silly elixir emperor

Chapter 72 All Dead

Chang Sheng secretly thought about how to travel at night, while walking towards Chang Ganyi's room.

In the study, Chang Ganyi had just collected the ripe Fenglan fruit into the family treasury, and ordered that no one should leak the instructions about Feng Lan fruit. Immediately outside the door, a servant came to report: "Patriarch, it's not good, The four elders and Luo Junba are all dead, and their bodies are in Luo Junba's room."

"They died?"

Chang Ganyi was startled, the four elders were lucky to say that they were average in strength, and there were too many people who could kill them in Fengdu City, but Luo Junba was a powerhouse at the peak of sublimation, and he was sure to be able to kill them in Fengdu City now. His words are probably only three words. He and Fang Xianyun are innate masters who can easily kill him, and the only one left is Chang Sheng who can kill half-step innate masters!

"I didn't kill them, and Fang Xianyun has been making alchemy all the time, let alone kill them. Could it be Sheng'er? And why are they together?"

Chang Ganyi pushed open the door with doubts in his head, and was going to visit the place where the four died.The door had just opened when a familiar figure appeared in his sight.

"Uncle, uncle, some villains lied to Chang Sheng, and Chang Sheng beat him to death!"

Chang Sheng hurriedly ran to Chang Ganyi's side, raised his fist and shook it in front of Chang Ganyi, and asked as if asking for credit: "Chang Sheng killed the villain, isn't Chang Sheng very powerful?"

Chang Ganyi stared blankly at Chang Sheng who came running suddenly. Just after news of the death of the four old guys and Luo Junba came out, Chang Sheng came over and said that he killed someone. Could it be that Chang Sheng really beat him?Thinking of this, he couldn't help asking: "Chang Sheng, what kind of villains want to steal your things?"

"It's those four old guys, and, there is something Luo, they tricked Chang Sheng into asking for something from the white-bearded grandfather. The white-bearded grandfather said that, except for uncle, no matter who asks Chang Sheng for him If you give things to Chang Sheng, let Chang Sheng kill that villain, and Chang Sheng will kill them!"

Chang Ganyi heard Chang Sheng's words, thought for a while, and suddenly had a general idea in his mind. Although others might not understand what Chang Sheng said, it was easy for him to understand after living with Chang Sheng for so many years.

"It must be a few elders and Luo Junba who got the news from somewhere. Knowing that Chang Sheng has good things, they think that Chang Sheng is easy to deceive and want to deceive them. But unfortunately, Zhenjun Wangdan gave Chang Sheng instructions in advance, so they He was beaten to death by Chang Sheng."

Chang Ganyi figured this out, and his face turned gloomy. He was still too soft-hearted. The four elders and Luo Junba must have colluded to murder the family. Such people should not have left them in the first place. Fortunately, he was beaten to death by Chang Sheng, which was considered a disaster!

After Chang Sheng talked to Chang Ganyi, he went back to the room. Now the prosperity of the Chang family has become a climate. With the addition of the Xihui Pill, it is estimated that within five or six days, he will be able to break through to the innate realm!

"Now that I am at the peak of sublimation, I can already kill innate masters. I don't know what to do when I reach the innate realm!"

Chang Sheng was thinking, walked to the table, just about to blow out the candles on the table, his eyes suddenly shrank.

In the side room, a thin figure was writing vigorously in front of the candlelight, and there was a faint and inaudible reciting sound.

"It's Guo Feng, it's so late, and he's still practicing."

Chang Sheng was slightly taken aback. Although he couldn't practice the kung fu that Guo Feng practiced for you, he knew a little bit about it. The kung fu practiced by Guo Feng is very special. While practicing, he also needs to copy the articles of the sages and recite them in his mouth.

"Although Guo Feng worked hard, Gu Tianmo also said that Guo Feng is very talented, but his cultivation time is too short after all, and his strength is still too weak. It seems that we should help him cultivate quickly."

Chang Sheng lay on the bed, thinking about how to help Chang Guofeng practice as soon as possible.

The night was getting thicker and thicker. At midnight, Fengdu City, which had been noisy all day, was completely silent, only the voice of the watchman occasionally sounded on the street.

"It's dry, be careful with candles..."

The old watchman knocked on the wooden clapper, making a sound of "bang bang bang" and walked down the street.

Outside Fengdu City, under the pitch-black night, five figures of different shapes quickly moved towards the city under the cover of night.

"Brothers, it's time to be ugly. We will be alone in a while. When we are most tired, we will wait here. That General Lin has already agreed with us to come see us at this time. Let's see Let's see what he wants to talk to us about!"

"Boss, what if he lied to us, saying that he had an interview with us, but actually wanted to encircle and suppress us!"

"Hmph, encircle us..."

The boss snorted in disdain, then waved his hand suddenly, stopped the subordinate who wanted to continue talking, and looked up into the distance.

