silly elixir emperor

Chapter 26 Breakthrough

Chang Ganyi thought of this, and immediately raised his hand to pull Fang Xianyun who was still in shock.

"Xianyun, you and I are both at the peak of sublimation, let's each take a Qi Condensation Pill and raise our realm to the Xiantian realm first."

With that said, Chang Ganyi got up and put away the Qi Condensation Pill, took Fang Xianyun and Chang Sheng to his secret room together, then picked up a Qi Condensation Pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.Seeing his movements, Fang Xianyun also picked up a Qi Condensing Pill and ate it.

Both of them are at the peak of the sublimation level, and they have gradually raised from the first level of entrainment to this level step by step, so they don't have to worry about it like Chang Sheng.

On the side, Chang Sheng saw that both of them had settled down and entered the cultivation state of the ancient well without waves, so he took a few pills from the disc containing Qi Condensation Pills, and went out.

An hour later, Chang Ganyi suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand, and struck out a palm in the air.Suddenly, in the quiet secret room, there was a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and the fierce palm wind whizzed out, and in the blink of an eye, it fell to the front of the opposite side which was made of birch rocks, as if being hit hard by a huge hammer. With a sound of "boom", pieces of wall skin fell off the wall!

"This is the Xiantian Realm! Hahaha... I have finally entered the Xiantian Realm!" Chang Ganyi stood up, looking up to the sky and laughing.

At almost the same moment, Fang Xianyun also opened her eyes and let out a long cry.Like Chang Ganyi, she has stayed at the peak of the sublimation realm for a long time, and has been stuck at the top of the bottleneck. She only needs an assistant to immediately advance to the Xiantian realm. It broke through in an hour.

"Xianyun, congratulations, you have also stepped into the Xiantian realm." Chang Ganyi felt unspeakably happy, his Chang family has two masters of the Xiantian realm, looking at the entire Fengdu City, which family can match it!

"Huh? No, why are there so few Qi Condensing Pills on the stone table!" Suddenly, Fang Xianyun's voice came from the side, and Chang Ganyi took a look. Sure enough, the number of Qi Condensing Pills was wrong.

"There are only forty Qi Condensing Pills. You, me, and Chang Sheng each took one, and there are still six missing!" Fang Xianyun glanced around in the secret room, and said, "Chang Sheng is gone too. , the Qi Condensation Pill may have been taken away by him."

"It was taken away by Chang Sheng!" Chang Ganyi's heart tightened. Chang Sheng didn't know the importance of the Qi Condensation Pill. It would be bad for him to give it to others. "Let's go, go find Chang Sheng, first go to Misty to have a look."

The moment Chang Ganyi finished speaking, a figure appeared at the door of the secret room.

In the Misty room, Chang Sheng was indeed here, but Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun's eyes fell on Misty, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, looking surprised.Look at the appearance of Qi gathered around Miu Miao, the energy of heaven and earth is gathered, there is obviously aura in it, Miu Miao has entered the Sublimation Realm, and it looks like it is not the first floor of the Sublimation Realm but the second floor.

"Why did Piao Miao enter the second floor of the Ascension Realm without making a sound?"

Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun were very puzzled. Chang Sheng looked at the two of them, rubbed his hands together, and asked, "Did I do something wrong?" There was obvious anxiety in his voice, like a Like a child who does something wrong.

"What did you do?" Hearing Chang Shengxiang's words, Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun both turned their heads and looked over at the same time.

Chang Sheng took out a Qi Condensing Pill, and said with an anxious expression: "Grandpa White Beard told me that this kind of pill is a good thing, I ate one and it was delicious, and Uncle and Aunt Fang also ate it, so I gave it to you." I gave one to Miaomiao." Then, he pointed to the teacup on the table beside him: "I secretly put a pill in the teacup, Miaomiao didn't know, and after she drank the tea, she It's always been like this."

"Put Qi Condensation Pill in the tea and give it to Misty to drink!"

Chang Ganyi looked at Chang Sheng, and really didn't know how to say good things about him, it was a top-notch elixir!It is a pill for people at the peak of sublimation to help break through to the innate realm, and only people at the peak of sublimation can take it to maximize its efficacy.

