silly elixir emperor

Chapter 25 Surprise

"Two?" When Fang Xianyun heard this number, she also showed an expression of ecstasy like Chang Ganyi. Like her, she had been stuck on the bottleneck of entering the Xiantian realm for a long time.

"Counting the condensing qi pill that Chang Sheng has already brought, this is three condensing qi pills. Chang Sheng takes one, and Chang Qianyi takes one, and there is one left. The condensing qi pill, only sublimation level Only by using it can it be used by an expert to have the greatest effect, it is best to be an expert at the peak of the Ascension Realm, and apart from Chang Qianyi and Chang Sheng in the Chang family, the only person at the peak of the Ascension Realm is yourself, so..."

Chang Sheng looked at the excited Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun, smiled in his heart, continued to open one finger, and counted: "Three!"

"Ah! There is more!" Chang Ganyi stared at Chang Sheng's hands closely, and there was one more, so besides giving Fang Xianyun another one, there would be another Qi Condensing Pill left, this Qi Condensing Pill Whether it is saved to be used by the younger generation of the family, or used to find a master, it is regarded as the treasure of the family!


After Chang Sheng broke off all five fingers of his left hand, he found that his hand was not enough. After thinking for a long time, he stepped on Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun's expectant eyes and stretched out a finger of his right hand, saying: "Six. "

"Seven...eight..." Every time Chang Sheng opened a finger and called out a number, Chang Ganyi would get excited for a long time. These are all top-notch pills!Each one is priceless, even people from the other three and four major families in Fengdu City may not necessarily see one in their lifetime!

"Ten." Chang Sheng clenched his left hand into a fist, and stretched out another finger in his right hand: "Eleven."

"Oh my God! How many are there!" Every time Chang Sheng counted a number, Chang Ganyi was excited for a long time. At the end, he was so excited that he almost jumped up and said, their Chang family is really going to prosper, and there is So many top-notch Qi Condensing Pills!

"Fourteen...fifteen, um..." Chang Sheng's left fist was counted as the number ten, and the slap of the right hand was counted as the number five, but how to count the next number?

"Fifteen, ten, ten...nineteen. No."

Chang Sheng broke his fingers with a headache, and said angrily: "Oh, I made a mistake, no, start counting from the beginning, one...two..."

Under the watchful eyes of Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun, Chang Sheng started counting again from the beginning, this time the speed was much faster, and after a while he counted to fifteen again.

"Fifteen, ten..."

Chang Ganyi saw that Chang Sheng was really after fifteen, and he really couldn't come out after ten, so he couldn't help but remind him: "Sheng'er, after fifteen is sixteen."

"Yes, sixteen." Chang Sheng shouted excitedly: "Sixteen, nineteen... No, wrong again. Let's count again."

Seeing that Chang Sheng was about to count from the beginning again, Fang Xianyun said directly, "Sheng'er, where are those pills? Don't forget, take me and your uncle, and we will count for you."

"En, good." Chang Sheng responded, and ran to his room with the two of them.

With a "creak", Chang Ganyi pushed open Chang Sheng's door, and walked into the room with Fang Xianyun behind him. Suddenly, an extremely dazzling golden light pierced his eyes.

On the table in Chang Sheng's room, in a disc covered with silk cloth, golden pills were piled together, exuding a dazzling brilliance!

"Oh my God!" Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun were going crazy looking at the pile of golden pills that were almost as large as Yiyuanpan, how many pills did they have?

"one two Three……"

The two rushed to Yuanpan almost at the same time, picked up the top-quality Qi Condensing Pills and counted them.

"I have 24 here."

"I have 23, then add the one that Chang Sheng gave you, and this is a total of 48." As soon as Fang Xianyun finished speaking, Chang Sheng's voice rang in his ear.

"I remembered. Grandpa with white beard said that he made a total of 49 pills. Aunt Fang, you are so stupid. There are 49 pills, not 48 pills. I have already taken one."

"You eat!" Chang Ganyi turned his head, stared at Chang Sheng, and said eagerly: "Sheng'er, why didn't you tell me earlier, when did you take it? After taking the elixir, you have to practice quickly, otherwise the effect of the medicine will be slow." Slowly fading."

