silly elixir emperor

Chapter 41 I won't tell you

"I caught it, I caught the Qi Condensation Pill!"

The third elder felt the unique smoothness of the elixir from the palm, and the joy just rose in his heart. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the palm of his hand, and a foot landed on his wrist fiercely, with a crisp "click" , the wrist was broken in an instant, the palm was released automatically, and the elixir just caught rolled from the ground again.

"Don't touch my things, or I'll kill you!"

Chang Sheng looked at the elders vigilantly. Although he didn't care about these pills, he would never let these elders who disgusted him take the pills.

Seeing the second elder and the third elder who was lying on the ground crying, he immediately stood up from the ground with a quick wit.Obviously, this idiot also knows that it is a treasure, and cares about these pills very much, it is better not to provoke this idiot.

"However, how many elixirs are needed! Chang Sheng is a fool, where did he get so many elixirs, and there are quite a few first-order elixirs in it." The second elder looked at the densely packed elixirs on the ground, feeling condensed Pills, and some other pills, a few of them have two or three hundred pills.

The second elder looked at the pills on the ground, licked his lips, looked at Chang Sheng and asked, "Chang Sheng, where did you get these pills?"

"I won't tell you!" Chang Ganyi turned his head and looked to the side like an angry child.

Chang Ganyi also came to his senses at this time, Sheng'er went out with the white bearded fairy, and the 49 superb condensing pills last time were also refined by the white bearded fairy Wangdan layman, so the pills this time are obviously the same. It was refined by the layman Wang Dan, but he didn't expect there to be so many pills this time.However, the less people know about the existence of Layman Wang Dan, the better!

Chang Ganyi just thought of this, and on the side, Chang Sheng didn't wait for a few people to speak, and said again: "But I can tell Uncle, these medicines are made by Grandpa White Beard for me, and he also specially gave them to Aunt Fang and Misty. The senior sister and the uncle have refined the elixir."

Chang Sheng finished talking to Chang Ganyi with a showy face, suddenly thought of something, slapped his head, and said: "By the way, Grandpa with a white beard specially prepared a elixir for the little litigation stick."

"What? Grandpa with a white beard, who is that? Not to mention the alchemy for the Chang family, but also for Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun, and even small litigation sticks!" Several elders heard Chang Sheng's words completely shocked him. Who is this white-bearded grandfather? He looks very familiar with Chang Sheng!

"Oh, I remembered. The white-bearded grandfather said that these pills should not be seen by others." Chang Sheng suddenly remembered something, ran over and grabbed the second elder's leg, and pulled the second elder hard. When he got to the ground, he grabbed his leg and dragged it out, while dragging, he said: "I don't allow you to see my elixir, hurry up and go."

One leg of the second elder was held by Chang Sheng, with his whole foot up and his head down. He was dragged on the ground and ran outside, his lungs were about to explode. The second elder of his dignified Chang family is suitable to be treated like this by others .

"Chang Sheng, please let me go, I'm your Ninth Grandpa..." The second elder begged miserably, asking Chang Sheng to let him go, but no matter how much he yelled, Chang Sheng didn't let go, and kept dragging him towards the door. go outside.Helpless, he could only turn his head and shout to Chang Ganyi: "Chang Ganyi, hurry up, let Chang Sheng let me go, I am the elder of the family, as the patriarch, you see me being treated like this, don't hurry up Shot!"

"Oh? At this time, you admit that I am the patriarch again?" Chang Ganyi sneered, turned his head to look to the other side, and pretended not to hear the words of the second elder.When he didn't see the elixir at the beginning, his position as the patriarch was a little dangerous. He was afraid that Chang Sheng would beat the elder, and he would not be able to keep Chang Sheng himself, so he stopped Chang Sheng.But now, with these pills, what are the elders using to impeach him!

Maybe in the past, he would never let Chang Sheng treat the elders like this, but today, these elders went too far, forcing him to give up his position, which made him so angry that he wanted to do something, but he is a patriarch who can't If you do it easily, it would be good to let Chang Sheng teach these elders a lesson and let them restrain themselves.

Chang Sheng dragged the second elder to the door all the way, dragged the second elder like a pile of garbage, and threw the second elder to the pool beside the rockery in the garden outside.


Seeing the second elder fall into the pool, Chang Sheng immediately slapped his hands and jumped up excitedly.

"Haha, great, hit it. Find another one to try."

"Try another one? He treats himself as a toy!" The remaining three elders in the room heard Chang Sheng's words, and suddenly broke out in cold sweat. They are elders, if they are all treated like Chang Sheng After all, what prestige is there after it is spread out.

Several elders rushed out of the door without waiting for Chang Sheng to come back. Chang Ganyi made it clear that he didn't want to help them. If they didn't run away, they really had to be dragged out by Chang Sheng!

Looking at the elders fleeing in embarrassment, Chang Sheng burst out laughing in his heart, such wicked people need to use wicked methods to punish them!

Chang Ganyi waited for a few people to leave, and immediately ordered outside the door: "Go, invite Fang Keqing, Misty and Guo Xunshi."

