Regardless of other people's opinions, Chang Sheng controlled the boat of freedom and was still moving forward quickly, but no matter how fast he was, he couldn't drive as fast as before on the sea.

There are too many ships in this sea area in front of them, and they can't go anywhere fast if they want to. They can see the underwater reefs, but others can't. They can move forward quickly, but others can't.But even so, their speed is much faster than others, and more and more people pay attention to them.

"There's something odd about that ship."

On the fiery red ship, Jiang Tianyi looked at the boat which was much larger than the other boats, with a pensive look on his face.

"It's really not normal. Traveling at such a fast speed, they didn't hit the reef. If it was only a certain distance, they could be said to be lucky. But I have been paying attention to that ship for a long time. It has been moving fast without hitting it. On the reef, it's not a matter of luck."

On Jiang Tian's side, an ordinary-looking man who also wore the clothes of Suzaku City looked at the senior brother in front of him, pondered for a moment, and asked tentatively: "Senior brother, why don't we just follow behind them? That's great, we can also leave this area full of hidden reefs, but if they hit the rocks, their shipwreck will be ahead, and we will know that there are hidden reefs in the back, so we will naturally stop and follow them. ensure safety."

"It's a good idea, but it can't be used." Jiang Tian smiled lightly when he heard the words. Now there are many ships in this area. Walk behind someone else's boat.

It is indeed a good way to let others find the way for oneself, but for this weird ship, this method is not good.

Leaving aside the speed of that ship, no one else would let that ship go on like this.

Jiang Tianyi looked at several large ships not far away.

On a boat that is smaller than the boat of freedom, but much larger than other ships, a man with a much rosier complexion than ordinary people looks at the boat of freedom. Cold color.

"The speed of this ship is so fast, and it can still avoid hidden reefs. If it continues to sail, once it leaves this area, it will move forward at full speed, and it will not take long to get rid of us. It can't go on like this."

After the man finished speaking, he looked at the big boat that was approaching him continuously, looked at his subordinates on one side, and said harshly: "Wait for a while when the other party approaches, immediately slap the water surface with all your strength."

Chang Sheng and the others were in the cockpit of the ship, controlling the boat of freedom to move forward. Suddenly, when everyone passed by a ship that looked a little bigger than normal ships, there was a sudden explosion of loud shouts.


On the boat, the red-faced man suddenly yelled violently, first activated the military energy in his body, and slapped heavily on the water with both palms.

As the man started to move, the whole ship was put on, and all the masters followed the man's movement, and slapped their palms heavily on the water.

On the boat, everyone lined up and slapped the sea surface. Although it was said that the movements came first and then later, in general, the time difference was not too big. At first glance, it seemed that everyone was slapping the water surface at the same time.

"Bump, bump, bump..."

On the surface of the sea, there was a loud noise, and the sea water was impacted by the strong palm force, instantly stirring up waves several feet high, sweeping towards the huge boat.

On one side, on several other boats, some people saw the movements of the red-faced man and others, and their faces showed sudden expressions, and some of them flapped their hands towards the water surface in a similar manner.

For a while, the sound of bumping was endless.

On the surface of the sea, countless waves rolled up, and the huge waves poured towards the boat of freedom.

The red face saw a smile on the man's face. With so much sea water falling, no matter how close the opponent's boat is, it is a wooden boat after all. It is made of countless materials, so there will be gaps no matter what. There is a little gap, how can so much sea water enter the cabin along the gap.

As for being splashed by this sea water, everyone in the whole sea knows what will happen. There is only one thing, and that is death!

The only thing to worry about is how to snatch the other party's ship smoothly when the people on the ship are dead.There are many masters on the sea now.

In the cockpit of the boat of freedom, Chang Sheng also saw the situation outside at the same time. Suddenly, a look of worry appeared on his face. So much sea water tilted towards the boat of freedom, how could this be stopped.

In Chang Sheng's worried eyes, just when countless sea water was about to fall on the boat of freedom, suddenly a black light curtain suddenly emerged from the boat of freedom, like a huge curtain, The entire black light curtain completely envelops the boat of freedom.


At the moment when the sea water and the black light curtain touched, there were bursts of soft noises. The black light curtain was impacted by the sea water and retreated one after another, and then bounced forward instantly. Immediately afterwards, an unexpected scene appeared .

The sea water bounced back instantly like an elastic ball touching the wall, and it was faster and more ferocious than when it came.

On several boats near the boat of freedom, everyone was waiting to watch a good show, or planning how to snatch the boats of the other party. They never expected that the sea water they slapped would bounce back. For a while, all the people All stupid.

