silly elixir emperor

Chapter 549 The Real Immortal Mansion

Zhang Qin moved forward at high speed while paying attention to the situation behind.

The whole head of the black dragon first floated out of the sea, and then, the thick body, which was slightly thicker than the big tree hugged by three people, emerged, and opened its mouth to bite the boat of freedom not far away from it. go down.

"Chang Sheng, hurry up, push the groove in, then put your hand in, and attack the dragon like before."

The moment the dragon appeared, the voice of the ancient heavenly demon in Chang Sheng's mind also sounded: "This is a poisonous dragon, the strongest beast in this sea area, you are really lucky."

"The strongest alien beast in the sea, you still say I'm lucky when I meet this kind of alien beast!" Chang Sheng was speechless when he heard Gu Tianmo's words. While talking to Gu Tianmo, he followed what Gu Tianmo said. I put my hand into the groove of the gun barrel that was used to control the attacking others, and pushed it with my hand, and the groove sank downward.

"Of course it's good luck, this poisonous dragon is full of treasures! As far as I know, the sea area of ​​Ten Heavens True Lord can breed such a dragon at most. You are lucky to meet it! Besides, there are The boat of freedom, don't be afraid that you won't be able to destroy this beast."

Chang Sheng controlled his mana energy, and when the cannon of the boat of freedom aimed at the black dragon opposite, Chang Sheng immediately spat out with both arms.


The boat of freedom was obvious for a while, and then, the next moment, Chang Sheng was surprised to find that a silver white sword rushed out of the barrel of the boat of freedom and flew straight to the black dragon.

As the white line flew past, the sea was still on the surface, and suddenly there was a strong wind, and the sea water rolled crazily.


The black flood dragon was hit by the white spear, and immediately roared in pain, and fell to the surface of the sea the next moment, its neck was actually pierced.

"This... this power is too great!"

In the cockpit, Guo Feng stared blankly at the black dragon that fell down instantly after being hit by Pi Lian, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"How can the power not be great? This one, but all my mana energy has been exhausted in one blow, and I have to rely on you to go on my way." Chang Sheng shook his head helplessly.

The power of this blow was indeed beyond his imagination, but the price was too high. All the mana energy was exhausted at once, and, more importantly, this boat of freedom can only exert its power on the sea. What matters is strength, not on the sea, and he simply cannot control the sailing of the boat of freedom.

"Oh, no, we killed the dragon, but the body is on the sea, how can we take it away!" Suddenly, Yue Yichen yelled, looked at the dragon on the sea, and sighed.

This sea person dare not touch it.

Fortunately, Gu Tianmo's boat of freedom has a lot of functions. Not long after Gu Tianmo's guidance, Chang Sheng controlled the boat of freedom and stretched out two forks, forked the boat of freedom, and then put Jiaolong's body was dragged onto the boat.

After that, several people moved on.

It didn't take long for a few people to overtake Zhang Qin and move forward all the way, but they never saw anyone else along the way.

The boat that Chang Sheng and the others were on finally arrived at the island ahead of everyone else.

This is an island surrounded by sea water.

On the island, there are lush green trees everywhere, and a few unknown birds occasionally fly through the sky, stop on the branches, and make crisp and clear chirping sounds.

Chang Sheng and his party got off the boat. After Chang Sheng put away the boat of freedom, he looked at the island in front of him, but for a while he didn't know how to walk.

There is only one restriction at the outermost part of Immortal Mansion, but there is another restriction here!

For the prohibition or formation, Chang Sheng really has no research, and there is no way to do it. The only way to ask this kind of question is Gu Tianmo.

"Gu Tianmo, will you break this restriction!"

Just now when Chang Sheng asked the doctor, Gu Tianmo's voice sounded in his mind: "Yes."

That's good.

Hearing Gu Tianmo's answer, Chang Sheng calmed down and gave Guo Feng a wink. Guo Feng understood, and immediately said to the thirty or so people: "Okay, we've arrived, now you can do whatever you want Bar."

This is not about crossing the river and demolishing bridges, they have nothing to do with these thirty people, and without them, these thirty people might not even be able to come up to the island, let alone get here before everyone else arrives.

As for the separation, it depends on the good fortune of these thirty or so people. Whether they can find treasures, or how many treasures they find, all depends on their own good fortune.

Some of the more than [-] people wanted to leave immediately, but they were worried that just as they turned around, the opponent's attack came from behind. The opponent wanted to see who wanted to leave and who was not loyal, and then killed them. who!

And some people really want to follow directly. Anyway, they have seen the strength of each other along the way. It is actually very good to follow such a person.

Guo Feng spoke late, seeing that none of these people had left, he raised his two delicate eyebrows lightly, but he didn't speak anymore but followed Chang Sheng closely.