Chang Sheng did not hide his aura, Chang Ganyi could clearly feel that Chang Sheng was still at the peak of sublimation like him, and after taking this superb condensing qi pill, he would definitely break through the bottleneck, Chang Sheng said he If he ate it, then obviously he did not cultivate after eating it.

"I ate it an hour ago. After I ate it, the white-bearded grandfather asked me to practice, but he didn't let me break through. He said that my cultivation speed is too fast, and there are too many dirty things in my body. I have to wait until I get rid of all the dirty things." No, he let me practice."

"Oh? So that's how it is." Chang Ganyi nodded, but he was worrying in vain. Presumably there was a fairy with a white beard, so how could it be possible for Chang Sheng to make a low-level mistake.

On the other side, Fang Xianyun gasped when she heard Chang Sheng's words. The 49 Qi Condensing Pills were all top-notch. How many furnaces would it take to refine them?About 49 Qi Condensing Pills can be formed in one furnace, and then Ladan is needed. That master can refine the top-quality Qi Condensing Pills. Ladan’s skills must be very powerful, so [-]% will be calculated.One batch of pills can produce nine Qi Condensation Pills, for a total of [-] Qi Condensation Pills, so nine furnaces need to be refined!

"However, these Qi Condensing Pills were clearly refined not long ago. If they were made by nine furnaces, there must be a time gap. Unless the person was refined by nine furnaces together, this is even more impossible, even if two furnaces are refined at the same time. There is no such thing as furnace pills, there is no such energy at all, if you really do that, there is only one consequence, that is, both furnaces of pills will be abolished."

"Then, how did these pills come from?" Fang Xianyun responded to Chang Sheng's words, "Sheng'er, did you really see that white-bearded grandfather concocting pills?"

"I see." Chang Sheng nodded, pointing casually at the corner of the room, the alchemy furnace that he could no longer use after he used it once, said angrily: "He uses this thing to make alchemy, It was originally the treasure I used to release crickets, but when he saw it, he said he wanted to use my treasure to make alchemy. I didn't obey him, and he didn't care about me. , I feel sorry for General Quo and Generalissimo, those are the ones I have been looking for for a long time."

Fang Xianyun's wooden pipe followed Chang Sheng's fingers and landed on the abandoned alchemy stove.

"Apprentice alchemy furnace, why does it look so familiar? By the way, all my disciples use this kind of alchemy furnace." Fang Xianyun picked up the apprentice alchemy furnace that Chang Sheng said, and couldn't believe it. It can be refined into an unrivaled elixir.

"The walls of the alchemy furnace are uneven. Some places are thick and others are thin. This alchemy furnace has obviously been used for a long time. I don't even know where the furnace cover was obtained. It is not the original furnace cover at all. Moreover, the one side The furnace wall is completely sunken in, obviously it has been dropped."

Using this alchemy furnace, not to mention top-grade pills, even if someone said that they could use this pill furnace to refine low-grade Qi Condensing Pills, she would never believe it.But Chang Sheng said that Chang Sheng would not lie when he saw the master use this alchemy with his own eyes.

Fang Xianyun's finger caressing the pill furnace stopped suddenly, her slender, white fingers stopped moving, and started groping at the bottom of the pill furnace.

"There are obvious depressions at the bottom of the pill furnace, and they seem to be sunken according to some rules."

Fang Xianyun was startled, and immediately put her hand into the alchemy furnace, touched the bottom, and then took it out, feeling the faint aura fluctuations on her fingers, she was even more surprised.

"This spiritual energy fluctuation is obviously left over from the use of things similar to magic stones, and then contacting the previous depression, it is obvious that someone used spiritual energy to forcibly fix things like magic stones at the bottom of this alchemy furnace , arranged into a spirit gathering array, and the pill furnace really contains traces of the Qi Condensing Pill after it was refined. What Chang Sheng said is correct, the master really used this pill furnace to refine the Qi Condensing Pill ! And according to what Chang Sheng said, that master refined a batch of pills, and made 49 of the best Qi Condensing Pills!"