This boat actually has such a function?

Countless sea water bounced back, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all reflected.

Seeing the sea water rebounding back, some people exclaimed suddenly, and subconsciously dodged into the cabin, while others raised their hands, waved their arms frantically, and ran away frantically towards the falling sea water. .



The next moment, countless exclamations and screams sounded on the sea.The strengths of the people who attacked the Freedom Boat before were different, and their reaction speeds were also different. Many weak people who reacted slowly were quickly splashed on their bodies by the sea water, and they immediately let out a scream. The strongest hydrochloric acid splashed down to the ground, and quickly began to melt.

However, there were also many people who either hid in the cabin, or relied on their own skills to avoid it, or used their palms to disperse the falling sea water.Although many seawater falling on the boat of freedom seems to be extremely powerful and powerful, but this is the result of many ships attacking one ship at the same time. After the sea water hits the boat of freedom and rebounds, it disperses to the surroundings, but it is not so terrifying up.This is the case, and many people died under the attack of sea water.

In the boat of freedom, Chang Sheng looked at the boat of freedom that attacked him but was splashed by the rebounding sea water, and several people died with their mouths wide open, with incredible expressions on their faces.

The expressions of Guo Feng and the others beside him were almost the same as that of Chang Sheng. After a long time, Yue Yichen stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, and looked at Chang Sheng with admiration: "Chang Sheng, what is your ship? Where did you get it from? It’s too perverted. I won’t talk about driving so fast, and you can still see the bottom of the sea. That’s exaggerated enough. Now this black light curtain, this... I don’t even know How to describe this ship."

Chang Sheng didn't answer Yue Yichen's words, and he himself was deeply shocked. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that when he saw Zhang Qin's boat with a light curtain that could block the sea water, Gu Tianmo disdained him.Now he finally understood why Gu Tianmo was so disdainful at that time.

Zhang Qin's small boat was just blocking it, but Gu Tianmo's boat of freedom directly bounced back the sea water, the gap was really too big.

This is a rebound!

When I was on the ground before, when I was young, when I heard about the missile defense system, my impression was that it could bounce back. Later, when I grew up, I realized how naive my thoughts were at that time.But now, I really saw the scene of rebounding. This ancient demon is simply too genius.

"If Gu Tianmo was born on the modern earth, he would be a great inventor, even one of the greatest inventors. This guy is a genius and a ghost!" Chang Sheng thought in his heart. But he shook his head, throwing out his thoughts that had nothing to do with the matter in front of him, but his eyes fell on the nearby ships.

These guys, I didn't provoke them, but they came to provoke me first. If it wasn't for the light curtain that rebounded from the boat of freedom, I would have been in trouble just now.

If you actually do something to yourself, then you can't be polite!

Chang Sheng's complexion sank, and he thought to himself, anyway, with this black light curtain, I am not afraid that these people will use the sea water to attack me, on the contrary, I can use the sea water to attack the opponent as much as I want, the only thing I need to consider is the black light curtain. How long does the light curtain last.

Chang Sheng thought about it, found Gu Tianmo in his mind and asked, "Gu Tianmo, how long can this black light curtain last?"

"How long it can last depends on the strength of the people on your ship. This light curtain, like the boat of freedom, requires your mana or military spirit. As long as there is enough mana or military spirit to support it, the light curtain will can always exist.”

Gu Tianmo explained, and without waiting for Chang Sheng to think, he continued to speak: "Chang Sheng, you asked me this question. Did you see someone attacking you, so you want to fight back. If my guess is correct, you also want to attack me." To learn how others attack you, attack others by slapping the water with your hands."

"That's right, just attack like this, what else? I can't jump on other people's boats and fight with them directly." Chang Sheng said with a smile, that's definitely not possible. Leaving the boat of freedom is a very dangerous decision, especially knowing that After the boat of freedom is so powerful, he will not leave the boat of freedom.

"Hmph, attacking like that is a waste of energy. My boat of freedom is not just for defense." Gu Tianmo raised his finger and pointed to the other side of the bronze mirror on the rudder and said, Chang Sheng, put your hand there , try entering mana. "


Chang Sheng questioned, but according to Gu Tianmo's words, he walked to the other side of the rudder, where there was an obvious groove, Chang Sheng put his hand into it, and at the same time input his mana.


Just as Chang Sheng poured mana into the groove, he immediately heard a crackling sound under his body, as if some mechanism had been activated. Then at the next moment, he was surprised to find that the boat of the Freedom Boat Inside, stick out a...

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