After Fang Xianyun listened to Chang Ganyi's explanation, she also calmed down. She was so excited that she lost her mind just now. That's right, no one cared when Chang Sheng went to buy pills before, but she will buy the exact same pills later. Medicine, those who are interested will definitely pay attention.The medicinal materials of this kind of Danfang must not be bought in one place at one time!

"We just stepped into the Xiantian Realm and we need to stabilize it. Let's practice here and wait for Misty to wake up."

Seeing Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun sitting cross-legged on the side of Misty and starting to practice, Chang Sheng sighed in his heart.She knows her elixir formula well. Fang Xianyun only knows the medicinal materials needed, and she will not be able to refine it successfully.A elixir formula that only says medicinal materials is not called a elixir. The real elixir needs to be recorded in detail, the process of adding the herbs separately, and the different temperatures that the flame must maintain from the beginning of alchemy to the time of laden.

Although my elixir recipes require less medicinal materials and fewer steps than ordinary elixir recipes, the requirements are also more demanding. The principle of refining, not to mention how many times I have refined it, it is naturally easy to refine it. As for Fang Xianyun, the result of her insistence on experimenting is only a non-stop waste of money.But that can't be helped, if you don't say that the old man with white beard refined the medicinal materials, the medicinal materials disappeared, and then more pills came out, anyone would doubt him.

"Hey... the Chang family will soon sell a large number of condensing qi pills. At that time, the Chang family will become more passive, and may even fall into a decadent and chaotic world because of it! In this way, the cultivation of my prosperous age fairy law will be even slower. But according to my uncle, the Qi Condensation Pill I gave him is of the highest quality, so he wants to keep it as a treasure of the town and is unwilling to sell it easily. I have to find a way to refine another batch of pills. I will leave the solution to my uncle. But the apprentice alchemy furnace is broken, and although my uncle gave me a lot of money, it is not enough to buy a new alchemy furnace, and the alchemy furnaces are all expensive!"

Chang Sheng patted his forehead with a headache, and asked Gu Tianmo in his mind: "Gu Tianmo, you said that I am short of money to buy medicinal materials and alchemy furnaces to make alchemy. Qi Dan, but I can't go out and sell pills, then everyone will know that I am not a fool, what do you think I should do?"

"Simple." Gu Tianmo's old voice was full of complacency: "I am not like you who only know about alchemy. I have learned a lot besides cultivation, and one of them is makeup. My makeup skills can definitely put No one can see what you're pretending to be, it's not me, if you're slimmer, I'll have no problem disguising you as a woman."

Gu Tianmo thought of disguising Chang Sheng as a woman, he laughed a few times, and then said seriously: "I'll disguise you as someone else, and then you can sell pills, but it's better that you go to another place. It’s safer to sell pills in the county town to buy medicinal materials and pill stoves.”

"What a good idea!" Chang Sheng praised fiercely. He didn't expect that the difficult problem for him could be solved so easily in the hands of Gu Tianmo. He was not surprised. He obviously got Gu Tianmo's memory, but For example, like this makeup technique, Gu Tianmo knows it but he doesn't. The memory he got of Gu Tianmo is only part of it, and the other part he doesn't get. It may be precisely because of this part of the memory that he didn't get that Gu Tianmo Became a trace of remnant soul and survived.

"However, Gu Tianmo, if I want to go out of the city, I will definitely face a lot of dangers. My current strength is not bad, but I don't have the martial arts skills to fight against others. If I encounter danger, I will be in trouble! Do you have any martial skills suitable for me? .”

"What? You don't have martial skills, it's impossible, haven't you learned the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age?" Gu Tianmo was very puzzled.

"Really not. Anyway, I have cultivated until now, and all the Immortal Laws of the Prosperous Age that I can see teach people how to practice, and there are no martial arts for fighting against others!" Chang Sheng was very helpless. Like many fairy arts, you can read them all.It can only be about what realm he has cultivated to and what realm he is watching. Moreover, the introduction of the prosperous age in the fairy law will gradually reveal more as the practitioner's realm improves.