Fang Xianyun put down the apprentice pill stove in her hand, turned her head to look at Chang Sheng: "Xiao Sheng, did the old man with the white beard take all these pills out of this stove?" There was an obvious tremor in her voice .

"Yes." Chang Sheng stretched out his hand and made a pulling motion, and said, "That's how the old man pulled and pulled. He took out all the pills and put them here."

"Oh my god! There are so many pills out of a batch of 49 pills. Could it be that the white beard master pulled out all the qi condensing pills! This level of pills is unheard of!" Fang Xianyun was completely shocked She was stunned. Before today, the shock she received in her life was far less than today. The level and method of alchemy made by the white-bearded master even subverted her perception of alchemy.

Chang Ganyi was far less familiar with alchemy than Fang Xianyun, but he was also shocked by Chang Sheng's words!But he is a team leader after all, he thinks more about his family's situation.

"Isn't the Luo family going to hold an auction? They also said that there will be an auction of mid-grade Qi Condensing Pills at the finale! What is a mere mid-level Qi Condensing Pill? The price is high! If you open an auction, I will also open it, so let’s see who is crying!"

Chang Ganyi's heart surged with arrogance, and he wanted to yell loudly to vent his depression of being questioned by the elders today, but he still forced himself to calm down slowly.

"No, this Qi Condensation Pill cannot be auctioned. There are still 48 left, which looks like a lot, but no one in my Chang family can refine this Qi Condensation Pill. Who knows if the white bearded fairy will continue to refine Give Xiao Sheng the Qi Condensation Pill. If he is not refining, then these Qi Condensation Pills will use one less. Also, the peerless Qi Condensation Pill, which can 100% allow people in the Sublimation Realm to step into the Xiantian Realm If my Chang family sells it and others buy it in large quantities, there will already be a large number of innate realm masters, and my Chang family's masters are not as many as the other party, and because the profit of this condensing qi pill makes people jealous, then it will become I'm asking for trouble. Let's improve my own strength first." "Two?" Fang Xianyun also showed ecstasy when she heard the number, just like Chang Ganyi, she was stuck at the bottleneck of stepping into the Xiantian realm It's been a long time.

"Counting the condensing qi pill that Chang Sheng has already brought, this is three condensing qi pills. Chang Sheng takes one, and Chang Qianyi takes one, and there is one left. The condensing qi pill, only sublimation level Only by using it can it be used by an expert to have the greatest effect, it is best to be an expert at the peak of the Ascension Realm, and apart from Chang Qianyi and Chang Sheng in the Chang family, the only person at the peak of the Ascension Realm is yourself, so..."

Chang Sheng looked at the excited Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun, smiled in his heart, continued to open one finger, and counted: "Three!"

"Ah! There is more!" Chang Ganyi stared at Chang Sheng's hands closely, and there was one more, so besides giving Fang Xianyun another one, there would be another Qi Condensing Pill left, this Qi Condensing Pill Whether it is saved to be used by the younger generation of the family, or used to find a master, it is regarded as the treasure of the family!


After Chang Sheng broke off all five fingers of his left hand, he found that his hand was not enough. After thinking for a long time, he stepped on Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun's expectant eyes and stretched out a finger of his right hand, saying: "Six. "

"Seven...eight..." Every time Chang Sheng opened a finger and called out a number, Chang Ganyi would get excited for a long time. These are all top-notch pills!Each one is priceless, even people from the other three and four major families in Fengdu City may not necessarily see one in their lifetime!

"Ten." Chang Sheng clenched his left hand into a fist, and stretched out another finger in his right hand: "Eleven."

"Oh my God! How many are there!" Every time Chang Sheng counted a number, Chang Ganyi was excited for a long time. At the end, he was so excited that he almost jumped up and said, their Chang family is really going to prosper, and there is So many top-notch Qi Condensing Pills!

"Fourteen...fifteen, um..." Chang Sheng's left fist was counted as the number ten, and the slap of the right hand was counted as the number five, but how to count the next number?

