silly elixir emperor

Chapter 3 Terrifying Speed

Although I knew that the Immortal Art in the Wordless Heavenly Book must be extremely strong, I never expected it to be so powerful. Previously, the cultivation of the Body Training Realm might have relied on medicinal materials to progress so quickly, but now it is the Sublimation Realm!

The sublimation state is called the sublimation state because it has absorbed the true energy between heaven and earth and has begun to sublimate to spiritual energy.With the improvement of the sublimation level, the role of heaven, material and earth treasures is no longer so great.Now that he can improve so quickly, it must be because of Shengshi Xianfa!

The further he cultivates, the more difficult it is to cultivate, and the time it takes to break through is much longer than before. This is the most basic common sense, but starting from the first level of entraining qi, every time he raises a level of cultivation, he uses two hours of time.

"This Immortal Law of the Prosperous Age is indeed from the Wordless Heavenly Book. I seem to understand why those people can become giants in the fairy world!"

Gradually, the place where the true energy is introduced is no longer just between the eyebrows and the palms, but also the center of the feet, where the dense fog of true energy containing spiritual energy flows into it.

In the true qi introduced each time, the content of aura is already higher than that of true qi.At this time, the consumption rate of the medicinal materials in the body also became extremely fast, and the number of magic stones in the water and fire inviolability lock became less and less.

Unknowingly, Chang Sheng has already entered the pleasure of cultivation, how can he not feel the pleasure of such a fast cultivation speed!


Chang Sheng heaved a sigh of relief. Now that he is cultivating, he can no longer absorb true qi, but absorb spiritual energy. Every time he absorbs the energy of heaven and earth, the amount of spiritual energy has reached [-]%!This is the performance of the tenth level of sublimation peak.

In the past three days, he entered the tenth level of sublimation from the first level of entrainment.This speed, terrifying, is too terrifying, so terrifying that people can't speak.

"There is also my own body kingdom. When I completed the body training state, I have already entered the decadent world from the troubled times. Now, after reaching the peak of sublimation, I have completely entered the ruling world, and I even got a glimpse of the prosperity of the world. Now the water and fire do not invade the lock There are still some magic stones, I will work harder and strive to reach the innate state, and I think that the inner body kingdom can fully enter the prosperous age by then."

Just as Chang Sheng was thinking about it, there was a "chi chi" sound in his ear, and the flame gradually went out.Outside the stove, several voices also came.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, it has been three days and two nights since that idiot was imprisoned. According to the alchemy formula, this humanoid pill should have been practiced. Look, are we going to open the furnace to take the pill?" ?”

Feng Zhi stood outside the huge and crude alchemy furnace, looking expectantly at his eldest brother Feng Jian and second brother Feng Quan.

"Well, it's almost time, Feng Zhi, put out the fire first. Let's let this humanoid pill cool for a while, otherwise it will be hot when you take it out later."

Feng Jian smiled and looked at the alchemy furnace, his face could not conceal his greed and desire: "Hey, I am actually a little impatient. Others may not know, but I have been in the mansion for so many years, how can I I don't know, this idiot Sheng takes a lot of elixir every day, as far as I guess, the value of all the medicinal materials in the family's medicinal material library is not as much as that of idiot Sheng."

"But he is a fool, no matter how much he takes the elixir, he will still be a fool in the end, and he will only stay at the Qi-entraining level. If our brothers have eaten these elixirs, we will have already broken through to the body training state. Maybe they can reach the peak of body training now."

Feng Quan's fat face was full of anger, "He is a fool, but he can enjoy the care of his servants, and, there is Misty, what a watery and beautiful woman, she needs a face and a figure, especially Those jade legs, if we can be pinched, it will be worth our death, such a top-notch woman wants to take advantage of that idiot for nothing!"

Listening to Feng Quan's words, Feng Jian waved his hands and said: "So what, that fool will soon become a pill to help us cultivate, if we eat him, we will not be far away from our prosperous days in the future. Misty , we may not be able to compare with her in the future. If we can trick the idiot Sheng, we can find a way to get her in the future."

"Hey, when the time comes, the three of us will go up together, and we will definitely make our Misty Fairy want to die."

The three of them laughed lewdly, and suddenly, Feng Jian seemed to think of something, with a strange smile on his face: "Second brother, third child, tell me, how could his uncle treat him so well for a fool? The elixir, and the beautiful girl Piaomiao was arranged beside him, obviously the woman prepared for him! It’s nothing more than this for his own son. Tell me, is this fool’s grand meeting the son of his uncle, our patriarch gave it to us? The prime minister is wearing a big green hat."

Feng Quan and Feng Zhi both burst out laughing when they heard this, and started coaxing from the sidelines.

Feng Jian laughed, paused, and said, "It's almost time, open the furnace lid, and take the pill."

Listening to Feng Jian's disgusted voice outside the alchemy furnace.In an instant, Chang Sheng's eyes were fixed, "Eat the young master?"Eat my booger!