After listening to Chang Sheng's explanation, Gu Tianmo was silent for a moment, and suddenly seemed to think of something, he suddenly laughed loudly: "Chang Sheng, I found that I really have a martial skill that is especially suitable for you!"

Hearing the pride in Gu Tianmo's laughter, Chang Sheng couldn't help but look forward to saying: "What kind of exercise? It's especially suitable for me, let's talk about it."

"This martial art is called "Mad Demon Record", and it includes a staff technique called Crazy Demon Stick Technique, because once this stick technique is used, the person performing it looks like a lunatic wielding a stick indiscriminately. There is a trace of routine, so it is named Crazy Demon Stick Method. At the same time, there is another boxing method called Crazy Demon Fist, and in addition to this, there is a special luck technique called Crazy Demon Strength!"

"Chang Sheng, don't look at the common names of this boxing technique and stick technique, but if combined with the unique mad power, this stick technique will be unsuitable. It is definitely a first-class stick technique and boxing technique. I think back then when I used this stick technique and boxing technique in the Xiantian realm, I was invincible in the same realm! Especially after that, I modified the stick technique and boxing technique many times to make the martial skill stronger! But this martial skill is good at everything, it is just cultivation Get up and trouble!"

In Chang Sheng's mind, pieces of information about the Crazy Demon Stick Technique, Crazy Fist Technique and Crazy Demon Power poured in. After a while, he had a general understanding of this set of exercises.Sure enough, it was the same as what Gu Tianmo said, it was really suitable for him.He is pretending to be a fool now, and there is not much difference between a fool and a lunatic.

"In Mad Demon Records, the most important thing is not the stick technique and boxing technique but the Mad Demon Strength! The Mad Demon Stick Technique and the Mad Demon Fist Technique are only in the service of the Mad Demon Strength. Running Mad Demon Strength, a punch is still very powerful, but the skills are insufficient! However, Mad Demon Stick Technique and Mad Demon Fist are just ordinary martial arts skills without Mad Demon Strength, but once they are matched with Mad Demon Strength, they will become extremely terrifying!

"I am now at the peak of sublimation. Every warrior can reach about five hundred catties of strength in the entraining state, about one thousand Jin in the body training state, and two thousand catties at the peak of ascension. Some people with high talents can reach [-] catties! My current strength is [-] catties, and according to the introduction in Mad Demon Records, at the peak of sublimation, I can cultivate Mad Demon Strength to the third level!"

"One layer of Mad Demon Energy can increase the strength by five thousand catties, while the second level can increase the strength by ten thousand catties, and the third level can increase the strength by fifteen thousand! This martial skill is so terrifying!"

"I don't know what Gu Tianmo meant by troublesome cultivation."

While Chang Sheng was thinking, he walked quickly towards his courtyard. Before entering the courtyard gate, there was a sound of "whooping" in his ears, as if someone was practicing martial arts.

"Strange, will someone practice martial arts in my yard?"

Chang Sheng pushed open the courtyard door.

As the son of the Chang family, the courtyard he owns is not small. In the corner of the huge courtyard, the short and thin Guo Feng squatted halfway on the ground, holding a stone lock with both hands and kept raising and lowering it, "drinking" in his mouth.

"So it's not martial arts, it's physical exercise."

Chang Sheng looked at Guo Feng, his eyes were very strange, this Guo Feng is a litigator, according to the name on the earth in the past, that is a lawyer, a lawyer, a standard cultural person, his way of exercising his body is a standard warrior The method of exercising, this is so weird.

"Hey, this little litigation stick is interesting." Gu Tianmo came out of Chang Sheng's mind again and said, "Chang Sheng, go and touch the back of his head."

"What are you doing touching the back of your head?" Chang Sheng wondered in his heart, but he didn't ask any more questions. He walked towards Guo Feng quickly, pointed to the stone lock in Guo Feng's hand and asked, "Why are you practicing this?"