"Fifteen, ten, ten...nineteen. No."

Chang Sheng broke his fingers with a headache, and said angrily: "Oh, I made a mistake, no, start counting from the beginning, one...two..."

Under the watchful eyes of Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun, Chang Sheng started counting again from the beginning, this time the speed was much faster, and after a while he counted to fifteen again.

"Fifteen, ten..."

Chang Ganyi saw that Chang Sheng was really after fifteen, and he really couldn't come out after ten, so he couldn't help but remind him: "Sheng'er, after fifteen is sixteen."

"Yes, sixteen." Chang Sheng shouted excitedly: "Sixteen, nineteen... No, wrong again. Let's count again."

Seeing that Chang Sheng was about to count from the beginning again, Fang Xianyun said directly, "Sheng'er, where are those pills? Don't forget, take me and your uncle, and we will count for you."

"En, good." Chang Sheng responded, and ran to his room with the two of them.

With a "creak", Chang Ganyi pushed open Chang Sheng's door, and walked into the room with Fang Xianyun behind him. Suddenly, an extremely dazzling golden light pierced his eyes.

On the table in Chang Sheng's room, in a disc covered with silk cloth, golden pills were piled together, exuding a dazzling brilliance!

"Oh my God!" Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun were going crazy looking at the pile of golden pills that were almost as large as Yiyuanpan, how many pills did they have?

"one two Three……"

The two rushed to Yuanpan almost at the same time, picked up the top-quality Qi Condensing Pills and counted them.

"I have 24 here."

"I have 23, then add the one that Chang Sheng gave you, and this is a total of 48." As soon as Fang Xianyun finished speaking, Chang Sheng's voice rang in his ear.

"I remembered. Grandpa with white beard said that he made a total of 49 pills. Aunt Fang, you are so stupid. There are 49 pills, not 48 pills. I have already taken one."

"You eat!" Chang Ganyi turned his head, stared at Chang Sheng, and said eagerly: "Sheng'er, why didn't you tell me earlier, when did you take it? After taking the elixir, you have to practice quickly, otherwise the effect of the medicine will be slow." Slowly fading."

Chang Sheng did not hide his aura, Chang Ganyi could clearly feel that Chang Sheng was still at the peak of sublimation like him, and after taking this superb condensing qi pill, he would definitely break through the bottleneck, Chang Sheng said he If he ate it, then obviously he did not cultivate after eating it.

"I ate it an hour ago. After I ate it, the white-bearded grandfather asked me to practice, but he didn't let me break through. He said that my cultivation speed is too fast, and there are too many dirty things in my body. I have to wait until I get rid of all the dirty things." No, he let me practice."

"Oh? So that's how it is." Chang Ganyi nodded, but he was worrying in vain. Presumably there was a fairy with a white beard, so how could it be possible for Chang Sheng to make a low-level mistake.

On the other side, Fang Xianyun gasped when she heard Chang Sheng's words. The 49 Qi Condensing Pills were all top-notch. How many furnaces would it take to refine them?About 49 Qi Condensing Pills can be formed in one furnace, and then Ladan is needed. That master can refine the top-quality Qi Condensing Pills. Ladan’s skills must be very powerful, so [-]% will be calculated.One batch of pills can produce nine Qi Condensation Pills, for a total of [-] Qi Condensation Pills, so nine furnaces need to be refined!

"However, these Qi Condensing Pills were clearly refined not long ago. If they were made by nine furnaces, there must be a time gap. Unless the person was refined by nine furnaces together, this is even more impossible, even if two furnaces are refined at the same time. There is no such thing as furnace pills, there is no such energy at all, if you really do that, there is only one consequence, that is, both furnaces of pills will be abolished."

"Then, how did these pills come from?" Fang Xianyun responded to Chang Sheng's words, "Sheng'er, did you really see that white-bearded grandfather concocting pills?"

"I see." Chang Sheng nodded, pointing casually at the corner of the room, the alchemy furnace that he could no longer use after he used it once, said angrily: "He uses this thing to make alchemy, It was originally the treasure I used to release crickets, but when he saw it, he said he wanted to use my treasure to make alchemy. I didn't obey him, and he didn't care about me. , I feel sorry for General Quo and Generalissimo, those are the ones I have been looking for for a long time."