"Piao Miao was only at the peak of physical fitness before this, let her take the top-grade condensing pill, she can absorb the medicinal properties of this top-quality pill, it is good, this is simply too wasteful! This is a top-grade pill, not a low-grade one , middle-grade, and top-grade pills!"

Although Fang Xianyun felt sorry for Chang Sheng's wasting of pills, she also felt a little relieved by Chang Sheng's actions. If there were good things, she knew to keep them for Piao Miao, and Piao Miao didn't love him in vain all these years.But it's good to do this kind of thing once, and Chang Sheng can't be allowed to do this again in the future.

Thinking about it, she pulled Chang Sheng to her side, and said earnestly: "Xiao Sheng, don't just put things in other people's drinks and food without telling others in the future. Some things are good things to eat normally, but if you share them with others If you mix it with different things, such as these teas, then the good things may become useless things. It may even become harmful poison. Remember, you must never do this in the future?"

"En." Chang Sheng nodded vigorously. He knew what Fang Xianyun meant, but he was afraid that he would do bad things with good intentions.But in terms of familiarity with elixirs, he was much better than Fang Xianyun, so how could he make such a low-level mistake.This time, they secretly gave Piao Miao the pill because they were afraid that Piao Miao would not take it after knowing the value of the pill. In their eyes, this superb Qi Condensing Pill could be regarded as the treasure of the town, so they would not be willing to waste it.But he doesn't care, this kind of Qi Condensation Pill can be refined by refining it casually.

"By the way, Xiao Sheng, didn't you buy some medicinal materials with your senior sister Misty a few days ago? Where did you put those medicinal materials?" Fang Xianyun was a little worried. She knew Chang Sheng bought medicinal materials, even though they were medicinal materials However, under certain circumstances, medicinal materials can also become poisonous. If Chang Shengzai eats it indiscriminately or gives it to others, it is easy to cause trouble, so it is better to bring the medicinal materials.

"Where else can I go? Without those medicinal materials, where can I return the elixir in your hand? Aunt Fang, why do you ask so many questions!" Xian Yun asked, but she did not expect to ask in the end.But in order not to make others doubt him too much, he could only push down on the old man with white beard.

Chang Sheng raised his head and said, "Grandpa White Beard made pills from all the medicinal materials. Grandpa White Beard just saw the medicinal materials in my room and said they could be used to make alchemy, so he did it."

"What!" Fang Xianyun was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "He made it with all your elixir? Did you add anything else?"

"No." Chang Sheng shook his head and said, sighing in his heart, he could only say so. After saying this, Fang Xianyun learned that it was all the medicinal materials for refining Qi Condensation Pill, and she must keep refining it. Until the practice is successful.But if you don't say that, if the white-bearded old man added a lot of medicinal materials, Fang Xianyun would not use those medicinal materials to refine, but try to add countless medicinal materials to refine, and it will cost more money.The situation of the Chang family is not good recently. The Prosperous Immortal Art he practiced is closely related to the prosperity of the Chang family.Fang Xianyun can't be wasted like that, only the medicinal materials that are really needed, and Cordyceps can't let her buy so much.

Chang Sheng pretended to recall: "Grandpa White Beard is talking about the kind of bug-like thing. There are actually two types. Then he took the one that was less and used it, and the one that was more he said he wanted to take away. It’s useful. He threw all the remaining medicinal materials into the stove.”

When Fang Xianyun heard Chang Sheng's words, her eyes lit up suddenly. The medicinal materials that Chang Sheng bought casually could be used to make alchemy, which is too absurd!But she had eaten the elixir herself, so she couldn't believe it. It was impossible for Chang Sheng to lie. He didn't need to lie, unless he made the elixir himself.

Chang Sheng will make alchemy, is this possible!Not to mention that no one taught him, even if someone taught him, he started alchemy from the womb, and he continued to make alchemy for a year. Even after 18 years of alchemy, he would not be able to reach the level of making out-of-the-box alchemy.What's more, Chang Sheng is still an idiot. Not only has he been to the county government before, but he has often left the room these days. It is impossible for Chang Sheng to refine the elixir.

