silly elixir emperor

Chapter 548 Transcendence

"It's unexpected, and what's even more unexpected is that the opponent's boat is still so small." Yue Yichen took up the topic, and as several people talked, because the speed of the boat of freedom was obviously faster than the speed of the opponent, everyone They also saw more appearances of the other party's ships, and because of this, the surprise of the few people became greater and greater.

"Strange thing, how does it look like, there is only one person on the other party's boat. There are only two ways to control the boat's progress on this vast sea. One is purely like an ordinary boat, using oars, etc. to row the boat or step on the boat to let the boat go. Moving forward, you can see the speed of the other party. Although it is not as fast as ours, it is definitely fast among all the ships we have encountered. This speed can only be pushed forward by relying on our own strength. Just like us, but there is only one person on the other side, how can he last for so long!"

Yue Yichen exclaimed, his voice had just fallen when Guo Feng, who was the most sensitive to numbers among the people around him, had already spoken.

"He is not absolutely fast. I just calculated that the speed of the other party is second only to ours among all the ships we have encountered. Only our boat of freedom can move faster than the other party!" Guo After Feng said something, he suddenly noticed Chang Sheng beside him.

"Master, you haven't opened your mouth all this time. Have you discovered something?" Guo Feng looked at Chang Sheng. Under normal circumstances, Chang Sheng should also open his mouth to talk to a few people, but right now, his young master is not saying a word. Did not say.

"It's nothing, it's just that I recognized the other party." Chang Sheng said in a deep voice. His strength is the strongest among the four, and he can see it more clearly than the others. He has already seen clearly that the other party is Zhang piano.

"Oh? Who is the other party? A man from Marquis Yingwu?" Upon hearing Chang Sheng's words, Fang Shuwen couldn't help asking.

"No, it's Zhang Qin!" Chang Sheng said in a deep voice: "I have seen it with a secret method. Zhang Qin was the first person to break the restriction outside the sea area, and also the first person to enter the sea area. Just now, Guo Fengye Having said that, Zhang Qin's speed is the fastest we have ever encountered. Thinking that she is the first person to enter the sea, I think we have come to the forefront of everyone now. As long as we surpass Zhang Qin, we will We can go to the front."

Although Chang Sheng said so, there was no smile on his face, and his face was still heavy, just because this Zhang Qin was too mysterious. Facing Zhang Qin, he had to be cautious. The top ancient demon has said that Zhang Qin is not even inferior to Marquis Yingwu!

How could Gu Tianmo praise him so carelessly when facing Zhang Qin? Even if the boat of freedom is so powerful, he would not dare to be careless. God knows if Zhang Qin has any special means, and what worries him the most is It was still Zhang Qin's previous performance.

Ever since Zhang Qin entered Xishan, and then she entered the fairy mansion or fairyland, what she said made him feel that she knew this place very well, but he knew almost nothing about it.

Although he became careful in his heart, Chang Sheng still did not slow down the speed of the boat of freedom, and the boat of freedom was still advancing rapidly.

Because of the mist and light in the morning, when looking from the back to the front, the range that can be seen is obviously farther than the distance to be seen from the front to the back. Chang Sheng and others found Zhang Qin, but Zhang Qin was Haven't found them yet.

Suddenly, on the small wooden boat in front of her, Zhang Qin suddenly turned her head and looked behind her.

In sight, a huge ship quickly chased up from behind. Judging by the speed of the other party, I am afraid that it will be able to catch up with him in another incense stick of time.

Zhang Qin's face changed instantly, and there was a ship that could catch up, gradually, especially the speed of the other party, this speed was more than double the speed of his own ship.

Who on earth is able to have such a ship!

Deep doubts flashed in Zhang Qin's eyes, especially the opponent's speed. The opponent's speed was so fast, but he only caught up with him now. In other words, the opponent set off at least four days later than himself.This is strange, the opponent has such a ship, it must be a top power, but how could the top power set off so late?

Zhang Qin looked at the boats that kept approaching her and began to think. There was no one above the other boat, so she could only guess.

Looking at the appearance of the opponent's ship, it is obvious that the opponent is not the people of Marquis Yingwu and the people from the four major academies. These two strongest forces are sent out, and the stronger force is the five sects. However, the people of the five sects have already I have seen three sects, and these three sects are the same, and their ships have their marks on their ships. From this, it can be inferred that the ships of the remaining two sects are also the same, but there is no mark on this ship. So who could it be?

Zhang Qin couldn't think of who the other party was for a while, and most importantly, the other party's speed was so fast, it wouldn't take long for the other party to overtake her, and she could even easily throw herself far away. At that time, the treasure in the fairy mansion ...

Zhang Qin's heart tightened, looking at the opposite ship that could gradually see its appearance, several changes appeared on her face instantly.

This ship, this kind of construction technology, is not the construction technology of the Daqi Dynasty, and even the kingdoms near the Daqi Dynasty do not have this kind of construction technology, it is the construction method of another part of the distant continent, and the hull of this ship, Looking at the complicated runes and the materials of the ship, it is obvious that this is a very powerful magic weapon.

