silly elixir emperor

Chapter 4 Death

Chang Sheng clenched his palm into a fist, and punched Feng Quan who was beside him hard!


There was a loud noise, and in an instant, Feng Quan's skull shattered, and his brain was mixed with bright red blood, flying down.

Feng Quan died, easy!rough!

Feng Zhi knelt by Feng Quanquan's side, seeing Feng Quan die in front of him like this, his face turned pale with fright, and he fell to the ground, he saw clearly, really saw clearly, Chang Sheng is really a master at the peak of sublimation .

The pinnacle of sublimation...

Before Chang Sheng entered the alchemy furnace, he was definitely only entraining a layer of energy. There was no doubt about it. How could he become a master of the peak of sublimation in a short period of time?How did you do it?This is too bizarre!In just three days and two nights, it has been upgraded to 21 levels, how could this be possible for humans!

Even though he couldn't believe it, the facts were right in front of him, Feng Zhi couldn't help but believe it!

Feng Zhi knelt on the ground with a "plop", and kowtowed repeatedly: "Master, really, I dare not lie to you, I really don't have anyone to instigate me." Chang Sheng is really the pinnacle of sublimation, and now the situation is completely reversed. I become a fish and a man a knife, what can I do if I don't beg for mercy?run?Can you run it?That is the pinnacle of Qi Gathering Realm, a full twenty floors higher than the tenth floor of Entraining Qi, two great realms!

Hearing Feng Zhi's words, Chang Sheng curled his lips in disdain. Maybe he would have believed Feng Zhi's words in the past, but with the inheritance memory of Gu Tianmo, how could he be deceived so easily!

"It seems that the person who instigated the three Feng brothers must have something against them, or make them more afraid than me, so he dare not tell the truth, so he has to use another method to force him to tell the truth. "

Chang Sheng suddenly remembered that before his reincarnation, before he ascended to the fairy world, when he was still on the earth, he once saw a movie with a threatening sentence in it.That's a pretty good idea.

Looking back at the crude alchemy stove, Chang Sheng reached out and grabbed a piece of rusty copper on the wall of the stove.

"Feng Zhi, have you seen this piece of copper?"

Chang Sheng squatted down, lightly tossed the copper piece in his hand, and said coldly: "I have heard of something called a human stick. Do you know what is called a human stick?"

"I don't know? It's okay. I'll show you in person in a while. I will use this piece of copper to cut open the flesh of your limbs little by little, then sprinkle salt on it, and then sprinkle the juice of the dense flower tree .”

Then, Chang Sheng pointed to the outside of the cave, and praised: "This place you chose is really good. There are many dense flower trees, enough to sprinkle juice on your body. You should know that the favorite of white-toothed ants is The smell and aroma of blood. At that time, there will be countless swarms of white-toothed ants looking for it."

"They will crawl all over your limbs, bit by bit, and slowly bite your flesh, making you suffer from the bites of thousands of ants. Of course, I won't let you be eaten by them. At about the same time, I will cut off your limbs, and then cut off your ears and eyes, leaving only your head and body, so it will be a human stick!"

Feng Zhi was terrified. He was the least courageous of the three. How could he not be afraid after hearing what Chang Sheng said, but Chang Sheng might not do that.

"Why don't you believe what I say?"

Chang Sheng seemed to see through Feng Zhi's thoughts, his eyes froze suddenly, "Let you try the feeling of piercing your heart with your index finger first."

As he spoke, Chang Sheng grabbed Feng Zhi's hands and shook them down forcefully.

"Click, click..."

A series of clicks sounded, and Feng Zhi's ten fingers snapped off.


Feng Zhi let out a scream, fell to the ground, curled up, rolled over and over again, his fingers connected to his heart, this was not a joke.

"Now I know that it hurts. Before you added fire to the stove, why didn't you cry out when you wanted to eat the young master raw?"

Chang Sheng cursed inwardly, grabbed the nail of Feng Zhi's left thumb and pulled it out forcefully.This small fingernail should not be underestimated. Back then, before his reincarnation, the nail had fallen off, and the pain is still fresh in his memory.


A scream of extreme pain rang out, Feng Zhi shivered violently, the hairs all over his body stood on end, his curled up body suddenly bowed, like a fish that had landed on the shore, it bounced up three or four meters in an instant, and then It fell heavily to the ground, causing smoke and dust to fly from the smashed ground.

"Pain, unprecedented pain!"

Feng Zhi's index finger with its fingernails removed was like being drilled into tens of thousands of the most terrifying bloodthirsty ants. Those tens of thousands of sharp teeth with jagged teeth kept biting and stabbing into it, Turn the flesh over, pierce it again, and turn it over again, it seems that what is being bitten is not the flesh, but the soul deep in the heart.

In an instant, cold sweat drenched his back, and the pain was unbearable.

