silly elixir emperor

Chapter 664: The Role of Protecting the Law

This guy's strength can be ranked even on his Thousand Snake Island, but he can't directly arrange a high position for this guy.

Even if the strength is high, they can't be given a high position immediately, otherwise, what do they think of those old people who have followed them for many years?

Furthermore, this person injured his subordinates as soon as he came here, which is too rebellious. He is no longer the vice island owner in the past.Now, he is his subordinate, so he must kill his spirit first.

The Lord of Thousand Snake Island looked at the man below, and made a decision with just a little thought in his mind.

"Yes, Lu Jiuzhe, you are very good. With your strength, you can stay on Thousand Snake Island in this seat. However, you have only just arrived in Thousand Snake Island, and you are not familiar with everything on this island. Of course, this seat sees For Li Mo's sake, I can make an exception and promote you... How about this, I will temporarily appoint you as the Baiqi Captain, in charge of a hundred soldiers."

"Baiqiwei?" Li Mo was stunned when he heard the island owner's words. It turned out to be Baiqiwei. As the name suggests, Baiqiwei is just a small leader who can control 100 people.

But the strength that Lu Jiuzhe showed just now is comparable to the existence of immortality against the sky.An invincible strong man can only be a small leader of 100 people, which cannot be justified.The only explanation is that the island owner is very dissatisfied with Lu Jiuzhe now, that's why he gave him such a position.

Thinking of this, Li Mo couldn't help but tremble, Lu Jiuzhe was recommended by him!Just now, I wanted to open my mouth to explain a few more words, but at this moment, Lu Jiuzhe's voice came over again.

"Lieutenant Baiqi...haha, the island owner is really respectable!" Chang Sheng suddenly laughed loudly: "I thought the island owner would give me some kind of position as an elder or guardian, but I didn't expect it to be just a small Captain Baiqi, since the island owners look down on me so much, there is no need for me to continue staying here brazenly. I don’t have to stay here. I have my own place to stay. I think the other island owners of the three islands will still be very happy. I'm welcome to go."

As soon as the owner of Qianshe Island heard what Chang Sheng said about the other three islands, his face turned ugly. With Lu Jiuzhe's strength, if he wanted to join the other three islands, the people on the other three islands would definitely welcome him. Come, but it is to increase the strength of others and weaken one's own strength.Originally, his island was the weakest existence among the four islands, and finally a master came, and he couldn't let this master escape.

However, Lu Jiuzhe had conflicts with those old people on the island again, and he rashly arranged him a high position, but he couldn't explain to the old people. This was the real headache.

The Lord of Thousand Snakes hesitated for a moment.

On the side, next to the island owner of Thousand Snakes, a man seemed to see the island owner's hesitation. He immediately took a step forward, leaned on the island owner's side, and said in a low voice: "Since the island owner wants the position of elder or guardian, then you can Give him one, have you forgotten? Going to be injured by the guardians of those Jedi people, and now there is no one to manage them!"

"Oh..." The Thousand Snake Island Master's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the sound. This was really a good idea. He was just worried that those people would not be able to accept the surrender properly. It just so happened that Lu Jiuzhe was also very strong, so it was just right for him to subdue them.Even if Lv Jiuzhe was given a high position, the old man under him knew that he would have no objection to what he asked Lv Jiuzhe to do. This is really a good idea that kills two birds with one stone.

He glanced at the man beside him full of praise, and then the island master of Thousand Snakes looked at Chang Sheng: "Originally, the island master wanted you to get familiar with it for a while before giving you important tasks. But it seems that your confidence in yourself But it was beyond the expectations of the island lord, so now, the island lord will tell you about the position and mission you were supposed to take on."

"The owner of this island specially appointed Lu Jiuzhe as the guardian of Thousand Snake Island, who is in charge of all Jedi people." The owner of Thousand Snake Island finally gave Chang Sheng the position of guardian.

On the other side, when everyone on the island heard what the protector was responsible for, they all had faint smiles on their faces.

Soon, Chang Sheng and the others left here.

"Brother Lu..." Li Mo immediately frowned and said to Chang Sheng, "This is troublesome, the island owner actually asked you to clean up the people inside the Jedi."

"What? Didn't the island owner ask me to manage them? Why did it turn into clean-up?" Chang Sheng heard the sound and asked quietly.

"This actually means the same thing." Li Mo said with a bitter expression on his face: "Many new people from the Biliu Jedi have come to our island. More importantly, although they have taken refuge in the island owner, they are not convinced by the island owner at all. Although they live on the island, they do not listen to the island owner's orders at all."

"These people are all outsiders after all. After they came to our Thousand Snake Island, they immediately huddled together and wanted to fight for greater benefits. But although the island owner needs them to expand the island, he can't just give them too much money." There are many benefits, after all, they are outsiders."