"Exercise." Guo Feng put down the heavy stone lock in his hand, flattened his rolled up sleeves, stood up straight and exhaled, and said, "I have read all the history books and found a problem. The average life expectancy of many literati and tycoons throughout the ages is longer than that of ordinary people. People are inferior. They study articles all day long, but neglect to exercise their bodies, resulting in a weak body. Once the disease strikes, the body has no resistance at all, and it is easy to fall down. I don’t want to be like them, because they study cases all day long. , and neglect to exercise."

"So that's the reason, this little litigation stick really has an idea." Chang Sheng secretly praised, stretched out his hand to touch the top of Guo Feng's head and touched the back of Guo Feng's head, then withdrew his palm and compared his head , opened his mouth and smiled: "I don't understand what you said, but you seem to have grown a little bit taller, but still not as tall as me, haha..."

Leaving behind a string of laughter, Chang Sheng walked happily towards his courtyard gate, looking at his back, Guo Feng smiled lightly, although the young master is a fool, he is carefree and happy every day!

In Chang Sheng's room, just after returning to the room, he habitually locked the door, Chang Sheng immediately asked Gu Tianmo, "Why did you ask me to touch the back of his head!"

"Because I found that kid seems very talented, I asked you to touch his head just to see if his talent is as I thought."

"He has a talent for cultivation?" Chang Sheng didn't believe it. Guo Feng's body was obviously very thin, and if he really had a talent for cultivation, he would have already entered the martial arts gym in Fengdu City. Even if his family has no money there, he has talent. They will also be recruited exceptionally.

"You don't understand, I'm not talking about the kind of cultivation like you, Chang Ganyi, and Misty, but another kind of cultivation." Gu Tianmo explained lightly: "Like you, whether you are reincarnated or not, you are still cultivating immortals, and I You know it’s cultivating demons, but there are many ways to cultivate immortals and demons, for example, one of them is Confucianism cultivator!” After Fang Xianyun listened to Chang Ganyi’s explanation, she also calmed down. I lost my mind when I was excited. Yes, no one cared when Chang Sheng went to buy the elixir before, but when she buys the same elixir in the future, people who are interested will definitely pay attention.The medicinal materials of this kind of Danfang must not be bought in one place at one time!

"We just stepped into the Xiantian Realm and we need to stabilize it. Let's practice here and wait for Misty to wake up."

Seeing Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun sitting cross-legged on the side of Misty and starting to practice, Chang Sheng sighed in his heart.She knows her elixir formula well. Fang Xianyun only knows the medicinal materials needed, and she will not be able to refine it successfully.A elixir formula that only says medicinal materials is not called a elixir. The real elixir needs to be recorded in detail, the process of adding the herbs separately, and the different temperatures that the flame must maintain from the beginning of alchemy to the time of laden.

Although my elixir recipes require less medicinal materials and fewer steps than ordinary elixir recipes, the requirements are also more demanding. The principle of refining, not to mention how many times I have refined it, it is naturally easy to refine it. As for Fang Xianyun, the result of her insistence on experimenting is only a non-stop waste of money.But that can't be helped, if you don't say that the old man with white beard refined the medicinal materials, the medicinal materials disappeared, and then more pills came out, anyone would doubt him.

"Hey... the Chang family will soon sell a large number of condensing qi pills. At that time, the Chang family will become more passive, and may even fall into a decadent and chaotic world because of it! In this way, the cultivation of my prosperous age fairy law will be even slower. But according to my uncle, the Qi Condensation Pill I gave him is of the highest quality, so he wants to keep it as a treasure of the town and is unwilling to sell it easily. I have to find a way to refine another batch of pills. I will leave the solution to my uncle. But the apprentice alchemy furnace is broken, and although my uncle gave me a lot of money, it is not enough to buy a new alchemy furnace, and the alchemy furnaces are all expensive!"