After finishing speaking, Chang Ganyi immediately closed the door, turned his head to look at Chang Sheng, and suddenly thought of a very serious problem, his face suddenly became serious, and asked: "Sheng'er, these pills are given by the white beard grandfather Yours? You didn't steal it, did you?"

"No!" Chang Sheng reached into his arms, groped for a long time, took out the crumpled paper he had prepared a long time ago, and said, "Grandpa White Beard asked me to give you this. "

"Oh? Layman Wangdan has another letter for me to read?" Chang Ganyi took the crumpled and shapeless paper, straightened it carefully, and then looked over.

"I know the worries of Chang's family. I want you to wait for Chang Sheng to come out like myself. I specially ordered Chang Sheng's brother to make a few batches of pills, and Chang Sheng will bring them back to you, so as to relieve your urgent needs. --Wang Dan Layman."

"It turns out that this is not the pill refined by Layman Wangdan, but by another apprentice of Layman Wangdan. His apprentice can refine so many pills in the past few days, including high-grade pills and Middle-grade elixir, how advanced is the alchemy skill of this alchemy layman!"

Chang Ganyi carefully picked up the pills on the ground. There were three kinds of these pills, one of which was Qi Ning Pill, and the other one he recognized was the most famous Dali Pill from the Luo family.There is also a kind of elixir that he doesn't know.Fortunately, the room was covered with a clean carpet, and the pills were not too dirty, so it was easy to clean them, otherwise it would be troublesome.

While picking up the pills on the ground, Chang Ganyi turned to Chang Sheng and asked, "Sheng'er, what have you been doing with the white-bearded grandfather these days?"

"Practice martial arts with the old man with white beard!" Chang Sheng also imitated Chang Ganyi, squatting on the ground to pick up the elixir, and said at the same time: "The old man with white beard is necrotic. Sheng'er wants to play, but he won't let him." , he insisted on letting me practice martial arts, but I followed suit, and he said I was fighting indiscriminately."

"So, Sheng'er, did you succeed in practicing martial arts with the white-bearded grandfather?" Chang Ganyi's heart darkened. The martial arts taught by the immortals like Layman Wangdan must be a high-level unique skill, but Chang Sheng didn't learn it. It's a pity up.

Hearing Chang Ganyi's words, Chang Sheng's face, which was interesting because of picking up pills, immediately puffed up, and he yelled dissatisfiedly: "Who said I didn't learn it. The old man with white beard gave me the kung fu later and let me beat him up. He also praised me for my good fight!"

Chang Ganyi looked at Chang Sheng's proud expression with his head raised, and was shocked in his heart, playing kung fu indiscriminately?And such martial arts?Just thinking about it, suddenly, there was a knock on the door, outside the door, Fang Xianyun, Mio Miao, and Guo Feng came at the same time.

Fang Xianyun had already stepped into the room, and when she saw the elixir picked up by Chang Sheng and Chang Ganyi and placed on the table, her eyes lit up immediately, and she didn't speak to Chang Sheng and Chang Ganyi, and took a stride He rushed to the table, held up pills and looked at them.

"Mid-grade Condensing Qi Pill and top-grade Condensing Qi Pill, and... this is Dali Pill, but it looks different from Wang Family's Dali Pill. It seems that this Dali Pill is better!"

Fang Xianyun picked up a Dali pill and looked around, and then saw that there were a lot of Dali pills on the table. She swallowed it in one gulp without talking to everyone, closed her eyes and waved her arms, feeling the pain in her body. With the growth of strength, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This Daliwan is really different, it can increase the strength of two hundred catties!"

"What? Two hundred catties!"

Hearing Fang Xianyun's words, Chang Ganyi also exclaimed, Daliwan is not such a good medicine, even to him, Fang Xianyun and Chang Sheng, Daliwan is of no value at all, but to Yin For those who are in the Qi state and the body training state, the effect of Dali Wan is very obvious.In the entire Fengdu City and even several surrounding counties, Dali Pill is the most sold of all elixirs.And Luo's is the only one in the vicinity that sells Dali Wan.

"The Luo family can make a lot of money every day just relying on the business of Dali Pills, but the Dali Pills they sell can only increase the strength of one hundred catties, but the Dali Pills in front of them can increase the strength of two hundred catties. If the Chang family can Sell ​​Dali Pills in large quantities, then there will be no market for the Luo Family's Dali Pills!"

Chang Ganyi's deep eyes suddenly burst into an astonishing look. Although Fang Xianyun hadn't refined the Qi Condensing Pill last time after he obtained the medicinal materials for refining Qi Condensing Pill, Fang Xianyun never lost confidence: " Xianyun, can you use this Dali Pill to research his formula and then make Dali Pill?"

Chang Ganyi looked at the elixir without impurities and was full of anticipation. He knew that some alchemists liked to do some other work after refining the elixir, adding some messy impurities without affecting the medicinal properties of the elixir. Even some powerful alchemists will add restrictions to prevent others from researching formulas by purchasing pills.But this Dali Pill has no impurities!

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