silly elixir emperor

Chapter 545 Sailing

"Okay... so fast!"

Everyone just glanced at it, and was shocked again, the speed of this huge ship must be too fast, they have never seen a ship that can travel so fast on the sea.

Chang Sheng and the others drove the boat of freedom forward at a fast speed. After advancing for a period of time, they would always see a few boats, and then pass them. Continue to move forward, continue to see other boats, and then continue to pass .

Along the way, they saw many other boats attacking each other, but they hadn't seen the boat attacking them yet.

"Bump... bump... bump..."

Just after Chang Sheng and others drove for nearly a day, suddenly, several people noticed a strange scene on the sea ahead.

On the surface of the sea, several broken ships that were obviously magic weapons were floating with the sea wind. In the distance, on several ships, masters participating in the martial arts tournament, one after another, kept hitting the sea surface with their palms in the air.

Every time the energy fell, the sea water immediately made a few collision sounds, and water droplets shot up into the sky, and then fell in all directions.

"This group of people, what are they doing?" Chang Sheng looked at the strange scene in front of him in amazement.It took me almost a day to see this group of people, and I was able to be one day ahead of myself. Obviously, these guys are extremely powerful among those who participated in the martial arts competition.But what they look like now...

On various wooden boats, large and small, whenever there is a strong force falling, the sea water below will immediately split, and sometimes even reveal the scene of the seabed below. However, also because of this huge impact, with the sea water Scattering, everyone on the surrounding boats will also face danger. If the sea water splashes on people, it will immediately rot their bodies!

"Could it be that these guys are attacking others with the help of sea water, but it doesn't look like it!" Chang Sheng was curious, but the boat below him did not slow down at all, and the boat of freedom was still advancing rapidly. At this time, next to him, on a boat, the conversation of several people reached his ears.

"Look, there is another one who is not afraid of death. In this kind of place full of hidden reefs, he dares to drive so fast, it is really reckless!"

"Indeed, even if he doesn't know that there are hidden reefs everywhere, seeing those sunken ships and seeing everyone's actions, can't he feel that something is abnormal? But that's good too. They are dead, and we can lose one competitor. gone."

"That's right, looking at the speed of their ship, it's much faster than ours. We are almost the group closest to the front. If the ship doesn't sink here, when the time comes With its speed, it will definitely throw us all behind, then we will lose our share of the treasure, it is better for it to hit the rocks and sink now!"

"Hush... Keep your voice down, the people on the other boat can hear you."

"Don't worry, we don't speak too loudly. The distance is so far, and we are at sea, even the masters of the Heaven Defying Realm can't hear us."

Chang Sheng clearly heard the voice of the other party's conversation, and his heart tightened suddenly. No wonder, no wonder the scene in front of him was so weird. It turned out that there was a hidden reef nearby.

"Quick... let everyone stop, there are hidden reefs nearby." After Chang Sheng found out about the hidden reefs, he immediately told Guo Feng in secret voice transmission.

At the same time, Guo Feng's heart tightened and made everyone stop.

Just as Chang Sheng and the others stopped, on the sea surface, the eyes of almost all the people on the boat were focused on this boat, which seemed to be much stronger than other boats.

At the same time, Chang Sheng also stopped and began to observe carefully. From this observation, the first thing Chang Sheng saw was an unusually ostentatious ship.

To say that the ship is ostentatious is not because of the appearance of the ship, but the color. It is a fiery red ship, and there are paintings on the hull of the ship that are about to fly high.

"Suzaku City?"

When Chang Sheng saw this ship, he immediately thought of Suzaku City, one of the four major sects. The mysterious Zhang Qin also had an identity as a disciple of Suzaku City.

With a glance, Chang Sheng once again saw an acquaintance on board a few boats away.

"Tang Xiaoyun."

Chang Sheng looked at Tang Xiaoyun, who was carefully controlling the boat's progress, and then looked to the side, and suddenly Bu Dongya's figure came into view.

Seeing these few people, Chang Sheng immediately understood that these people are all known masters among those who participated in the martial arts competition. It is estimated that apart from Zhang Qin and Yingwuhou's subordinates, these people should be the first one. There are a lot of people.

It's just that, at the moment, this hidden reef doesn't know how to pass.

Chang Sheng raised his head and glanced at Yue Yichen. Yue Yichen's luck is really good, I can't say it, maybe he can direct the walk, but... this is the last thing to do when there is really no other way.

In addition, like these people, patting the sea with both hands to explore the way is also a way, but this way is too stupid and takes too long, and I don't know how Zhang Qin, who is walking in the front, through this reef.

Chang Sheng was suffering from a headache when suddenly,

The sea surface in front of him suddenly sent out bursts of violent fluctuations.