Chang Sheng patted his forehead with a headache, and asked Gu Tianmo in his mind: "Gu Tianmo, you said that I am short of money to buy medicinal materials and alchemy furnaces to make alchemy. Qi Dan, but I can't go out and sell pills, then everyone will know that I am not a fool, what do you think I should do?"

"Simple." Gu Tianmo's old voice was full of complacency: "I am not like you who only know about alchemy. I have learned a lot besides cultivation, and one of them is makeup. My makeup skills can definitely put No one can see what you're pretending to be, it's not me, if you're slimmer, I'll have no problem disguising you as a woman."

Gu Tianmo thought of disguising Chang Sheng as a woman, he laughed a few times, and then said seriously: "I'll disguise you as someone else, and then you can sell pills, but it's better that you go to another place. It’s safer to sell pills in the county town to buy medicinal materials and pill stoves.”

"What a good idea!" Chang Sheng praised fiercely. He didn't expect that the difficult problem for him could be solved so easily in the hands of Gu Tianmo. He was not surprised. He obviously got Gu Tianmo's memory, but For example, like this makeup technique, Gu Tianmo knows it but he doesn't. The memory he got of Gu Tianmo is only part of it, and the other part he doesn't get. It may be precisely because of this part of the memory that he didn't get that Gu Tianmo Became a trace of remnant soul and survived.

"However, Gu Tianmo, if I want to go out of the city, I will definitely face a lot of dangers. My current strength is not bad, but I don't have the martial arts skills to fight against others. If I encounter danger, I will be in trouble! Do you have any martial skills suitable for me? .”

"What? You don't have martial skills, it's impossible, haven't you learned the Immortal Art of the Prosperous Age?" Gu Tianmo was very puzzled.

"Really not. Anyway, I have cultivated until now, and all the Immortal Laws of the Prosperous Age that I can see teach people how to practice, and there are no martial arts for fighting against others!" Chang Sheng was very helpless. Like many fairy arts, you can read them all.It can only be about what realm he has cultivated to and what realm he is watching. Moreover, the introduction of the prosperous age in the fairy law will gradually reveal more as the practitioner's realm improves.

After listening to Chang Sheng's explanation, Gu Tianmo was silent for a moment, and suddenly seemed to think of something, he suddenly laughed loudly: "Chang Sheng, I found that I really have a martial skill that is especially suitable for you!"

Hearing the pride in Gu Tianmo's laughter, Chang Sheng couldn't help but look forward to saying: "What kind of exercise? It's especially suitable for me, let's talk about it."

"This martial art is called "Mad Demon Record", and it includes a staff technique called Crazy Demon Stick Technique, because once this stick technique is used, the person performing it looks like a lunatic wielding a stick indiscriminately. There is a trace of routine, so it is named Crazy Demon Stick Method. At the same time, there is another boxing method called Crazy Demon Fist, and in addition to this, there is a special luck technique called Crazy Demon Strength!"

"Chang Sheng, don't look at the common names of this boxing technique and stick technique, but if combined with the unique mad power, this stick technique will be unsuitable. It is definitely a first-class stick technique and boxing technique. I think back then when I used this stick technique and boxing technique in the Xiantian realm, I was invincible in the same realm! Especially after that, I modified the stick technique and boxing technique many times to make the martial skill stronger! But this martial skill is good at everything, it is just cultivation Get up and trouble!"

In Chang Sheng's mind, pieces of information about the Crazy Demon Stick Technique, Crazy Fist Technique and Crazy Demon Power poured in. After a while, he had a general understanding of this set of exercises.Sure enough, it was the same as what Gu Tianmo said, it was really suitable for him.He is pretending to be a fool now, and there is not much difference between a fool and a lunatic.

"In Mad Demon Records, the most important thing is not the stick technique and boxing technique but the Mad Demon Strength! The Mad Demon Stick Technique and the Mad Demon Fist Technique are only in the service of the Mad Demon Strength. Running Mad Demon Strength, a punch is still very powerful, but the skills are insufficient! However, Mad Demon Stick Technique and Mad Demon Fist are just ordinary martial arts skills without Mad Demon Strength, but once they are matched with Mad Demon Strength, they will become extremely terrifying!

