Anyway, for a while, if the Hydra is killed, they will also trouble themselves, so it is better to help the Hydra to improve first, let it persist for a while, and buy more time for themselves.As for the source of those resentful souls, anyway, I still have to go out from here, and then just steal the source of a few hundred resentful souls, anyway, there are enough resentful souls in this place.

As a stock capital was poured in by Chang Sheng, the Hydra outside the Territory, which was already in a sluggish state, miraculously and quickly revived, and even the scales that had been cut off on its body began to gradually recover.

But in a short time, the Hydra outside the territory has recovered to its original state, even stronger than before!

Chang Shengcai didn't care what happened to forcibly pouring so many sources into the body of the Hydra outside the territory. Now the strength of the Hydra outside the territory is stronger, the better, and the stronger it is, the more help it will be to him!


Chang Sheng instilled the origin of more than 700 resentful souls into the Hydra outside the territory at one time. If it wasn't because the Hydra couldn't take it anymore, he would continue to instill it.

Chang Sheng withdrew the Tiandaowaidan, turned around and pushed open the stone door behind him.

"Bastard!" Seeing Chang Sheng push open the stone gate, Chai Tianrong finally became furious: "Very well, you dare to fight against Marquis Yingwu, you wait, when you kill this snake, it's time for you to die. Even if you get the treasure, You too will die!"

"Dead? Who died when I saw it!"

Chang Sheng sneered, turned around and entered Shimen with Guo Feng and Fang Shuwen.

As the three of them walked into the stone house, the stone door fell automatically behind them, and Chang Sheng's eyes lit up.

Opposite the stone gate is not the imagined cave, but like entering another world.

"I really didn't expect that there is a cave on the opposite side of the stone gate. The outside of the stone gate and the inside of the stone gate are like two worlds separated by the high mountain in the middle, and the stone gate is the gate connecting these two worlds."

Fang Shuwen looked at everything inside the Shimen with a face full of surprise. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the round platform facing the inside of the Shimen. On the round platform, there was a large piece of crystal clear crystal stone.

"That... that is the crystal of the origin of Qi training, which can be directly absorbed and devoured by the strong in the Qi training state to increase the power of the spar. My God, there is such a big piece. With this crystal, the strong Qi training I don't know how many times the speed of cultivation can be increased!"

Fang Shuwen stared blankly at the original crystal of Qi training on the opposite side. For a while, he even forgot to breathe. The original crystal of Qi training is precious, and it is basically not sold by various forces. The treasure of the clan, it is used for the cultivation of talented clan disciples.What's more, such a large piece of Qi training source crystal, this piece of Qi training source crystal is enough for five practitioners to practice from the first level of Qi training to the peak of the tenth level of Qi training, and it is estimated that there will be leftovers!

This crystal of the origin of Qi training is really too big!

"Okay, don't be in a daze, the treasure here is the essence of Qi training, and there is still fighting outside, although I forcibly increased the strength of the extraterritorial nine-tailed snake, but none of us know how long it can last, Once it can't support it, we will die when they come in, so we must hurry up and practice."

Chang Sheng walked up to the source crystal of qi training, stretched out a hand, in the shape of a hand knife, and slashed twice on the source crystal of the heating system, and immediately chopped off two transparent crystals of different sizes.

"Shuwen, didn't you say before that when you see a treasure, you have to see it. I'll give it to you. Hurry up and practice." Chang Sheng grabbed the smaller Qi training source crystal and threw it to him. After Fang Shuwen, Fang Shuwen is only in the innate state, and he can use the original crystal of Qi training to practice, but the effect is definitely not as good as Guo Fengqiang who is in the Qi training state.

However, Fang Shuwen followed him all the way here, so he couldn't get the treasure and didn't give him anything. Besides, if it wasn't for Fang Shuwen's understanding of animal language just now, they wouldn't have been able to enter here.

Chang Sheng threw the larger source of qi training directly to Guo Feng, then he turned around, looked at the huge crystal of the source of qi training on the round platform in front of him, and stretched out his hands.

"The Immortal Art of Stealing the World!"

As soon as Chang Sheng pressed his hands on the crystal of the source of Qi training, he immediately activated the World Stealing Immortal Technique. Suddenly, the military energy in his body circulated in a strange way. It was sucked away and quickly flowed into Chang Sheng's body.

On the side, Guo Feng sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes slightly, folded his hands together and placed the source crystal of Qi training between his hands, and began to meditate.

On the other side, Fang Shuwen opened his eyes just after practicing for a while while holding the original crystal of Qi training. This original crystal of Qi training is indeed suitable for those who are strong in the Qi training state. He has only practiced for a while , the innate qi transformed from military qi in the body felt signs of saturation.

"It's really supporting me, but it feels so good to be supported like this."

Fang Shuwen opened his eyes, and slowly refined the essence that was inhaled into his body. As for the crystal of the essence of qi training, he dared not absorb it anymore, and if he sucked it again, his body would really explode!


Fang Shuwen turned his eyes and landed on Chang Sheng, his eyes widened suddenly, and the two eyeballs almost popped out. After a while, the original crystal of Qi training in front of Chang Sheng was reduced by one-tenth!