There is no need for Chang Sheng to lie, everything is true!The medicinal materials are bought by Chang Sheng, and all the medicinal materials for alchemy come from those medicinal materials, so the alchemy formula...

"Boom boom boom!"

Fang Xianyun's heart beat rapidly, and the beating sound was almost continuous.

"Xiao Sheng, do you still remember what medicinal materials you bought that day?" Fang Xianyun grabbed Chang Sheng's shoulders with both hands, with excitement and anticipation on her face.

"I don't know." Chang Sheng shook his head and said, "I don't even know the names of those herbs."

"I don't even know." Fang Xianyun suddenly lost strength holding Chang Sheng's hands, and felt like she had fallen from the top of a mountain to a valley. She was full of expectations but received a disappointing answer. Chang Sheng is also a fool, how can he be expected? Remember the names of herbs.

"Chang Sheng doesn't know the medicinal materials, but Miu knows!" Chang Ganyi's voice suddenly sounded from the side, he looked at Fang Xianyun, clenched his fists tightly, and said excitedly: "That day Miu Mi and Chang Sheng went to the Herbal Medicine Hall to buy medicinal materials!"


Fang Xianyun stood up in a huff, raised her leg and walked towards the door, but she was grabbed by someone after she took a step.

Chang Ganyi grabbed Fang Xianyun and asked anxiously, "What are you going to do?"

"Of course I go to the Herbal Medicine Hall to get the prescriptions! All the medicinal materials sold in the Herbal Medicine Hall have stubs. For our Chang family's sake, I will go and get a stub from the past, and they will not refuse, so we have the prescriptions! "Fang Xianyun's face was full of excitement, that was the formula of Qi Condensing Pill, and it could be refined into a superb product!"

"You can't go like this!" Chang Ganyi explained: "If you go to the herbal hall to get the alchemy like this, someone who cares may notice it. Don't be too anxious. When Misty practice is over, just ask her the name of the medicinal material." Chang Ganyi thought of this, and immediately raised his hand to pull Fang Xianyun who was still in shock.

"Xianyun, you and I are both at the peak of sublimation, let's each take a Qi Condensation Pill and raise our realm to the Xiantian realm first."

With that said, Chang Ganyi got up and put away the Qi Condensation Pill, took Fang Xianyun and Chang Sheng to his secret room together, then picked up a Qi Condensation Pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.Seeing his movements, Fang Xianyun also picked up a Qi Condensing Pill and ate it.

Both of them are at the peak of the sublimation level, and they have gradually raised from the first level of entrainment to this level step by step, so they don't have to worry about it like Chang Sheng.

On the side, Chang Sheng saw that both of them had settled down and entered the cultivation state of the ancient well without waves, so he took a few pills from the disc containing Qi Condensation Pills, and went out.

An hour later, Chang Ganyi suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand, and struck out a palm in the air.Suddenly, in the quiet secret room, there was a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and the fierce palm wind whizzed out, and in the blink of an eye, it fell to the front of the opposite side which was made of birch rocks, as if being hit hard by a huge hammer. With a sound of "boom", pieces of wall skin fell off the wall!

"This is the Xiantian Realm! Hahaha... I have finally entered the Xiantian Realm!" Chang Ganyi stood up, looking up to the sky and laughing.

At almost the same moment, Fang Xianyun also opened her eyes and let out a long cry.Like Chang Ganyi, she has stayed at the peak of the sublimation realm for a long time, and has been stuck at the top of the bottleneck. She only needs an assistant to immediately advance to the Xiantian realm. It broke through in an hour.

"Xianyun, congratulations, you have also stepped into the Xiantian realm." Chang Ganyi felt unspeakably happy, his Chang family has two masters of the Xiantian realm, looking at the entire Fengdu City, which family can match it!

"Huh? No, why are there so few Qi Condensing Pills on the stone table!" Suddenly, Fang Xianyun's voice came from the side, and Chang Ganyi took a look. Sure enough, the number of Qi Condensing Pills was wrong.