Hearing the buzzing sound of the lid moving overhead, Chang Sheng raised his hands and kicked his legs hard on the ground, and his whole body stood up instantly.


Feng Zhi had just opened the lid of the alchemy furnace, and before it could be completely lifted, a crisp sound of "bang" suddenly exploded in his ears. Along with this sound, a huge momentum came from the arm holding the lid of the alchemy furnace, The power was so great that he was thrown high in the air in an instant.


With a sound, Feng Zhi fell to the ground before he could react to what happened. At this moment, he looked again, and there was an extra person standing in the hidden cave.

"Ah... fool Sheng! Why didn't he become a pill."

The three Feng brothers looked at Chang Sheng blankly, opened their mouths wide, but couldn't make a sound out of shock.That is an alchemy furnace, even if the top master of Fengdu City is in it, it doesn't need to be burned for three days and two nights, and he can be burned to death in a short time. Are you alive and well?How can this be?How can it be!

After a while, the boss Feng Jian finally realized: "Damn it, since you idiot can't be burnt to death, and you can't be refined into medicine, then your grandfather will eat your flesh and drink your blood!"

Feng Jian roared, opened his mouth wide, and flew towards Chang Sheng's neck.

"I really don't know how to live or die!" Chang Sheng raised his fist and swung it in the direction of Feng Jian's attack like lightning.He is now at the pinnacle of the tenth level of sublimation, and Feng Jian tried to suck his blood with a small tenth level of entraining qi.

In an instant, the forged fist, which was comparable to a hammer, fell heavily on Feng Jian's head!

One step behind Feng Jian, Feng Quan also reflected that the idiot Sheng had taken so many elixir, which meant that he was covered with elixir, so he could eat him alive.

As soon as he took a step forward, Feng Quan suddenly stopped his steps, his eyes widened suddenly, and in his sight, the idiot Sheng punched his elder brother Feng Jian as quickly as lightning.


A loud noise echoed in the hidden cave, and Feng Jian's head exploded instantly. Minced meat, brains, and blood were mixed together, splashing in all directions, and falling to the ground and stone walls.


Feng Zhi suddenly felt that his face was a little slippery, and raised his hand to touch it. It was actually covered with red liquid, and there were some sticky things mixed in it, as if there was some minced meat!


Feng Quan's feet softened and he fell to the ground. "This... this is the flesh and blood of the elder brother. Idiot Sheng, punched the head of the elder brother! This... This is something that can only be done at the peak of the sublimation state. Idiot Sheng is the peak of the sublimation state?"

Feng Quan gasped, this is impossible, before fooling fool Sheng to come, everyone obviously experimented on fool Sheng's body for various reasons, that is clearly a fool who has not yet reached the level of body training , How did it become the peak of the sublimation state in a blink of an eye?

In just three days and two nights, the cultivation base has been raised to the peak of sublimation?Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Feng Zhi was less courageous than Feng Quan, so he simply fell to the ground, looking at Chang Sheng's terrified face, with a hint of puzzlement in his terrified face, the fool Sheng Mingming was enticing, why did he act like a sublimation just now? Peak master?

Looking at the expressions of Feng Quan and Feng Zhi, Chang Sheng was very satisfied with his shot just now.To kill Feng Jian who was at the tenth level of entraining qi, he didn't need to show the state of peak sublimation at all, but he did it anyway, just to shock the remaining two evil house slaves.

After eating the elixir of great reincarnation and getting the inheritance memory of the ancient heavenly demon, he is no longer that foolish alchemy boy who only knows how to make alchemy and how to make alchemy.The three Feng brothers, they are just ordinary domestic slaves, no one instigated them to dare to deal with themselves, and although the alchemy furnace is simple, it is not something these three domestic slaves can get, not to mention that during the process of alchemy, they have been Those herbs and more precious pill formulas put in the pill furnace!

Chang Sheng walked slowly, approaching the remaining two Feng brothers, and said coldly: "Say, whoever ordered you to deal with me, whoever tells the truth first, I will let him live."

Feng Quan and Feng Zhi looked at each other, and said in unison: "Aren't you a fool?" Listening to Chang Sheng's words, and looking at Chang Sheng's expression, this is not a fool.


Chang Sheng laughed, "Don't you think that if you say that the young master is a fool now, it will appear that you are the fools!"

After that, Chang Sheng's expression changed, and he said sharply, "Say, who sent you here?"

"Yes, we are obsessed with ghosts. No one sent us here. Young Master Sheng, just spare us your life. We will never dare again."

"Yes, yes, yes, Young Master Sheng, if you don't remember the faults of villains, please spare us your life. We will definitely repay you like cows and horses."

Hearing Feng Quan and Feng Zhi's words, Chang Sheng frowned. These two guys dared to hold on. It seemed that their methods were not enough, so they had to show some color.

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