yingwu will definitely come to kill him with a more powerful master immediately!

No, I must leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, and think carefully about how to improve my strength as soon as possible after returning!

Chang Sheng turned around and slapped several palms on the corpses of the people who had been killed by Guo Feng, so that they could not see who had been injured. Yuan Kehong, who lost his origin and became like an ordinary person, became a fan.

"Guo Feng, let's go, it's not suitable to stay here for long."

After Chang Sheng finished speaking, he grabbed Guo Feng's arm and rushed out of the manor.Before, he had just crossed the catastrophe, and that scene definitely attracted the attention of all the masters in the capital, because Yuan Ke was still alive, and was blocked by the manor, even if others came outside the manor, they would not be able to find him. Now that Yuan Ke is dead, others But those who can enter here cannot be discovered by others.

Chang Sheng pulled Guo Feng away quickly.

At the same time, outside the manor, Grand Master Fei, who had already left, fixed his eyes and turned to look in the direction of the manor.

"It's strange, the formation preventing entry to the manor suddenly disappeared!"

Grand Master Fei pondered for a while, then quickly rushed into the manor, but within a short time, his body had already entered the manor.

As soon as he stepped into the manor, he saw a pile of broken corpses.

"Huh? So many people died during this tribulation?"

Taishi Fei's expression became strange.

That night, someone in the manor outside Yingwu Hou's city was robbed, and then the news that all the people in the manor were killed spread throughout the capital. In the early morning of the next day, even the emperor Fang Yuanfu also expressed concern about this matter.

"Boss Huang is arresting the head. How is your investigation of the killing of everyone in Yingwuhou Manor yesterday?"

Fang Yuanfu saw that the discussion of various matters was almost done, so he quickly asked Huang Xiping, the chief arrester in the capital.

Huang Xiping came out from the crowd when he heard the sound, and said respectfully: "Reporting to Your Majesty, all the corpses in the manor were forcibly destroyed by others with strong palms. We have no way to find out. How did they die? What kind of cultivation method. As for the dead, we have found out that most of them are servants in Yingwuhou's manor, and there is also Yuan Ke, the captain of the personal guard under Yingwuhou's subordinate!"

"You just found out the identity of the deceased. You have no clue about the murderer?" Fang Yuanfu frowned and looked at Huang Xiping, with deep dissatisfaction in his voice.

First, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites was killed in the manor in the suburbs, together with all the people in his manor. The Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites himself was suspected of being connected with the figures of the evil sect, and the matter has not been investigated clearly. He was butchered clean!

He will be very dissatisfied that there are successive major murders in the dignified capital, and they are all related to his ministers!

Huang Xiping felt the unkindness in the emperor's tone, and for a moment, his waist bent even more, and the expression on his face became more respectful: "Your Majesty, my minister and the arresters generally judged that the murderer should be a person who defied the heavens." Strong. After all, before, there was a colorful robbery cloud that landed over Yingwuhou’s manor. It was the robbery cloud that appeared when he broke through and became a strong man against the sky. The deaths of everyone in Yingwuhou’s manor must have something to do with him. I see, the other party is very likely to be a person of evil ways!"

Huang Xiping slowly expressed his judgment: "Recently, evil people have become more and more rampant, especially in the vicinity of our capital, and crimes have been committed frequently. This case, judging by the method, is very likely to be done by evil people. of!"

"Evil way, yes, recently evil way hands are really getting more and more rampant."

As soon as Huang Xiping's words fell, many people immediately agreed: "I think it's time to clean up this evil way."

"That's right, this evil way not only commits crimes everywhere, but also keeps bewitching people's hearts. A sect like this must completely disappear."

All of a sudden, in the Golden Luan Hall, all the ministers began to condemn the evil way, and amidst the bursts of condemnation, a different voice suddenly sounded.

"In fact, it may not be done by evil people!" Grand Master Fei said suddenly. Hearing his voice, everyone immediately stopped consciously, focused their eyes on Grand Master Fei, and waited for his insight!

"Actually, I went to see the scene yesterday. It wasn't long before those servants were killed. I felt a strong sense of righteousness from those dead servants! So I'm almost sure that the killers were not evil people. It's a master of Confucianism cultivators!"

Grand Master Fei paused, and continued: "Everyone has seen the vision yesterday, and everyone knows Yuan Ke's strength. There is no doubt that the murderer is a person who is against the sky. Confucianism masters in the world, and they are still in the capital, and they are not in everyone's sight, I am afraid that only those a few academies have them!"

"College!" Huang Xiping was startled: "Master Fei, you mean that someone from the academy did it?" Fang Yuanfu: "Your Majesty, the people in these four academies don't serve the country, and they don't do production, but they still need the state to subsidize them with money and food every year. This is simply a moth of the country! Moreover, there are experts in their academies. There are so many of them, if these academies have dissent, the country will suffer disaster immediately, so please send troops immediately to wipe out the four academies!"

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