silly elixir emperor

Chapter 42 Make a big fuss

Fang Xianyun met Chang Gan Yiman's expectant eyes, shook her head helplessly, and said with admiration: "You also know that if you want to find out which medicinal materials are used to make a pill, you just need to observe There are some traces of impurities left on the outside of the pills. But these pills, even if they are not popular, have no impurities in them, so there is no way to study them!"

"So that's it!" Chang Ganyi sighed, he was still too greedy.At this time, Fang Xianyun's exclamation came from the side.

"Hey, Xihui Pill! This is a good thing!" Fang Xianyun took out two pills that looked similar from the table, turned to look at the crowd, and introduced loudly: "We can all use this Xihui Pill." A good thing to get, all cultivators have more or less impurities in their bodies, and this Xiwu Pill is a elixir to remove impurities in the body, and there are two kinds of Xiwu Pills here!"

"Two types?" Everyone was puzzled.

Fang Xianyun looked at the other confused faces besides Chang Sheng who was dumbfounded, and continued to explain: "Although the Xihui Pill can wash away the impurities in the body, there is a limit. Generally, the Xihui Pill is like this one on my right hand. If there are very few impurities in a person's body, then taking this Xihui Pill will have no effect."

After speaking, Fang Xianyun raised her left hand again and said, "But the Xihui Pill on my left hand belongs to the Xihui Pill that can completely remove all magazines in the body!"

"There is such a miraculous elixir!" Hearing Fang Xianyun's introduction, everyone was in an uproar. Even Guo Feng, an untrained litigator, knew how important it is to a person if there is no impurity in his body!

"Patriarch, these two kinds of cleansing pills, I suggest that we keep the one in my left hand for ourselves, but sell the one in my right hand!" Fang Xianyun finished her opinion seriously.Only then did she realize that Chang Sheng was back!And where did these pills come from?

"Patriarch, these pills?"

"The elixir was brought back by Sheng'er from his master." Chang Ganyi pointed to Chang Sheng, and said, "Sheng'er said before that his master also specially refined the elixir for us, it should be the kind of precious washing Dirty Dan!"

"Haha, no, no, Uncle, what you said is wrong." As soon as Chang Qianyi's words fell, Chang Sheng suddenly jumped out from the side, and jumped in front of Fang Xianyun and Guo Feng in one step, and took out two treasures from his arms. Here comes a pill.

"These are the ones specially prepared by the white-bearded grandfather for you."

Chang Sheng handed a pill to the two of them.

"This is? Inheritance Pill!" Fang Xianyun saw the origin of the elixir at a glance. The Inheritance Pill was given to him by the master of alchemy master Chang Sheng. She is an alchemist, so the elixir specially given to her is... !

Thinking of this, Fang Xianyun opened her mouth and swallowed the pill in one gulp.Immediately, a series of memories about refining medicine flooded into my mind, records about the properties of medicinal materials, how to control the temperature of the flame, and various prescriptions...

"It really is alchemy." After a while, Fang Xianyun exclaimed, raised her hands, and bowed devoutly towards the direction outside the door.She would like to thank that master Chang Sheng whom she had never met before. In the entire Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent, which alchemist would not keep their alchemy recipes as the most precious thing!It is their apprentices, and Danfang who wants to get the master has to go through countless tests!However, that master taught her alchemy without asking for anything, and also taught her knowledge of many other medicinal materials!

"It's simply amazing! It turns out that alchemy can still be like this, and it can guarantee that I can practice it into a middle-grade Qi Condensing Pill. It turns out that the medicinal properties of many medicinal materials have not been fully recognized by people!"

Fang Xianyun excitedly digested the alchemy knowledge in her mind. On the other side, Guo Feng, who also ate the inheritance pill, suddenly opened his eyes. There was no change in expression on his face, as before, There was a faint confident and elegant smile, but his trembling body betrayed his change of mood at the moment.

"It turned out to be the Confucian Immortal Method "Song of Zhengqi" written by Ou Yinzhi, one of the three great sages. According to historical records, 100 years ago, there was a Confucian Immortal Method written by Ou Yinzhi's apprentice Bai Yiyan. The competition for this book of immortality led to the largest Confucian struggle in the Daqi Dynasty in the past 300 years. Countless Confucians died in that struggle. And the book written by Bai Yiyan is also the only one in the Daqi Dynasty The Confucian Cultivation of Immortals written by the descendants of Ou Yinzhi remained. It is understood that the best of the other Confucian Cultivation of Immortals was written by Ou Yinzhi’s disciples and grandchildren. But this book was written by Ou Yinzhi himself !"

"If this Song of Greatness and Righteousness is taken out, the fear is that only the Great Qi Dynasty, and even the Confucianism cultivators on the entire Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent will try their best to fight for this book! But I just got this book for nothing. book!"

Guo Fengwang looked to Chang Sheng, the person who gave him the book was Chang Sheng's master, and it was because of Chang Sheng that he could get this book.