Chang Sheng also ignored these people. According to the route Gu Tianmo said in his mind, Chang Sheng took Fang Shuwen and the others and three zombies and started walking, and finally the remaining people.This prohibition formation can change at any time. It was a way out one moment, but not the next moment. After a while, these people have completely disappeared from the sight of Chang Sheng and the others, and they don't know where they are trapped. !

Along the way, he kept walking and stopping. Chang Sheng didn't know how long he had been walking. Finally, a palace appeared in his sight.

The entrance of this palace was not blocked by a gate like other palaces. When they reached the palace gate, Chang Sheng and the others easily passed through the palace gate.

"Chang Sheng, take the middle road, I can feel that there is a very strong aura in the middle of the palace!"

As soon as he walked into the palace, countless corridors immediately appeared in his eyes. Just when Chang Sheng had a headache about how to go, Gu Tianmo's words rang in his mind.

Chang Sheng walked all the way according to Gu Tianmo's instructions, and he didn't know how many corridors he went around. Chang Sheng came to the door of a room.

"Chang Sheng pushed open the door, and the baby is inside."

Chang Sheng pushed the room away upon hearing the sound.

This is a very large room, there is nothing in the room, only a very large futon, on the futon, there is a person sitting cross-legged.

Chang Sheng was taken aback when he saw this person, and then he felt the difference in this person. There was no breath of life emanating from this person, that is to say, he was a dead person.

This is the body of the man that the ancient sky demon said!

Chang Sheng made a judgment instantly.

Although it was just a shell, Chang Sheng instantly felt an extremely strong breath pressing over from the opposite shell as soon as he got close to this shell, and his feet sank immediately, and he was about to kneel down.

Beside him, Guo Feng and the others felt the terrifying aura coming from the body, and they couldn't help trembling all over.

This aura is too strong, they have never encountered such a strong aura, even the aura emitted by the two men when Yingwu Hou and the East China Sea Demon Lord fought were far inferior to the lifeless body in front of them powerful.

After walking a few steps, Fang Shuwen couldn't hold on at first. In desperation, he had to exude the imperial aura in his body to resist the terrifying aura on the opposite side, but this imperial aura only lasted three or four steps. , he can no longer go on.

And Guo Feng and Yue Yichen also stopped after walking a few steps. The aura on the other side was too strong, they couldn't move forward. If they went one step further, they would definitely suffer internal injuries and vomit blood and fall to the ground.

Under the endless coercion, Chang Sheng moved forward slowly. It took him nearly a stick of incense to complete the short distance of tens of meters. Before the body.

"Gu Tianmo, what should I do now to refine this body?" Chang Sheng stood in front of the body, but for a while he didn't know how to sit together, let alone refining the body, it was the body left by others after ascension. It was also the first time he saw it.

"Conquer the body? You have to put your hands on it first." Gu Tianmo's voice sounded from his mind.

When Chang Sheng heard Gu Tianmo's voice, he immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed the shell in front of him.

As soon as the palm fell, an inconspicuous pale yellow light suddenly flashed. Chang Sheng grabbed the body with one hand, and felt as if he had been electrified by something, and his whole body trembled suddenly. Then, he found The scene suddenly changed.

"So this is the real Immortal Mansion!"

Chang Sheng looked at the scene of green grass, blooming flowers, and birds and animals playing in front of him, and his expression was relieved.

Finally, I was the first one to arrive at the Immortal Mansion, and the first one to touch the body left by the owner of the Immortal Mansion after his ascension. I really didn't expect that the real Immortal Mansion is not what it looks like from the outside, but to touch body to enter.

Chang Sheng opened his mouth and took a deep breath. As expected of a fairy mansion, the air inside is different from the outside, and the air is so comfortable to breathe.

Chang Sheng strode forward, and after walking for a while, suddenly, in front of him, in the line of sight not far away, two figures appeared in sight.

A guy who looks like a cultivator. Under the armor that doesn't look strong, his exposed muscles are bulging. He is holding a huge ax in one hand, and the other hand is the sack behind his back. It also shows how powerful he is.

Behind this strong man, another man is much thinner, and his clothes are also more gorgeous, a one-piece robe, although the corners are a little damaged, it is still not difficult to see that this robe The workmanship should be very good.

"Strange, how can there be such a person in this fairy mansion?" Taking a step forward, Chang Sheng was about to speak, but the strong man among the two in front of him saw him first.

"Quack, look quickly, Liu Zhentian, there is another little devil, really tender, we are really lucky today, we just caught a little girl, and now there is another boy, I really want to thank God, he is so kind today It's gone." The strong man said to his companion with a strange grin.

Looking helplessly at the strong man, Liu Zhentian said with a lesson, "An Shifeng, can't you stop being so anxious? When will your temper change?"

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