A huge wave suddenly rolled up from the surface of the sea, smashing down the bed covering the head and face.The wave was so big that it covered four ships at once.

"Careful, flash!"

"Hide in the dock."

Several exclamations sounded in an instant, and everyone on the four boats covered by the waves quickly dodged into the boats. They had already seen the power of the sea water, and they were splashed to the point where they almost had a dead end.

Seeing the actions of these people, Chang Sheng shook his head in his heart. Obviously, these four boats did not have the function of blocking the falling sea water like Zhang Qin's ordinary-looking boat.Whether there is such a function is too big in the current sea water.Right now, everyone is avoiding the reef, it's nothing, but after everyone crosses the reef area, everyone is bound to attack each other. At that time, what should I do if someone claps my hands and a wave hits me?

If you don't avoid being splashed by the sea, you will die, but if you hide in the boat, they will run far away. In this way, you will not be able to catch up with others. After slowly increasing the distance, when you reach the real mansion After the place where the treasure is buried, if others snatch the treasure and get nothing, it is still a waste of time.

Gu Tianmo said that his boat of freedom has the functions of Zhang Qin's boat, but he has not tried it yet, and he doesn't know how it is.

Chang Sheng was thinking, but Gu Tianmo's voice sounded in his mind.

"Chang Sheng, don't waste any more time here. The mansion of Ten Heavenly Lord is just ahead of you. It's just a hidden reef. You and Guo Feng enter the cabin, then find a bronze mirror on the left side of the rudder, put your hand in it, and you will know , this reef has no effect on us."

After Chang Sheng heard Gu Tianmo's words, he didn't think much about it, and quickly called Guo Feng into the rudder of the ship through voice transmission, and Yue Yichen also followed into the rudder of the ship.

On the boat of freedom, there are many places where you can input your own strength into the boat and control the boat to move forward, and the more than [-] strong men who were temporarily pulled in were all unified on the bottom floor of the boat, Chang Sheng and four people Instead, he entered the cockpit that controlled the boat.

Walking into the cockpit, Chang Sheng found the bronze mirror that Gu Tianmo mentioned, raised his hand and pressed it.

As soon as the palm was pressed, the entire surface of the bronze mirror suddenly lit up. Gradually, a blurry scene slowly emerged from the bronze mirror, and then became clearer and clearer.

In the turquoise sea water, aquatic plants are growing luxuriantly, a few unknown small fish slowly swim past, and tens of meters ahead, there is a small reef...

"This... this is the underwater scene!"

In the cockpit, Yue Yichen, who was in charge of controlling the course, couldn't help exclaiming after seeing the mirror image in the bronze mirror: "Chang Sheng, your ship is really amazing, it even has such a function!"

Looking at the scene in the bronze mirror, Chang Sheng was shocked, Gu Tianmo must have built this boat of freedom too powerfully.

Is this simply the camera of a car on earth!But this camera is comparable to the cow on a car. This is an underwater camera, and it has a very wide observation range. I really don't know how Gu Tianmo did it. It's simply amazing!

With this underwater camera, you are not afraid of reefs.

After a while Kung Fu Changsheng reacted first: "Okay, let's not delay any longer, control the course, let's move forward quickly."

When Chang Sheng spoke, Yue Yichen immediately looked at the scene in the bronze mirror, and at the same time controlled the boat of freedom and began to speed up again.

On the surface of the sea, countless ships are still standing on board, trying their best to detect the situation on the sea ahead and moving forward bit by bit, but while all the ships are moving forward like this, there is one of the largest ships that is strange. started to speed up.

Originally, Chang Sheng's boat of freedom was very attractive because of the appearance of the boat. Now, the boat of freedom started to accelerate again, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Look, that ship is picking up speed again."

"Hmph, it's not just life and death. At the beginning they accelerated forward because they didn't know that there was a hidden reef. Now they should also know that there is a hidden reef, but they dare to advance so fast. This is simply courting death!"

"It's looking for death. It's a pity that this ship, such a good ship, can still be so fast, but it fell into the hands of a few such useless people."

On the many ships around, everyone laughed when they saw the fast-moving big ship.

Suddenly, a voice sounded: "Say, how about we grab their boat?" A man with a slightly fair complexion looked at the fast-moving big boat with a gloomy look on his face.

"Snatch their boat? That's a good idea, but the speed of that boat is too fast, we are too far away from them, and we can't catch up at all."


While several people were sighing, Chang Sheng and the others were still driving the boat forward quickly. Gradually, someone suddenly discovered something unusual.

"It's strange, this ship, traveling so fast, hasn't touched the reef yet, it's really lucky."

"Yeah... I can feel it when you say that."

"It's nothing strange, it's just luck. Their luck can't be so good all the time. I bet they will hit a reef soon and sink the ship."

Some people are surprised, but there are also people who don't think so.

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