silly elixir emperor

Chapter 811 The Path of the True Monarch


"Chang Sheng!"

As soon as Chang Sheng's voice fell, the faces of Lan Ke'er, who has always been well-behaved, and Miu Miao, who loves him the most, suddenly became ugly.

"You don't want to marry us?"

"Chang Sheng don't want to be cute!"

"No, no, why don't I want to marry you." Chang Sheng explained repeatedly when he saw the expressions of the two women: "It's not that I don't want to marry you, I wanted to marry you a long time ago, but now is not the time, Marquis Yingwu Although we are dead, we still have bigger enemies, as well as enemies from the heavens."

"The reason why Marquis Yingwu suddenly became so powerful and broke through to become a true king is because Zhenjun Tiandan kept giving Yingwuhou treasures! Compared with Marquis Yingwu, Zhenjun Tiandan is a stronger enemy! Therefore, I want to talk about other things after I have settled with True Monarch Tiandan."

Chang Sheng expressed his thoughts, but facing his explanation, Miu Miao and Lan Ke'er didn't listen at all.

"No, you have to marry if you want to, and you have to marry if you don't!" Lan Ke'er and Miu Miao became extremely firm and tough at the same time.

They don't know that Chang Sheng has stronger enemies. However, seeing Chang Sheng fighting against each other today and seeing Chang Sheng's body being tortured time and time again, they are almost worried to death.

They also don't know who will win when Chang Sheng finally fights against some Heavenly Pill True Monarch from the Tiantian Realm. Therefore, after Chang Sheng defeated Marquis Yingwu, they made a decision.

To marry Chang Sheng, you must marry Chang Sheng before Chang Sheng and the people of the heavens start a war, and leave Chang Sheng with heirs!

In the end, Chang Sheng had no choice but to compromise, and promised to marry Lan Ke'er, Miu Miao and Kou Ziyao who had a temporary affair as soon as possible.

Three days later.

In the newly built capital of the Great Qi Dynasty.

Chang Sheng officially married Miu Miao, Lan Keer, and Kou Ziyao at the same time.

Chang Ganyi, Fang Xianyun, and Hu Yuxian, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, came one after another. On the day of the wedding, Chang Sheng even saw Xie Shiwen, whom he had met many times.

After Xie Shiwen saw Chang Sheng, after congratulating her, the first thing she said was to ask Chang Sheng, where is his brother Cheng Mo?

"Cheng Mo!"

Chang Sheng looked at the charming young woman in front of him and felt a headache in his heart. How to explain this, obviously, Xie Shiwen was not interested in the senior brother he pretended to be.

But today is my day of great joy, I can't admit that I am Cheng Mo, besides, Xie Shiwen is a stunner that no man can refuse.

Hey... Let's talk about everything after the Celestial War.

Chang Sheng faltered twice, and quickly dodged.

Before reincarnation, Chang Sheng had never been married at all. This time, he married three charming brides for the first time in two lifetimes.

At night, Chang Sheng started to have a headache.

"This bridal chamber...whose room am I going to enter?"

Chang Sheng scratched his head in pain. He really wanted to let three people have sex together, but this is just a wish. To realize this wish, he still needs to work hard in the future. Today he can only do it one by one. chosen.

Finally, after thinking for a long time, Chang Sheng decided to follow the order of understanding.

Opening the door, Chang Sheng walked into the ethereal room...

After one night, the Daqi Dynasty had one more husband and three wives.

After one night, although Chang Sheng did not practice, but after waking up the next morning, Chang Sheng felt that his understanding of the way of heaven had changed again.

With a wife and a home of his own, he also has a man's responsibility in his heart.

Over the past few days, Chang Sheng has been practicing and practicing non-stop, and one thread has already collapsed and cannot be tightened any more.

He also knew that at this time, it was not suitable to practice in closed doors all year round as in the past, which would be bad. Moreover, his current understanding of the way of heaven, no matter how hard he practiced in closed doors, it would be useless.

What he has to do now is to comprehend life, and understand the way of heaven from life.

The next year will be the most leisurely year for Chang Sheng since he came to Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent.

This year, he didn't practice, he didn't think about his enemies, he didn't think about anything, he just lived sweetly with his three wives.

one year later.

In the prime minister's mansion.

Today, Chang Ganze, who used to leave early and return late every day, was not as busy as in the past, but waited anxiously outside the ethereal room.

At the same time, Chang Sheng was more anxious than Chang Ganze.

Inside the houses and courtyards, maids and nuns are busy coming in and out.

Beside Chang Sheng, on one side was Kou Ziyao, who looked like she was four or five months pregnant with her big belly, and on the other side was Lan Keer, who was still like a little girl.

At this time, the gazes of the three of them were all fixed on the room in front of them.


Suddenly, a clear and loud cry came from the room.

After a while, a nanny came out of the house with a happy face, and trotted all the way to Chang Sheng.

"Congratulations to the master, congratulations to the master, the mother and child are safe, and the wife gave birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes for the master!"

"Dragon and Phoenix!"

Chang Sheng was overjoyed in an instant, for his first child, he actually won a big prize!

Lifting his legs, Chang Sheng was about to walk into the house, but the next moment, he stopped suddenly, staring straight at the sky, after a long time.Chang Sheng closed his eyes and opened them again.