"This ship, if you want to sink it, with the ship under my feet, it's not easy to do it, unless you pay a big price!"

After Zhang Qin changed her face, her eyebrows that had turned into sword eyebrows frowned, and she began to weigh in her heart whether it was worth paying a high price to sink the opponent's ship.

Just as Zhang Qin was weighing, the opponent's boat was less than [-] meters away from her wooden boat.

Although there was heavy fog, Zhang Qin could already see the situation on the opposite boat clearly, and she could even feel the breath of the opposite boat.

"This aura...the aura of an emperor...this is the aura of the Seventh Prince!"

Zhang Qin's expression suddenly changed, she finally knew who the chasing boat was, if there was the Seventh Prince, then the other two must be there too, they were Guo Feng and Cheng Mo's younger brother Chang Sheng.

Although she can't feel the aura of the two, it's nothing strange. She has been in contact with these three people, but it is difficult for her to catch the aura of Guo Feng and Chang Sheng. Even if the other party is disguised in front of her, she will Unable to judge, it is obvious that the other party must have cultivated a very top-notch technique, so she cannot capture it, but the Seventh Prince, she has captured the other party's breath a long time ago, so she can feel the other party's breath, but now, She can no longer capture the breath of the Seventh Prince. Obviously, the Seventh Prince has also practiced a very top-level exercise, but because the Seventh Prince did not practice such a profound exercise when she met the Seventh Prince before, she can still pass the breath. , felt that the Seventh Prince was on the boat behind him.

"Although the Seventh Prince is a prince, he probably doesn't have such a treasure. What's more, this treasure is in a foreign style, but it is always prosperous. There are nine out of ten treasures that are always prosperous."

Zhang Qin judged secretly, a figure quickly flashed in his mind, Cheng Mo, I don't know whether this magic weapon was given to him by the mysterious Cheng Mo or by Chang Sheng's master who made him feel horrible when he thought of it.

"It can teach an apprentice like Cheng Mo, and it can make a fool like Chang Sheng become a master of the heaven-defying realm at a young age, and it can even make a child become a person in the Qi-cultivating realm, and even have the ability to make alchemy that can be called against the sky. Now that there is such a magic weapon, the more contact with Chang Sheng's sect, the more powerful and strange he feels. Even using the power of the sect, he can't judge the other's sect."

Zhang Qin looked at the other party's ship, but in her mind, the idea of ​​sinking the other party's ship was quietly rejected. If the other party was Chang Sheng and the others, even if she paid the price, she might not be able to sink the other party's ship. The other party must also have the backhand. For all powerful masters, their disciples, especially those who are valued, must have extraordinary life-saving means.

On the boat of freedom, Chang Sheng saw that he was less than 100 meters away from Zhang Qin, and his expression became more dignified. There is a treasure in the Immortal Mansion in front of him, and the few of him may be at the forefront. The speed of his boat It is also faster than Zhang Qin's boat, and the possibility of Zhang Qin attacking himself and the others is very high.

Just after Chang Sheng's whole body's nerves were tense, suddenly, on the side of the boat of freedom, a huge wave suddenly rolled up.

Behind the waves, a huge head emerged from the sea.

"This is a snake? No... this is a flood dragon!"

Chang Sheng looked at this huge black head that was bigger than ordinary boats in amazement. At first glance, it was the head of a sea snake, but when he looked at the two green tentacles on the snake's head, he instantly understood Come here, this is a dragon.Such a huge dragon may be hundreds or even thousands of years old.

As soon as the dragon's head emerged from the surface of the sea, it immediately opened its bloody mouth, revealing a mouthful of extremely huge black sharp teeth. In an instant, a stench erupted from the dragon's mouth and quickly spread across the sea.

As soon as Chang Sheng smelled the stench, he felt a slight dizziness in his head.

Such a strong poison!

Chang Sheng's heart tightened, but he could smell the stench that naturally emanated from Jiaolong's mouth, but he was in the cabin, and he could feel dizzy. After experiencing countless catastrophes, what makes me stronger is not only my body, but also my resistance to flames, cold and even poisonous gas is much stronger than ordinary people, and even ordinary poison has no effect on me at all. Now I can actually feel a slight dizziness, which shows how poisonous this flood dragon is.

Before, I already knew that there were countless strange beasts on the sea, but I didn't know if it was because of Yue Yichen's luck, but I didn't meet a single strange beast along the way. At this critical moment when he was going to catch up with Zhang Qin, and then it was very possible to get to the front of everyone, a strange beast appeared and blocked the way forward, and it was an obviously very powerful strange beast.

"Black Flood Dragon!"

In the front, Zhang Qin saw the black dragon suddenly appearing behind her, and a look of joy appeared on her face. This black dragon is the most advanced beast in this sea area. I didn't expect that Chang Sheng and others would encounter it. Chang Sheng and the others created some troubles, as long as Chang Sheng and the others were entangled, it would not take long, only an hour would be enough, then he would have a chance to reach the Immortal Mansion before Chang Sheng and the others.Now it's not far from the treasure place of Immortal Mansion!

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