"I am now at the peak of sublimation. Every warrior can reach about five hundred catties of strength in the entraining state, about one thousand Jin in the body training state, and two thousand catties at the peak of ascension. Some people with high talents can reach [-] catties! My current strength is [-] catties, and according to the introduction in Mad Demon Records, at the peak of sublimation, I can cultivate Mad Demon Strength to the third level!"

"One layer of Mad Demon Energy can increase the strength by five thousand catties, while the second level can increase the strength by ten thousand catties, and the third level can increase the strength by fifteen thousand! This martial skill is so terrifying!"

"I don't know what Gu Tianmo meant by troublesome cultivation."

While Chang Sheng was thinking, he walked quickly towards his courtyard. Before entering the courtyard gate, there was a sound of "whooping" in his ears, as if someone was practicing martial arts.

"Strange, will someone practice martial arts in my yard?"

Chang Sheng pushed open the courtyard door.

As the son of the Chang family, the courtyard he owns is not small. In the corner of the huge courtyard, the short and thin Guo Feng squatted halfway on the ground, holding a stone lock with both hands and kept raising and lowering it, "drinking" in his mouth.

"So it's not martial arts, it's physical exercise."

Chang Sheng looked at Guo Feng, his eyes were very strange, this Guo Feng is a litigator, according to the name on the earth in the past, that is a lawyer, a lawyer, a standard cultural person, his way of exercising his body is a standard warrior The method of exercising, this is so weird.

"Hey, this little litigation stick is interesting." Gu Tianmo came out of Chang Sheng's mind again and said, "Chang Sheng, go and touch the back of his head."

"What are you doing touching the back of your head?" Chang Sheng wondered in his heart, but he didn't ask any more questions. He walked towards Guo Feng quickly, pointed to the stone lock in Guo Feng's hand and asked, "Why are you practicing this?"

"Exercise." Guo Feng put down the heavy stone lock in his hand, flattened his rolled up sleeves, stood up straight and exhaled, and said, "I have read all the history books and found a problem. The average life expectancy of many literati and tycoons throughout the ages is longer than that of ordinary people. People are inferior. They study articles all day long, but neglect to exercise their bodies, resulting in a weak body. Once the disease strikes, the body has no resistance at all, and it is easy to fall down. I don’t want to be like them, because they study cases all day long. , and neglect to exercise."

"So that's the reason, this little litigation stick really has an idea." Chang Sheng secretly praised, stretched out his hand to touch the top of Guo Feng's head and touched the back of Guo Feng's head, then withdrew his palm and compared his head , opened his mouth and smiled: "I don't understand what you said, but you seem to have grown a little bit taller, but still not as tall as me, haha..."

Leaving behind a string of laughter, Chang Sheng walked happily towards his courtyard gate, looking at his back, Guo Feng smiled lightly, although the young master is a fool, he is carefree and happy every day!

In Chang Sheng's room, just after returning to the room, he habitually locked the door, Chang Sheng immediately asked Gu Tianmo, "Why did you ask me to touch the back of his head!"

"Because I found that kid seems very talented, I asked you to touch his head just to see if his talent is as I thought."

"He has a talent for cultivation?" Chang Sheng didn't believe it. Guo Feng's body was obviously very thin, and if he really had a talent for cultivation, he would have already entered the martial arts gym in Fengdu City. Even if his family has no money there, he has talent. They will also be recruited exceptionally.

"You don't understand, I'm not talking about the kind of cultivation like you, Chang Ganyi, and Misty, but another kind of cultivation." Gu Tianmo explained lightly: "Like you, whether you are reincarnated or not, you are still cultivating immortals, and I You know it’s cultivating demons, but there are many ways to cultivate immortals and demons, for example, one of them is Confucianism cultivator!”

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