"There are only forty Qi Condensing Pills. You, me, and Chang Sheng each took one, and there are still six missing!" Fang Xianyun glanced around in the secret room, and said, "Chang Sheng is gone too. , the Qi Condensation Pill may have been taken away by him."

"It was taken away by Chang Sheng!" Chang Ganyi's heart tightened. Chang Sheng didn't know the importance of the Qi Condensation Pill. It would be bad for him to give it to others. "Let's go, go find Chang Sheng, first go to Misty to have a look."

The moment Chang Ganyi finished speaking, a figure appeared at the door of the secret room.

In the Misty room, Chang Sheng was indeed here, but Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun's eyes fell on Misty, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, looking surprised.Look at the appearance of Qi gathered around Miu Miao, the energy of heaven and earth is gathered, there is obviously aura in it, Miu Miao has entered the Sublimation Realm, and it looks like it is not the first floor of the Sublimation Realm but the second floor.

"Why did Piao Miao enter the second floor of the Ascension Realm without making a sound?"

Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun were very puzzled. Chang Sheng looked at the two of them, rubbed his hands together, and asked, "Did I do something wrong?" There was obvious anxiety in his voice, like a Like a child who does something wrong.

"What did you do?" Hearing Chang Shengxiang's words, Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun both turned their heads and looked over at the same time.

Chang Sheng took out a Qi Condensing Pill, and said with an anxious expression: "Grandpa White Beard told me that this kind of pill is a good thing, I ate one and it was delicious, and Uncle and Aunt Fang also ate it, so I gave it to you." I gave one to Miaomiao." Then, he pointed to the teacup on the table beside him: "I secretly put a pill in the teacup, Miaomiao didn't know, and after she drank the tea, she It's always been like this."

"Put Qi Condensation Pill in the tea and give it to Misty to drink!"

Chang Ganyi looked at Chang Sheng, and really didn't know how to say good things about him, it was a top-notch elixir!It is a pill for people at the peak of sublimation to help break through to the innate realm, and only people at the peak of sublimation can take it to maximize its efficacy.

"Piao Miao was only at the peak of physical fitness before this, let her take the top-grade condensing pill, she can absorb the medicinal properties of this top-quality pill, it is good, this is simply too wasteful! This is a top-grade pill, not a low-grade one , middle-grade, and top-grade pills!"

Although Fang Xianyun felt sorry for Chang Sheng's wasting of pills, she also felt a little relieved by Chang Sheng's actions. If there were good things, she knew to keep them for Piao Miao, and Piao Miao didn't love him in vain all these years.But it's good to do this kind of thing once, and Chang Sheng can't be allowed to do this again in the future.

Thinking about it, she pulled Chang Sheng to her side, and said earnestly: "Xiao Sheng, don't just put things in other people's drinks and food without telling others in the future. Some things are good things to eat normally, but if you share them with others If you mix it with different things, such as these teas, then the good things may become useless things. It may even become harmful poison. Remember, you must never do this in the future?"

"En." Chang Sheng nodded vigorously. He knew what Fang Xianyun meant, but he was afraid that he would do bad things with good intentions.But in terms of familiarity with elixirs, he was much better than Fang Xianyun, so how could he make such a low-level mistake.This time, they secretly gave Piao Miao the pill because they were afraid that Piao Miao would not take it after knowing the value of the pill. In their eyes, this superb Qi Condensing Pill could be regarded as the treasure of the town, so they would not be willing to waste it.But he doesn't care, this kind of Qi Condensation Pill can be refined by refining it casually.

"By the way, Xiao Sheng, didn't you buy some medicinal materials with your senior sister Misty a few days ago? Where did you put those medicinal materials?" Fang Xianyun was a little worried. She knew Chang Sheng bought medicinal materials, even though they were medicinal materials However, under certain circumstances, medicinal materials can also become poisonous. If Chang Shengzai eats it indiscriminately or gives it to others, it is easy to cause trouble, so it is better to bring the medicinal materials.