Under the night, a figure covered in black cloth came from the direction of Fengdu City, walked up to the five people, and asked, "But the five tyrants of Mengshan? Boss Li Chuan?"

"That's right, I'm Li Chuan." The boss looked at the person coming, and asked in a deep voice: "General Lin, you invited us here in the middle of the night, what do you want to discuss with the brothers?"

"A deal!" Lin Yuanzhi looked around and found no outsiders, and said, "There is a foolish young master named Chang Sheng in the Chang family. As long as you kill him, you will never walk in the Fengdu City. Something will happen!"

"Okay, deal!"

In the early morning of the next day, Chang Ganyi and Chang Sheng had just had breakfast together. Suddenly, a servant rushed over: "The patriarch, the county lord said he has something important to ask you. He is waiting for you in the guest room."

"En? Wu Shiju? What is he doing here? Is it because my Chang family took over the Luo family yesterday?" Chang Ganyi was taken aback for a moment, thought for a moment, and walked towards the guest room, followed by Chang Sheng curiously.Just this morning, he suddenly discovered that the aura of prosperity that gradually appeared in the entire Fengdu City because of the Chang family had actually decreased a lot, and it suddenly became a rule of the world, and even the prosperity of the Chang family was affected.

"Something must have happened, that's why there is such a change, and the county master probably came because of this incident. It's really troublesome. I planned to help Litigation Stick improve his strength today, but something happened again!"

In the guest room, Chang Ganyi just walked in. Wu Shiju, who was sitting on a chair drinking tea, immediately put down his teacup, picked up the five portraits on the table and walked over.

"Patriarch Chang, I have something to trouble you today."

After Wu Shiju handed the five portraits to Chang Qianyi, he said, "The five people in the portraits are the five thieves who have caused troubles in our county for a while, known as the five tyrants of Mengshan. They are very smart. After the government made a case, they were afraid of being encircled and suppressed and ran to various counties to commit crimes. A few days ago they were still active in the area of ​​Linmeng City, but these days there is news that they have come to our Fengdu City!"

Chang Ganyi glanced at the five portraits of Jiangyang robbers, raised his head and looked at Wu Shiju suspiciously: "What does the county master mean by showing me their portraits?"

"I hope Patriarch Chang can cooperate with the government to arrest these five Jiangyang thieves." Wu Shiju said, and suddenly laughed meaningfully: "I am going to mobilize all the families in the city, as well as wealthy gentry and famous rangers, to form two gangs together." A patrol team. However, one of the five Jiangyang thieves has a congenital master. Looking at our entire Fengdu City, only your Chang family has a congenital master who can compete with him, so the leader of the patrol team naturally depends on your Chang family. .”

Hearing Wu Shiju's words, Chang Ganyi suddenly understood that Wu Shiju didn't ask him for help, it was clearly a gift.There are many advantages to being the leader of a patrol team united with several families and other rangers. First, it is convenient to win over the guest officials of those small families and powerful rangers. The family has the final say.

It seems that Wu Shiju is sending a clear signal to move closer to the Chang family!

A bright smile appeared on Chang Ganyi's face: "Master Wu is really a good official who is dedicated to the people. Don't worry, since Master Wu values ​​my Chang family so much, I, Chang Ganyi, will naturally help each other. The position of the patrol leader, I often do." Yi will personally take on one, as for the other..."

Chang Ganyi turned his head to look at Chang Sheng: "My nephew will take this position. My nephew Chang Sheng can defeat half-step innate existence, and he is definitely the top existence in the entire Fengdu City!"

"Okay, everything is according to Patriarch Chang's wishes. If this is the case, I will leave first. I still need to notify the other Patriarchs."

"Okay, I'll see Master Wu off." Chang Ganyi smiled and walked out of the guest room, holding Wu Shiju's hand.

In the room, Chang Sheng curiously picked up the five portraits that Chang Ganyi put on the table.

"Hey, these five people look familiar. By the way, when I went to Linmeng City last time, there were portraits of the five of them pasted at the gate of Linmeng City. These five people are really powerful. After so many days They have not been caught. And now they have gone to Fengdu City again. No wonder Fengducheng’s spirit of prosperity has dropped a lot. It must be because of the arrival of these five guys that people are panicking, and prosperity has turned into governance! But This does not affect my plan to help Guo Feng improve his strength."

At noon, two major events spread throughout Fengdu City. One was that the Chang family had completely taken over the Luo family, and the other was the news that Mengshan Five Hegemony, a well-known bandit from Mengshan County, had come to Fengdu City.

"The five tyrants of Mengshan have always been ruthless. They not only steal money from other people, but also are different from other people in the green forest. They never leave a living. They burn, kill, loot and do all kinds of crimes. Now that they have come to Fengdu City, they are really troublesome. Already!"

"Hey, I hope they can leave Fengdu City as soon as possible, the county government's yamen didn't catch him, let alone our little Fengdu City!"

"No, I heard that our county lord has organized a patrol team, which may be useful."

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