One-tenth, the crystal of the origin of Qi training is enough for at least five people to practice from the first level of Qi training to the peak of the tenth level of Qi training.

Chang Sheng managed to absorb one-tenth of the source crystals in such a short period of time. After Chang Sheng absorbed so many source crystals, could he refine them?Although the source crystal of Qi training is the original source, it also needs to be refined slowly.Chang Sheng, is he crazy?Absorb without refining!Maybe he is super strong, and he can have the combat power of the tenth level of qi training at the first level of qi training, but if he continues to absorb like this, sooner or later he will support himself to death!

Fang Shuwen's expression changed drastically, and he quickly stopped practicing and shouted to Chang Sheng: "Chang Sheng, stop smoking, stop smoking, if you smoke again, you will strangle yourself to death. I don’t know this bit of common sense, after you absorb the source, you need to refine it.”

Chang Sheng was happily absorbing the origin of the original crystal of Qi training, when Fang Shuwen's voice suddenly sounded in his ear, he raised his head and looked at Fang Shuwen helplessly: "Who said I haven't refined? I can last until I don't refine Now? I've been strangled to death by the turbulent source power, don't worry, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Have you refined it? One-tenth of it so quickly?"

Fang Shuwen looked at Chang Sheng in disbelief, his eyes seemed to be looking at a monster, and the speed of absorbing the essence of the essence of refining and refining Qi was astonishingly fast. In other words, it only takes Chang Sheng a short time to completely absorb this crystal. stone.Such a large piece of the original crystal of Qi training is enough for Chang Sheng to enter the peak of Qi training. Chang Sheng is so powerful at the first level, how terrifying will it be when he reaches the peak of Qi training?

Just as Fang Shuwen was thinking, suddenly, Chang Sheng raised a hand and waved at him.

"I'm going to break through to the second level of Qi training, and I'm going to cross the catastrophe soon. Stay away from me, don't let the calamity hurt you by mistake." Chang Sheng's eyes showed a look of excitement, crossing the catastrophe, his favorite The most important thing is to cross the tribulation, there is no pressure, and it can greatly increase his strength. If possible, he really wants to cross the tribulation every day!

"Are you going to cross the catastrophe? So fast? No, it should be slow. You have absorbed one-tenth of such a large piece of innate source crystal. Why do you have to go through the fourth catastrophe?"

Fang Shuwen was stunned, then he came to his senses, pointing to Chang Sheng who continued to press his hands on the source crystal of qi training and shouted anxiously: "You have to go through the catastrophe, so you still absorb these source crystals of qi training What are you doing, why don't you hurry up and prepare for the tribulation."

Fang Shuwen said, looking at Chang Sheng's dazed face, his whole face instantly showed eagerness: "Chang Sheng, you won't tell me that you don't have anything to prepare for the tribulation."

"Crossing robbery? Do you need to prepare something for crossing the catastrophe?"

"Of course you need it, don't tell me, you haven't experienced a catastrophe, and you will have to go through a catastrophe when you enter the Qi training state! Never mind, here I am..."


In the sky, there was a sudden muffled thunder, and Fang Shuwen's words were interrupted. He raised his head and looked into the sky.

I saw clouds falling in the sky above my head, white, black, purple, red... There are seven colors in total, and the shapes of the clouds are also different...

"This, this is... the colorful robbery cloud!" Fang Shuwen looked at the clouds above his head in horror, his lips trembling violently: "Chang Sheng, didn't you just practice the first level of Qi training? You just entered the second level of Qi training this time. Why did you encounter the colorful robbery cloud that only the strongest in the heaven-defying realm can encounter? No matter how strong you are, you can’t bring down this kind of robbery cloud! Ah, the colorful robbery cloud, the robbery cloud that only the strongest in the heaven-defying realm can resist, How do you fight, don't say you are not prepared, even if you are prepared, you will not be able to resist this kind of robbery cloud!"

Fang Shuwen looked at the thicker and thicker robbery cloud, quickly reached into his arms, and took out a breast-protection mirror: "Chang Sheng, this breast-protection mirror is something my mother left me to save my life, you can use it first!"

Chang Sheng raised his eyebrows, and it could be seen that Fang Shuwen's heart mirror was something he really saved his life. Now that he saw himself going through the catastrophe, he actually took out such things...

"Okay, it's okay, I don't need this heart mirror." Chang Sheng felt Fang Shuwen's concern, his heart warmed up, and said: "Don't worry, this thunder disaster is not a big deal. We have rich experience and are familiar with the way. A little problem."

"Familiar with the family?" Fang Shuwen was taken aback.

"It's true that you are familiar with the way. The young master has gone through this disaster before, and I was on the sidelines at that time. This disaster is no problem for the young master."

Guo Feng opened his eyes on the side, and said: "When I was in the Mo Canglong Cave, I watched the young master fight with that perverted bull-faced beast, and I realized something in my heart. But unfortunately, there was no breakthrough at that time. Now I'm finally going to break through the tribulation."

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