"Three superb Qi Condensing Pills, as long as we can find three masters who have reached the peak of sublimation, it is equivalent to finding three innate masters. Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun are only two innate masters. As long as we can steal the pills medicine, they will no longer be our opponents."

"But third child, it's not so easy to find a master who has ascended to the peak, and besides, he has a grudge against Chang Ganyi." The second elder frowned.

"Who says it's hard to find? Isn't there one in the Chang family right now? Isn't Luo Junba of the Luo family just in the Chang family? He is a majestic patriarch, but he wants to come to the Chang family to be a servant, and all the property of the Luo family is also lost." Losing to Chang Ganyi, how could he not hate him!"

"You mean to cooperate with Luo Junba?"

"Of course." The third elder responded and looked at the first elder. This kind of matter has always been decided by the first elder.

"Okay, let's find Luo Junba to cooperate." The Great Elder gritted his teeth and walked towards the place where the servants lived.Ever since Luo Junba became a servant of the Chang family, Chang Ganyi never thought of how to deal with him.This is a master who has reached the pinnacle of sublimation, and he has been the head of the family for so many years, and he is also a cunning guy, so he cannot be arranged casually.

Although Luo Junba was not arranged, his status as a servant cannot be changed. The place where he lives is the place where the servants of the Chang family live.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, the four elders sneaked into Luo Junba's room.

In Luo Junba's room, besides himself, there are also his daughter Luo Rongrong and younger brother Luo Junyi.

"What are you doing here?" Luo Junba looked at the few people who suddenly broke into the room, and his face pulled down instantly: "What? Are you here to see my joke? The former head of the Luo family, and now the servant of the Chang family."

"We are here to ask you to cooperate." The Great Elder cut straight to the point, walked towards Luo Junba, and said, "Patriarch Luo, I know that you are ruthless and Chang Ganyi, and we have just been taken down by Chang Ganyi as an elder." , we hate Changganyi as much as you do, we have a common enemy."

With that said, the Great Elder took another step forward, walked directly in front of Luo Junba, and said, "Today we found that Chang Sheng has three superb Qi Condensing Pills."


Luo Junba's eyes widened suddenly, he grabbed the hand of the Great Elder, and asked loudly: "Really, the ultimate Qi Condensation Pill? You can't get it wrong, right?"

"Hmph, Patriarch Luo, although the four of us are old, we are not too old and dim-sighted. Absolutely right, they are three superb Qi Condensing Pills!"

Hearing the great elder's affirmative answer, Luo Junba's eyes suddenly lit up, it turned out to be true!The unrivaled Qi Condensation Pill is [-]% sure that a person who has reached the peak of sublimation will step into the Xiantian realm!

"I said why did Chang Ganyi suddenly enter the Xiantian realm! It turned out that there was a top-grade Qi Condensing Pill. Back then, when our Luo family refined the low-grade Qi Condensation Pill, I didn't rush into the Xiantian Realm because I took the pill. The impact, once it fails, the consequence is to lower the level, so that people from other families can easily kill me. But now I have the peerless Qi Condensation Pill..."

Luo Junba clearly heard his heart beating wildly and powerfully. These days, he has seen the power of innate masters. Facing innate masters, people who have sublimated to the peak are scum and have no ability to resist!If you are also an innate master!After losing to Chang Ganyi, the reason why he didn't run away while Chang Ganyi and Deacon Wu were chasing each other was because he wanted to come to Chang's house to hide and wait for the opportunity to take revenge, and now the opportunity has finally come!

"Hurry up, since the peerless Qi Condensation Pill is with that fool, we have to get the pill quickly. Otherwise, if Chang Sheng handed the pill to Chang Ganyi, then we are thinking about getting the pill, and it will be difficult !"

"Naturally, the elixir should be obtained quickly. However, Patriarch Luo, you also know that Chang Ganyi also has a natural helper, Fang Xianyun. Even if you become a natural master, you are still not a match for Chang Ganyi." The elder looked at it. Looking at the excited Luo Junba, he said calmly.

"So what about the two innate realm masters? Didn't you say that Chang Sheng has three superb Qi Condensation Pills? Let's find three of them!" Luo Junba raised his eyebrows, and his eyes showed a meaningful light: " Lin Yuanzhi is also a natural master, we can pull him in."

"Lin Yuanzhi? No, he is the general who defends the city. Let him become an innate master. How can we control him!" The elder denied Luo Junba's suggestion. He can cooperate with Luo Junba because of Luo Junba's current status. He is a domestic servant, even if he becomes an innate master, he is still a domestic servant, but Lin Yuanzhi's status is different!

"So what about the general who defends the city?" Luo Junba smiled and said, "I know one of his secrets. In addition to his three sons in Fengdu City, he actually has another son, which is his illegitimate son, and his illegitimate son In the imperial city, he is the son of a certain important man! I only found out about this incident by chance, and when the time comes, we will threaten him with this incident, not afraid that he will not submit."