Holding the ground with both hands, Feng Zhi raised his head and hit it hard on the stone wall on one side, hoping to relieve the pain. He repeated this several times until his forehead was broken, blood was flowing, and the pain in his hand was still piercing. pain!

"I said... I said... it was ordered by Lin Lu, the chief steward of the general who defended the city. He also gave us the alchemy formula and the medicine furnace. Young master, I didn't lie to you. Quick, help me take it back. , I... I can't take it anymore."

"How can I believe you? Is there evidence for your words?"

"Yes, yes, the Danfang was written by Lin Lu in front of us. The eldest brother took care, and the Danfang was sewn into his left sleeve."

Hearing this, Chang Sheng walked up to Feng Jian's body, and sure enough, he found a pill recipe in his sleeve. He didn't know Lin Lu's characters, but someone would.

Feng Zhi, who glanced at him and was still rolling and bumping his head in pain, since he told the truth, let him have a good time.

"Bump," Chang Sheng kicked Feng Zhi's head off.

"Lin Lu? I don't know the chief steward of the general who defends the city, and he has no grievances. How could he instigate these three house slaves to persecute him? Besides, he, a chief steward, may be very strange in the eyes of ordinary people. He has status, but his body is the son of the current prime minister, and the nephew of the head of the Chang family, one of the four major families in Fengdu City. With ten guts, he would not dare to take action against him. There must be someone behind him, and The only person who can command him is his master, the general guarding Fengdu City, Lin Yuanzhi."

"Lin Yuanzhi doesn't have any enmity with himself, so why would he deal with himself, a fool?"

Chang Sheng shook his head with some headaches, everything seemed to be a mystery, but since Lin Yuanzhi dared to deal with him, let's wait for his revenge.He will not be like some people, others slapped the left cheek, but also put the right cheek to give others a slap.That's the real fool.

"Yes, fool!"

Chang Sheng slapped his head. Before his reincarnation, the owner of this body was a fool. Now that it's back to normal, it's no wonder that others don't doubt it.That being the case, then just pretend to be a fool. Anyway, others will always think of themselves as a fool. It's the safest way to be a fool.The means used to deal with a fool are much simpler than dealing with a normal person.Besides, in Gu Tianmo's memory, there are also many idiots in this world who are masters, because idiots are stupid, so they concentrate and practice quickly, which is normal!

"Come out, I see the sky again."

Chang Sheng walked out of the cave, looked up at the sky, stretched out his index finger, pointed high at the sky above his head, and roared viciously: "I will kill you sooner or later, brat, you wait, I will definitely make you pay for blood!" pay!"

"Actually, it's not necessarily that boy who wants to frame you."

An old voice suddenly sounded, with a familiar taste in the voice.

"Who is it?" Chang Sheng was startled suddenly, the voice came from his own mind!

"My mind..."

Chang Sheng slowly closed his eyes, his mind sank into his mind.

At the edge of the brain, faintly, a faint afterimage image appeared.

"Ah! It's you, Gu Tianmo, you're not dead yet, you're alive again?" Chang Sheng saw the afterimage clearly, and suddenly exclaimed, with a hint of surprise in his surprised voice.If it wasn't for Gu Tianmo, he would have died a long time ago, let alone get the Prosperous Immortal Technique in the Wordless Heavenly Book.

"Didn't you give me all the inheritance and memory, and then died? How did you survive?"

"I don't know, I don't even know, whether I am alive now."

Gu Tianmo was also a little confused: "At first, I thought I was bound to die, but after you ate the Great Samsara Elixir, a trace of my remnant soul was attached to the Great Wheel Pill and survived. This should be because I The reason for pouring the inheritance memory into the elixir of great reincarnation, so when you swallowed the elixir of great reincarnation, some of my remnant souls also survived."

"This...maybe it's because you are a demon cultivator."

Chang Sheng found that he, who is good at alchemy, can only use this to explain it. Many people have indeed taken the Great Reincarnation Elixir.Even at some special moments, such as when two immortals are about to die, one of the immortals chooses to sacrifice himself. Before he dies, he instills his own inheritance memory into the Great Reincarnation Elixir, and asks his companions to eat the Great Reincarnation Elixir and reincarnate.

However, it has never been heard that some immortals retained a trace of remnant souls because they instilled the inheritance memory into the elixir of great reincarnation.However, Gu Tianmo is a cultivator of demons, and after a demon cultivator instills the inheritance memory into the Great Samsara Immortal Pill before his death, this situation will probably happen.

There is really no precedent for Gu Tianmo's situation to refer to. Demon cultivators and immortals are deadly enemies.He might be the first one to do what Gu Tianmo did.

But no matter what, it is a good thing that Gu Tianmo can be resurrected.

"Then, Gu Tianmo, you only have this remnant soul, only consciousness, can you do other things?"

"My current consciousness is still left, how could I do other things."

Facing Gu Tianmo's situation, Chang Sheng realized that he could not help at all, and the only thing he could do was fulfill the conditions he agreed to Gu Tianmo at that time.

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