silly elixir emperor

Chapter 665 Li Wei

In the sky, a tall tower with no clear number of floors suddenly emerged from the sky, descended rapidly, and pressed down heavily on him.

The layers of coercion emanating from the high tower made him terrified. This breath, this is definitely not something he can stop.

At the first moment, Ghost Saber Tiger thought of running away, but just as his feet moved, the tower had already fallen down before his eyes.


Ghost Saber Tiger was hit by the Wanfa Pagoda, and there was a loud noise immediately, and his body was thrown out instantly. After flying a distance of more than ten meters, he fell to the ground.But this was not over yet. After falling to the ground, Ghost Saber Tiger dragged on the ground for a distance of more than ten meters, drawing a string of dazzling sparks on the ground, and finally stopped.


"Three heads!"

As Ghost Saber Tiger stopped, at this time, everyone could see his appearance clearly. After being hit by Wanfa Tower, half of Ghost Saber Tiger's body was completely blown apart, and pieces of intestines came from The inside of his body was exposed, and under his body, pieces of broken internal organs and flesh from unknown places were scattered together, and his appearance was indescribably terrifying.

"This... the three-headed leader was seriously injured by him!"

"The three-headed leader is an immortal master against the sky, how is this possible!"

"I'm not mistaken, am I?" Just as everyone was terrified, Ghost Saber Tiger stood up at once, and the broken body on his body was repaired again. , Looking at the new protector from a distance, his heart was already aroused with turbulent waves.

Just now, I had no power to stop him at all, and I was not the opponent's opponent at all.When did the Thousand Snake Island Lord find such a powerful guardian?

Although shocked in his heart, Ghost Saber Tiger didn't show the slightest worry on his face. He stretched out his tongue and licked his dry lips. The beard on Ghost Saber Tiger's face trembled slightly, and then he said in a deep voice: "You are very strong! , I am not your opponent, but so what? I am an immortal master against the sky, even if I am not your opponent, you can’t kill me! If you want to subdue us completely, it’s still the same sentence, go Let your island master come and talk to us in person!"

"Can't kill you? Is it?"

Chang Sheng sneered for a moment, raised his hand and waved out the Wanfa Pagoda again.

Ghost Saber Tiger saw the giant tower falling down again, knowing that he couldn't dodge it, so he didn't dodge at all, and let the giant tower fall, but he still couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"I've said it all, it's useless, even if you can hurt me, so what, it's just that you can hurt me, I am immortal against the sky, and I can repair my body at any time!"


As soon as the words fell, Ghost Saber Tiger's body was smashed to pieces again.

"It's useless!"

Although his body was smashed, Ghost Saber Tiger wasn't worried at all.With a chuckle, he gathered the mana energy in his body to repair his body, but at this moment, his eyes were sensitive to notice that on the opposite side, the guardian who claimed to be called Lu Jiuzhe waved his hand, and a long rope like A normal chain of white light suddenly flew out from the giant tower, entwining Ghost Saber Tiger at once.

Beam of Immortals!

Ghost Saber Tiger was suddenly trapped, his heart tightened for a moment, and then he circulated all the magic energy in his body, wanting to break the shackles on his body, but the next moment, something that surprised him happened.

As soon as his body was trapped by this small, seemingly extremely thin rope-like brilliance, the mana energy in his body seemed to disappear, no matter how he pushed it, there was no reaction at all !

Ghost Saber Tiger suddenly became horrified: "You, what did you do to me, my mana energy, why is my mana energy gone!"

Chang Sheng ignored Ghost Saber Tiger's yelling, looked up and looked forward, his eyes fell on a tall flagpole in front of him, he grabbed Ghost Saber Tiger casually, Chang Sheng grabbed the other side, and moved towards the flagpole The last one was thrown over.


Ghost Saber Tiger landed on the flagpole and was hung high on it.At this time, Chang Sheng's eyes fell on the people around him again.

"I know that you are not from the 36th Island. After you came to the 36th Island, you will send someone to manage you. You will not accept it. Besides, you don't trust outsiders. Your thoughts must be your own people. Take care of yourself. I can understand your thoughts, but now I'm here!"

Chang Sheng looked in front of him, a group of people who were obviously frightened by his thunderous means, raised his hand and pointed at himself, and said domineeringly: "Now, you must obey my command and recognize me as the boss! If someone Whoever refuses to accept, if you want to experience the treatment like Ghost Saber Tiger, you can do whatever you want, I can satisfy you!"

The crowd seemed unusually quiet. When everyone heard the sound, although they were dissatisfied in their hearts, no one was born to refute it.

They all know the strength of Ghost Saber Tiger, one is invincible against the sky, but it is so easy to be restrained by others, it is useless for them to go up!