Hearing Luo Junba's words, the faces of the four elders suddenly changed. What Luo Junba meant was that Lin Yuanzhi put a cuckold on a certain important person in the imperial city. son.This Lin Yuanzhi is really courageous!

It took a long time for the four of them to digest Luo Junba's words.

"Okay, since you can control Lin Yuanzhi, then we will find him to cooperate. Two innate masters are actually enough. I don't believe that Chang Ganyi and Fang Xianyun are together every day. As long as he is alone, you two innate A master can kill him!"

The Great Elder clenched his fists hard, and said with a stern look: "Chang Ganyi will wait for his death. Now let's discuss how to steal or cheat from Chang Sheng to get the superb Qi Condensing Pill."

"You can let Rongrong go. Rongrong will use some beauty tricks a little bit, and Chang Sheng will definitely be fooled." Luo Junyi, who has not spoken, glanced at Luo Rongrong who was beside him and came up with an idea. As soon as his words fell, there was a "creak" at the door Suddenly, the door was pushed open from the outside, and a figure walked in from the outside.

"You don't need to steal, and you don't need to cheat. I personally delivered the pill to you, but I don't know if you have the ability to take it."

Chang Sheng walked into the room, closed the door behind his back, and looked at the people in the room with a murderous expression. Fortunately, he listened to Gu Tianmo's words, tested the four elders, and then followed them secretly, otherwise he really wouldn't know. They actually had the heart to kill their uncle Chang Ganyi.

"Chang Sheng! Why are you here!"

The four elders were shocked when they saw Chang Sheng with a murderous look on his face. How could Chang Sheng be here?Did he follow himself and others?

Luo Junba looked at Chang Sheng in front of him, and for some reason, a strange feeling arose in his heart. He always felt that the Chang Sheng in front of him was different from the Chang Sheng he had seen before.Suddenly, he remembered what Chang Sheng said just now, and those words were not something a fool could say!

"Chang Sheng, you are not a fool!"

Luo Junba looked at Chang Sheng in amazement, he finally found out that something was different, the current Chang Sheng didn't have the usual foolish look on his face, he was clearly a normal person.

After Luo Junba's words fell, the four elders, Luo Junyi and Luo Rongrong finally realized that Chang Sheng was different today!

"Chang Sheng, you dropped the Peerless Qi Condensation Pill on purpose, and then followed us all the way!" The four elders suddenly realized that they seemed to have been tricked.

"Smart, you all answered correctly." Chang Sheng blocked the door and patted his palms lightly.

"Ah...you're really not a fool!"

The four elders and Luo Junba looked at each other, and found that each other's eyes were full of horror!Chang Sheng is not a fool, he has been pretending to be stupid since he came to Chang's house.This idiot...he is the real smart man, he has deceived everyone else!It turns out that other people are the real fools!It turned out that he was the scariest person in the Chang family!He is more terrifying than Chang Ganyi!

Chang Sheng looked at the horrified people, and recently turned away, smiled lightly, and said: "You are all so smart, it seems that you are not fools, but..."

Chang Sheng's tone suddenly turned cold: "Smart people always die quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, Chang Sheng's figure suddenly flashed to the third elder and fourth elder who were closest to him. He stretched out his hands like lightning, grabbed their necks, and twisted them hard!

"Touch! Touch!"

Immediately, two crisp sounds came out, and within the blink of an eye, the necks of the third and fourth elders were broken, and both died.

Chang Sheng killed the two without stopping. The next second, he appeared in front of the First Elder and the Second Elder. Before they could react, he punched out with both fists, directly blasting their heads.

In a short moment, Chang Sheng had already killed the four former elders of the Chang family.Everything happened too fast, and it wasn't until this time that Luo Junba realized that he was not Chang Sheng's opponent and had to run away quickly.

Pushing his legs hard on the ground, Luo Junba was about to escape when a figure flashed in front of him, and Chang Sheng had already killed four elders and rushed in front of him!

"Let you know my secret, you still want to run!"

Chang Sheng shouted loudly, and the aura surged out of his body and directly bombarded it with unparalleled strength.


A heavy punch directly pierced Luo Junba's chest. In an instant, Luo Junba stopped breathing and lay down straight.Then, with a flash of his body, he shot Luo Rongrong and Luo Junyi like lightning.

"Hmph, all of them deserve death!"

Chang Sheng snorted softly, and was about to leave when suddenly, his heart moved.

"In my body, the prosperity of the Chang family seems to be stronger! Is this because of killing these five people? Yes, it should be like this. The five of them want to harm the family. If I kill them, I will eradicate the family. Threats, without threats, the prosperity of the family will naturally be stronger."

Chang Sheng whispered, now that the four elders are dead, and Luo Junba is also dead, there is no threat from within the family, only the outside.

"I didn't expect that Lin Yuanzhi still had a handle in the hands of Luo Junba. If that's the case, I'll meet Lin Yuanzhi tonight and get rid of him as well, so that the family's prosperity will be stronger, so that my prosperity will be stronger." The practice of immortality can also become faster, not to mention that Lin Yuanzhi still wants to kill himself!"

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