"Where else can I go? Without those medicinal materials, where can I return the elixir in your hand? Aunt Fang, why do you ask so many questions!" Xian Yun asked, but she did not expect to ask in the end.But in order not to make others doubt him too much, he could only push down on the old man with white beard.

Chang Sheng raised his head and said, "Grandpa White Beard made pills from all the medicinal materials. Grandpa White Beard just saw the medicinal materials in my room and said they could be used to make alchemy, so he did it."

"What!" Fang Xianyun was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "He made it with all your elixir? Did you add anything else?"

"No." Chang Sheng shook his head and said, sighing in his heart, he could only say so. After saying this, Fang Xianyun learned that it was all the medicinal materials for refining Qi Condensation Pill, and she must keep refining it. Until the practice is successful.But if you don't say that, if the white-bearded old man added a lot of medicinal materials, Fang Xianyun would not use those medicinal materials to refine, but try to add countless medicinal materials to refine, and it will cost more money.The situation of the Chang family is not good recently. The Prosperous Immortal Art he practiced is closely related to the prosperity of the Chang family.Fang Xianyun can't be wasted like that, only the medicinal materials that are really needed, and Cordyceps can't let her buy so much.

Chang Sheng pretended to recall: "Grandpa White Beard is talking about the kind of bug-like thing. There are actually two types. Then he took the one that was less and used it, and the one that was more he said he wanted to take away. It’s useful. He threw all the remaining medicinal materials into the stove.”

When Fang Xianyun heard Chang Sheng's words, her eyes lit up suddenly. The medicinal materials that Chang Sheng bought casually could be used to make alchemy, which is too absurd!But she had eaten the elixir herself, so she couldn't believe it. It was impossible for Chang Sheng to lie. He didn't need to lie, unless he made the elixir himself.

Chang Sheng will make alchemy, is this possible!Not to mention that no one taught him, even if someone taught him, he started alchemy from the womb, and he continued to make alchemy for a year. Even after 18 years of alchemy, he would not be able to reach the level of making out-of-the-box alchemy.What's more, Chang Sheng is still an idiot. Not only has he been to the county government before, but he has often left the room these days. It is impossible for Chang Sheng to refine the elixir.

There is no need for Chang Sheng to lie, everything is true!The medicinal materials are bought by Chang Sheng, and all the medicinal materials for alchemy come from those medicinal materials, so the alchemy formula...

"Boom boom boom!"

Fang Xianyun's heart beat rapidly, and the beating sound was almost continuous.

"Xiao Sheng, do you still remember what medicinal materials you bought that day?" Fang Xianyun grabbed Chang Sheng's shoulders with both hands, with excitement and anticipation on her face.

"I don't know." Chang Sheng shook his head and said, "I don't even know the names of those herbs."

"I don't even know." Fang Xianyun suddenly lost strength holding Chang Sheng's hands, and felt like she had fallen from the top of a mountain to a valley. She was full of expectations but received a disappointing answer. Chang Sheng is also a fool, how can he be expected? Remember the names of herbs.

"Chang Sheng doesn't know the medicinal materials, but Miu knows!" Chang Ganyi's voice suddenly sounded from the side, he looked at Fang Xianyun, clenched his fists tightly, and said excitedly: "That day Miu Mi and Chang Sheng went to the Herbal Medicine Hall to buy medicinal materials!"


Fang Xianyun stood up in a huff, raised her leg and walked towards the door, but she was grabbed by someone after she took a step.

Chang Ganyi grabbed Fang Xianyun and asked anxiously, "What are you going to do?"

"Of course I go to the Herbal Medicine Hall to get the prescriptions! All the medicinal materials sold in the Herbal Medicine Hall have stubs. For our Chang family's sake, I will go and get a stub from the past, and they will not refuse, so we have the prescriptions! "Fang Xianyun's face was full of excitement, that was the formula of Qi Condensing Pill, and it could be refined into a superb product!"

"You can't go like this!" Chang Ganyi explained: "If you go to the herbal medicine hall to get the pills like this, you may be noticed by interested people. Don't be too anxious. When Misty practice is over, just ask her the name of the medicinal materials."

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