Fang Xianyun's wooden pipe followed Chang Sheng's fingers and landed on the abandoned alchemy stove.

"Apprentice alchemy furnace, why does it look so familiar? By the way, all my disciples use this kind of alchemy furnace." Fang Xianyun picked up the apprentice alchemy furnace that Chang Sheng said, and couldn't believe it. It can be refined into an unrivaled elixir.

"The walls of the alchemy furnace are uneven. Some places are thick and others are thin. This alchemy furnace has obviously been used for a long time. I don't even know where the furnace cover was obtained. It is not the original furnace cover at all. Moreover, the one side The furnace wall is completely sunken in, obviously it has been dropped."

Using this alchemy furnace, not to mention top-grade pills, even if someone said that they could use this pill furnace to refine low-grade Qi Condensing Pills, she would never believe it.But Chang Sheng said that Chang Sheng would not lie when he saw the master use this alchemy with his own eyes.

Fang Xianyun's finger caressing the pill furnace stopped suddenly, her slender, white fingers stopped moving, and started groping at the bottom of the pill furnace.

"There are obvious depressions at the bottom of the pill furnace, and they seem to be sunken according to some rules."

Fang Xianyun was startled, and immediately put her hand into the alchemy furnace, touched the bottom, and then took it out, feeling the faint aura fluctuations on her fingers, she was even more surprised.

"This spiritual energy fluctuation is obviously left over from the use of things similar to magic stones, and then contacting the previous depression, it is obvious that someone used spiritual energy to forcibly fix things like magic stones at the bottom of this alchemy furnace , arranged into a spirit gathering array, and the pill furnace really contains traces of the Qi Condensing Pill after it was refined. What Chang Sheng said is correct, the master really used this pill furnace to refine the Qi Condensing Pill ! And according to what Chang Sheng said, that master refined a batch of pills, and made 49 of the best Qi Condensing Pills!"

Fang Xianyun put down the apprentice pill stove in her hand, turned her head to look at Chang Sheng: "Xiao Sheng, did the old man with the white beard take all these pills out of this stove?" There was an obvious tremor in her voice .

"Yes." Chang Sheng stretched out his hand and made a pulling motion, and said, "That's how the old man pulled and pulled. He took out all the pills and put them here."

"Oh my god! There are so many pills out of a batch of 49 pills. Could it be that the white beard master pulled out all the qi condensing pills! This level of pills is unheard of!" Fang Xianyun was completely shocked She was stunned. Before today, the shock she received in her life was far less than today. The level and method of alchemy made by the white-bearded master even subverted her perception of alchemy.

Chang Ganyi was far less familiar with alchemy than Fang Xianyun, but he was also shocked by Chang Sheng's words!But he is a team leader after all, he thinks more about his family's situation.

"Isn't the Luo family going to hold an auction? They also said that there will be an auction of mid-grade Qi Condensing Pills at the finale! What is a mere mid-level Qi Condensing Pill? The price is high! If you open an auction, I will also open it, so let’s see who is crying!"

Chang Ganyi's heart surged with arrogance, and he wanted to yell loudly to vent his depression of being questioned by the elders today, but he still forced himself to calm down slowly.

"No, this Qi Condensation Pill cannot be auctioned. There are still 48 left, which looks like a lot, but no one in my Chang family can refine this Qi Condensation Pill. Who knows if the white bearded fairy will continue to refine Give Xiao Sheng the Qi Condensation Pill. If he is not refining, then these Qi Condensation Pills will use one less. Also, the peerless Qi Condensation Pill, which can 100% allow people in the Sublimation Realm to step into the Xiantian Realm If my Chang family sells it and others buy it in large quantities, there will already be a large number of innate realm masters, and my Chang family's masters are not as many as the other party, and because the profit of this condensing qi pill makes people jealous, then it will become You’re asking for trouble. I’d better improve my own strength first.”

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