"It's amazing, it's really amazing!"

Chang Sheng exclaimed, and looked at the tail of the nine-tailed snake outside the territory. After Chai Tianrong's knife, a deep mark of one foot long was left on the extremely hard tail. Scales lifted up from the middle. broke and fell to the ground.

Chai Tianrong looked dissatisfied at the scales on the Nine-Tailed Snake outside his eyes, frowned, and said coldly: "Set up a big formation!"

As soon as the words fell, the speed of the ten heroic tigers running in circles became even faster, and two of them retreated to the sides to make way for Chai Tianrong.

Chai Tianrong's robe bulged without wind, and a surge of military energy burst out from his body.


Chai Tianrong stomped heavily on the ground, the berserk breath exploded immediately, and the hard ground split instantly. With this powerful force, Chai Tianrong jumped into the air again, and slashed down with all his strength. It needs to be more prosperous!


The Hydra outside the Territory screamed, and on the other tail, a scar deeper than before was exposed, and scarlet blood flowed out.

Feeling the pain on its body, the Hydra outside the territory was completely angry, opened its mouth, and spit out black mist continuously.

The ten heroic tigers did not attack at all, but gathered together to help Chai Tianrong increase the power of his saber technique. They were far enough away from the nine-tailed snakes outside the domain. Seeing the black mist, the ten tigers stepped back slightly , and then spun quickly, using the running rotation to create a hurricane, blowing the black mist away.

The black mist of the Outer Territory Nine-Tailed Snake had no effect. With the help of the Ten Heroic Tigers, Chai Tianrong frantically attacked the Outer Territory Nine-Tailed Snake, leaving scars on the Nine-Tailed Snake's body.

The Outer Territory Hydra could not directly attack the Yingwu Ten Tigers and could only deal with Chai Tianrong, but Chai Tianrong's movements were too fast, and with the help of the Yingwu Ten Tigers, for a while, the Outer Territory Hydra could not do anything to Chai Tianrong at all.

Not long after, on the other side, Master Jiu and Song Duo had already killed two members of the Tongtian Horse League. After all, they were really half-step against the sky, and their strength was still significantly higher than those two because of the black mist. A member of the Mameng League who has entered the Heaven Defying Realm.

"Song Duozhu, none of the servants of Marquis Yingwu are vegetarians. Now it seems that his strength is obviously stronger than the two of us. It is not wise for us to compete with him openly." Jiu Duozhu whispered to Song Duozhu The secret voice said: "We must kill them if we want to get the treasure. It just so happens that they are fighting the nine-tailed snake right now. This is our good opportunity."

"They fought against the Hydra. This is indeed our chance, but not now. He is a member of the army and has rich combat experience. He must be on guard against us now. Let's pretend to help them deal with the Hydra outside the domain, and then Then wait for the opportunity to start."

"it is good!"

The two looked at each other, and flew towards the nine-tailed snake, and at the same time did not forget to shout at Chai Tianrong: "Now our common enemy is this nine-tailed snake, kill it first, and talk about the rest later."

Chai Tianrong didn't answer them, nor did he make any moves to attack them. He was still attacking the nine-tailed snakes outside the territory.

With the addition of Duozhu Jiu and Duozhu Song who are half-defying people, the Nine-Tailed Snakes outside the territory were completely suppressed immediately.

Chang Sheng hid in the cave, looking at Chai Tianrong, Jiu Duozhu, and Song Duozhu who had the upper hand, his heart became more and more anxious. If the snake died, he would never have a chance to get the treasure inside again. You have to get the treasure inside before the snake dies.But what to do?

Chang Sheng was so anxious that he couldn't help but took a step forward.

"Touch, touch!"

Taking a step forward, Chang Sheng suddenly felt that something in his Qiankun bag jumped twice.


The Hydra outside the territory, which had been besieged for a long time, suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of the cave. There was a frightened expression on the black snake's face.

"I'm afraid of even this snake, no, I have to find a way!" Chang Sheng became more and more anxious when he saw the appearance of the nine-tailed snake outside the territory. At this moment, Fang Shuwen's voice suddenly came from the side.

"Chang Sheng, that nine-tailed snake from outside the domain seems to be talking to us."

"Speak? What did you say it was talking to us?" Guo Feng turned his head when he heard Fang Shuwen's words, his eyes widened, and he looked at Fang Shuwen in surprise: "That's a snake, not a human. How do you know that he is talking to us?" Talk? Can you understand its words?"

"Of course, of course I can understand its words. Not only snakes, but most animals in the world, I can talk to them. You know, I am a prince, but I don't have anyone to help me find out all kinds of things. News, this is fatal to the prince. So..."

"So, those puppies and cats in the palace, even birds and mice, are your sources of information!" Guo Feng took Fang Shuwen's words in one breath: "You said you can communicate with animals, so the snake just now , what is it saying?"