Chang Sheng saw that there was no objection from the crowd, nodded in his heart, and said again: "Actually, I am almost the same as you. You are from the Jedi. And I am from another island. The island I am on has already been destroyed. Extinct. For the people on Thousand Snake Island, we are all outsiders, so our purpose is actually the same, which is to gain a firm foothold here. So, follow me, you can rest assured."

Chang Sheng knew very well that it was obviously not enough for him to suppress these people only by relying on his strength. If he wanted to make these people truly his subordinates, he had to make them agree with him.

After shocking these people, Chang Sheng and Yue Yichen began to win them over.After he got acquainted with these people a little bit, Chang Sheng accidentally got a piece of news from these people.

It turned out that after the people in the Jedi came here, they have been fighting with some people in Qiansnake Island.They often even snatch things from each other.

Hearing the news, Chang Sheng immediately began to hint to his new recruits that when they rob things, don't worry about anything, he has his backing for them, and they can rob them as they please.

With Chang Sheng's hint, when all the people in the Jedi went out to rob again, there were obviously more people than before, and they became more ruthless.

"Damn it, those outsiders are really getting more and more rampant, grabbing things everywhere. They finally found a high-quality exercise book, and they snatched it away immediately!"

"Originally, it was fine, but it was because the senior brother and the others started retreating and practicing a while ago, these talents became more and more rampant. Without the senior senior brother and them, the elders and the others could not participate in this matter. We have no masters here for a while. They took the opportunity to suppress us. It would be great if the elder brother and the others could get out."

While the two men were talking, a rough voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"Junior brother, you expect me to leave the customs so much?"

The two looked up when they heard the sound, and suddenly, a familiar figure came into their eyes.

"Senior Brother Ji Shang, you're out of customs!"

The two of them were like drowning people grasping at straws, their faces suddenly burst into bright smiles, worrying about those outsiders wantonly oppressing them, now it's all right, big brother and the others are out of the customs.

"Eldest brother, you are finally out of the customs, and the juniors miss you to death."

"Yeah, big brother is out of customs, we will never be bullied by others again."

"What? You were bullied by others?" Eldest brother frowned: "Speak carefully."

"It's like this. The Biliu Jedi collapsed a while ago, and then the people inside the Jedi fell outside. In fact, those people inside are also in the same vein as the people on Island 36, although the relationship is not the same. They are all very alienated, but they are still in the same vein after all, and many people there have taken refuge in our 36 Island, and our Thousand Snake Island is no exception."

After hearing what the senior brother said, the two were overjoyed, and hurriedly told the truth: "But those outsiders don't have the consciousness of outsiders at all. Those people all have eyes in the sky, and they don't obey the island owner. Not to mention the discipline, they also rob us of resources everywhere. Whether it is discovering natural treasures, or secret books of exercises, they will rob us."

Speaking of this, the two of them showed some embarrassment on their faces, and there was deep anger in the embarrassment: "Unfortunately, although these outsiders do not obey the discipline, the island owner still gave them an island for the sake of the overall situation. At the same time, the island owner has also stipulated that the guardians are not allowed to participate in the competition between us."

"Dharma protectors and elders can't intervene. Brother, you are retreating again. Our strength has been greatly reduced. We are far from being the opponent of the other party. In these past battles, although we both won and lost each other, we still suffered more. Today, It was us who found a low-level exercise on the edge of a ruin, but before we could read it, the exercise was snatched away by them. Besides, they also injured more than ten of our senior brothers !"

"Looking for death!" Upon hearing the return from the two juniors, the senior brother's rough face immediately turned ferocious, and a thick and long vein stood out on his forehead.

"A group of outsiders are still so rampant in our place. It turns out that we are not in retreat. Now, I have already left the retreat. It just so happens that senior brother doesn't have to think about finding any reason to take revenge. They came to the door themselves. Come on, senior brother. I will go to avenge you and let them know who is the master of this place. It just so happens that during this retreat, I have achieved great success in practicing the exercises with a few juniors. I will use them to practice and test the power of the exercises. "

Ji Shang got up and led a group of juniors to leave their stronghold, and searched around Qiansnake Island.As long as they meet people from Biliu Jedi, they don't say anything, they go up and beat them up, and after the beating is over, they take everything from the other party.

Ji Shang and others acted together, but everyone in Biliu Jedi was unprepared, and those who stayed outside were robbed and beaten one after another.

On the island where everyone in Biliu Jedi was stationed, the three chiefs sat together.

"What? Hit people? Rob us! They are looking for death. Let's go and meet them for a while."

"However, the Thousand Snake Island Master said back then that it's okay for the two sides to have conflicts, but the leader can't do it. We can't do it."

"The owner of Qiansnake Island also said that he is the leader. Now our leader is Lu Jiuzhe, the guardian. We are not the leader now, so of course we can do it."

"That's right, let's go then."

Soon the three leaders left the island with everyone to find the troubles of Ji Shang and others.

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