"Five years ago, when my father and I were in the most difficult time, you helped me. Five years later, you let me get the Confucianism cultivation method that all scholars dream of. I, Guo Fengding, will never forget this kindness!"

While Fang Xianyun and Guo Feng were absorbing the memories of the inheritance pills and thinking about the future, Chang Ganyi finally put away all the pills and put them into transparent bottles one by one. Turning around, Fang Xianyun returned to normal. Immediately asked eagerly: "Xianyun, just now you called alchemy, Chang Sheng's master really taught you alchemy? What are the alchemy recipes in it?"

"There are three kinds of Qi Condensation Pill, Dali Pill, and Cleansing Pill. There is also a Foundation Establishment Pill that helps the body forging state to break through to the sublimation state, and there is also a Beast Taming Pill... Anyway, the pills I can see now There are ten types, and there are still some alchemy formulas that I have accepted the memory inheritance, but I can’t see them. It should be because my alchemy strength is not enough, and I will be able to see them when I have enough strength.”

Fang Xianyun explained excitedly, and said eagerly to Chang Ganyi: "Patriarch, with the master's pill formula this time, the refining of Qi Ning Pill will definitely be successful, please hurry up and prepare the medicinal materials for me!"

"Don't worry, the family will definitely prepare the best medicinal materials for you! But not now!" Chang Ganyi looked up and looked outside, full of pride in his heart. With these pills, Fang Xianyun also got the pill formula. In the future, the family can He will still be afraid of the Luo family if he continuously refines pills!

"Xianyun, come and watch a good show with us first, and it won't be too late for you to make alchemy when you come back!" Chang Ganyi showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said to everyone: "Isn't the Luo family going to auction today? How can the Chang family not go! Go, come with me to the auction house!"

The four major families in Fengdu City, the Chang family and the Luo family are in the pill business, while the Li family is in the jewelry business and auction house!The largest auction house in Fengdu City is the Li family's auction house. The small auction house held by the Luo family before was in cooperation with the Li family. This time, the Luo family let out the news early that it would be held at the Li family's large-scale auction. Auctioning the Qi Condensation Pill that Fengducheng has never sold before!

Chang Sheng, Miu Miao, Fang Xianyun, and Guo Feng followed behind Chang Ganyi, and a group of five people walked to the door of Li's Auction House. Just about to go inside, Chang Sheng suddenly saw the opposite, a face similar to his The middle-aged man who had beaten Luo Jin was somewhat similar, but his face was covered with a sinister look that Luo Jin didn't have, and walked towards them.

"Oh, isn't this Chang Ganyi, the head of the Chang family? I bet with my friend just now that you won't come today, but I didn't expect you to come. Patriarch Chang, I lost 1 taels because of your visit. Silver. But it doesn't matter, my Luo family has money."

A middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Luo Jin stopped in front of Chang Ganyi, glanced unscrupulously in front of the five members of the Chang family, pursed his mouth, and said strangely: "Master Chang, why are you a majestic Patriarch when you go out? This kind of person? Two women, one stupid person, and one child. Is your Chang family too poor to afford a normal servant? If so, please tell me, for the sake of our acquaintance for many years, I Luo How could Junba not help, are you right!"

The man turned his head to ask the follower behind him the last sentence. As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of agreement behind him, and there were bursts of strange laughter in the voice.

"It turns out that this guy is the head of the Luo family." Standing behind Chang Ganyi, Chang Sheng looked at the proud Luo Junba, and suddenly understood why Luo Jin was so arrogant in the thatched cottage, and had such an arrogant father. , it's normal for a son to be arrogant!

Chang Ganyi's face remained unchanged, he was not angry at Luo Junba's words at all, there was no need to be angry with someone who was about to fail.

"Luo Junba, you should think about yourself."

Chang Ganyi finished his sentence lightly, and led Chang Sheng and the others into the auction house.

"Chang Ganyi just left like this? Although he has always kept a low profile, it can't be like this, he is the head of the Chang family."

At the entrance of the auction house, several people who witnessed Chang Ganyi and Luo Junba's brief confrontation saw Chang Ganyi leaving in this way, and immediately discussed in a low voice.

"What do you know? Didn't you see that today's auction, there are many famous people in our Fengdu City, and they gathered at the auction house today for the Luo family's upcoming auction of the Qi Condensation Pill."

"That's right, more than that, everyone must have seen a lot of new faces, let me tell you, those people are rich and powerful people in several nearby counties, and they came here today for the Luo family's auction pill. The Luo family mobilized all their powers more than ten days ago to promote the Qi Condensation Pill they auctioned. As soon as the auction is over, the Luo family who successfully auctioned the Qi Condensation Pill can easily overwhelm the Chang family , What else can the Chang family do, they can only swallow their anger when facing the Luo family."

"Yeah, the Chang family is going to die this time. As far as I know, many merchants in the most prosperous neighborhood of the Chang family are starting to move out, while the rent prices of the shops in the Luo family's neighborhood are constantly rising. , so many people are still contacting the Luo family, wanting to move there and rent a house. I guess it won’t be long before our Fengdu City becomes the three major families, not the four major families.”

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