At this moment, the entire Great Qi Dynasty suddenly shook again.

On that day, the scene when Marquis Yingwu became a true king reappeared.

During the change of the sun and the moon, a paved arch bridge emerged in the sky, and Chang Sheng slowly floated into the sky.

"True Monarch! Chang Sheng actually made a breakthrough today!"

"Chang Sheng is about to become a real king!"

Guo Feng and the others looked surprised, and Chang Sheng finally broke through.

"True Monarch!" Chang Sheng is about to become a True Monarch! "In the Daqi Dynasty, in the Qingqiu Mountains, in the mysterious seabed, and on the Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent, countless strong men all looked at the sky at this moment!

Chang Sheng is finally going to become a real king!

Above the heavens, all the true kings in the heavens gathered together like never before, exerting their mana together, trying to open the passage between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a sudden change in the mainland of Tianyuan Shenzhou attracted everyone's attention.

"True Monarch! Someone on Tianyuan Shenzhou Continent is about to become a True Monarch!"

"It's Chang Sheng, it turned out to be Chang Sheng!"

"Chang Sheng is about to become a true king. Seeing that the passage is about to open, Chang Sheng is going to become a true king at this time!"

All the true kings looked at the sky, and they had already flown to Chang Sheng on the arch bridge.

Chang Sheng raised his leg and was about to take a step towards the arch bridge, but Tui had just taken a step, and the next moment, he retracted his leg again.

Look at the world in front of you with both eyes.

Only when you really want to become a true king will you know that there is not only one way of heaven, just like a big tree with countless branches, and the road to become a true king is among all the forked roads. The clearest, most obvious, and the path that exudes the strongest breath.

Pass through the bridge of stars and reach the other side, and you will become a true king.

"Why do you have to go this way?"

Standing on the road leading to the true king, Chang Sheng suddenly hesitated. This road is the road guided by the way of heaven, and is guided by the way of heaven.

Is there no other way?

Chang Sheng suddenly closed his eyes, feeling it carefully.

"What's going on? Why did Chang Sheng stop?"

"Let's go, why doesn't Chang Sheng go? If you go over there, you will be able to become a real king. At this time, why is Chang Sheng hesitating!"

Chang Sheng stopped in the sky, but on the mainland of Tianyuan Shenzhou, all the masters and Chang Sheng's relatives and friends were extremely anxious.

Chang Sheng kept his eyes closed, motionless in the sky.

Suddenly, a faint feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, and that feeling came from Tian Dao Wai Dan.


Without any warning, Tiandaowaidan suddenly flew out without Chang Sheng's call, and flew towards another place, which seemed to have no passage at all.

"Heavenly Dao Wai Dan..."

Chang Sheng suddenly opened his eyes and took steps, but he did not walk on the road to the true king, but went after the Heavenly Dao Wai Dan.

"This is my way. I am walking the Way of Waidan, and the Way of Heaven Waidan is my way. Therefore, I will follow the way of Waidan of Heaven!"

Chang Sheng walked forward slowly, but the others were all stunned.

"Chang Sheng, what is he going to do!"

"Where is he going? All the people, when Earth Immortal breaks through again, are taking the True Monarch Way. That is the strongest and most correct path. What path is Chang Sheng going to take!"

"Chang Sheng, what are you thinking, why don't you go back soon!"

On the continent of Tianyuan Shenzhou, everyone was in a hurry, even some strong men that Chang Sheng had never seen, shouted out loud, hoping that Chang Sheng could turn around.

But Chang Sheng didn't pay attention to these at all, and still walked forward, and finally walked into a door that others couldn't see at all, and then disappeared.

Chang Sheng stepped into this space.

This space, however, seemed extremely pitch-black, and a gloomy aura kept coming from all around.

Here, Chang Sheng couldn't see anything, he could only rely on his own feeling to keep walking forward.

He didn't know what was waiting for him ahead.

After walking for a long time, Chang Sheng felt that the pressure on himself to move forward was increasing, and there seemed to be an invisible force around him, blocking his progress.

At the same time, a voice kept ringing in his mind.

"Chang Sheng, let's go back, it's too late to go back now."

"Chang Sheng, if you go back now, you can become a true king. After becoming a true king, you will be No.1 in the world and No.1 in the long history of mankind!"

"Go back quickly, becoming a true king is the real way!"

This voice kept bewitching Chang Sheng to go back in Chang Sheng's mind. After listening to it too much, even Chang Sheng's heart was shaken. Could it be that I really went the wrong way and I want to go back now?

This idea just came up, suddenly, Tian Dao Wai Dan trembled violently.

Because of the trembling of Tiandaowaidan, Chang Sheng's spirit was suddenly in a trance.

"It's so strong, such a strong bewitchment, it actually made me fall into the truth without knowing it." Chang Sheng came back to his senses, and was shocked in his heart. Who is blocking him, most likely it should be the way of heaven.

"No, I want to speed up and go out quickly." Chang Sheng kept reminding himself in his mind that since he chose this path, he could not turn back, while speeding up.

But in this extremely dark space, Chang Sheng felt that his strength and realm were being suppressed constantly, as if he had been lost.

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