"It's saying, it's very scared, it feels the aura of the ancestor king, and it begs us not to hurt it!" Fang Shuwen pointed to Chang Sheng: "It said, the aura of the ancestor king came from you, Chang Sheng of."

"On me?" Chang Sheng pointed at himself for a moment, then suddenly realized that just now, his universe bag moved a little bit. The universe bag can only hold dead objects, but there is still some dead things in his universe bag. One can be regarded as the existence of a living creature, that is the egg without flash!

The extraterritorial nine-tailed snake is an alien beast, and this egg of mine must also be an egg of an alien beast. The egg just jumped a bit, so it is very likely that it is really this egg!

What is the origin of this egg, and it can make the Nine-tailed Snake, a fifth-order alien beast, feel scared. What a terrifying existence it is!

"Shuwen, quickly ask this snake, what is the ancestor king!"

A look of excitement flashed across Chang Sheng's face. He still didn't know what kind of egg his egg was and how it could be hatched. Unexpectedly, today he met someone who knew the answer.

Fang Shuwen didn't ask too much, and immediately condensed his voice into a line, and asked through voice transmission in the secret language of the Nine-Tailed Snake outside the territory: "Zu Wang, what is Zu Wang?"


The voice transmission in the secret language that the Hydra outside the territory does not understand can only roar to the sky.

Fang Shuwen listened to the roar of the nine-tailed snake outside the territory, and quickly translated: "It said, it doesn't know what kind of ancestor king it is, it just can feel that there is an ancestor king's breath, but what kind of ancestor king is it? It doesn't know. It also said that it has no hostility towards the ancestor king, and hopes that the ancestor king will not hurt it."

"Still don't know? I heard that there are many kinds of ancestor kings that this snake means, and it is not a kind of ancestor king. However, although it doesn't know what it is, it is very scared but it is true."

Chang Sheng couldn't help but regretted it. If he knew this, he rushed over with the giant egg, let the giant snake get out of the way, and let the three of him go in to take the treasure.

However, now that I know it, it seems that it is not too late.

"Fang Shuwen, tell it that I won't let the ancestor king hurt it, but it has to make room for us to enter the stone house inside."

Fang Shuwen heard the sound, and immediately communicated with the Hydra outside the territory. After a while, with a hissing sound, Fang Shuwen said: "It has promised us, as long as we don't hurt it, everything is easy to talk about."

"Okay." Chang Sheng laughed loudly: "Guo Feng, Fang Shuwen, you two are ready, we will rush in now."

Chang Sheng grabbed the sledgehammer obtained from the perverted bull-faced beast, rushed out of the cave with a "swish", and took Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen straight towards the Nine-Tailed Snake outside the territory.

"Get out of the way, let me help you too, kill this snake first!"

While rushing, Chang Sheng yelled loudly at Chai Tianrong and the others.

"Huh? Who is this person?" Zhuojiu heard the voice behind him, and looked back at the man with the huge hammer, wondering in his heart.

"This guy is quite strong. If you pull him over to help me and Zhuozhu Jiu deal with Chai Tianrong later, we can increase our chances of winning. We will deal with him then." Duozhu Song looked at the sudden rush man pensive.

"It's these guys again." Chai Tianrong looked at Chang Sheng and frowned, but he didn't do anything.

Jiu Duozhu and Song Duozhu slightly stepped aside to make room for Chang Sheng to fight the Nine-Tailed Snake.

"Hey, that's great."

Chang Sheng laughed secretly in his heart, watching the nine tails of the Nine-Tailed Snake outside the territory, like a wall, rushing towards Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen.

Seeing that the three of them were about to collide with the thick giant tail, suddenly, the tail of the Hydra outside the territory suddenly spread out.

The three of Chang Sheng accelerated in an instant, rushed in from the space out of the way, and landed behind the Outer Territory Nine-Tailed Snake. At this moment, the Outer Territory Nine-Tailed Snake's tail closed again.

"Three of them!"

"This is!"

Duozhu Jiu and Duozhu Song were dumbfounded. Who is this guy? Why does he seem to be able to order the Hydra to let the Hydra get out of the way for him?

"Bastard" Chai Tianrong yelled, and pointed the long knife in his hand at Chang Sheng: "Let this snake get out of the way for us, and I will let you live! Otherwise, I will kill the snake first, and then I will tear you to pieces." part!"

"Cut me into pieces!" Chang Sheng's face turned gloomy, Yingwu Hou's subordinates were really domineering, and wanted the Nine-Tailed Snake to make way for him. He didn't even think about it, but he even wanted to tear himself into pieces. Okay, then I will help the Hydra first!

Chang Sheng took out the Tiandao Wai Dan, raised his hand and sucked on it, and suddenly, the source of continuous resentment was sucked out of the Tiandao Wai Dan.

Gu Tianmo said that the Nine-Tailed Snakes outside the territory are inherently yin, and the resentful souls also shout endless Yin Qi. In this case, it must be more appropriate to instill the original source of the resentful souls into the Nine-Tailed Snakes.

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