"Fortunately, these people are basically loose cultivators, and there is no support from any sect at all. That's why the island owner took them in, because casual cultivators are easier to subdue than those without sects. But during this time, it turned out that The island owner sent several guardians and elders to go there, but they all beat them back. Although they are casual cultivators, they also selected a few powerful people to be the leaders."

"Oh? So interesting?" Chang Sheng laughed immediately when he heard the sound. He had long thought that the island owner would not give him a position as a guardian after seeing him like this. Sure enough, he was going to help the island owner completely surrender those Jedi. human.

However, the island owner thought too simply.

"Come on, let's go and see how powerful those people are." Chang Sheng sneered, with a smile on his face.

"Well, brother Lu, take care, I have something to do, so I won't go with you." Li Mo looked at the two people who didn't show any worry, but thought to himself, I've already reminded you, those people are very powerful Yes, if you are still like this, it’s not that I didn’t remind you if you suffered a loss at that time.

As for that place, I wouldn't go there, what would I do?To get beaten?

Li Mo and Chang Sheng left separately, and Chang Sheng and Guo Feng, led by a small soldier, headed for the place where the Jedi people lived.

Thousand Snake Island is not a straight island, and there are several subsidiary islands around it that are much smaller in size. All the people who took refuge in Thousand Snake Island from the Jedi were temporarily arranged on a small subsidiary island. .

This is a small island that is much more barren than Thousand Snake Island. On the island, you can see barren areas everywhere, and even more than half of the entire island is desert. The people from the Jedi live in the area surrounded by the desert. In the oasis.

The place where these people live looks very simple, obviously built temporarily, not to mention the city gate, but Chang Sheng and Yue Yichen just walked here, and they were immediately stopped by others.

"Hello. Who are you? This is private territory!"

Chang Sheng looked at the two people who stopped him in front of him, and sneered in his heart. These people from the Jedi are arrogant enough. People who can come here know that they are from Island 36 without asking, but they talk like this, making it clear It is to give the two of them a blow.

"Bold!" Chang Sheng hadn't spoken yet, but Yue Yichen snorted coldly: "This is Lu Jiuzhe, the guardian of Qiansnake Island's trust, who was ordered to take over you and others! You two should hurry up and notify all of you. Gather up and wait for Guardian Lu's lecture!"

"New protector, good, good." The two people who blocked the way looked at each other with smiles in their eyes. They just beat an elder today, and now another protector has come.It seems that they still haven't suffered enough.

However, whether it is the guardian or the elders, this is not something they can handle, and the three leaders still have to deal with it.

After a while, the two of them reported to the three temporarily elected leaders that Thousand Snake Island had sent another guardian.

Under the leadership of these three leaders, a group of people who came out of the Jedi quickly gathered together. Although they were gathered together, they didn't show respect at all when they saw the guardians from Qiansnake Island. , just standing there lazily, tilting his head, looking at the so-called guardian in front of them.There were even quite a few people, holding jugs in their hands, competing with each other for wine.

Sure enough, they are a group of unruly guys.

Chang Sheng looked at the people in front of him, and there was a sense of coldness in his body: "Quiet the fuck up!"

Chang Sheng yelled, and the voice fell. In an instant, everyone in the venue fell silent, but in less than two seconds, bursts of laughter burst out from the crowd.

"Haha, you're laughing so hard, let me be quiet, who does he think he is!"

"He's a Dharma protector!"

"Yeah, it's the protector. I'm so scared. The guy who came before is also a protector. He's also a protector. The eyes of the protector before are scarier than his! It's really scary. I'm going to be killed." Scared to death!"

Everyone laughed loudly, and they became even more noisy than before.

At the same time, a bearded man came out from the crowd and walked straight to Chang Sheng.

"Hey, I don't care what kind of guardian you are. You go back and tell your master, tell him, just say what Laozi Guidaohu said, if you want us to really take refuge in them, then let him come to talk to us in person, otherwise If you come to one, we will fight one, and if you come to a pair, we will fight two! Now, you can get out!"

"court death!"

Chang Sheng's eyes froze when he heard the other party's words. Since the Lord of Thousand Snake Island asked him to subdue these people, he would really subdue them, but he subdued them for his own use. But before that, he had to show Show enough strength to shock them.

Raising his hand suddenly, Chang Sheng didn't talk nonsense, directly sacrificed the Wanfa Pagoda that he had re-refined, and pressed heavily on the man in front of him who called himself Ghost Saber Tiger.

As soon as Wanfa Pagoda appeared from the sky, the surrounding air suddenly became heavy. Ghost Saber Tiger suddenly felt his breath sink, and his body suddenly became extremely heavy. The next moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

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